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Focus 12/11
As Europe was struggling, a powerful new religion was forming in
the Middle East. This was the Muslim faith of Islam. Islam is a
monotheistic religion formed founded by Muhammad. According to
Muslims, Muhammad was a prophet. Although Christians in Europe
disagreed with Islam, in time Christians would learn many things
from them.
Point for Discussion: How is Islam similar to Christianity and
Term to Know: Monotheistic
Critical Lens:
Religion can be a powerful force in a person's life.
Rise of Islam
Rise of Islam
The founder of Islam is Muhammad. He began life as a
merchant in Mecca
According to Muslims, Muhammad is a prophet
Rise of Islam
Muhammad claimed to speak to an angel named Gabriel
Rise of Islam
After receiving death threats in Mecca, Muhammad fled
Mecca for Medina, this is called the Hijra
Rise of Islam
With support of his followers, Muhammad conquered Mecca
in 624.
Rise of Islam
To Muslims, the final authority on all matters is the Quran
Rise of Islam
Rise of Islam
The Hajj
Rise of Islam
Muslims are encouraged to engage in jihad, or struggle in
God’s service
Rise of Islam
After Muhammad’s death in 632, the Islamic faith continued
to grow world wide.
Rise of Islam
Abu – Bakr became the first Caliph, or successor to
Rise of Islam
Immediate Impact of Islam on Middle East
1. Arabs become united by Islam
2. Arabs establish vast trade network
3. Many convert to new religion
4. Sharia becomes law of the land
5. Helped women by prohibiting the killing of daughters
Quran Quote
“ Believers, Jews, and Christians – whoever believes in Allah
and does what is right – shall be rewarded by their Lord; they
have nothing to fear or regret. To Moses Allah gave the
scriptures and after him Allah sent other apostles. Allah gave
Jesus the son of Mary and strengthened him with the Holy
Spirit. And now that the Quran confirming these beliefs has
been revealed to them by Allah, they deny it, although they
know it to be truth…”
Compare and Contrast religions of Islam, Christianity, and