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How are properties of atoms used
to organize elements into the
periodic table?
Subatomic Particles of Atoms
Properties of an Atom
In an atom… true or false??
1. The number of protons is equal to the
number of electrons.
True or False?
2. The number of protons that an atom of any
element has is called the atomic number.
True or False?
3. The regions around an atom’s nucleus are
called energy levels
Atomic Numbers
A: Hydrogen’s atomic number is 1
Oxygen’s atomic number is 8
The Periodic Table of Elements
Metalloid: an element that has properties of both metals and non-metals
The Periodic Table
• Colour hydrogen and
the non-metals yellow
• Colour the metals blue
• Colour the metalloids
• Make the “staircase”
• Number the families
above them
Periodic Table Arrangement
Elements are organized in order of their atomic number
AND atomic structure.
Elements are arranged in the periodic table according
to their atomic structure and properties
• PERIODS – rows on the periodic
table (side ways)
• represents the number of energy
levels that contain electrons
• FAMILES – columns or groups on
the periodic table (up and down)
• represents the number of
electrons in the outermost
energy level
• Atoms in the same families have
the same number of electrons in
their outer energy level.
• This characteristic results in
families having similar properties
and will react in the same way
1. Each family has similar atomic structures causing
each element in that family to have similar
physical and chemical properties
2. All metals are on the left hand side of the
periodic table and reactivity increases as you
move DOWN families
3. All non-metals are on the right hand side of the
periodic table. Most reactive non-metals are in
group 17 and reactivity increases as you move
UP this family