Download Genetic Disease Graphic Organizer

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Genetic Disease Graphic Organizer
Name of Disorder:
Introduction: brief
background of the
disorder; when it
was discovered;
Does it affect
Males more than
females; Is it
common among a
certain race; how
many in the
population; how
prevalent in the
(include statistics);
how is the disease
Problems with this
Disorder: signs
and symptoms and
prognosis; physical
symptoms of the
disease; what is
everyday life like;
what is the quality
of life; what
limitations does
the person have;
what are the
chances of the
person with this
disease passing the
disease to their
offspring (include
possible scenarios)
Genetics of the
Disorder: clearly
show how this
disorder is
inherited; state the
type of genetic
disorder such as
recessive; Xlinked, etc..; what
are the possible
genotypes of the
parents; use a
karyotype, punnett
square or pedigree
to illustrate the
explain methods
used to relieve the
symptoms; is that a
cure; therapies;
what is the life
expectancy of
someone with this
Prevention: How
to prevent this
disorder; what are
some of the latest
screening tests.
Coping: what are
some organizations
that can help a
family cope with
an individual’s
Information: What
did you learn from
this research; how
would you feel if
you had this
disorder or any
other disorder;
does knowing
about this disorder
make you more
aware of the kind
of life that
individual’s with
this disorder or any
disorder have; do
you believe that
genes should be
genetically altered
to improve the
condition or totally
eliminate the