Download Our Universe (ES1-E) I know that our Sun is one of hundreds of

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Galaxies (Study Guide)
(ES1-E) I know that our Sun is
one of hundreds of billions of
stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Many of these stars have
planets orbiting around them.
The Milky Way galaxy is one of
hundreds of billions of galaxies
in the universe.
• Galaxies are huge, and each consists
of ________ of stars
• Galaxies are grouped together into
• Clusters exist within _____________
• Between each of these are huge
regions of empty space.
Light Year
• One light-year is _________
miles (equals the distance
that light travels in one year)
• Light travels at 299,792
_________ !!!
Galaxy Types
• Stars orbit in their galaxy based on the force of
• The stars in a galaxy give a galaxy its shape
(setup by Edwin Hubble – 1926):
Elliptical Galaxy
• Elliptical galaxies
are ______ or ballshaped
Spiral Galaxies
• Spiral galaxies
are ________
-shaped with a
bulging center
and two or
more _______
Barred Spiral Galaxies
• Barred spiral galaxies have a ________ of
stars and arms that wind out from each
Irregular Galaxies
• ___________ galaxies have no particular
Milky Way Galaxy
• It consists of at least _______ billion stars, one
of which is our Sun.
• Our Sun is around 25,000 ________ away from
the center and orbits every __________ million
• Believed to be a _________ ________ galaxy.
• It is about __________ light years across and
_________ light years from top to bottom.
Local Group
• The Milky Way is part of a cluster of
around 30 galaxies called the _________
_________ galaxy cluster.
• The largest galaxies in the Local Group
are the Milky Way and the ____________
• The Andromeda galaxy is one of the
__________ spiral galaxies known. It is
2.4 million light years away.
What else is out there?
• ______________: gravity causes large
amounts of mass to collapse inward so
much that it becomes a hole in space.
• _________ _______: extremely dense
small star, that has a solid surface
• ____________: neutron stars that send
pulses of energy into space
• ___________: a cloud of dust and gas in
Review: Identify the Photo
Spiral Galaxy
Neutron Star
Review: Identify the Photo
Black Hole
Barred Spiral
Elliptical Galaxy
Review: Identify the Photo
Irregular Galaxy