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Protestant Reformation Answer
Guide - 5 marks for each question
SS 9
Question 1
• How was, "interpretation", significant in the Protestant
• Answers:
• - The difference from the way the Catholic Church
interpreted the bible and the way Martin Luther
interpreted it. The disagreement was over how much
power the church and the pope had over its people. (3
• Zwingli’s understanding of the bible vs Luther (1 mark)
• Calvin’s understanding of the bible vs Luther (1 mark)
Question 2
• Explain the events which contributed to the decline of
Catholic Church’s authority?
• Answer:
• Great Schism (1 mark)
• The Church lost credibility through the Great Schism (1
• Corruptions – Indulgences and the hiring of church
members was not based on merit but rather financial
reasons. (2 marks )
• Reformers coming to power, Martin Luther, printing
press, 95 thesis, translating the bible to German (1
mark for each)
Question 3
How can the Protestant reformation be considered a revolution?
1 mark for each of the following responses:
Definition for revolution: significant change
New religions: Calvinism and Protestantism
New ways of thinking aided by the printing press and the
translation of the bible.
Revolutionary risk takers such as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli
The Church of England becoming Protestant
Counter-reformation – change within the church
Forbidden index of books, Jesuits,
Training priests not to live luxurious lives
No more indulgences
Council of Trent
Question 4
• Describe the influence of the Church before the
• 1 mark for each of the following answers:
• Socially – social life such as festivals and markets revolved
around the church
• Economically – largest landholder in Europe, power to sell
• Educationally – Opened Universities
• Politically: power to excommunicate, were the only literate
individuals so they became important in political affairs as
scribers and advisors.
• Cultural: Art was based on religious themes such as Angels,
demons and the after life.
Question 5
• Describe the ways in which Germany, Switzerland and
England were affected by the Protestant Reformation.
• Germany – Luther (1 mark)
• 95 Thesis, translating the bible, teaching theology at
Wittenberg (1 mark )
• Zwingli spreading the Lutheran ideas to Switzerland (1
• Calvin created Calvinism in Switzerland (1 mark)
• King Henry VIII wants a divorce which leads a series of
events leading to the Church of England becoming
Protestant. (1 mark)
Question 6
• Describe some of the major results of the
• Answers:
• Reformed Church, living less luxurious lives, proper
training and hiring of priests, index of forbidden books,
Jesuits ( 1 mark each)
• New religions (Calvinism and Protestantism) (1 mark)
• Age of reason – Questioning facts / truths. Evidence
based approach. (1 mark)
• Church of England was Protestant (1 mark)