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Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Evolution– Graphic Organizer (50 points)
Name _____________________________________________________________ Date __________________
Graph Interpretation (5 points): Read about ecological niches, specialist species, and generalist species on
pages 95 – 96and interpret Figure 4-13. Below, recreate the figure in your own terms using species other than
the panda and raccoon. Explain why you chose those specific species.
Analysis (5 points): Read about keystone species and foundation species on pages 99 – 101 as well as about the
American Alligator. What critical role does a keystone species play? What is the importance of a foundation
species? How would you experimentally determine whether an organism is a keystone species and/or a
foundation species?
Assess (5 points): Read page 84 about biomes and review Figure 4-5. How would traveling along the 39th
parallel be? Describe biotic and abiotic components of each biome you would encounter and consider species
of plants and animals you might encounter. Include information about the weather of each biome. 10 sentence
minimum required.
Identify (2 points): Read “Edward O. Willson: A Champion of Biodiversity” on page 85. Who is Edward O.
Wilson? What was his contribution to ecology? Explain in your own terms the theory of island biogeography.
Assess (3 points): What is speciation? Distinguish between geographic isolation and reproductive isolation
and explain how they can lead to the formation of a new species. Distinguish between artificial selection and
genetic engineering and give an example of each. 6 sentence minimum required.
Define (10 points):
adaptive trait
background extinction
Biological diversity
differential reproduction
ecological niche
Endemic species
Foundation species
generalist species
geographic isolation
Indicator species
keystone species
mass extinction
native species
natural selection
nonnative species
reproductive isolation
Specialist species
Species diversity
theory of evolution