* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Heart. Vessels and nerves in the head, neck, trunk and extremities Text tests questions 1. Along which nerve is passes v. jugularis interna? A. * N. vagus B. Femoral nerve C. Iliac nerve D. Spinal nerve E. Correct answer is missing 2. Along which nerve is passes v. jugularis interna? A. Cubital nerve B. Femoral nerve C. Iliac nerve D. Spinal nerve E. * Correct answer is missing 3. Along which nerve is passes v. jugularis interna? A. Cubital nerve B. Femoral nerve C. Iliac nerve D. Spinal nerve E. * Correct answer is missing 4. Along which nerve is passes v. jugularis interna? A. * N. vagus B. Femoral nerve C. Iliac nerve D. Spinal nerve E. Correct answer is missing 5. Automatic adjustment of the curvature of the lens by ciliary muscle contraction is called A. Convergence B. Constriction C. Contraction D. Focusing E. * Accommodation 6. Brachiocephalic trunk begins from? A. * aortic arch B. common carotid artery C. left common carotid artery D. right common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 7. Common carotid artery divides into A. * external carotid artery and internal carotid artery B. external carotid artery and right carotid artery C. external carotid artery and left carotid artery D. left carotid artery and right carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 8. Continuation of what is v. jugularis interna? A. Aortic arch B. A. carotis communis C. A. carotis interna D. A. carotis externa E. * Correct answer is missing 9. Continuation of what is v. jugularis interna? A. * Sinus sigmoidei durae matris cranialis B. A. carotis communis C. A. carotis interna D. A. carotis externa E. Correct answer is missing 10. Continuation of what is v. jugularis interna? A. * Sinus sigmoidei durae matris cranialis B. A. carotis communis C. A. carotis interna D. A. carotis externa E. Correct answer is missing 11. Continuation of what is v. jugularis interna? A. Aortic arch B. A. carotis communis C. A. carotis interna D. A. carotis externa E. * Correct answer is missing 12. From which body parts nodi profundi cervicales laterals receive lymph? A. Tongue B. Larynx C. Tonsils D. Thyroid E. * All 13. From which body parts nodi profundi cervicales laterals receive lymph? A. Tongue B. Larynx C. Tonsils D. Neck muscles E. * All 14. From which body parts nodi profundi cervicales laterals do not receive lymph? A. Tongue B. Larynx C. Tonsils D. Neck muscles E. * Stomach 15. From which body parts nodi profundi cervicales laterals do not receive lymph? A. Tongue B. Larynx C. Tonsils D. Neck muscles E. * Duodenum 16. In arterial bleeding a tourniquet is imposed: A. * Proximal to the site of damage B. Distal to the site of damage C. Directly on the wound D. On opposite extremity E. Simultaneously proximal and and distal to the site of damage 17. In case of the damage, the carotid artery is pressed to: A. * Transversal processus of neck vertebrae B. Clavicula bone C. I rib D. II rib E. Brachial bone 18. In case of the damage, the subclavian artery is pressed to: A. * I rib B. Transversal processus of neck vertebrae C. Clavicula bone D. II rib E. Brachial bone 19. In the vena jugularis externa flow: A. * vv. jugulares anteriores B. v. facialis C. v. lingualis D. vv. parotideae E. Correct answer is missing 20. In the vena jugularis externa flow: A. * vv. jugulares anteriores B. v. facialis C. v. lingualis D. vv. parotideae E. Correct answer is missing 21. In venous bleeding a tourniquet is imposed: A. * Proximal to the site of damage B. Distal to the site of damage C. Directly on the wound D. On opposite extremity E. Simultaneously proximal and and distal to the site of damage 22. Pupils dilate in response to the contraction of A. The circular iris muscle B. The ciliary muscle C. The orbicularis oculi muscle D. The levator palpebrae superior muscle E. * The radial iris muscle 23. Stimulations of hear cells in the semicircular canals results from the movement of: A. Aqueous humor B. Cerebrospinal fluid C. Perilymph D. Otoliths E. * Endolymph 24. The comotion of the common carotid artery with the tear of intima results in: A. * Arterial thrombosis B. Subcutaneous thrombophlebitis C. Pagget-Shroeter's syndrome D. Arterio-venous fistula E. Angiovenous dysplasia 25. To the direct signs of the damages of common carotid artery belongs: A. * Signs of acute arterial insufficiency B. The damages of the skin C. Defect of soft tissues D. Crepitation E. Loss of consciousness 26. To the direct signs of the damages of common carotid artery belongs: A. * Pulsating haematoma B. Defect of soft tissues C. The damages of the skin D. Crepitation E. Loss of consciousness 27. To the direct signs of the damages of common carotid artery belongs: A. * Absence or impaired pulsation below the site of wound B. Loss of consciousness C. The damages of the skin D. Defect of soft tissues E. Crepitation 28. To the methods of temporary hemostasis belong: A. * The maximal flexing of the extremity in joints, elevated position of the extremity B. Electro-coagulation of vessel C. Introduction of hemostatic medicines D. Suturing of vessel E. Angiorrhaphy 29. To the methods of temporary hemostasis of common carotid artery belong: A. * Digital compression of the artery B. Electro-coagulation of vessel C. Introduction of hemostatic medicines D. Suturing of vessel E. Angiorrhaphy 30. Vena jugularis interna collecting blood from: A. lower extremities B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. * Correct answer is missing 31. Vena jugularis interna collecting blood from: A. Spin B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. * Correct answer is missing 32. Vena jugularis interna collecting blood from: A. * Head and neck B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. Correct answer is missing 33. Vena jugularis interna collecting blood from: A. * Head and neck B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. Correct answer is missing 34. Vena jugularis interna collecting blood from: A. lower extremities B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. * Correct answer is missing 35. Vena jugularis interna collecting blood from: A. Spin B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. * Correct answer is missing 36. What are a venous plexus in the skull? A. plexus venosus foraminis ovalis B. plexus venosus canalis carotici C. plexus pterygoideus D. plexus venosus canalis hypoglossi E. * all 37. What are a venous plexus in the skull? A. plexus venosus foraminis ovalis B. plexus venosus canalis carotici C. plexus pterygoideus D. plexus venosus canalis hypoglossi E. * all 38. What are intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. sinus durae matris B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * All 39. What are intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * all 40. What are intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. sinus durae matris B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * All 41. What are intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * all 42. What are not the branches v. jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. retromandibularis E. * v. femoralis 43. What are not the branches v. jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. retromandibularis E. * v. femoralis 44. What are the branches of v. jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. retromandibularis E. * All 45. What are the branches of v. jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. retromandibularis E. * All 46. What are the branches v.jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. facialis E. * All 47. What are the branches v.jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. facialis E. * All 48. What are the criteria of efficiency of imposition of the tourniquet? A. * Stop of bleeding B. Pale extremity C. Absence of pulsation D. Coldness of the extremity E. Disappearance of sensation 49. What branch of anterior group of external carotid artery? A. * facial artery B. sternocleidomastoid branch C. occipital artery D. posterior auricular artery E. posterior meningeal artery 50. What branch of anterior group of external carotid artery? A. * superior thyroid artery B. sternocleidomastoid branch C. occipital artery D. posterior auricular artery E. posterior meningeal artery 51. What branch of anterior group of external carotid artery? A. * lingual artery B. sternocleidomastoid branch C. occipital artery D. posterior auricular artery E. posterior meningeal artery 52. What branch of medial group of external carotid artery? A. facial artery B. superior thyroid artery C. lingual artery D. posterior auricular artery E. * posterior meningeal artery 53. What branch of medial group of external carotid artery? A. facial artery B. superior thyroid artery C. lingual artery D. posterior auricular artery E. * inferior tympanic artery 54. What branch of posterior group of external carotid artery? A. lingual artery B. superior thyroid artery C. * posterior auricular artery D. facial artery E. posterior meningeal artery 55. What branch of posterior group of external carotid artery? A. facial artery B. superior thyroid artery C. lingual artery D. * posterior auricular artery E. posterior meningeal artery 56. What branch of posterior group of external carotid artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. * sternocleidomastoid branch C. lingual artery D. posterior auricular artery E. facial artery 57. What group of lymph nodes belong to nodi cervicales laterales? A. Nodi superficiales B. Nodi profundi superiors C. Nodi profundi inferiors D. Nodi supraclaviculares E. * All 58. What group of lymph nodes belong to nodi cervicales laterales? A. Nodi supraclaviculares B. Nodi accessorii C. Nodi superficiales D. Nodi profundi superiors E. * All 59. What group of lymph nodes belong to nodi lymphoidei capitis? A. Nodi occipitals B. Nodi mastoidei C. Nodi parotidei superficiales D. Nodi parotidei profundi E. * All 60. What group of lymph nodes do not belong to nodi lymphoidei capitis? A. Nodi supraclaviculares B. Nodi accessorii C. Nodi superficiales D. Nodi profundi superiors E. * Nodi occipitals 61. What group of lymph nodes do not belong to nodi lymphoidei capitis? A. Nodi occipitals B. Nodi mastoidei C. Nodi parotidei superficiales D. Nodi parotidei profundi E. * Nodi axilaris 62. What group of lymph nodes do not belong to nodi lymphoidei capitis? A. Nodi supraclaviculares B. Nodi accessorii C. Nodi superficiales D. Nodi profundi superiors E. * Nodi axilares 63. What is bifurcation of carotid artery? A. * Place where common carotid artery divides into external carotid artery and internal carotid artery B. Place where common carotid artery divides into external carotid artery and right carotid artery C. Place where common carotid artery divides into external carotid artery and left carotid artery D. Place where common carotid artery divides into left carotid artery and right carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 64. What is formed from nodi cervicales laterales dexter? A. * Trunci jugulares dexter B. Trunci jugulares sinister C. Nodi infrahyoidei D. Nodi prelaryngei E. Correct answer is missing 65. What is formed from nodi cervicales laterales sinister? A. Trunci jugulares dexter B. * Trunci jugulares sinister C. Nodi infrahyoidei D. Nodi prelaryngei E. Correct answer is missing 66. What is not the branches v. jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. retromandibularis E. * v. thoracic interna 67. What is not the branches v. jugularis interna? A. vv. pharyngeae B. v. lingualis C. v. thyroidea superior D. v. retromandibularis E. * v. thoracic interna 68. What is terminal branch of external carotid artery? A. Maxillary artery B. superior thyroid artery C. lingual artery D. posterior auricular artery E. * inferior tympanic artery 69. What is terminal branch of external carotid artery? A. Superficial temporal artery B. superior thyroid artery C. lingual artery D. posterior auricular artery E. * inferior tympanic artery 70. What these sinuses related to sinus durae matris? A. sinus transverses B. confluens sinuum C. sinus marginalis D. sinus occipitalis E. * all 71. What these sinuses related to sinus durae matris? A. sinus petrosquamosus B. sinus sigmoideus C. sinus sagittalis superior D. sinus sagittalis inferior E. * all 72. What these sinuses related to sinus durae matris? A. sinus rectus B. sinus petrosus superior C. sinus cavernosus D. sinus sphenoparietalis E. * all 73. What time is the tourniquet imposed in summer? A. * To 1-2 hours B. To 15-30 min. C. To 30-60 min. D. To 4-6 hours E. To 12 hours 74. What time is the tourniquet imposed in winter? A. * To 30-60 min. B. To 15-30 min. C. To 1-2 hours D. To 4-6 hours E. To 12 hours 75. What vein are branches of the vena subclavia? A. * vv. pectorals B. v. facialis C. v. lingualis D. vv. parotideae E. correct answer is missing 76. What vein are flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. vv. meningeae mediae B. vv. temporales profundae C. v. canalis pterigoidei D. v. stylomastoidea E. * all 77. What vein are flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. vv. auriculares anteriores D. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis E. * all 78. What vein are flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. vv. meningeae mediae B. vv. temporales profundae C. v. canalis pterigoidei D. v. stylomastoidea E. * all 79. What vein are flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. vv. auriculares anteriores D. