Download Name: Date: Contact Timeline Directions: Use the textbook (Ch 16

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Contact Timeline
Directions: Use the textbook (Ch 16 pp 466-481) to find the dates for the following
events having to do with contact between the New and Old Worlds. Then create a
timeline on a separate sheet of paper demonstrating the chronology of the events.
Columbus first voyage of exploration and contact
English Pilgrims establish a colony at Plymouth Rock
Bartholomeu Dias rounds the tip of Africa
Prince Henry, the Navigator, begins to support Portuguese exploration
Dutch purchase the island of Manhattan
Cortez leads the conquest of the Aztec
Magellan sails around the world
Conquest of Peru
English colonists establish Jamestown
Dutch establish the East India Company
Quebec City founded
Treaty of Tordesillas splits the new world between Portugal and Spain
Da Gama voyages to India
Vespucci proves that the Americas were not part of Asia
Balboa crosses Panama and discovers the Pacific Ocean
French-Indian War