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Meeting Report
Washington March 30, 2011
Amsterdam – february 2011
(Dutch Realm RIMBAA Meeting)
• MGRID about to finalize their RIMBAA toolkit (native
v3 R2 datatypes + distributed rel. DB).
• Research project (“Lifelines”), capture data for 30
years, 3 generations, 165000 persons.
– Store data as-is, transform to RIM (for querying) when
needed. Risky strategy: avoid having to define a mapping
until data is needed.
• AORTA (Dutch NHIN) v3 messages
– Software development/support for these non-MIF
message specifications
• String-of-Pearls project
– Management of chronic diseases; research database,
project by all Dutch university hospitals. Uses a RIM-like
Sydney – January 2011
• Canada Health Infoway fall partnership
conference, 2010, report.
• Presentation by Abdul-Malik Shakir on his
RIMBAA projects in the last 12 years (e.g. CDC,
LA County, the California statewide
Immunization Registry, CoH).
• RIMBAA may enlarge its scope to ‘software
implementation of any HL7 standard’
Sydney – January 2011 /
joint with OpenEHR implementers
• Representatives from 1 openEHR
implementation (Ocean Informatics)
• Thomas Beale and Grahame have decided to
create a "Systems implementation guide for
ISO 21090" (a systems implementation view of
the 21090 datatypes) to mainly address the
datatype denormalization issue.
• Other topics: Persistence, UI generation,
model repositories, query techniques
London – November 2010
• UI generation: Microsoft/NHS CUI project
• New RIMBAA development at (UK) National
Institute for Health Research
– Metamodel repository; lots of “forms”
• Dealing with “Context” in an IP agnostic
manner – methodology issue, has impact on
• Information Decomposition at NCI
– Dealing with “context” in a SOA / v3 architecture