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2) Athenian Democracy: Did it Work? - What role did these figures play in the evolution
of Athenian democracy? Did Athenian democracy work effectively in their time? Did
they think that democracy helped Athens? Did they think that democracy helped them as
CLEISTHENES - Democracy Founder – ended cycle of tyranny & oligarchy –
instituted democracy after popular uprising – 508 – supply the date!!
Cleisthenes Democracy 1) - Cleisthenes was an Athenian aristocrat who founded the
first democracy in Ancient Greece. His sharp mind and ability to please the people
established him as one of the greatest politicians in history. Through his desire for
power and resentment to tyranny, Cleisthenes, with the help of the Spartans,
overthrew the ruthless tyrant, Hippias. Cleisthenes’ reforms appealed to the ordinary
people of Athens but despite his contributions, he was challenged by Isagoras and the
Spartans. He was exiled but after an Athenian uprising against Isagoras, Cleisthenes
was asked to return to his city and help stabilize their new government. Cleisthenes
was known for his natural leadership and for founding Athens’ direct democracy.
Cleisthenes Democracy 2) - The Athenian Democracy was one of Athens’ greatest
achievement and Cleisthenes is the father. Before he fathered Athenian Democracy,
he was the ruler of the empire (no). As he gained power many people tried to take
him down. This included one man named Isagoras, who ended up exiling Cleisthenes.
Eventually they needed a new leader and Cliesthenes came back into the Athenian
system. From here he developed the Democracy, and changed Athens for good.
Despite his great achievement he soon left Athens to take care of it themselves. 15/20
Cleisthenes Democracy 3) - As soon as Cleisthenes began ruling Athens, people were
already trying to take his power. One of these men (Isagoras) trying to gain power
even had Spartan forces to help him. This man even drove Cleisthenes and his family
out of Athens. When he came back from exile and was asked to form a democracy,
Cleisthenes immediately began to help his fellow Athenians gain power and a say in
their futures. He introduced the simple vote and Athenian assembly. He was the
founder of Athenian democracy and during his time, Athens worked effectively.
Cleisthenes Democracy 4) - Cleisthenes was one of the greatest founding fathers of
Athenian democracy. Even though he was exiled after a conspiracy by Isagoras
against him, he was recalled after a popular uprising in 508 BCE to set up the new
form of government: democracy. To make sure the democracy can survive and people
can always have power, he established a General Assembly, in which any citizens
could participate and share their opinion, and Ostracism, a system allowing The
Assembly to vote a person into exile. The democracy worked very well at this early
phase as it unleashed incalculable potentials within its own citizens. Cleisthenes
personally benefited from the establishment of democracy as he got fame and respect
from all over Athens and a period of almost immense power. Yet, to preserve the new
institution he invented, he gave up the power and left Athens. As a whole, Athenian
Democracy did work at the time of Cleisthenes and served its purpose of unleashing
the potentials. 19/20
Cleisthenes Democracy 5) - Cleisthenes revolutionized the government of Athens.
When he was recalled from exile, he had one great hard task. He had to create a
government for the people. So his creation was the direct government. His
government included general assembly and voting system. In the general assembly
the people could spoke out their opinion and discuss the situation. The voting system
worked like today except with black pebbles and white pebbles. Cleisthenes did
impress the people of Athens with the system of direct democracy. Thus Cleisthenes
had made a starting point of making a great nation of Athens. 15/20
Cleisthenes Democracy 6) - Cleisthenes was born in a aristocratic family. But he
founded the first democracy in Athens. He was a politician of foresight and creativity.
He gained power then overthrew a tyrant called Hippias and became the leader
himself. However, the aristocratic families opposed him as their power is diminishing.
