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Real-World Applications
The Affect of Collision Time upon the Force
Previously, it was mentioned that force and time are inversely proportional.
Recall from yesterday, the impulse-momentum change theorem:
Impulse = change in momentum
F*t = mv
An object with 100 units of momentum must experience 100 units of impulse in order to
be brought to a stop.
Any combination of force and time could be used to produce the 100 units of
impulse necessary to stop an object with 100 units of momentum.
This is depicted in the table below.
Combinations of Force and Time Required to Produce 100 units of Impulse
Observe that the greater the time over which the collision occurs, the smaller the force
necessary to bring the object to a stop.
What happens if the force is very large?
The time necessary to bring the object to a stop is smaller.
REAL WORLD EXAMPLE: Air bags are used in automobiles because they are able to
minimize the affect of the force on an object involved in a collision.
How do they do this?
Air bags accomplish this by extending the time required to stop the momentum of
the driver and passenger.
When encountering a car collision, the driver and passenger tend to keep moving
in accord with Newton's first law. Compared to stopping almost instantaneously
by hitting the windshield, the air bag extends the time of the impact, thus
decreasing the force required to stop their momentum.
When hitting an object with some give such as an air bag, the time duration might
be increased by a factor of 100. Increasing the time by a factor of 100 will result
in a decrease in force by a factor of 100.
Why are dashboards padded?
The same principle. If the driver or passenger should hit the dashboard, then the
force and time required to stop their momentum is exerted by the dashboard.
Padded dashboards provide some give in such a collision and serve to extend the
time duration of the impact, thus minimizing the affect of the force.
Where in the gym do you notice this principle of extending the duration of the force
applied to decrease the force?
Padding a potential impact area can be observed in gymnasiums: in baseball
gloves and goalie mitts, on the fist of a boxer, inside the helmet of a football
player, and on gymnastic mats.
EXAMPLE: When a boxer recognizes that he will be hit in the head by his opponent, the
boxer often relaxes his neck and allows his head to move backwards upon impact. In the
boxing world, this is known as riding the punch.
Why do you think he relaxes his neck?
Merely increasing the collision time by a factor of ten would result in a tenfold decrease
in the force.
EXAMPLE: Nylon ropes are used in the sport of rock-climbing for a
reason. WHY?
If a rock climber should lose her grip on the rock, she will begin to fall. If
the rope is capable of stretching upon being pulled taut by the falling
climber's mass, then it will apply a force upon the climber over a longer
time period.
Extending the time over which the climber's momentum is broken results in
reducing the force exerted on the falling climber.
EXAMPLE: In racket and bat sports, hitters are often encouraged to follow-through
when striking a ball.
High speed films of the collisions between bats/rackets and balls have
shown that the act of following through serves to increase the time over
which a collision occurs.
This increase in time must result in a change in some other variable in the
impulse-momentum change theorem, F*t = mv.
Surprisingly, the variable which is dependent upon the time in such a situation is not the
force, force doesn’t increase with time of contact.
Instead, the follow-through increases the time of collision and subsequently contributes to
an increase in the velocity change of the ball; the ball leaves the bat with more velocity
(moving faster) with follow through.
Greater velocity = greater success in bat or racket sports
Involves the catching of water balloons of varying speed and varying mass. A water
balloon is thrown high into the air and successfully caught (i.e., caught without breaking).
The key to the success of the demonstration is to contact the balloon with
outstretched arms and carry the balloon for a meter or more before finally
stopping its momentum.
The effect of this strategy is to extend the time over which the collision occurred and so
reduce the force.
DEMO: Involves throwing an egg into a bed sheet.
The collision between the egg and the bed sheet lasts over an extended period of
time since the bed sheet has some give in it. By extending the time of the
collision, the affect of the force is minimized.
If the egg misses the bed sheet and collides with the wall. In these unexpected
cases, the collision between wall and egg lasts for a short period of time, thus
maximizing the affect of the force on the egg. The egg brakes and leaves the wall
and floor in a considerable mess.
The Effect of Rebounding
Many of the situations discussed earlier involve objects colliding and bouncing off each
other as opposed to sticking to each other and traveling with the same speed after the
Bouncing off each other is known as rebounding.
Rebounding involves a change in the direction of an object; the before- and aftercollision direction is different. Rebounding situations are characterized by a large
velocity change and a large momentum change.
Ft = m(vf-vi)
Note that velocity has direction, one direction in a rebound must be negative. The
velocity that is positive should be the in the direction of the force applied to object.
From the impulse-momentum change theorem, we could deduce that a rebounding
situation (characterized by a large momentum change) must also be accompanied by a
large impulse.
EXAMPLE: In an automobile accident, two cars can either collide and bounce off each
other or collide, crumple up and travel together with the same speed after the collision.
AUTOMOBILES - the rebounding of the cars or the crumpling up of the cars?
Contrary to popular opinion, the crumpling up of cars is the safest type of
automobile collision. If the cars rebound upon collision, the momentum change
will be larger and so will the impulse. A greater impulse will typically be
associated with a bigger force.