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis E. * all 80. What vein are not flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. * vv. diploicae D. vv. auriculares anteriores E. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis 81. What vein are not flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. * vv. diploicae D. vv. auriculares anteriores E. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis 82. What vein is not flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. * v. lingualis D. vv. auriculares anteriores E. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis 83. What vein is not flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. * v. facialis D. vv. auriculares anteriores E. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis 84. What vein is not flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. * v. facialis D. vv. auriculares anteriores E. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis 85. What vein is not flow in plexus pterygoideus? A. v. stylomastoidea B. vv. parotideae C. * v. lingualis D. vv. auriculares anteriores E. vv. auriculares art. temporomandibularis 86. Where are localized vena subclavia? A. * neck B. abdomen C. thoracic cavity D. pelvis E. correct answer is missing 87. ?Where is begins Brachiocephalic trunk? A. * on level of right II costal cartilage B. on level of right I costal cartilage C. on level of right III costal cartilage D. on level of right IV costal cartilage E. Correct answer is missing 88. Where is nodi profundi cervicales laterals? A. Along v. jugularis externa B. * Along v. jugularis interna C. Along left common carotid artery D. Along right common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 89. Where is nodi superficiales cervicales laterals? A. * Along v. jugularis externa B. Along v. jugularis interna C. Along left common carotid artery D. Along right common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 90. ?Where is truncus jugularis dexter ? A. * Along v. jugularis interna dexter B. Along v. jugularis externa dexter C. Along right common carotid artery D. Along left common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 91. Where is truncus jugularis sinister? A. * Along v. jugularis interna sinister B. Along v. jugularis externa sinister C. Along left common carotid artery D. Along right common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 92. Where the lymph flows from the left half of head and neck A. Truncus jugularis dexter B. * Truncus jugularis sinister C. Right common carotid artery D. Left common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 93. Where the lymph flows from the right half of head and neck A. * Truncus jugularis dexter B. Truncus jugularis sinister C. Right common carotid artery D. Left common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 94. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. * v. retromandibularis E. v. ophthalmica superior 95. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * vv. pharyngeae 96. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * v. lingualis 97. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. * v. thyroidea superior E. v. ophthalmica superior 98. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. * v. facialis E. v. ophthalmica superior 99. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. * v. facialis E. v. ophthalmica superior 100. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. * v. retromandibularis E. v. ophthalmica superior 101. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * v. lingualis 102. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. * v. thyroidea superior E. v. ophthalmica superior 103. Which branch is not intracranial tributaries of the v. jugularis interna? A. vv. labyrinthi B. vv. diploicae C. vv. meningeales D. v. ophthalmica superior E. * vv. pharyngeae 104. Which veins forming vena jugularis externa? A. * v. occipitalis B. v. facialis C. v. lingualis D. vv. parotideae E. Correct answer is missing 105. Which veins forming vena jugularis externa? A. * v. auricularis рosterior B. v. facialis C. v. lingualis D. vv. parotideae E. Correct answer is missing 106. Which veins forming vena jugularis externa? A. * v. occipitalis B. v. facialis C. v. lingualis D. vv. parotideae E. Correct answer is missing 107. Which veins forming vena jugularis externa? A. * v. auricularis рosterior B. C. D. E. v. facialis v. lingualis vv. parotideae Correct answer is missing 108. To what branches divided arteria carotis externa? A. * Temporalis superficialis,maxilaris B. Temporalis superficialis,facialis C. Facialis,maxilaris D. Facialis,lingvalis E. Lingvalis occipitalis 109. All named arteries are branches of arteria carotis externa exept the… A. Auricularis profunda B. Auricularis posterior C. Temporalis medialis D. * Timpanico-carotis E. Timpanic anterior 110. Before connection with what vein lower thickening of vena jugularis interna is formed? A. Vena cava superior B. * Vena subclavia C. Jugularis externa D. Brahyocephalic E. Jugularis anterior 111. Common for all lymphatic organs is presence of… A. Trabeculls B. Sinusoids C. Cortex layer D. Medullar layer E. * Lymphocytes 112. Continuation of what sinuses is vena jugularis interna? A. * Sigmoid and inferior petrosus B. Occipitalis and sagitalis C. Transverses and occipitalis D. Superior petrosus E. Sagfitalis and transverses 113. Count the branches of anterior group of external carotid artery. A. Superior thyroid, lingual, ascending pharyngeal arteries. B. Facial, ascending pharyngeal, maxillary arteries. C. * Superior thyroid, lingual , facial arteries. D. Lingual, facial, maxillary arteries. E. Facial, lingual, superficial temporal arteries. 114. Define the scopes of cervical department of vagus nerve. A. Between the jugular foramen and begin of superior laryngeal nerve. B. * Between the inferior ganglion and begin of right recurrent laryngeal nerve. C. Between the jugular foramen and begin of superior cervical cardiac branches. D. Between the jugular foramen and begin of oesophageal and lingual branches. E. Between the inferior ganglion and begin of left recurrent laryngeal nerve. 115. Define the scopes of main department of vagus nerve. A. Between the upper and lower ganglions of vagus nerve. B. Between the exit of nerve from the brain and jugular foramen. C. * Between the exit of nerve from the brain and lower ganglions. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. D. Between the exit of nerve from the brain and to bifurcate of common carotid artery. E. Between the exit of nerve from the brain and upper ganglion. Ductus limphaticus collected limph from all next organs exept the… A. Left half of the head B. Left half of the neck C. Left jugularis trunk D. * Right subclavicular trunk E. None of above Ductus limphaticus collected limph from all next organs exept the… A. Left half of the head B. Left half of the neck C. Left jugularis trunk D. * Right half of the head E. None of above For what structures gives blood supply arteria occipitalis? A. Glandula tireoidea,skin of occipital region,auricle B. Muscle scapulo-hypoglossus,auricular,skin of occipital region C. * Skin of occipital region,muscle sternocleidomastoideus,auricle,dura mater D. Dura mater,auricle E. Auricle,muscles of auricle,glandula parotis,acustic meatus From what opening of skull beginning veina jugularis interna? A. Rotundum B. * Jugularis C. Ovale D. Mastoideus E. Lacerate How is the mixed nerve of cervical plexus named? A. Vagus B. Accessory C. Intermediate D. * Phrenic E. Lesser occipital Innervation of the larynx provided by the branches of … A. N.trigeminus B. N. facialis C. N.glossopharingeus D. * N. vagus E. N. hypoglossus Name a place, where we can press facial artery and define its pulsation. A. Carotid triangle. B. Submandibular triangle. C. * Branch of mandible, behind the edge of masseter muscle. D. Basis of body of mandible, front of masseter muscle. E. Corner of mouth. Name an artery, that supplies the teeth of mandible. A. Lingual. B. Facial. C. Ascending oesophageal. D. * Inferior alveolar. E. Sphenopalatine. Name anatomic forms, what posterior auricularis artery supplies. A. Auricle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, parotid gland. B. Skin and muscles of the back of head, parotid gland, temporal muscle. C. Dura mater of posterior cranial fossa, digastric muscle. D. * Skin of auricle and back of head, thympanic cavity. E. Temporal muscle and skin above it, stylohyoid muscle. 125. Name anatomic structures, what superficial temporal artery supply. A. * Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, parotid salivary gland, auricle, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and skin above it, trapezius muscle. C. Auditory tube, thympanic cavity, external acoustic meatus, auricle, masseter muscle, parotid gland. D. Back surface of auricle, skin and muscles of the back of head, submandibular gland, superior and inferior eyelids. E. Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, submandibular gland, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. 126. Name branches through which the external and internal carotid arteries anastomoses. A. Deep lingual artery and dorsal braches. B. * Angular artery and dorsal nasi artery. C. Palatine artery and ascending pharyngeal artery. D. Artery of upper lip and buccal arteries. E. Artery of lower lip and mental artery. 127. Name formations, between which a phrenic nerve passes in thorax. A. Between scalene muscles. B. Ahead of subclavian vein. C. Behind a subclavian artery. D. * Between a subclavian artery and vein E. Behind I rib. 128. Name ganglions for the step of vagus nerve. A. * Superior and inferior (sensible). B. Superior and inferior (parasympatetic ). C. Superior (sensible), inferior (parasympatetic ). D. Superior (sensible ), inferior (sympatetic). E. Superior and inferior (sympatetic). 129. Name nodules on the way of nervus vagus A. * Superior,inferior (sensor) B. Superior,inferior (parasympathetic) C. Superior (sensor),inferior (parasympathetic) D. Superior (sensor),inferior (sympathetic) E. Superior,inferior (sympathetic) 130. Name skin nerves of cervical plexus? A. Greater occipital nerve, phrenic nerve, supraclavicular nerve, transverse cervical nerve. B. Phrenic nerve, lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve, greater occipital nerve. C. Lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve, supraclavicular nerve, greater occipital nerve. D. Phrenic nerve, suboccipital nerve, lesser auricular nerve, accessory. E. * Lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve, transverse cervical nerve, supraclavicular nerve. 131. Name the 10 pair of cranial nerves. A. N.glossopharingeus B. N.accesorius C. * N.vagus D. N.hypoglossus E. N.abducens 132. Name the area of innervation of meningeal branch of vagus nerve. * Dura mater of posterior cranial fossa. Dura mater of middle cranial fossa, walls of superiorpetrosal sinus . Dura mater of middle and posterior cranial fossas. Dura mater of anterior cranial fossa , walls of cavernous sinus. Diaphragm of sella turcica and tentorium cerebelli. 133. Name the branches of arteria temporalis superficialis. A. Occipital,auricularis posterior B. * Frontalis,temporalis C. Ascendens and descendens pharyngeal D. A.tympanic posterior E. Sterno-cleidomastoidea,descendenspharingeal 134. Name the branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve. A. * Esophageal, tracheal, pharyngeal. B. Tracheal, bronchial, pulmonal. C. Superior and inferior laryngeal. D. Bronchial, inferior cervical cardiac. E. Esophageal, superior cervical cardiac, tracheal. 135. Name the branches of arteria carotis interna, which divided in canalis carotis of temporal bone A. * A.tympanocarotis B. A.tympanic anterior C. A.auricularis profunda D. A.meningea anterior E. A. tympanic 136. Name the branches of main part of vagus nerve. A. * Meningeal branch, auricular branch. B. Meningeal branch, oesophageal branches. C. Auricular branch, oesophageal branches. D. Auricular branch, lingual branch. E. Ophthalmic branch, lingual branch. 137. Name the branches of nervus pharingeus recurens. A. * Oesophageal,trachealis,pharingealis B. Trachealis,bronchialis, C. Superior and inferior laryngealis D. Bronchialis,inferior cardialis E. Pharingealis,superior cardialis,trachealis 138. Name the branches of superficial temporal artery. A. Occipitalposterior, posterior auricle arteries. B. * Frontal, parietal arteries. C. Ascending and descending oesophageal arteries. D. Posterior anterior thympanic arteries. E. Sternocleidomastoid and descending oesophageal arteries. 139. Name the branches of the first (mandibular) department of maxillary artery. A. * Anterior thympanic, middle meningeal, inferior alveolar arteries. B. Deep auricle, anterior thympanic , masseteric, superior alveolar arteries. C. Deep auricle, inferior alveolar, buccal arteries. D. Superior alveolar, infraorbital, sphenopalatine arteries. E. Posterior superior alveolar arteries, infraorbitale, buccal arteries. 140. Name the branches of the meningeal part of nervus vagus. A. * Meningeal branche,auricularis branche B. Meningeal branche,pharyngeal branches C. Auricularis branche,pharyngeal branches D. Auricularis branche,lingval branche A. B. C. D. E. E. Ophthalmic branche,lingvalis branche Name the branches of the second department of maxillary artery. A. * Masseteric, deep temporal, pterygoid branches, buccal, posterior superior alveolar arteries. B. Masseteric, inferior alveolar, deep temporal, pterygoid, buccal, posterior superior alveolar arteries . C. Masseteric, inferior alveolar , sphenopalatine, pterygoid, buccal, posterior superior alveolar arteries. D. Masseteric, deep temporal, sphenopalatine, pterygoid, buccal, posterior superior alveolar arteries . E. Masseteric, posterior superior alveolar arteries , infraorbitale, buccal arteries. 