Cleisthenes was later overthrown by Isagoras and went to exile. After a few years, the
Athenians called him back. With the help from the Spartans (no – the Spartans
supported Isagoras) and the support from the people, Cleisthenes became the leader
again. He introduced the General Assembly and every citizen can vote for the
political decisions. This enforced the democracy in Athens. During his time,
democracy was working and developing properly in Athens. At the end, he left
Athens. 16/20
A Product of Democracy – and its Savior –
Democracy gave him a voice - used persuasion – and the people were willing to listen
– silver from Laurion to build fleet – “wooden wall” meant: use the fleet to defend
against Persia – was later ostracized – a victim of democracy
Themistocles Democracy 1) - Themistocles, an Athenian General who led his city to
victory at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC, played an important role in the evolution
of the Athenian democracy and society. Known for his sharp mind and strategic
abilities, this famous general was able to strengthen Athens’ navy and defeat the allpowerful Persian Empire against all odds. During his lifetime, the Athenian
democracy was still very young and unstable, and his victories granted Athens the
ability to sustain and empower itself and its system of government. Athens’ “Golden
Age” followed the defeat of the Persians, with the experimental democracy set on a
path to success. Indeed, after the Athenians had proven that they were able to defend
themselves, they grew confident and proud of their nation; Athens began to invest in
itself, becoming a supreme naval power, an important political center, and a leader in
architecture, arts, and philosophy. Leaders like Pericles began to take the opportunity
provided by Themistocles’ victories to build an empire out of Athens, and to enrich
the city both culturally and economically. Themistocles’ strategic contributions to
Athens and its democracy constituted the first step to the Golden Age of Athens.
Themistocles Democracy 2) - Themistocles, an Athenian general's greatest asset was the
ability to think of things to do that would give the best outcome possible.
Themistocles had a personal touch that everyone liked about him. When a vein of
silver was found at Laurion, Themistocles had the idea of investing in an Athenian
navy. After the success of the battle of Salamis, Themistocles was received an award
for his brilliance. Themistocles' overconfidence after his cunning plan to deceive
Sparta into narrow waters caused his to be ostracized. He talked very highly of
himself, a little too highly. 16/20
Themistocles Democracy 3) - Themistocles, an Athenian General, really improved the
democracy of Athens through his exceptional defense of it. In 490, he was a crucial
part of the battle of Marathon. However he recognized that the Persians were much
stronger than the Athenians, and that they would not be able to defeat them on land if
they came back. He devised a plan to make Athens navally dominant, so they could at
least have a chance to repel the Persians. He deceived the democracy in to building a
fleet, and it paid off. Not only would they defeat the Persians when they came back,
but they would create a Naval empire, solidifying Athens legacy in the thick thighs of
Ancient Greek history for millennia. Need to focus more on democracy 15/20
Themistocles Democracy 4) - Themistocles, an Athenian general had a very significant
influence on Athenian democracy. He foresaw the Persians attacking them again, so
he suggested that they use the silver vein at Laurion to pay for a fleet to defend
themselves from being decimated by the Persian force of over a million soldiers (not
actually that many). The reason Themistocles impacted the Athenian society so
tremendously was because of his impressive strategic abilities and his ability to
persuade his audience (Athenian citizens). Needs to focus more on democracy 14/20
Themistocles Democracy 5) - Themistocles was an Athenian politician who transformed
Athens with his superlative skill. He fought the Persians at the battle of Marathon
then afterwards, persuading Athens to build a navy, by using the silver vein at
Laurion, which would defend Athens for many years. After a few of these years, the
Persian king Xerxes invaded Greece and runners were dispatched to the Oracle at
Delphi, which prophesized that 'the wooden wall shall not fail', which were, in fact,
the Tririmes. But even taking into account everything that he has done for Athens, he
was Ostracised ten years later. Need to focus more on democracy 15/20
Themistocles Democracy 6) - Themistocles was an Athenian general and Politician. He
was born into a lower class family and fought in the battle of Marathon. He always
identified with the lower class and always thought of them first. He had a great
influence on Athenian democracy. He provided a new prospective on all of the people
in the community and on the individuals as well. He thought of the idea of Triremes
and he led Athens to success in battle. Even after everything that Themistocles did for
the Athenians and their city, he was ostracized. 17/20
Themistocles Democracy 7) - Themistocles was a general of Athens who led the Athens
to victory at the Salamis battle. He fought against Persia by focusing on Athens’
naval power. This was possible because Democracy worked well at his time. First, he
could become a general even though he was born in a low social class because of
Democracy. Since he was talented at strategy, he could be a general disregarding his
birth. Second, because of democracy, he could persuade others and strengthen Athens’
navy. After the victory, he became even more popular, and tried to make democracy
better. 17/20
PERICLES – Democracy - Led the Democracy at its peak – Golden Age – but then
sowed seeds of its destruction with Peloponnesian War – Strengthened the Assembly
while restricting the power of the Areopagus – promoted the system of government
jobs selected by lot – payment for jury duty – converted the Delian League into the
Athenian Empire - directed wealth of the Empire toward benefits for the citizens of
the city, such as jobs and temples - Parthenon - passed a new, restrictive citizenship
law – Praised the virtues of democracy in his Funeral Oration – but Athens could not
live up democratic ideals during the war
Pericles Democracy 1) - Unlike Themistocles, Pericles was born from a wealthy family
of aristocrats. Thus, He was easily able to establish his prominence in politics and
become an outstanding ruler who perfected the democracy in Athens. He took control
over the naval alliance called the Delian League, made a final peace with Persia, and
introduced payment for jury service which provided jobs for the poor. Also, he
established a new citizenship law in order to restrain the power of the aristocrats.
