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2010 Physical Science Comprehensive Test REVIEW
Ch 0.3 Sig Figs & More 19 mc
Fire Extinguisher 3 t/f; 7 mc
MSDS 2 t/f; 3 mc
Lab Equipment 10 mc
Lab Safety 15 t/f; 5 mc
Ch 16 What is Matter? 10 mc
Ch 17 Properties of Matter 17 mc
Ch 14 (18 in textbook) Atoms 20 mc
Ch 15 (18 in textbook) Periodic Table 15 mc
TOTAL = 130 Questions
Know the following material/be able to answer the following questions:
Is it okay to use Chipped or cracked glassware?
Can Forceps also be called tweezers in science class?
When in the laboratory, should safety should be in the minds of all the students?
Should All chemicals in the lab (including foodstuffs and store-bought chemicals) should be treated as
if they could be hazardous?
When do you Record your observations during a lab?
Do you report only serious injuries to the teacher?
Always pour acid into water, or Always pour water into acid. Which one?
What do you do if your partner begins to faint?
When testing to determine if a beaker is hot, always use the ______ of your hand.
(Hot/Cold/Room temp) water should be used to treat a first or second degree burn.
Always carry glass tubing in a _____________ position.
When do you need to push your stool in, in the lab?
In order to smell a solution you should ____________ the top of the container to you.
Should everything in class/lab, living or nonliving, should be treated with respect?
Is it okay to throw things in class or lab, if is a very small distance?
What do you need to remember to do when putting out a fire?
What are the steps that go along with the previous question (when putting out a fire)?
When evacuating a building, because of a fire, do you always close doors and windows behind you as
you go?
What does MSDS stands for?
Chronic refers to the _____________-term effects.
What do we call the tiny core at the center of an atom, containing most of the atom’s mass and all of its
positive charge?
British physicist J. J. Thomson was the first to identify the:
Atoms with the same atomic number but different atomic mass are called:
Protons and neutrons in the nucleus are held together by:
Temperature conversions, ºC to ºF? ; K to ºC
Gas Law Problem involving P1, V1, T1 and P2, V2, and T2.
Know the characteristics of protons, neutrons, and electrons (charge, relative mass, location.
What is the number of protons in an atom?
When an unstable isotope undergoes alpha decay, it gives off:
When an unstable isotope undergoes beta decay, it gives off:
When an unstable isotope undergoes gamma decay, it gives off:
What is the charge on a proton? An electron?
The letter e represents the ___________________ charge. It will only be found as a whole number. In
normal matter, the charge that would not be found is:
When Ernest Rutherford directed helium ions at gold foil, some of the helium ions bounced back in the
direction they came from, rather than passing through. What was his explanation of this unexpected
37. Be familiar with the mass# = #p+ + #no.
38. Be able to identify the atomic number, mass number, and stable isotopes. Your periodic table will not
have a key on it.
Such as: What is the atomic number of phosphorus?
Such as: What is the mass number of K-41?
Such as: K-41 is stable, but K-40 is not
42. Many models have been developed to explain the nature of atoms. The model that helped scientists to
understand energy levels of atoms was developed by:
43. An atom emits light when one of its electrons:
44. What 3 things are required for a bioluminescent reaction to occur?
45. Most of the elements in the periodic table can be described as:
46. The vertical columns of the periodic table are called:
47. Horizontal rows on the periodic table are called:
48. All of the following are characteristics of metals EXCEPT:
49. Characteristics of non-metals include all of the following EXCEPT:
50. The location of metals on the periodic table is on the:
51. An atomic mass unit is the approximate mass of a single:
52. An example of a metalloid, elements with properties between metals and non-metals, is (be able to
locate all of these.)
53. Evidence that a chemical change has occurred would include:
54. The atomic mass of a helium atom is:
55. According to the periodic table which group are the chemical elements that belong to the noble gases?
56. According to the periodic table, the group known as the halogens include which elements:
57. Using the periodic table, transition elements belong to groups:
58. What is considered the main group of elements?
60. Alkali metals, highly reactive with oxygen, are found on the periodic table in group:
61. The element chlorine has two stable isotopes, Cl35 and Cl37. About 3 of every 4 chlorine atoms found
on Earth are Cl35, and the remainder are Cl37. The average atomic mass of chlorine is closest to ____
62. The atomic mass of boron is 10.811. What is the mass number of the most abundant isotope of boron?
63. Be able to identify lab equipment (you made flashcards at the beginning of the year, you also have a
copy in the lab section of your binder.)
73. Which of the following is it acceptable to do in the laboratory? Eat/drink/chew gum
74. When are approved eye protection devices (such as goggles) are worn in the laboratory
75. If an acid is splashed on your skin, wash at once with
76. You are heating a substance in a test tube. Where do you always point the open end of the tube?
77. When is horseplay or practical jokes in the laboratory acceptable?
78. There are many different ways to classify matter, but one way is to use only two categories for ALL
matter. All matter can be classified as either:
79. A substance made of two or more elements that cannot be separated by physical means is called a:
80. A compound:
81. Which tools could be used to find volume?
82. What is a meniscus & characteristics of a meniscus?
83. Which of state of matter is most commonly found in the universe?
84. What is Condensation?
85. What is Evaporation?
86. List the phases of water in order, from the phase with the slowest molecular movement to the phase
with the fastest molecular movement.
87. Density is the ratio:
88. A measure of how much pulling, or tension, a material can withstand before breaking is:
Density Problems (finding density, finding volume)
What does Archimedes’ principle state?
Viscosity is a measure of a material’s:
A measurement of how easily a solid can be pounded into thin sheets is:
A measurement of how easily a solid will shatter is:
A measurement of how well a solid resists breaking when it is under tension is:
The force exerted on an object in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid is:
Any material that flows is a:
Samples of a(n) _______________________________ mixtures will not always have the same density.
1 cm3 =
Density will ______________________ as the sample gets smaller.
Examples of Class A, B, C, and D fires.
What are the three elements of the fire triangle?
Which type of extinguisher is located in this room?
are pictograms for which class of fires?
On the NFPA sign blue, yellow, white, and red color is for
Which number typically indicates danger on the NFPA sign?
Who are NFPA signs put up for?
Make measurements with the following instruments.
How many significant digits are in 34,600?
How many significant digits are in 8.03 X 1054?
How many significant digits are in 0.00800?
How many significant digits are in 380.0?
How many significant digits are in 8.070?
_________________________ is defined as how close a measurement is to its true value.
121. ___________________________ is defined as the degree of exactness plus the interpolated digit.
While keeping in mind place values and/or significant digits, perform calculations with the following
40.03 - 11
34.51 ÷ 13.4
What is 6.214 km X 7.2 km?
What is 14.2 m + 5.005 m + 11.46 m?
126. The last digit in a measurement is always
129. What do you do when you “tare” a scale?
130. When looking at liquid in a graduated cylinder remember to look at what?