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Fundamentals Of Genetics Notes
Gregor Mendel: (Father of ____________)
 In 1842 Mendel (21) entered a monastery in Brunn, Austria
_________ garden
Began to study growth of _______
 In 1851 he studied _________ and mathematics (specifically ____________) at the
University of Vienna.
o His study of statistics was instrumental in his _________ on _________.
o _________ is the transmission of characteristics from parents to
 Most noted for experiments on _____ _______.
 He observed __ characteristics of a pea plant. Each had __ contrasting traits.
Plant Height ( _____ / ______ stems )
Flower position along stems ( ________ / __________ )
_______ ________ (Green / Yellow)
Pod Appearance ( Inflated / ___________ )
Seed _________ ( Smooth / wrinkled )
Seed Color (Green / _______ )
Flower Color (Purple / White)
 Mendel collected seeds from ____ plants an recorded the characteristics of the
plans that came from that particular seed.
 The following year after he planted seeds, he found that purple flowering plants
grew from the seeds obtained from _______-flowering pea plants, but he noticed
that _______-flowering plants could also come from the seeds of purple-flowering
pea plants. Mendel noticed these variations in other characteristics as well.
o He wanted to know WHY!!
 Mendel was able to document _______ of each generations parents by controlling
o ______________ : occurs when _______ produced in the _______ (male
part) is transferred to the ________ (female part)
o ______-____________ : when ________ is transferred to the stigma of
either the _____ flower or another flower on the ______ plant.
o ______-Pollination: is pollination between ___ separate plants.
 How can cross-pollination occur if the plants don’t move from plant
to plant? => Pollinators such as ________ or ________.
o Mendel prevented this from occurring by removing _________ from a
flower and he manually transferred them to the ________ of a flower on
another plant.
Mendel’s Experiment:
Objective: To study each ___________________ and its contrasting
________ individually in hopes of understanding
1. Grew pea plants _______ for each trait – he did this by
controlling ________________ so that only ______ - _________
occurred for several generations
a. Strain – plants that are ______ for a specific trait
2. When he obtained all ____ strains for each characteristic, he
called each strain a _____________ generation or ___ generation
3. Then he ______ - ______________ the traits
Ex. _________ pods X ________ pods
4. When the plants matured he recorded the ___________________
_____________________ produced by the __ generation → he
called the offspring the _________ ___________ generation or
the ____ generation
5. He then made the __ generation _______________ and recorded
the number of each type of offspring → he called these offspring
the ___________ ______________ generation or the ___
***Mendel performed _______________ of crosses and
documented all his results***
Mendel concluded that there was something inside the _____ plant
that ___________ the characteristics displayed by the pea plant. He
called these controls ____________. Since each characteristic had
___ contrasting traits he deduced that there must be a pair of
factors controlling each ________.
Mendel also realized that since one trait did not __________ in F1
but did __________ in F2 that 1 factor may __________ the other
from having any effect. He hypothesized that the trait that appeared
in F1 generation was the _____________ trait and therefore had at
least 1 _____________ ___________. The trait that did not appear
in the F1 generation was called the _____________ trait, and in
order for that trait to show it _______________ contain a dominant
2 Major Laws for Genetics:
1. The Law of __________________:
States that a _____ of factors is _____________/____________
during the formation of ______________ (___________)
→ the gamete receives ______________ of each ________
2. The Law of ________________ ________________:
States that factors for ____________ characteristics are
________________ to gametes _____________________
Chromosomes and Genes:
Molecular Genetics: Is the study of the ______________ and
______________ of chromosomes and genes
Chromosomes are threadlike structures made up of
Genes are the _____________ of _____ on a
chromosome that _________ a particular hereditary
Alleles are _______________ forms of a gene (they
are what Mendel called __________)
____________ are used to represent alleles.
_____________ letters represent ______________ alleles
_____________ letters represent ______________ alleles
*Rule: the 1st letter of the dominant trait is used as the symbol for the
trait with 2 exceptions:
1. If both traits begin with the same letter
2. If the letter is already being used in a another trait that you are
working with
Ex. In Mendel’s pea plants _____________ was the dominant pod color
and ____________ was the recessive pod color
Dominant allele = ____
Recessive allele = ____
Genetic Crosses:
Genotypes and Phenotypes
Genotype is the genetic ___________ of an organism → consists
of the ____________ obtained from the ___________
Example: Pod Color
Green = ____, ____
Yellow = ____
2 Types of Allelic Pairs:
1. __________________ - both alleles are the same
2. __________________ - the 2 alleles in the pair are
*** All ________________ allelic pairs will be DOMINANT
Phenotype is the __________________ of an organism as a
result of its __________
- Probability is the ____________ that a specific ________ will occur.
→ expressed as a _____________, _____________, ____________,
Or _________
Probability =
The _____________ of a probability statistic usually __________ with
the ___________ of the number of trials
Mendel Example:
Yellow seed color in F2 = 6,022
Green seed color in F2 = 2,001
Dominant Trait =
Recessive Trait =
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses:
Monohybrid Cross is a breeding between individual(s) that
involves ____________ of ________________ traits
Biologists use a ___________________ to help _______ the
____________ that certain traits will be ___________ by the