142. Name the branches of the third (pterygopalatine) department of maxillary artery A. * Infraorbital, descending palatine, sphenopalatine, posterior superior alveolar arteries . B. Infraorbital, sphenopalatine, ascending palatine, pterygoid arteries. C. Infraorbital, descending palatine, sphenopalatine, inferior alveolar arteries. D. Infraorbital, pterygoid, posterior superior alveolar , superficial temporal arteries. E. Infraorbital, descending palatine, superficial temporal, pterygoid arteries. 143. Name the nucleuses of vagus nerve. A. Inferior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of solitary tract, ambiguus nucleus. B. * Nucleus of solitary tract, ambiguus nucleus, dorsal vagal nucleus. C. Ambiguus nucleus, superior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of solitary tract. D. Nucleus of spinal way, ambiguus nucleus , dorsal vagal nucleus. E. Mesencephalic nucleus, propria nucleus, dorsal vagal nucleus. 144. Name the place of break away of lingual artery from an external carotid artery. A. From the beginning of external carotid artery. B. At the upper edge of thyroid gland. C. At level of corner of mandible. D. * At the level of large horn of hyoid bone. E. Above the upper edge of post belly of digastric muscle. 145. Name the place of break away of facial artery from an external carotid artery. A. At the level of upper edge of thyroid cartilage. B. At the upper pole of thyroid gland. C. At the level of large horn of hyoid bone. D. * At level of corner of mandible. E. Above the upper edge of post belly of digastric muscle. 146. Name the place of output of vagus nerve on the basis of cerebrum. A. Between posterior edge of pons and olives. B. Between the pyramid and olive. C. From a posterior lateral fissure, behind the output of vestibulocochlear nerve D. * From a posterior lateral fissure, behind the output of glossopharyngeal nerve. E. In pontocerebellar angle. 147. Name topographical form which a lingual artery passes in . A. Carotid triangle. B. Interscalene space. C. * Triangle of Pirogov. D. Omotrapezoid triangle. E. Interaponevrotical space. 148. Name, what is form pharyngeal plexus? 141. A. * By branches of vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, by the branches of cervical department of sympathetic trunk. B. By the branches of vagus nerve, hypoglossal nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve. C. By the branches of vagusnerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, by sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, hypoglossal nerve. D. By the branches of vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal and hypoglossal nerves, parasympathetic branches. E. By the branches of trigeminal, glossopharyngeal nerves, branches of cervical department of sympathetic trunk. 149. Nervus vagus go out from the skull through the next opening: A. Rotundum B. * Jugularis C. Ovale D. Spinouse E. Lacerate 150. ?Nervus vagus go out from the skull with the… A. * 9,11 pair of cranial nerves B. 9,11,12 pair of cranial nerves C. 9,12 pair of cranial nerves D. 12,7 pair of cranial nerves E. 7,9 pair of cranial nerves 151. Specify motion of left recurrent laryngeal nerve. A. Rounds from below and behind subclavian artery. B. * Rounds from below and behind arc of aorta. C. Passes ahead of arc of aorta. D. Passes ahead of subclavian artery. E. Passes ahead of ascending part of aorta. 152. Specify motion of right reccurent laryngeal nerve. A. * Rounds from below and behind subclavian artery. B. Passes between subclavian artery and vein. C. Passes at the front of subclavian artery. D. Passes at the front of internal jugular vein. E. Rounds from below and behind the arc of aorta 153. Specify the place of break out of left recurrent laryngeal nerve from the vagus nerve. A. At the level of ascending part of aorta. B. * At the level of arc of aorta. C. At the level of left subclavian artery. D. At the level of superior edge of thyroid gland. E. At the level of superior aperture of thorax. 154. Specify the place of break out of right recurrent laryngeal nerve from the vagus nerve. A. * At the level of right subclavian artery. B. At the level of lower edge of manubrium of sternum. C. At the level of brachiocephalic trunk. D. At the level of upper edge of thyroid gland. E. At the level of arc of aorta. 155. The right ductus lymphaticus collected lymph from the next organs exept the… A. Right half of the head B. Right half of the neck C. Right jugularis trunk D. * Left bronchomediastinal trunk E. None of above 156. The right ductus lymphaticus collected lymph from the next organs exept the… A. Right half of the head B. Right half of the neck C. Right jugularis trunk D. * Left subclavicular trunk E. None of above 157. The taste innervation of epiglottis and root of the tongue going from… A. N. facialis B. N.trigeminus C. N.glossopharingeus D. * N.vagus E. N.hypoglossus 158. Through what opening in the skull pass nervus vagus? A. Rotundum B. Ovale C. * Jugularis D. Spinosus E. Laceratus 159. To the what of the named sinuses fall in veina ophtalmica superior A. Superior petrosus B. Inferior sagitalis C. * Cavernosus D. Superior sagitalis E. Occipitalis 160. To the what of the named sinuses fall in big meningeal vein? A. Inferior sagitalis B. Transversus C. Sigmoid D. Occipital E. * Rectus 161. To the what of the named sinuses fall in veina superficialis medialis? A. Superior sagitalis,transverses B. * Cavernosus,occipitalis C. Rectus,occipitalis D. Transverses,superior petrosus E. Sigmoideus,rectus 162. To what nodules coming pregangliolar fibres from parasimpatic nucleus of nervus vagus? A. Preorganic nodules B. * Intramural nodules C. Paravertebral nodules D. Spinal nodules E. Prevertebral nodules 163. Trough what opening leave the skull cavity nervus vagus? A. Laceratus B. Spinosus C. Ovale D. * Jugularis E. Sublingval canal 164. What artery penetrate nervus occulus and divide into branches in retina? A. A. ciliaris B. A.palpebrae media C. A.palpebrae lateral 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. D. * A.retina centralis E. A.supraorbitalis What branches do form a cervical loop? A. Lesser occipital and phrenic nerves. B. Transverse cervical nerve and upper radix of hypoglossal nerve. C. * Descending radix of hypoglossal nerve and lower radix of cervical plexus. D. Subscapular nerves and lower radix of cervical plexus. E. Recurrent nerve and lower guttural nerve. What cervical muscle is a phrenic nerve located on? A. Sternocleidomastoid. B. Sternohyoid. C. Levator scapule . D. Middle scalene. E. * Anterior scalene. What departments of vagus nerve are ? A. Cervical, thoracic, abdominal. B. Cervical, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic. C. Main, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum. D. * Main, cervical, thoracic, abdominal. E. Main, cervical, thoracic. What do aksons of VI neuron of pupilla reflex supply? A. Apparatus of lacrimalis B. Tunica of conjunctiva C. * M. ciliaris D. M. dilatator pupillae E. M. rectus superior What do the branches of cervical loop supply? A. Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. B. Scalene muscles. C. * Infrahyoid cervical muscles and geniohyoid muscle. D. Suprahyoid cervical muscles and omohyoid muscle. E. Skin and platysma muscle. What does great auricular nerve supply? A. Parotid gland. B. Skin and muscles of occipital area. C. * Auricle and external acoustic meatus. D. Direct cervical muscles, muscles of auricle. E. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and skin above him. What does a phrenic nerve in thorax supply. A. * Pericardium, pleura, diaphragm, thymus gland. B. Internal and external intercostal muscles. C. Heart, lungs, pleura, esophagus. D. Bronchus, thymus gland, lymphatic mediastinum ganglions. E. Esophagus, diaphragm, thymus gland, muscles of pectoral wall. What does lesser occipital nerve supply? A. Superficial muscles of occipital area. B. * Skin of lateral part of occipital area. C. Skin of medial part of occipital area. D. Skin and muscles of auricle. E. External acoustic meatus and auditory tube. What does occipital artery supply? A. Thyroid and parathyroid glands, skin of the back of head, auricle. B. Omohyoid muscle, auricle, skin of the back of head. C. * Skin of the back of head, sternocleidomastoid muscle, auricle, dura mater of posterior cranial fossa. D. Dura mater of middle cranial fossa, auricle. E. Auricle, muscles of auricle, parotid gland, acoustic duct . 174. What does supraclavicular nerve supply? A. Platysma muscle. B. Subclavius muscle. C. * Skin above major pectoralis and deltoid muscles. D. Skin of supraclavicular area, subclavius muscle. E. Major pectoralis muscle and skin above it. 175. What does the transverse cervical nerve supply? A. Platysma muscle. B. Muscles of suprahyoid group. C. Muscles of infrahyoid group. D. * Skin of anterior and lateral cervical surfaces. E. Skin of clavicular area and platysma muscle. 176. What fibres do the nerves of cervical plexus contain of? A. Only sensory (cutaneous). B. Only motor. C. Sensory (cutaneous) and motor, parasympathetic. D. * Sensory (cutaneous), motor and mixed. E. Only mixed. 177. What fibres does the vagus nerve contain? A. Parasympathetic, sympathetic, sensible. B. Sympathetic, parasympathetic, motor. C. Sensible, sympathetic. D. * Parasympathetic, sensible, motor. E. Only sensible. 178. What foramen does the vagus nerve abandon the cavity of skull through? A. Lacerum. B. Hypoglossal canal. C. * Jugular. D. Ovale. E. Stylomastoid. 179. What ganglions do preganglion fibres befit to from the parasympathetic nucleus of vagus nerve? A. To the preorgans ganglions B. * To the intramural ganglions C. To the paravertebral ganglions D. To the spinal ganglions E. To the prevertebral ganglions 180. What is formed a cervical plexus by? A. Eight pair of cervical spinal nerves. B. Four superior cervical spinal nerves, occipital nerve, vagus nerve. C. Superior cervical spinal nerves, accessory nerve. D. * Anterior branches of four superior cervical spinal nerves. E. Anterior branches of superior cervical spinal nerves, hypoglossal nerve. 181. What is function of phrenic nerve? A. Sympathetic. B. Parasympathetic. C. Motor. D. Sensible. E. * Mixed. 182. What is the anterior cover of cervical plexus? A. B. C. D. E. 183. A. B. C. D. E. 184. A. B. C. D. E. 185. A. B. C. D. E. 186. A. B. C. D. E. 187. A. B. C. D. E. 188. A. B. C. D. E. 189. A. B. C. D. E. 190. A. B. C. D. E. * Sternocleidomastoid muscle. Platysma muscle. Skin. Omohyoid muscle. Vascular-nervous cervical bunch. What is the name of mixed nerve of the neck plexus? Vagus Accesorius Intermedius * Diafragmalis Minor occipitalis What is, by the function, nervus diafragmalis? Symphaticus Parasymphaticus Motor Sensor * Mixed What muscle innervated by nervus vagus? M.platisma M. geniohyoideus M.palatopharyngeus M.stylopharyngeus * M.constrictor pharyngis superior What muscle innervated by nervus vagus? M.platisma M. geniohyoideus M.palatopharyngeus M.stylopharyngeus * M.constrictor pharyngis inferior What neurons are presented the ganglions of vagus nerve? By great pyramidal cells. * By pseudounipolar cells. By less pyramidal cells. By middle pyramidal cells. By ganliosus cells. What parts of nervus vagus are distinguished? Cervical,thoracic,abdominal Cervical,thoracic,abdominal,pelvis Cranial,cervical,thoracic,lumbalis * Cranial,cervical,thoracic,abdominal Cranial,cervical,thoracic What plexus do the fibres of vagus nerve go in composition of? In composition of inferior mesenteric In composition of inferior hypogastric * In composition of celiac In composition of cervical In composition of lumbar What structures formed plexus pharingeus? * Branches of n.vagus,glossopharingeus,branches of truncus sympathicus Branches of n.vagus,hypoglosus,glossopharingeus Branches of n.vagus,glossopharingeus,parasympathetic branches Branches of n.vagus,glossopharingeus,hypoglosus,parasympathetic branches Branches of n. trigeminus,glossopharingeus,branches of truncus sympaticus 191. What structures innervate major auricular nerve? Parotid gland Skin,muscles of occipital region * Auricula,external acoustic meatus Muscles of auricular Skin,m.sternocleidomastoideus 192. What structures innervate minor occipital nerve? A. Superficial muscles of occipital region B. * Skin of lateral part of occipital region C. Skin of medial part of occipital region D. Skin of auricle E. External acoustic meatus,acoustic tube 193. What structures innervate nervus phrenicus in thoracic cavity? A. * Pericard,pleura,diaphragm,timus B. Internal and external intercostals muscles C. Heart,lungs,pleura,esophagus D. Bronches,timus,lymphatic nodules of mediastinum E. Esophagus,diaphragm 194. What structures innervate nervus transversus colli A. Muscle platisma of the neck B. Muscles of suprahypoglossal groupe C. Muscles of subhypoglossal groupe D. * Skin of anterior and lateral surface of the neck E. Skin of subclavicular region and muscle platisma 195. What structures innervate supraclavicular nerve? A. Subclavicular muscle B. * Skin on the major pectoralis and deltoideus muscle C. Skin of supraclavicular region D. Deltoideus muscle E. Subscapular muscle 196. What structures of the nervous system refer to the peripheral department of the sympathetic nervous system? A. Cervical and brachial plexus. B. * Right and let sympathetic trunks, intermediate neuroganglions, white and grey connecting branches. C. Lumbar and sacral plexus, spinal nerves, spinal ganglions. D. Vagus nerve, radix of spinal cord, cervical sympathetic ganglions. E. Nucleus of lateral horns of spinal cord of С8 – L2. 