More importantly, his enthusiasm in art allowed him to build an astonishing
architecture, Parthenon in 447 BC financed from the treasury at Delos. Pericles made
Athens stronger than ever before which is why it was called the ‘Golden Age’ of
Athens. 19/20 very good
Pericles Democracy 2) - Pericles was the ruler of Athens during the Golden age. He
had created the worlds greatest piece of architecture, the Parthenon. The Parthenon
was built with the money from the Delian league and was built in honor of Athena.
During the Peloponnesian war, the state of Athens had caught the plague. This
disease spread throughout the state like wildfire and wiped out 1/3 of the population.
The democracy had helped Athens up until Pericles caught the plague himself and
died. After he died, the state had become complete chaos without a ruler or any types
of strategy with fighting the war. 15/20 – focus more on relationship to democrcay
Pericles Democracy 3) - I believe democracy worked for Pericles. Being a male of
Athens he was able to have a say in politics. He was able to get noticed. Also being
born into a wealthy aristocratic family, he had an advantage over others. His
contributed a lot to Athens. One of his contributions was glorifying up the city. Some
complained that he was spending too much money. He response to them is that he
would stop spending the city's money, and spend his money instead, and take credit
for everything. Pericles was smart and knew they wouldn’t let him take all the credit.
Democracy helped Pericles in the plans he wanted to achieve. The construction of the
Parthenon was Pericles greatest achievement by far. Pericles success did not last
during the Peloponnesian war though, a plague took over the city, and unfortunately
Pericles caught it and died. The state was in complete disarray after Pericles death,
they had lost a ruler. 16/20 – lots of information but needs focus on democracy
Pericles Democracy 4) - Pericles was the Athenian super hero. He took Athens from a
striving city to an empire in his life time. Pericles repaired the monuments that were
destroyed in the first Persian attack, and he was the first Athenian to consult a woman
like an advisor. He created jobs for the people and creates a new citizenship law.
Before Pericles was general the democracy was only in Athens and had problems.
When he became general he spread democracy and perfected it. Democracy spread to
the islands under Persian control. He made money for the Athenians and for his
extravagant projects from the Delian League. Pericles’ greediness unfortunately leads
to the fall of Athens. When he started the war with Sparta he only had one plan but
that was compromised by the plague. Pericles was the perfect General for Athens.
18/20 - good
Pericles Democracy 5) - Pericles was a great Athenian leader who brought Athens into
the golden age. The Persian Empire brought a lot of destructions to the city of Athens.
However, Pericles rebuilt it. Soon, the city's economy was going up. Pericles started
many building programs. The most famous building should be the Parthenon. Besides,
the economy, Pericles also introduced many new laws such as the new citizenship law,
and Pericles himself, he refused to corrupt and he refuse to take money from the rich
people. Pericles was not only a great leader, he also had a very good persuasive skills.