Occupants of automobiles would certainly prefer small forces upon their bodies
during collisions. In fact, automobile designers and safety engineers have found
ways to reduce the harm done to occupants of automobiles by designing cars
which crumple upon impact. Crumple zones minimize the affect of the force in an
automobile collision in two ways:
By crumpling, the car is less likely to rebound upon
impact, thus minimizing the momentum change and
the impulse.
Finally, the crumpling of the car lengthens the time over which the car's
momentum is changed; by increasing the time of the collision, the force of the
collision is greatly reduced.
The Law of Momentum Conservation
The Law of Action-Reaction (Revisited)
Two objects colliding experience forces which are equal in magnitude and opposite in
Such forces often cause one object to speed up (gain momentum) and the other
object to slow down (lose momentum).
According to Newton's third law, the forces on the two objects are equal in magnitude.
F1 = -F2
While the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, the acceleration of
the objects are not necessarily equal in magnitude.
m1 a1 = m2 a2
The acceleration of an object is dependent upon both force and mass, thus, if the colliding
objects have unequal mass, they will have unequal accelerations as a result of the contact
force which results during the collision.
EXAMPLE: When a golf club collides with a golf ball at rest
which experience the most force? The greatest acceleration?
Both club head and ball experience equal forces, yet the ball
experiences a greater acceleration due to its smaller mass.
EXAMPLE: Consider the collision between a moving seven-ball
and an eight-ball that is at rest in the sport of table pool. Which
experience the greatest force? Greatest Acceleration?
When the seven-ball collides with the eight-ball, each ball
experiences an equal force directed in opposite directions. The
rightward moving seven-ball experiences a leftward force which
causes it to slow down; the eight-ball experiences a rightward
force which causes it to speed up. Since the two balls have equal
masses, they will also experience equal accelerations.
EXAMPLE: Consider the interaction between a male and female figure skater in pair
figure skating. A woman (m = 45 kg) is kneeling on the shoulders of a man (m = 70 kg);
the pair is moving along the ice at 1.5 m/s. The man gracefully tosses the woman forward
through the air and onto the ice. The woman receives the forward force and the man
receives a backward force. The force on the man is equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to the force on the woman. Yet the acceleration of the woman is greater than the
acceleration of the man due to the smaller mass of the woman.
WHAT YOU OBSERVE: Many observers of this interaction have difficulty believing
that the man experienced a backward force. "After all," they might argue, "the man did
not move backward." Such observers are presuming that forces cause motion. In their
minds, a backward force on the male skater would cause a backward motion. This is a
common misconception. Forces cause acceleration, not motion. The male figure skater
experiences a backwards force which causes his backwards acceleration. The male skater
slows down while the woman skater speeds up. In every interaction (with no exception),
there are forces acting upon the two interacting objects which are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction.
Do worksheet p21 at bottom
1. While driving down the road, a firefly strikes the windshield
of a bus and makes a quite obvious mess in front of the face of
the driver. This is a clear case of Newton's third law of motion.
The firefly hit the bus and the bus hits the firefly. Which of the
two forces is greater: the force on the firefly or the force on the
2. For years, space travel was believed to be impossible because
there was nothing which rockets could push off of in
space in order to provide the propulsion necessary to
accelerate. This inability of a rocket to provide propulsion
in space is because ...
a. space is void of air so the rockets have nothing
to push off of.
b. gravity is absent in space.
c. space is void of air and so there is no air resistance in space.
d. ... nonsense! Rockets do accelerate in space and have been able to do so
for a long time.
3. Many people are familiar with the fact that a rifle recoils when
fired. This recoil is the result of action-reaction force pairs. A
gunpowder explosion creates hot gases which expand outward
allowing the rifle to push forward on the bullet. Consistent with
Newton's third law of motion, the bullet pushes backwards upon
the rifle. The acceleration of the recoiling rifle is ...
a. greater than the acceleration of the bullet.
b. smaller than the acceleration of the bullet.
c. the same size as the acceleration of the bullet.
4. Kent Swimm, who is taking Physics for the third year in a row (and not because he
likes it), has rowed his boat within three feet of the dock. Kent decides to jump onto the
dock and turn around and dock his boat. Explain to Kent why this docking strategy is not
a good strategy.
5. A clown is on the ice rink with a large medicine ball. If the clown throws the ball
forward, then he is set into backwards motion with the same momentum as the ball's
forward momentum. What would happen to the clown if he goes through the motion of
throwing the ball without actually letting go of it? Explain.
6. Chubby, Tubby and Flubby are astronauts on a spaceship. They each have the same
mass and the same strength. Chubby and Tubby decide to play catch with Flubby,
intending to throw her back and forth between them. Chubby throws Flubby to Tubby
and the game begins. Describe the motion of Chubby, Tubby and Flubby as the game
continues. If we assume that each throw involves the same amount of push, then how
many throws will the game last?
Express your understanding of Newton's third law by answering
the following questions.