197. What terminal branches are the external carotid artery divided on? A. * Superficial temporal, maxillary arteries. B. Superficial temporal, facial arteries. C. Facial, maxillary arteries. D. Facial, lingual arteryies. E. Lingual, occipital arteries 198. Where do skin branches of cervical plexus appear on the neck? A. In the area of intermediate tendon of omohyoid muscle. B. In lower third of anterior edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle. C. * On the middle of posterior edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle. D. In a supraclavicular fossula, near the inferior belly of omohyoid muscle. E. On the middle of length of common carotid artery. 199. Where is a cervical loop disposed. A. Between a common carotid artery and internal jugular vein. B. * On the anterior surface of common carotid artery. C. Between an external carotid artery and internal jugular vein. A. B. C. D. E. D. On the internal jugular vein. E. On the external jugular vein. 200. Where is a cervical plexus disposed? A. At the level of four superior cervical vertebrae between anterior and middle scalene muscles. B. At the level of four inferior cervical vertebrae before prevertebral muscles. C. * At the level of four superior cervical vertebrae on the anterior-lateral surface of deep cervical muscles. D. Under a skin in the lateral cervical triangle. E. Under a omohyoid muscle, in a omo-clavicular triangle. 201. Where is a vagus nerve located in the middle cervical department? A. Between a common carotid artery and ansa cervicalis. B. * Between a common carotid artery and internal jugular vein. C. Between an internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery. D. Between a brachiocephalic trunk and internal jugular vein. E. Between an external jugular vein and external carotid artery. 202. ?Which cranial nerve governs senses aortic blood pressure? A. facial nerve B. * vagus C. accessory D. trigeminal nerve E. glossopharyngeus nerve 203. Which cranial nerve has a ambiguus nucleus within rhomboid fossa? A. trigeminal nerve B. * vagus nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. optic nerve 204. Which cranial nerve has a dorsal (parasympathetic) nucleus within rhomboid fossa? A. trigeminal nerve B. * vagus nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory nerve 205. Which cranial nerve has a solitarius tract nucleus within rhomboid fossa? A. trigeminal nerve B. * vagus nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. hypoglossal nerve E. accessory nerve 206. Which cranial nerve slows heart rate? A. * vagus nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory nerve 207. Which cranial nerve stimulates digestive organs? A. * vagus nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory nerve 208. With what veins make anastomouses vena facialis? A. B. C. D. E. 209. A. B. C. D. E. 210. A. B. C. D. E. 211. A. B. C. D. E. 212. A. B. C. D. E. 213. A. B. C. D. E. 214. A. B. C. D. E. 215. A. B. C. D. E. 216. A. B. C. D. E. 217. Tongue * Ophthalmic fossae Laryngeal Pharyngeal Transvers veins of the neck A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut moving the eyeball aut * moving the eyeball in tears secretion none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in * contraction of ciliaris muscle moving the eyeball down and aut moving the eyeball aut tears secretion none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut moving the eyeball aut closure the eyes tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in * contraction of sphincter pupillae muscle moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes * lifting the upper eyelid tears secretion none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in A. B. C. D. E. 218. A. B. C. D. E. 219. A. B. C. D. E. 220. A. B. C. D. E. 221. A. B. C. D. E. 222. A. B. C. D. E. 223. A. B. C. D. E. 224. A. B. C. D. E. 225. A. B. C. D. E. 226. moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes * moving the eyeball up tears secretion none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut * moving the eyeball down none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion * none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut * moving the eyeball up and aut tears secretion none of these A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes lifting the upper eyelid * moving the eyeball aut tears secretion A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut * moving the eyeball up tears secretion A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut * moving the eyeball down tears secretion A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in A. B. C. D. E. * contraction of sphincter pupillae muscle moving the eyeball down and aut closure the eyes moving the eyeball aut tears secretion 227. A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in A. * contraction of ciliaris muscle B. moving the eyeball down and aut C. closure the eyes D. moving the eyeball aut E. tears secretion 228. A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball down and aut B. closure the eyes C. moving the eyeball aut D. * moving the eyeball in E. tears secretion 229. A lesion of the oculomotor nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball down and aut B. closure the eyes C. moving the eyeball aut D. * moving the eyeball up and aut E. tears secretion 230. A lesion of the trochlear nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball: A. up B. in and up C. down and in D. up and out E. * none of these 231. A lesion of the trochlear nerve would result in weakness in moving the eyeball: A. down B. up C. in and up D. * down and out E. up and out 232. What does give off anterior choroidal arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery 233. What does give off anterior cerebral artery? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery 234. What does give off middle cerebral artery? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. E. basillar artery What does give off posterior communicating arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does pass in carotid triangle? A. * cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery C. petrosus portion portion of internal carotid artery D. vertebral artery E. none of these What does pass through carotid canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. * petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does pass through optic canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion of internal carotid artery C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. none of these What does pass through optic canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery C. petrosus portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * central retinal artery E. none of these What does pass through pyramid of temporal bone? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. * petrosus portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send dorsal nasal arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send lacrimal arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send off anterior ciliary arteries? A. middle cerebral artery B. * ophthalmic artery C. basillar artery D. cervical portion of internal carotid artery E. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery What does send off central retinal arteries? A. middle cerebral artery B. * ophthalmic artery C. basillar artery D. cervical portion of internal carotid artery E. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery 245. What does send off hypophysial arteries? A. middle cerebral artery B. * cavernous portion of internal carotid artery C. basillar artery D. cervical portion of internal carotid artery E. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery 246. What does send supraorbital arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery 247. What does send supratrochlear artery? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery 248. Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the ciliary ganglion? A. trochlear nerve B. * oculomotor nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. optic nerve 249. Which cranial nerve governs eyelid and eyeball movement? A. trochlear nerve B. * oculomotor nerve C. abducens nerve D. facial nerve E. optic nerve 250. Which cranial nerve governs smell? A. trochlear nerve B. oculomotor nerve C. * olfactory nerve D. facial nerve E. optic nerve 251. Which cranial nerve innervates four of the six extraocular muscles (medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique)? A. cranial nerve II B. * cranial nerve III C. cranial nerve IV D. cranial nerve V E. cranial nerve VI 252. Which cranial nerve turns eye downward and laterally? A. * trochlear nerve B. oculomotor nerve C. abducens nerve 244. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. D. facial nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve turns eye laterally? A. oculomotor nerve B. trochlear nerve C. optic nerve D. * abducens E. frontal Which nerves contain postganglionic fibres to the eyeball? A. parasympathetic root B. sympathetic root C. lacrimal nerve D. long ciliary nerve E. * short ciliary nerve Which nerves contain preganglionic fibres to the ciliary ganglion? A. * parasympathetic root B. sympathetic root C. lacrimal nerve D. long ciliary nerve E. short ciliary nerve Which nerves contain preganglionic fibres to the ciliary ganglion? A. * oculomotor nerve B. ophtalmic nerve C. lacrimal nerve D. long ciliary nerve E. short ciliary nerve Which nerves innervate ciliary muscle? A. parasympathetic root B. sympathetic root C. lacrimal nerve D. long ciliary nerve E. * short ciliary nerve Which nerves innervate sphincter pupillae muscle? A. * short ciliary nerve B. long ciliary nerve C. sensory root D. sympathetic root E. lacrimal nerve Which of the following is FALSE with regards to the optic nerve? A. it travels through the middle cranial fossa B. it is surrounded by CSF C. is the ONLY cranial nerve surrounded by cranial meninges D. is responsible for sight E. * none of these Which of the following is FALSE with regards to the optic nerve? A. * it travels through the posterior cranial fossa B. it is surrounded by CSF C. is the ONLY cranial nerve surrounded by cranial meninges D. is responsible for sight E. it joins the optic chiasma Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it innervates inferior rectus muscle B. it innervates levator palpebrae superioris muscle C. it innervates superior rectus muscle 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. D. * it innervates ciliary muscle E. it innervates dilatator pupillae muscle Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it innervates inferior rectus muscle B. * it innervates smooth muscles of the eyeball C. it innervates levator palpebrae superioris muscle D. it innervates superior rectus muscle E. it innervates dilatator pupillae muscle Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it is a sympathetic ganglion B. * it is a parasympathetic ganglion C. it is a sensory ganglion D. it is located in the neck E. it is located in the pterygopalatine fossa Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it is a sympathetic ganglion B. it is a sensory ganglion C. it is located in the neck D. it is located in the pterygopalatine fossa E. * none of these Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it is a sympathetic ganglion B. it is a sensory ganglion C. it is located in the neck D. * it is located in the orbit E. it is located in the pterygopalatine fossa Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it innervates inferior rectus muscle B. it innervates levator palpebrae superioris muscle C. it innervates superior rectus muscle D. * it innervates sphincter pupillae muscle E. it innervates dilatator pupillae muscle Which of the following statements about the ciliary ganglion is true? A. it is a parasympathetic ganglion B. it is located in the orbit C. it innervates sphincter pupillae muscle D. it innervates ciliary muscle E. * all of above Which part of internal carotid artery sends anterior ethmoidal arteries? A. cervical portion B. petrous portion C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. cerebral portion Which part of internal carotid artery sends posterior ethmoidal arteries? A. cervical portion B. petrous portion C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. cerebral portion Which part of internal carotid artery sends posterior ethmoidal arteries? A. cervical portion B. petrous portion C. * ophthalmic artery 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. D. basillar artery E. cerebral portion Which vessel gives off anterior cerebral artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off caroticotympanic artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off middle cerebral artery? A. middle meningeal artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off ophtalmic artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off many braches to form Willis circle artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off posterior communicating artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. inferior tympanic artery E. * internal carotid artery Which vessel supplies frontal and temporal lobes of hemispheres? