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Chapter 19 Notes
Chapter 19 Section 1 Notes
A. Factors that encouraged Exploration
1. New technology, Gold, God, Glory, Trade
B. Bartolomeu Dias, Portuguese, 1488 sails around the Cape of Good Hope
C. Prince Henry the Navigator, prince of Portugal that supports overseas exploration
D. 1498, Portuguese Vasco da Gama sails to Calicut India
E. 1492, Italian Christopher Columbus, sails for Spain to the new world
F. Line of Demarcation, Pope Alexander VI, Spain got lands west of line Portugal got
lands east of line
G. Treaty of Tordesillas agreement to honor the line
H. Dutch and English drive out the Portuguese
I. Dutch start the Dutch East India Company, Malaysia, Java, Spice Islands
J. English East India Company mainly in India
Chapter 19 Section 2 Notes
A. China controlled trade in Asia
B. Ming dynasty expected the Europeans to pay a tax to trade
C. Qing dynasty added Taiwan into China
D. Manchus continued a policy of isolationalism
E. The Dutch were the only Europeans that could trade with the Chinese England refused
to pay a tax
Chapter 19 Section 3 Notes
A. By 1467 to 1568 the Sengoku was controlled by strong samurai called daimyo
B. Tokugawa Shogunate ruled from 1600 to 1867 rural society
C. Portuguese in 1543 began to trade with the Japanese
D. Religion would interfere with trade and Japan would close it’s borders
E. Closed Country Policy with only one port for trade at Nagasaki and only trade with
the Chinese and Dutch