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By Austin
The Roman Army conquered some of the greatest armies. They
traveled over 2000 miles by foot and sometimes woke up early the next
morning to fight.
You could identify a Roman soldier by his uniform. The Roman
solder wore a helmet that had a neck guard, cheek guard, Some soldiers had
a line of hair on their helmet. The Roman shield was round to protect them
better than the flat shield. The Roman solder wore a chain mail shirt,
segmented breastplate that you had to tie, and a scale mail shirt.
The Roman army had an onager. The onager could fire rockets 1,000
ft, and it was made out of wood and rope. The ballista is vary powerful, It
was made out of wood letter. Ropeit could shout arrows through medal
armer. The army had a javelin and sword for their weapons.
The Roman army had four different battle formations on one of their
formations one was the wedge, The wedge was shaped like a v. Another type
of formation was the orb. is like a circle. The thread type of formation is the
pila it is like a spiked wall. The fourth formation is the overlapped shield, It
was missile proof.
Organizing the Roman Army was hard because they had 140,000.The
army was split up into groups of 5000 men called Legion. The legion had
four parts. One of the cohorts was the nine ordinary cohort (6 centuries in
each one). The second cohort was the first cohort made up of 800 men. The
third cohort was the six centuries (made up of 80 men). The forth cohort was
the 10 contubernia, Cohort had eight soldiers in each.
Broulclehurst,Ruth, Roman Army.London: Usborne,2003.
Romans.2005.BBC. 29 Mar.2005