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel supplies frontal lobes of hemispheres? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel supplies pituatary gland? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery A lesion of the ansa cervicalis nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of platysma B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. * contraction of infrahyoid muscles E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of zygomatic muscles C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of orbicularis oculi muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. * contraction of mentalis muscle B. contraction of masseter muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of platysma muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. * contraction of epicranius muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. * contraction of auricular muscles B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. * closure the mouth B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * none of these C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * compression of the lips C. compression the teeth 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * contraction of stapedius muscle C. lifting the upper eyelid D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of stylohyoid muscle C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle D. compression the teeth E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of depressor anguli oris muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of depressor labii inferioris muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of buccinator muscle C. compression the teeth 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * closure the eyes C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * closure the mouth C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * compression of the lips C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * tears secretion C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * contraction of stapedius muscle C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of stylohyoid muscle C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of buccinator muscle C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of zygomatic muscles C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of orbicularis oculi muscle C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. * contraction of mentalis muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. * contraction of platysma muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * contraction of epicranius muscle A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. * contraction of auricular muscles C. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. compression the teeth D. * contraction of depressor labii inferioris muscle E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of masseter muscle B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. * contraction of depressor anguli oris muscle D. compression the teeth E. protruding the mandible A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * closure the eyes C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of vertical muscle E. none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of transverse muscle E. none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of mylohyoid muscle D. * contraction of inferior longitudinal muscle E. none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of platysma C. contraction of mylohyoid muscle D. * contraction of tongue muscles E. none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of superior longitudinal muscle D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of infrahyoid muscles A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of geniohyoid muscle D. contraction of platysma E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of superior longitudinal muscle E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of vertical muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of transverse muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. * contraction of inferior longitudinal muscle B. contraction of buccinator muscle C. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. contraction of platysma E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. closure the eyes C. lifting the upper eyelid D. * compression the teeth E. contraction of tongue A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of tongue muscles E. * none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of masseter muscle E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of tensor veli palatini muscle D. contraction of tongue muscles E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. D. contraction of tongue muscles E. * none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of mylohyoid muscle D. contraction of tongue muscles E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of lateral pterygoid muscle E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of tongue muscles D. * contraction of medial pterygoid muscle E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. * contraction of temporal muscle C. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. contraction of tongue muscles E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of tensor tympani muscle D. contraction of tongue muscles E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. closure the eyes B. lifting the upper eyelid C. * compression the teeth D. contraction of tongue E. none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. closure the eyes C. lifting the upper eyelid D. contraction of tongue E. * none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of masseter muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. D. * contraction of lateral pterygoid muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of medial pterygoid muscle D. contraction of tongue muscles E. contraction of platysma A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of platysma C. * contraction of temporal muscle D. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of tensor tympani muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of tensor veli palatini muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of tongue muscles E. * none of these Lesser Palatine Nerves and Vessels pass through A. Posterior Nasal Spine B. Palatine Crest C. * Lesser Palatine Foramen D. Sphenopalatine Foramen E. Incissive Fossa Regarding the hypoglossal nerve A. arises from the floor the third ventricle B. is the taste nerve of the tongue C. supplies the submandibular salivary gland D. supplies the sublingual salivary gland E. * none of these Regarding the hypoglossal nerve A. arises from the floor the 3rd ventricle B. is the taste nerve of the tongue C. * supplies all the sternohyoid muscle 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. D. supplies the stylohyoid muscle E. supplies the sublingual salivary gland Regarding the hypoglossal nerve A. arises from the floor the 3rd ventricle B. is the taste nerve of the tongue C. * supplies all the muscles of the tongue D. supplies the stylohyoid muscle E. supplies the sublingual salivary gland The Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Vessels are contents of A. Infraorbital Canal B. Palatine Foramen C. Angle of Mandible D. Mandibular Notch E. * None of these The Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Vessels are contents of A. * Mandibular Canal B. Mental Foramen C. Angle of Mandible D. Mandibular Notch E. None of these Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the pterygopalatine ganglion? A. * facial nerve B. trochlear nerve C. trigeminal nerve D. vestibulocochlear nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the sublingual ganglion? A. trochlear nerve B. * facial nerve C. oculomotor nerve D. vestibulocochlear nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the submandibular ganglion? A. trochlear nerve B. oculomotor nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. * facial nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve controls facial expressions? A. trochlear nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. * facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve controls sternocleidomastoid? A. vagus B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. * accessory nerve Which cranial nerve governs chewing? A. trochlear nerve B. * trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. D. facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve governs face & mouth touch & pain? A. * trigeminal nerve B. trochlear nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve governs secretion of tears & saliva ? A. trochlear nerve B. * facial nerve C. trigeminal nerve D. vestibulocochlear nerve E. optic nerve 1. Which of the nerves is the branch of tympanic plexus? A. R. tubarius; B. N. petrosus major; C. R. sinus carotici; D. Rr. pharyngei; E. Rr. tonsillares. A lesion of the ansa cervicalis nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of platysma B. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. * contraction of infrahyoid muscles E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. * closure the eyes C. lifting the upper eyelid D. compression the teeth E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. * closure the mouth B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth D. protruding the mandible E. none of these A lesion of the facial nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. lifting the upper eyelid C. compression the teeth 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. D. protruding the mandible E. * none of these A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of superior longitudinal muscle E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of vertical muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of transverse muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. * contraction of inferior longitudinal muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. * contraction of geniohyoid muscle C. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. contraction of platysma E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the hypoglossus nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle B. * contraction of infrahyoid muscles C. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. contraction of platysma E. contraction of mylohyoid muscle A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of masseter muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. D. * contraction of lateral pterygoid muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. * contraction of medial pterygoid muscle D. contraction of tongue muscles E. contraction of platysma A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of platysma C. * contraction of temporal muscle D. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of tensor tympani muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of tensor veli palatini muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. contraction of buccinator muscle B. contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. contraction of platysma D. * contraction of mylohyoid muscle E. contraction of tongue muscles A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. moving the eyeball B. closure the eyes C. lifting the upper eyelid D. contraction of tongue E. * none of these A lesion of the trigeminal nerve would result in weakness in A. closure the eyes B. lifting the upper eyelid C. * compression the teeth D. contraction of tongue E. none of these facial nerve A. * vagus B. accessory C. trigeminal nerve D. glossopharyngeus nerve E. vestibulocochlear nerve Lesser Palatine Nerves and Vessels pass through A. Posterior Nasal Spine B. Palatine Crest C. * Lesser Palatine Foramen* 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. D. Sphenopalatine Foramen E. Incissive Fossa Regarding the hypoglossal nerve A. arises from the floor the 3rd ventricle B. is the taste nerve of the tongue C. * supplies all the muscles of the tongue D. supplies the stylohyoid muscle E. supplies the sublingual salivary gland Regarding the hypoglossal nerve A. arises from the floor the 3rd ventricle B. is the taste nerve of the tongue C. * supplies all the sternohyoid muscle D. supplies the stylohyoid muscle E. supplies the sublingual salivary gland Regarding the hypoglossal nerve A. arises from the floor the third ventricle B. is the taste nerve of the tongue C. supplies the submandibular salivary gland D. supplies the sublingual salivary gland E. * none of these The Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Vessels are contents of A. * Mandibular canal B. Mental Foramen C. Angle of Mandible D. Mandibular Notch E. None of these The Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Vessels are contents of A. Infraorbital Canal B. Palatine Foramen C. Angle of Mandible D. Mandibular Notch E. * None of these What does give off anterior choroidal arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does give off anterior cerebral artery? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does give off middle cerebral artery? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does give off posterior communicating arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. * cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does pass in carotid triangle? A. * cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery C. petrosus portion portion of internal carotid artery D. vertebral artery E. none of these What does pass in carotid triangle? A. subclavian artery B. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery C. petrosus portion portion of internal carotid artery D. vertebral artery E. * none of these What does pass through carotid canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. * petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does pass through optic canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion of internal carotid artery C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. none of these What does pass through optic canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery C. petrosus portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * central retinal artery E. none of these What does pass through optic canal? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery C. petrosus portion portion of internal carotid artery D. external carotid artery E. * none of these What does pass through pyramid of temporal bone? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. * petrosus portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion of internal carotid artery D. ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send dorsal nasal arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send lacrimal arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send off anterior ciliary arteries? A. middle cerebral artery B. * ophthalmic artery C. basillar artery D. cervical portion of internal carotid artery E. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery What does send off central retinal arteries? A. middle cerebral artery B. * ophthalmic artery C. basillar artery D. cervical portion of internal carotid artery E. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery What does send off hypophysial arteries? A. middle cerebral artery B. * cavernous portion of internal carotid artery C. basillar artery D. cervical portion of internal carotid artery E. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery What does send supraorbital arteries? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery What does send supratrochlear artery? A. cervical portion of internal carotid artery B. petrous portion portion of internal carotid artery C. cerebral portion portion of internal carotid artery D. * ophthalmic artery E. basillar artery Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the pterygopalatine ganglion? A. trochlear nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. * facial nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the sublingual ganglion? A. trochlear nerve B. oculomotor nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. * facial nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve carries impulses to the submandibular ganglion? A. trochlear nerve B. oculomotor nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. * facial nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve controls facial expressions? A. trochlear nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. D. * facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve controls sternocleidomastoid? A. vagus B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. * accessory nerve Which cranial nerve exits the skull base at the jugular foramen? A. cranial nerve VIII B. * cranial nerve IX C. cranial nerve XII D. cranial nerve VII E. cranial nerve VI Which cranial nerve exits the skull base at the jugular foramen? A. cranial nerve V B. cranial nerve XII C. cranial nerve VII D. cranial nerve VI E. * none of above Which cranial nerve governs chewing? A. trochlear nerve B. * trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve governs equillibrium sensation? A. trochlear nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. * vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve governs face & mouth touch & pain? A. trochlear nerve B. * trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve governs hearing sensation? A. trochlear nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. * vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory Which cranial nerve governs secretion of tears & saliva ? A. trochlear nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. * facial nerve E. optic nerve Which cranial nerve governs taste? A. CN1 and CN7 B. * CN7 and CN9 C. CN5 and CN7 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. D. CN5 and CN12 E. CN9 and CN12 Which cranial nerve slows heart rate? A. * vagus nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory nerve Which cranial nerve stimulates digestive organs? A. * vagus nerve B. trigeminal nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve D. facial nerve E. accessory nerve Which part of internal carotid artery sends anterior ethmoidal arteries? A. cervical portion B. petrous portion C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. cerebral portion Which part of internal carotid artery sends posterior ethmoidal arteries? A. cervical portion B. petrous portion C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. cerebral portion Which part of internal carotid artery sends posterior ethmoidal arteries? A. cervical portion B. petrous portion C. * ophthalmic artery D. basillar artery E. cerebral portion Which vessel gives off anterior cerebral artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off caroticotympanic artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off middle cerebral artery? A. middle meningeal artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery Which vessel gives off ophtalmic artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery 442. Which vessel gives off many braches to form Willis circle artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. internal carotid artery E. * inferior tympanic artery 443. Which vessel gives off posterior communicating artery? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. inferior tympanic artery E. * internal carotid artery 444. Which vessel supplies frontal lobes of hemispheres? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. internal carotid artery E. * inferior tympanic artery 445. Which vessel supplies frontal nand temporal lobes of hemispheres? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery 446. Which vessel supplies pituatary gland? A. superior thyroid artery B. external carotid artery C. anterior tympanic artery D. * internal carotid artery E. inferior tympanic artery 447. Atrioventricular node is supplied by: A. * Right coronary artery. B. Left coronary artery. C. Anterior coronary artery. D. Posterior coronary artery. E. Circumflex artery. 448. Boundary of what structures is coronary groove? A. * Between atriums and ventricles. B. Between atriums and heard apex. C. Between atriums and base of the heart. D. Between atriums and lateral surface of the heart. E. Between atriums and diaphragmatic surface of the heart. 449. Boundary of what structures on the heart surface is anterior and posterior interventricular grooves? A. * Right and left ventricles. B. Right and left atrium. C. Right atrium and right ventricle. D. Right atrium and left ventricle. E. Left atrium and right ventricle. 450. Bronchial veins of the right side open into: A. * Azygos vein. B. Superior vena cava. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. C. Hemiazygos vein. D. Brachiocephalic vein E. None of the above. Conduction velocity is maximum in: A. SA node. B. AV node. C. * Bundle of His. D. Right ventricle. E. Left ventriclE. Continuation of what structure is vena azygos? A. Posterior intercostalis. B. Left ascendens lumbalis. C. Inferior diaphragmatic. D. Superior diaphragmatic. E. * Right ascendens lumbalis. Continuation of what structure is vena hemiaxygos? A. Left ascendens lumbalis. B. Right ascendens lumbalis. C. Superior diaphragmatic. D. Inferior diaphragmatic. E. * Posterior intercostalis. Coronary sinus opens into: A. * Right atrium. B. Inferior vena cava. C. Left atrium. D. Great cardiac vein. E. Lesser cardiac vein. First heart sound is usually clearly heard on ventral surface of chest at A. 1st intercostals space to right of sternum. B. 2nd intercostals space to right of sternum. C. 2nd intercostals space toleft of sternum. D. * 5th intercostals space to left of sternum. E. 5th intercostals space to right of sternum. From what structure fossa ovalis created? A. Venose sinus opening. B. Vena cava superior opening. C. Vena cava inferior opening. D. * Remnant of foramen ovale. E. Vena cava inferior and venose sinus openins. From what structures tendinous cord starts? A. Interseptal papillar muscles. B. Frontal papillar muscles. C. Posterior papillar muscles. D. * From papillar muscles. E. Frontal and posterior papillar muscles. How many aortic sinuses are? A. Four. B. Two. C. * Three. D. Two or three. E. FivE. How many chambers heart have? A. * Four. B. Three. C. Five. D. Six. E. Two. 460. How many cuspes have left atrioventricular valve? A. Three or two. B. Three. C. Four. D. * Two. E. Five. 461. How many cusps have right atrioventricular valve? A. Two. B. * Three. C. Four. D. Two or three. E. Three or four. 462. How many openings have left atrium? A. Four. B. Two. C. Three. D. * Five. E. Two or three. 463. How many openings have left atrium? A. Four. B. Two. C. Three. D. * No right answer. E. Two or three. 464. In what part of mediastinum heart can be find ? A. Left. B. Right. C. Superior. D. * Middle-inferior E. Inferior. 465. Indicate a groove between the ventricles on the diaphragmatic surface of the heart.Mentioned above structure contains the middle cardiac vein. A. Sulcus terminalis. B. * Posterior interventricular sulcus. C. Anterior interventricular sulcus. D. Oblique fissure. E. Horizontal fissure. 466. Indicate a ridgle of cardiac muscle separating the smooth sinus venarum posteriorly from the roughened wall of the primitive atrium anteriorly. The sinuatrial node lies within the superior end of the mentioned above structure. A. Chordae tendineae. B. Cupula indicate. C. * Crista terminalis. D. Fossa ovaalis. E. Coronary sulcus. 467. Indicate a shallow depression in the left wall of the right atrium.Mentioned above structure is the remnant of some foramen which provided an open communication between the right atrium and left atrium in the fetus. A. Coronary sulcus. B. * Fossa ovalis. C. Crista terminalis. D. Oblique fissure. E. Carina. 468. Indicate a small, nipple-like projection of cardiac muscle located within the ventricles.Mentioned structure attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves via chordaae tendinea and act to keep the valve cusps from prolapsing under systolic blood pressure. A. Carina. B. Crista terminalis. C. * Pappilary muscles. D. Trabeculae carnae. E. Pectinate muscles. 469. Indicate part of the conduction system of the heart.This structure is located in the wall of the right atrium above the opening of the coronary sinus and the septal cusp of the tricuspid valve. A. Fossa ovalis. B. Sinuatrial node. C. Chorda tendinae. D. Atrioventricular bundle. E. * Atrioventricular node. 470. Indicate small appendage that projects anteriorly from the atrium paired ,one on each atrium. A. Cupula. B. Crista terminalis. C. * Auricle. D. Ligamentum arteriosum. E. Semilunal valves. 471. Indicate the superior aspect of heart.Mentioned above structure is where the aorta,pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava exit/enter the heart. A. Apex. B. * Base. C. Fossa ovalis. D. Chorda tendinea. E. Crista terminalis. 472. Indicate thin connective tissue cords that attch the atrioventricular valve cusps to the papillary muscles.Mentioned above structures are found only in the ventricles,not in the atriums. A. * Chorda tendinea. B. Crista terminalis. C. Cupula. D. Oblique fissure. E. Horizontal fissure. 473. Left and right parts of the heart connect together ? A. Partly. B. Yes. C. Yes and no. D. * No. E. Periodically. 474. Left coronary artery supplies all exept: A. SA node. B. Apex of heart. C. Anterior 1/3 of septum. D. Left ventriclE. E. * Posterior 1/3 of septum. 475. Name a fibrous cord of connective tissue that connects the left pulmonary artery near its origin with the undersurface of the aortic arch.Mentioned above structure is a remnant of the ductus arteriosus,the left recurrent laryngeal nerve passes beneath it. A. Chorda tendinea. B. * Ligamentum arteriosum. C. Crista terminalis. D. Cupula. E. Horizontal fissure. 476. Name artery that supplies blood arterial part of the heart,2/3 of the interventricular septum. A. * Left coronary artery. B. Right coronary artery. C. Interventricular artery. D. Circumflex artery. E. Posterior interventricular artery. 477. Name concavity or notch along anterior border of left lung that separate lingual below from upper portion of superior lobe of left lung. A. Coronary sulcus. B. Pulmonary notch. C. Fossa ovalis. D. Cupula. E. * Cardiac notch. 478. Name groove between the ventricles on the front surface of the heart.Mentioned above structure contains the great cardiac vein. A. Sulcus terminalis. B. Oblique fissure. C. Horizontal fissurE. D. * Anterior interventricular sulcus. E. Posterior interventricular sulcus. 479. Name heart valve located between the left atrium and the left ventriclE. A. Aortic valve. B. * Mitral valve. C. Semilunar valve. D. Right atrioventricular valvE. E. Trabeculae carnae. 