1. While driving down the road, a firefly strikes the windshield
of a bus and makes a quite obvious mess in front of the face of
the driver. This is a clear case of Newton's third law of motion.
The firefly hit the bus and the bus hits the firefly. Which of the
two forces is greater: the force on the firefly or the force on the
bus? Which experiences the greater acceleration? Greater
velocity change? Greater momentum change?
Answer: Trick Question! Each force is the same size. For every action, there is an
equal ... (equal!). The fact that the firefly splatters only means that with its smaller mass,
it is less able to withstand the larger acceleration resulting from the interaction. The bug
therefore experiences a greater velocity change. The buses velocity change would be
Impulse = change in momentum
F*t = mv
Since they each experience the same force over the same time (Impulse), their change in
momentum must be equal. However, due to the difference in mass, their velocity change
is very different. Recall, mass is inversely proportional to velocity change.
Besides, fireflies have guts and bug guts have a tendency to be splatterable. Windshields
don't have guts. There you have it.
2. For years, space travel was believed to be impossible because there was nothing which
rockets could push off of in space in order to provide the
propulsion necessary to accelerate. This inability of a
rocket to provide propulsion in space is because ...
a. space is void of air so the rockets have nothing to
push off of.
b. gravity is absent in space.
c. space is void of air and so there is no air resistance in space.
d. ... nonsense! Rockets do accelerate in space and have been able to do so
for a long time.
If d is correct, what is the acceleration of the fuel compared to the rocket? Velocity
change? Momentum change?
Answer: Answer: D
It is a common misconception that rockets are unable to accelerate in space. The fact is
that rockets do accelerate. Rockets are able to accelerate due to the fact that they burn
fuel and thrust the exhaust gases in a direction opposite the direction which they wish to
Since the fuel exhaust gases being thrust in the opposite direction is obviously lighter
than the rocket itself, the gases accelerate faster than the rocket. The gases have a greater
velocity change, but the same momentum change.
3. Many people are familiar with the fact that a rifle recoils when
fired. This recoil is the result of action-reaction force pairs. A
gunpowder explosion creates hot gases which expand outward
allowing the rifle to push forward on the bullet. Consistent with
Newton's third law of motion, the bullet pushes backwards upon
the rifle. The acceleration of the recoiling rifle is ...
a. greater than the acceleration of the bullet.
b. smaller than the acceleration of the bullet.
c. the same size as the acceleration of the bullet.
The momentum of the recoiling rifle is...
a. greater than the momentum of the bullet.
b. smaller than the momentum of the bullet.
c. the same size as the momentum of the bullet.
Answer: B
The force on the rifle equals the force on the bullet. Yet, acceleration depends on both
force and mass. The bullet has a greater acceleration due to the fact that it has a smaller
mass. Remember: acceleration and mass are inversely proportional.
The momentum of the bullet and recoiling rifle are the same since the impulse on both
are the same (F*t). They both experience the same force over the same time, (Newton’s
Third Law), and therefore their momentum change is the same as seen in the Momentum-
Impulse Theorem (F*t = mv). Their different masses result in different changes in
velocity (over the same time) therefore different accelerations.
4. Kent Swimm, who is taking Physics for the third year in a row (and not because he
likes it), has rowed his boat within three feet of the dock. Kent decides to jump onto the
dock and turn around and dock his boat. Explain to Kent why this docking strategy is not
a good strategy.
Answer: Don't do this at home (at least, not if you wish to dock the boat)! As Kent jumps
to reach the dock, the rowboat pushes Kent forward and thus Kent pushes the rowboat
backwards. Kent will indeed reach the dock; but Kent's rowboat will be several feet away
when he turns around to dock it. That makes it very difficult for Kent to dock the boat.
5. A clown is on the ice rink with a large medicine ball. If the clown throws the ball
forward, then he is set into backwards motion with the same momentum as the ball's
forward momentum. What would happen to the clown if he goes through the motion of
throwing the ball without actually letting go of it? Explain.
Answer: Without actually letting go of the ball, the clown will not be displaced from his
original position. He may slide backwards a little and then forwards a little as he goes
through the motion of the throwing the ball. But when he is done doing the motion, he
will be at rest in his original position. This is because he doesn’t actually exert a force on
the ball, rather the ball and himself are one system.
6. Chubby, Tubby and Flubby are astronauts on a spaceship. They each have the same
mass and the same strength. Chubby and Tubby decide to play catch with Flubby,
intending to throw her back and forth between them. Chubby throws Flubby to Tubby
and the game begins. Describe the motion of Chubby, Tubby and Flubby as the game
continues. If we assume that each throw involves the same amount of push, then how
many throws will the game last?
Answer: The game will last two throws and one catch. When Chubby throws Flubby,
the two will travel in opposite directions at the same speed. When Tubby catches Flubby,
Flubby will slow down to half her original speed and move together with Tubby at that
same speed. When Tubby throws Flubby towards Chubby, the greatest speed which
Flubby can have is one-half the original speed. The game is now over since Flubby will
never catch up to Chubby.