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Constructive and Destructive
Forces on Earth
1. Uniformitarianism- the theory that changes in the
earth's crust during geological history have resulted from the
action of continuous and uniform processes (Erosion and
2. Earth Processes dynamic actions that occur on and
below the Earth's surface
3. Geology the study of the Earth and Earth system processes
4. Geologist a person who studies rocks, minerals, Earth's
processes and the evolution of the Earth
5. Sediments sand, silt, clay, minerals, and bits of rock that
are eroded and deposited
6. Erosion the process of MOVING sediments from one place
to another by wind, water, or ice (Grand Canyon)
7. Weathering an Earth process that breaks pieces of rock
into smaller pieces
8. Mechanical weathering the type of weathering
in which rock is physically broken into smaller pieces
9. Chemical weathering the process that breaks
down rock through chemical changes
10 .Oxidation a chemical change in which a substance
combines with oxygen
11 .Deposition the process by which sediments settle out of
the wind, water or ice that carried it (Dunes, Delta, Floodplain)
12 .Delta land formed when a river slows down and deposits
sediments as it flows into a lake or an ocean
13 .Floodplain land that has been formed by the deposition
of sediments that occurs when the river floods
14 .Constructive processes that build up Earth's material
(ex. Deposition)
15 .Destructive processes that break down Earth's material
(ex. Erosion)
16 .Abrasion the grinding away of rock by other rock particles
carried in water, ice or wind
17 .Mass movement any one of several process by which
gravity moves sediment (landslide, mudflow)
18 .Glacier a slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the
accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the
19 .Ice Wedging process that splits rock when water seeps
into cracks, then freezes and expands
20 .Permeable characteristic of a material that is full of tiny,
connected air spaces that water can seep through
21 .River Channel the riverbed that is carved into the land
22 .Stream a body of flowing water