480. Name prominent ridges of myocardium located on the inner surface of the right atrium.Mentioned structures are very pronounced in the right atrium and in both auricles. A. Crista terminalis. B. Carina. C. Trabeculae carnae. D. * Pectinate muscles. E. Pappilary muscles. 481. Name the chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation (body).Mentioned above structure forms the right margin of the heart,it receives blood from the superior vena cava and coronary sinus. A. Left atrium. B. * Right atrium. C. Auricle. D. Right ventricle. E. Left ventriclE. 482. Name the chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonic circulation (lungs) .Mentioned above structure is located on the posterior aspect of the heart,it receives blood from the pulmonary veins. A. * Left atrium. B. Left ventricle. C. Right ventricle. D. Right atrium. E. Auricle. 483. Name the groove on the surface of the heart that separates atria from the ventricles. A. Crista terminalis B. Horizontal fissure. C. * Coronary sulcus. D. Oblique fissure. E. Chorda tendinea 484. Name tip of the left ventricle of the heart.Mentioned structure of the heart is located 3" to the left of midline at the level of the 5th intercostals space. A. Base. B. Ovalis. C. * Apex. D. Atrioventricular bundle. E. Atrioventricular node. 485. On the level of what cartilage vena cava superior fall into right atrium? A. Third left cartilage. B. Second right cartilage. C. First right cartilage. D. * Third right cartilage. E. Second left cartilage. 486. On what branches left coronary artery divide? A. Posterior circumflex. B. Anterior interventricular. C. Posterior interventricular. D. Anterior circumflex. E. * Anterior interventricular and circumflex . 487. On what level thoracic part of aorta locate? A. 6-th thoracic vertebra. B. 5-th thoracic vertebra. C. * 4-th thoracic vertebra. D. 7-th cervical vertebra. E. 6-th cervicalvertebra. 488. Posterior interventricular artery is a branch the artery: A. Circumflex. B. Left coronary. C. * Right coronary. D. Anterior interventricular. E. None of the above. 489. The first branch from the aortic arch is the: A. Left common carotid artery. B. Right common carotid artery. C. Left subclavian artery. D. * Brachiocephalic trunk. E. Right subclavian artery. 490. The junction of what structures brachiocephalic veins are create? A. Internal jugular and groin. B. C. D. E. 491. A. B. C. D. E. 492. A. B. C. D. E. 493. A. B. C. D. E. 494. A. B. C. D. E. 495. A. B. C. D. E. 496. A. B. C. D. E. 497. A. B. C. D. E. 498. A. B. C. D. Internal and external jugular. Internal jugular and anterior jugular. * Internal jugular and subclavial. Subclavial and external jugular. The junction of what structures vena cava superior is create? * Right and left brachiocephalic. Right brachiocephalic and internal jugular. Left brachiocephalic and internal jugular. Left brachiocephalic and subclavial. Internal jugular and subclavial. The left coronary artery: Has a branch that commonly anastomoses with a branch of the right coronary in the coronary sulcus. Has a branch that commonly anastomoses with the branch of the right coronary in the interventricular sulcus. Is short in that soon after its origin it bifurcates into the anterior interventricular and circumflex arteries. Passes anterior to the pulmonary trunk. * All correct answers. The second branch from the aortic arch is the: Brachiocephalic trunk. * Left common carotid artery. Right common carotid artery. Left subclavian artery. Right subclavian artery. The third branch of the aortic arch is the: * Left subclavian artery. Left common carotid artery. Right common carotid artery. Brachiocephalic trunk. Right subclavian artery. What chambers of the heart do you know? One ventricle and one atrium. One atrium and one ventricle. One atrium and two ventricles. * Two atriums and two ventricles. One ventricle and two atriums. What closing opening to the thoracic trunk? Aortic valvE. * Pulmonary trunk valve. Left atrioventricular valve. Right atrioventricular valve. Conus arteriosus. What connect together left and right inter ventricular grooves? * Cutting of heart apex. Heart apex. Base of the heart. Lateral surface. Paramedical surface. What forms duplicate of endocardium? Flaps of coronary sinus. Valves. Flaps of vena cava superior. Flaps of vena cava inferior. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. E. * Valves,flaps of vena cava and coronary sinus. What groove passing on the lower surface of the heart? A. Frontal interventricular. B. * Back interventricular. C. Lateral interventricular. D. Frontal interauricular. E. Middle interventricular. What is approximate weight of the heart? A. 200-300. B. 200-250. C. * 250-300. D. 300-350. E. 350-400. What is epicardium? A. Parietal and visceral plates of heart covering. B. Parietal plate of pericardium. C. * Visceral plate of pericardium. D. Fibrous plate of pericardium. E. Fibrous and serous part of pericardium. What is the endocardium made of? A. Smooth musculature. B. Serous membrane. C. Mucous membrane. D. * Epithelial membrane. E. Skeletal musculature. What is the epicardium made of? A. * Serous membrane. B. Smooth musculature. C. Striated musculature. D. Epithelial membrane. E. Mucous membrane. What is the function of parasymphatic innervation? A. Accelerate heart rhythm. B. Decelerate heart rhythm. C. Constrict coronary vessels. D. * Decelerate heart rhythm constrict coronary vessels. E. Dilate coronary vessels. What is the function of symphatic innervations? A. * Accelerate heart rhythm,dilate coronary vessels. B. Accelerate heart rhythm. C. Dilate coronary vessels. D. Constrict coronary vessels. E. Decelerate heart rhythm. What is the myocardium made of? A. Serous membrane. B. Smooth musculature. C. * Striated musculature. D. Epithelial membrane. E. Mucous membrane. What is the name of endocardium fold beside coronary opening? A. Two. B. * Flip of coronary sinus C. Four. D. Two or three. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. E. Three or four. What is the name of frontal surface of the heart? A. * Thoracicocostal. B. Thoracic. C. Pulmonary. D. Costal. E. Back. What is the name of lower bigger part of interventricular septum? A. Frontal mammary muscles. B. * Muscular. C. Back mammary muscles. D. Septal mammary muscles. E. Frontal and back mammary muscles. What is the name of lower part of the heart? A. Basck. B. Thoracic. C. Pulmonary. D. Costal. E. * Diaphragmatic. What is the name of smaller upper part of interventricular septum? A. * Membranous. B. Aortic valve. C. Left atrioventricular valve. D. Right atrioventricular valve. E. Conus arteriosus. What is the name of transversal groove on the heart surface? A. Lateral. B. Frontal. C. Back. D. * Coronary. E. Posterior. What layer does pericardium contain? A. * Serous membrane. B. Smooth musculature. C. Striated musculature. D. Epithelial membrane. E. Mucous membrane. What pass along lower border of opening of vena cava inferior? A. On the external suface of the auricle. B. * Flap of the vena cava inferior. C. On the external surface ofleft auricle. D. On internal surface of left auricle. E. Beside sinus of vena cava. What structure covers endocardium? A. Cavity of the left ventricle. B. Cavity of the right ventricle. C. Cavity of the right atrium. D. * Internal cavity of the heart. E. Cavity of the left atrium. What structure covers epicardium? A. * Heart from outside,beginning parts of aorta and pulmonary trunk, terminal parts of vena cava and pulmonary veins. B. AortA. C. Pulmonary trunk. D. Vena cava superior and inferior. E. Pulmonary veins. 517. What structure innervate heart? A. Anterior truncus of n.vagus. B. Nervus vagus. C. Truncus simpaticus. D. Posterior truncus of n.vagus. E. * Nervus vagus and truncus simpaticus. 518. What structure locate on interauricular septum? A. Oval chanal. B. * Oval fossA. C. Oval opening. D. Right auricle. E. Left auricle. 519. What structure separate atriums between one and another? A. Left auricle. B. Interventricular septum. C. * Interatrial septum. D. Left and right auricles. E. Right auricle. 520. What structure separate myocardium of atriums from myocardium of ventricles? A. * Fibrous ring. B. Right fibrous trigonous. C. Left fibrous trigonous. D. Septal part. E. Fibrous tisues. 521. What structures supply superior diaphragmatic arteries? A. Transversal part of diaphragm. B. Pleura. C. Thoracic part of diaphragm. D. Costal part of diaphragm. E. * Lumbal part of diaphragm. 522. What vessel do not start from thoracic aorta? A. Posterior intercostals arteries. B. * Anterior intercostals arteries. C. Superior phrenic arteries. D. Mediastinal arteries. E. Bronchial arteries. 523. What vessel do not start from thoracic aorta? A. Posterior intercostals arteries. B. * Pulmonary arteries. C. Superior phrenic arteries. D. Mediastinal arteries. E. Bronchial arteries. 524. What vessel do not start from thoracic aorta? A. Posterior intercostals arteries. B. * Internal thoracic arteries. C. Superior phrenic arteries. D. Mediastinal arteries. E. Bronchial arteries. 525. What vessel do not start from thoracic aorta? A. Posterior intercostals arteries. B. * Brachiocephalic artery. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. C. Superior phrenic arteries. D. Mediastinal arteries. E. Bronchial arteries. What vessel do not start from thoracic aorta? A. Posterior intercostals arteries. B. * Coronary arteries. C. Superior phrenic arteries. D. Mediastinal arteries. E. Bronchial arteries. What vessel spring from thoracic aorta? A. * Oesophageal artery. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Left common carotid artery. D. Right common carotid artery. E. Left subclavian artery. What vessel spring from thoracic aorta? A. * Pericardial arteries. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Left common carotid artery. D. Right common carotid artery. E. Left subclavian artery. What vessel spring from thoracic aorta? A. * Bronchial arteries. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Left common carotid artery. D. Right common carotid artery. E. Left subclavian artery. What vessel spring from thoracic aorta? A. * Mediastinal arteries. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Left common carotid artery. D. Right common carotid artery. E. Left subclavian artery. What vessel spring from thoracic aorta? A. * Posterior intercostals arteries. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Left common carotid artery. D. Right common carotid artery. E. Left subclavian artery. What vessel spring from thoracic aorta? A. * Superior phrenic arteries. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Left common carotid artery. D. Right common carotid artery. E. Left subclavian artery. What vessels does not start from thoracic aorta? A. * Inferior phrenic arteries. B. Posterior intercostals arteries. C. Superior phrenic arteries. D. Mediastinal arteries. E. Bronchial arteries. Whatb is the name of lateral surface of the heart? A. Thoracic. B. * Pulmonary. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. C. Diaphragmatic. D. Costal. E. Posterior. Where final branches of conductive system bundle of His finished? A. In myocardium of atriums. B. * In myocardium of ventricles. C. In myocardium of right ventricle. D. In myocardium of left ventricle E. In muscle part of interventricular septum. Where in the left atrium comb-shaped muscles located? A. In the auricle of right atrium. B. In the auricles of right and left atriums. C. * In the auricle of left atrium. D. Beside openings of pulmonary veins. E. Beside valve of oval opening. Where left coronary artery located? A. Right auricle. B. Between beginning of pulmonary trunk. C. Left auricle. D. * Between beginning of pulmonary trunk and left auricle. E. Between left and right auricles. Where longitudinal arterial ring of the heart located? A. On the cutting of heart apex. B. In the coronary groove. C. In the back interventricular groove. D. In the front interventriculal groove. E. * In the interventricular grooves. Where on the wall of right atrium comb-sharped muscles located? A. * On the internal part of auricle and adjoin area. B. Muscle and membraneous. C. Membraneous. D. Tendineous. E. Vascular. Where thoracic part of aorta located? A. In front mediastinum. B. * In back mediastinum. C. In middle- down mediastinum. D. In front-down mediastinum. E. Between internal and transversal muscles of the chest. Where vena cava superior is formed? A. In front join cartilage of the first rib with sternum. B. * Behind join cartilage of the first rib with sternum. C. Behind join cartilage second rib with sternum. D. Behind join cartilage first rib with clavicle. E. Behind join of the clavicle and sternum. Which does not drain into the coronary sinus? A. Great cardiac vein. B. * Anterior cardiac veins. C. Small cardiac vein. D. Middle cardiac vein. E. Posterior vein. Which is true about coronary sinus? A. * Drains into right atrium. B. Developed from right anterior cardiac vein. C. Venae cardiae minimi drains into it. D. Drains into inferior vena cava E. Drains into superior vena cava. 544. Which of these veins drains blood from the posterior thoracic wall,and delivers blood to the superior vena cava? A. Axillary vein. B. Basilic vein. C. * Azygos vein. D. Internal jugular vein. E. External jugular vein. 545. With what organ make crossing aorta in the chest? A. Bronchus. B. Trachea. C. * Esophagus. D. Vena hemiazygos. E. Vena azygos. 