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Innate and Learned Behaviour
Innate Behaviour
 Also known as instinctive behaviour (has a genetic basis).
 Innate behavior is a pattern of inherited, pre-set
behaviours that do not require learning or practice.
 The pattern of behaviour that is shown is simply a result of
the wiring of its nervous system, and it is inherited in the
same way as e.g colouring is.
 The evolution of innate behaviour can be thought of in the
same way as the evolution of any characteristic. Animals
that have alleles that produce behaviours that make them
most suited to their environments will live long enough to
pass their genes on.
 Desirable behaviours are passed on while undesirable
behaviours die out, or stay less common in a population.
Learned Behaviour
 Results from the experiences of the animal.
 It is difficult to determine if a particular behaviour is purely
innate. There is no sharp dividing line between learned and
innate behaviours.
 Much of the behaviour of animals is a result of the interaction
between genes and the environment.
 Some behaviours are more strongly influenced by the
environment than others.
Biozone p202
 Discuss
 Overheads of skinner’s box (operant
conditioning) and pavlov’s dogs (classical
 Habituation of Mountain gorillas in
Pavlov’s dogs (classical conditioning).
skinner’s box