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Name: _____________________________ Date: __________ Block: _________
Age of Exploration Notes
European History
A. An Age of Explorations and Isolation,
a. ____________________________________________
Section 1
b. Europeans Explore the East
B. For “God, Glory, and Gold”
a. Early Contact Limited
i. _______________________________________
b. Europeans Seek New Trade Routes
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. Muslims and Italians control trade from East to
iv. _______________________________________
c. The Spread of Christianity
i. Desire to spread Christianity also spurs
ii. _______________________________________
Age of Exploration: Page 1 Name: _____________________________ Date: __________ Block: _________
d. Technology Makes Exploration Possible
i. _______________________________________
ii. Astrolabe makes navigation easier
iii. _______________________________________
C. Portugal Leads the Way
a. The Portuguese Explore Africa
i. _______________________________________
ii. In 1419, he founds navigation school on coast of
iii. _______________________________________
b. Portuguese Sailors Reach Asia
i. In 1488, Dias sails around southern tip of Africa
ii. _______________________________________
iii. In 1499, da Gama returns to Portugal with
valuable cargo
D. Spain Also Makes Claims
a. A Rival Power
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. Reaches the Americas instead
iv. Opens Americas to exploration and colonization
v. _______________________________________
vi. _______________________________________
Age of Exploration: Page 2 Name: _____________________________ Date: __________ Block: _________
E. Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean
a. Portugal’s Trading Empire
i. _______________________________________
ii. In 1510, Portugal captures Goa, port city in
western India
iii. In 1511, Portugal seizes Malacca, on Malay
iv. _______________________________________
b. Other Nations Challenge the Portuguese
i. _______________________________________
ii. Dutch have more ships (20,000) than any other
nation in 1600
iii. _______________________________________
iv. Dutch then overpower English
v. _______________________________________
c. European Trade Outposts
i. In 1619, Dutch set up trade headquarters at
Batavia, on Java
ii. Throughout 1600s, Dutch trade grows
iii. _______________________________________
iv. Dutch also control southern tip of Africa
v. _______________________________________
vi. France also gains trade foothold in India
Age of Exploration: Page 3