He strengthened the democracy of Athens. However, when the Peloponnesian war
broken between Athens and Sparta, many people died. Pericles gave one of the most
famous war speech in the history, Funeral Oration. Pericles was also over-confident,
and he died as a broken man. 17/20
Pericles Democracy 6) - Pericles was a politician in ancient Greece during Athens'
golden age between the Persian and Peloponnesian war. He was a strong ruler who
strengthened Athenian democracy. Pericles used the money from the Delian league,
an alliance with other Greek cities to build the Parthenon. The Parthenon was the
heart of Athens. Pericles did a lot of great things for Athens but also set them on the
way to War. He died during the Peloponnesian war because of plague, right after he
gave his famous formal oration speech. 16/20 – needs focus on democracy
Pericles Democracy 7) -Pericles was a very great Athenian leader. Under his leadership
he bettered the Athenian army, When the Persian king attacked and destroyed most of
Athens, Pericles took matters into his own hands. He strengthened the democracy of
Athens as well. When the Persians destroyed a lot of Athens, Pericles created many
building programs. When many Athenians died Pericles also gave a very famous
speech to this day. This speech was called the Funeral Oration. This speech was the
embodiment of Athens and who the Athenian people were. 15/20 – needs more on
SOCRATES – Democracy - Critic & Victim of Democracy – pointed out flaws in
Athenian values – criticized pursuit of self-interest over justice – believed democratic
leaders made the citizens unhealthy, like bakers – believed that no honest man could
last long in public life – believed Athenians violated the laws in holding a joint trial
for all the generals after Arginusae – admired the Spartan form of government – more
orderly – tried to improve the souls of his fellow citizens through his constant
questioning – but provoked resentment – was convicted and condemned to die for
corrupting the youth and impiety – but still respected the laws – always insisted on
doing the right thing
Socrates - Democracy 1) - Socrates spent his life questioning people. The oracle told his
friend that no one was wiser than Socrates. He then tried to prove the oracle wrong by
questioning people. He would ask wise people questions that they did not know the
answer to, and most people pretended like they did know the answer. Socrates then
concluded that he was the wisest man. In 399, he was put on trial for corrupting the
youth and not believing in the state’s gods. Instead of apologizing to the jury, his
arrogance led him to say that he refuses to stop questioning people and he deserves an
award for what he did. This made the jury angry and they wanted to kill him. He told
him God sent him to Athens to question people, but that did not change the jury’s
mind. Socrates ended up being killed by hemlock. However, Socrates was right about
democracy. His views of democracy proved that it did not work. Democracy killed
innocent people, including generals who led Athens. Socrates proved democracy to
be wrong, and he died for what he believed in. 17/20 – lots of information, but needs
focus on democracy
Socrates – Democracy 2) - Socrates played an important part in Athenian democracy.
He made people think of ideas never thought of before. He was the president of the
Assembly and turned common ideas upside down, but he was later accused of
corrupting the youth, so people didn’t listen to him afterwards. Socrates believed in a
democracy, but he also believed in personal expression. He believed that democracy
did not help the individual but the whole, something that Socrates did not like.
Socrates expressed new ideas and turned people brains “upside down”. He didn’t
necessarily change the views of the current government system, but he did change the
way people thought of other concepts. 16/20
Socrates – Democracy 3) - Socrates spent almost all of his life questioning everyone and
criticizing everything. The Athenians despised him for this and put him on trial
because they thought he was corrupting the minds of the youth. The Athenians
thought that their city was better than ever and that the people were too. But Socrates
knew what was really becoming of Athens and its’ people. He knew that Pericles and
other past politicians had tarnished them. He saw what had become of everything.
Athens and its’ people were spoiled, ruined, and sick because they were constantly
given what they wanted instead of what they needed. Socrates thought that if
philosophers like him had the job, Athens would be in a better state. When the jury
heard this they were deeply offended and furious. They gave him the option of exile
but he thought life without examination is not worth living and chose death. 18/20
Socrates – Democracy 4) - After the defeat of the Persians, Athenian democracy started
to flourish. With the small city-state starting to become an empire most people were
living in a euphoric state. Few saw through the smokescreen of success to see what
was happening and one of those people was Socrates. He was the most vocal critic of
Athenian democracy and people hated him for it. He spent most of his life
questioning and criticizing the Athenian citizens, telling them they had become
greedy and were ruling the subject states like tyrants. As time went on he amassed a
small following of people who ether had no voice in the democracy or enjoyed
watching it being scrutinized. The Athenian public who was tired of being insulted
used his followers against him by charging him for corrupting the youth and
convicted him to death. 19/20
Socrates – Democracy 5) - Socrates played a big role in the Athenian democracy. He
questioned many things about the democracy. Socrates was an intelligent man who knew
a lot about what was the right thing to do in politics. When he would question people to
try to help, many took his advice as insults. When the Athenian democracy would do
what he suggested, things would work well. That didn’t stop people from most of the
time denying his advice and taking it the wrong way. Socrates believed that the
democracy could help Athens, but it wasn’t at its current state. The things he suggested
would have made Athens have a strong democracy that would help the city and its people.
The same was for him personally; the democracy didn’t help him much. However, he
believed it could have. By taking his advice and accepting his criticism, the Athenian
democracy would be beneficial to its citizens and allies. 17/20