546. With what structure right coronary artery anastomosed? A. Left coronary artery. B. Back interventricular branch. C. Front interventricular branch. D. * Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery. E. Left coronary artery and front interventricular artery. 547. Which nodes belong to visceral thoracic group? A. Tracheobronchial nodes. B. Phrenic nodes. C. Prepericardial nodes. D. Prevertebral nodes. E. * Paraesophageal nodes. 548. From where go out middle suprarenal artery? A. Arteria renalis. B. Superior mesenteric artry. C. Inferior mesenteric artery. D. * Abdominal part of aorta. E. Inferior diaphragmatic artery. 549. Between what muscles intercostals nerves locate? A. * Between external and internal intercostals. B. Between external and subcostal. C. Between external and transversal. D. Between internal and subcostal. E. Between internal and muscles levator ribs. 550. Branches of what arteries supply blood to greate omentum? A. A. gastroepiploica sinistra. B. A. gastroepiploica dextra. C. * Both of above. D. A. hepatica propria. E. A. hepatica communis. 551. Branches of what arteries supply blood to the pancreas gland? A. A. lienalis. B. Superior gastroduodenalis. C. * Superior gastroduodenalis and lienalis. D. Superior mesenteric. E. Hepatic communis. 552. From what lymphatic nodes lymph flow out of bronches and trachea? A. Right tracheobronchial. B. C. D. E. Superior trcheobronchial. Left tracheobronchial. Inferior tracheobronchial. * From all above. 553. From what nodes of truncus symphathicus go out branches of greater splanchnic nerve? A. 5-6. B. 5-7. C. 5-8. D. * 5-9. E. 7-10. 554. From what nodes of truncus symphathicus go out branches of lesser splanchnic nerve? A. 5-6. B. 5-7. C. 5-8. D. * 10-11. E. 7-10. 555. From what organ can flow lymph directly to the truncus lymphaticus? A. Heart. B. Thymus. C. * Esophagus. D. Pharynx. E. Kidney. 556. From what structures develop lymphatic system? A. Ectoderm. B. Mesoderm and endoderm. C. Endoderm. D. * MesenchimE. E. Ectoderm and endoderm. 557. From what trunks right ductus lymphaticus formed? A. Right and left subclavicular trunks. B. Right jugular,left bronchomediastinal trunks. C. * Right subclavicular and jugular,right bronchomediastinal trunks. D. Right and left lumbal trunks. E. Right bronchmediastinal,right subclavicular. 558. From where go nerves to the thymus gland? A. From thoracocervical node truncus symphaticus. B. From first thoracic node truncus symphaticus. C. From second thoracic node truncus symphaticus. D. * From left and right vagus nerves,superior thoracic nodes truncus symphaticus. E. From right nervus vagus. 559. From where go out inferior suprarenalis artery? A. * Renalis artery. B. Superior mesenteric artery. C. Inferior mesenteric artery. D. Inferior diaphragmatic artery. E. Arteria testicularis. 560. From where go out right gastric artery? A. Hepatic communis. B. * Hepatic propria. C. Lienalis. D. Pancreatic. E. Left gastric. From where go out superior suprarenalis artery? A. Superior diaphragmatic. B. * Inferior diaphragmatic. C. Visceral part of aorta. D. Renalis artery. E. Superior mesenteric artery. 562. How forme thoracocervicalis node? A. * Connection of inferior cervical node with superior thoracic node. B. Connection of inferior cervical node with superior cervical node. C. Connection of inferior cervical node with middle cervical node. D. Connection of inferior cervical node with second thoracic node. E. Connection of inferior cervical node with third thoracic node. 563. ?How many arteries supply the stomac? A. * 5. B. 1. C. 2. D. 3. E. 4. 564. How many lymphatic ducts are in the human body? A. * Two. B. Six. C. Eleven. D. Three. E. Seven. 565. How many nodes consist thoracic part truncus symphaticus? A. 11 pair. B. * 10-12 pair. C. 10 pair. D. 8-10 pair. E. 9-10 pair. 566. In what direction flow lymph? A. From heart to tissues. B. From lymphatic duct to tissues. C. * From tissues to heart. D. From lymphatic vessels to tissues. E. No special direction. 567. Indicate artery that gives off branches to liver and lesser curvature of the stomac? A. * Proper hepatic. B. Common hepatic. C. Superior mesenteric. D. Right hepatic. E. Left hepatic. 568. Indicate artery that has following branches/:right gastric artery, right and left hepatic arteries? A. * Proper hepatic. B. Common hepatic. C. Right hepatic. D. Left hepatic. E. Prevent breakdown of foreing antigens. 569. Indicate artery that supply blood to cecum,apeendix,terminal portion of the ileum? A. Common iliac. 561. B. C. D. E. * Ileocolic. Mesenteric. External iliac. Internal iliac. 570. Indicate artery that supply blood to right lobe of the liver and part of the caudate lobe of the liver? A. Celiac trunk. B. Common hepatic. C. Proper hepatic. D. Left hepatic. E. * Right hepatic. 571. Indicate artery that supply blood to the left lobe of the liver, quadrate lobe of the liver, part of the caudate lobe of the liver? A. Right hepatic. B. Proper hepatic. C. * Left hepatic. D. Common hepatic. E. Mesenteric. 572. Indicate artery that supply blood to the liver, upper parts of duodenum, upper parts of the pancreas, right side of the stomach? A. Gastroduodenal. B. Left hepatic. C. Proper hepatic. D. * Common hepatic. E. Right hepatic. 573. Indicate lymph nodes that are from 2 to 5 in number and located along the course of the brachiocephalic vessels and aorta? A. * Anterior mediastinal nodes. B. Anterior jugular nodes. C. Parasternal nodes. D. Posterior mediastinal nodes. E. Prepericardial nodes. 574. Indicate lymph nodes that drain intercostals space and posteriolateral thoracic wall? A. External jugular nodes. B. * Intercostals nodes. C. Hilar nodes. D. Infraclavicular nodes. E. Prepericardial nodes. 575. Lymph nodes located along azygos vein and esophagus; mentioned nodes drain to thethoracic duct? A. Parasternal nodes. B. * Posterior mediastinal nodes. C. Anterior mediastinal nodes. D. Anterior jugular nodes. E. Prepericardial nodes. 576. Lymph nodes: A. * Have germinal centers where lymphocytes divide. B. Contain red and white pulp. C. Filter the blood. D. Are attached to blood vessels. E. Pump lymph toward the heart. 577. Name artery that supplies blood to the testis,epididimis,lower part of the ductus deferens,ureter? A. B. C. D. E. Pudental. Umbilical. * Testicular. Sural. Genicular. 578. Name lymph nodesa that are located along the cephalic vein in the deltopectoral groove? A. Prepericardial nodes. B. Internal iliac nodes. C. Intercostals nodes. D. * Infraclavicular nodes. E. Tracheobronchial nodes. 579. On what level arteria mesenterica inferior go out from abdominal part of aorta? A. L2. B. L1. C. * L3. D. L4. E. TH12. 580. On what level arteria renalis go out from abdominal part of aorta? A. L2. B. L3. C. * L1. D. TH11. E. Th12. 581. On what level ductus thoracic start? A. C5-C7. B. TH5-TH7. C. * TH11-L2. D. L1-L2. E. L3-L5. 582. On what level truncus celiacus go out from abdominal part of aorta? A. TH11. B. L1. C. * TH12. D. L2. E. L3. 583. The artery that supply blood to the stomach,liverand spleen is the: A. Inferior phrenic. B. * Celiac trunk. C. Inferior mesenteric. D. Posterior intercostals. E. Superior mesenteric. 584. The artery that supplyes blood to the small intestine and upper portion of the colon is the: A. * Superior mesenteric artery. B. Celiac trunk. C. Common iliac artery. D. Inferior mesenteric artery. E. Posterior intercostals artery. 585. The thymus: A. * Decreases in size in older adults. B. Produses neutrophils that move to other tissues. C. Responds to foreing substances in the blood. D. Produces a hormone called lymphopathin. E. All of these. 586. The tonsils that are reffered to as “the tonsils” are the: A. Lingual tonsils. B. Pyloric tonsils. C. * Palatine tonsils. D. Pharyngeal tonsils. E. Splenic tonsils. 587. Thoracic duct is formed with: A. Subclavian trunks. B. Bronchomediastinal trunks. C. Intestinal trunks. D. Jugular trunks. E. * Lumbal trunks. 588. To the structure of what plexus get into greater and lesser splanchnic nerves.? A. Aotic. B. * Splanchnic. C. Renalis. D. Inferior mesenteric. E. Pelvicalis. 589. To what lymphatic nodes collecting lymph from esophagus and lungs? A. Superior esophageus. B. * Paraesophageus. C. Inferior esophageus. D. Lateral pericardialis. E. Pericardialis. 590. To what part of spleen comes arteria lienalis? A. * To the gate. B. To the visceral surface. C. To diaphragmatic surface. D. To gastric surface. E. To renalis surface. 591. To what veins flow blood from thymus gland? A. To right brachiocephalic. B. * To brachiocephalic,internal thoracic veins. C. To internal thoracic veins. D. To left brachiocephalic vein. E. To frontal intercostals veins. 592. What arteries anastomose on the big curve of the stomac? A. * Right gastroepiploic and left gastroepiploic arteries. B. Right gastroepiploic and left gastric artery. C. Left gastroepiploic and a. lienalis. D. Left gastroepiploic and right gastric artery. E. Left and right gastric arteries. 593. What arteries anastomose on the small curve of the stomac? A. Short gastric artery and right gastric artery. B. * Short gastric artery and left gastric artery. C. Right and left gastric artery. D. Right gastric and A. cystic. E. Right gastric and A. lienalis. 594. What arteries give blood supply to the larynx? A. Superior laryngeal. B. * Superior and inferior laryngeal. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. C. Inferior laryngeal. D. Bronchial. E. Tracheal. What artery supply blood to the big curve of stomac? A. Left gastroepiploica. B. * Right gastric. C. Left gastric. D. Pancreatic arteries. E. Short gastric arteries. What artery supply blood to the duodenum? A. A. lienalis. B. * Superior gastroduodenalis artery. C. Common gastric artery. D. Right gastroepiploic artery. E. Left gastroepiploic artery. What artery supply blood to the stomac? A. * Right gastric artery. B. Hepatic propria artery. C. A. lienalis. D. A. epiploica. E. A. esophageal. What artery supply gallbladder? A. A. hepatica propria. B. A. hepatica communis. C. * A. cystica. D. A. lienalis. E. A. epiploica. What blood supply have thymus gland? A. * Internal thoracic artery,truncus brachiocephalic,arch of aortA. B. Truncus brachiocephalic. C. Arch of aorta. D. Internal thoracic artery. E. Anterior intercostals arteries. What branches truncus celiacus divide on? A. A. gastrica sinistra. B. A. lienalis. C. A. hepatic communis. D. * AA. gastrica sinistra,lienalis,hepatic communis. E. Superior mesenteric. What inervation have larynx? A. Pharingo-laringeal branches truncus symphaticus. B. Superior laryngeal nerve. C. Inferior laryngeal nerve. D. * Laryngeal brancher of nervus vagusand pharingo-laryngeal branches of truncus symphaticus. E. Branches of nervus recurrent. What innervations have pericard? A. Branches of diaphragmatic nerve. B. Branches of nervus vagus. C. * Branches of diaphragmatic and vagus nerves,branches of truncus symphaticus. D. Cardiocervicalis nerves. E. Cardiothoracic nerves. What is the name of anterior branche 12 thoracic nerve? A. B. C. D. E. 604. A. B. C. D. E. 605. A. B. C. D. E. 606. A. B. C. D. E. 607. A. B. C. D. E. 608. A. B. C. D. E. 609. A. B. C. D. E. 610. A. B. C. D. E. 611. A. B. C. D. E. 612. * Subcostal nerve. Intercostals nerve. Lateral thoracic branch. Paramedical thoracic branch. Brachiointercostal nerve. What lymphatic vessel locate in posterior mediastinum? Left jugular trunk. Right lymphatic duct. Suclavicular trunk. Right lumbal trunk. * Ductus thoracic. What nerves make parasymphathetic and sensitive innervations of lungs? Pulmonal branches of nervus vagus. * Bronchial branches of nervus vagus. Esophageal branches of nervus vagus. Mediastinal branches of nervus vagus. Cardial branches of nervus vagus. What nerves make symphathetic innervations of the lungs? Thoracobronchial branches of truncus symphaticus. * Thracopulmonal branches of truncus symphaticus. Thoracopulmonal branches of nervus vagus. Thoracobronchial branches of nervus vagus. Mediastinal branches of truncus symphticus. What of lymphatic vessels is the biggest in the human body? Truncus jugularis. Bronchomediastinal trunk. * Ductus thoracic. Right lymphatic duct. Subclavicular duct. Where brachiocephalic nodes locate? * Near brachiocephalic veins. Near internal jugular vein. Near vena cava superior. Near subclavian vein. Near venous angle. Where efferent vessels of thoracic lymphatic nodes open? Right bronchopulmonalis trunk. Left bronchopulmonalis trunk. Right ductus lymphaticus. * Left and right bronchopulmonalis trunk. Truncus lymphaticus. Where lymph flow out from abdominal cavity? * Ductus thoracic. Right bronchmediastinal trunk. Left bronchomediastinal trunk. Right jugular trunk. Right lymphatic duct. Where lymph flow out from head and neck? Right and left bronchomediastinal trunks. * Right and left jugular trunks. Right and left subclavicular trunks. Ductus lymphaticus. Right and left iliac trnks. Where lymph flow out from lower limbs? A. B. C. D. E. 613. A. B. C. D. E. 614. A. B. C. D. E. 615. A. B. C. D. 616. A. B. C. D. E. 617. A. B. C. D. E. 618. A. B. C. D. E. 619. A. B. C. D. E. 620. A. B. C. D. E. 621. A. * Ductus thoracic. Right lymphatic duct. Left lymphatic duct. Right jugular trunk. Left jugular trunk. Where lymph flow out from thoracic cavity? Left and right jugular trunks. Left and right lumbal trunks. * Left and right bronchomediastinal trunks. Ductus thoracicand right jugular trunk None from these. Where start and finish abdominal aorta? Th12-L3. * TH12-L4. TH12-L2. TH12-L1. TH11-L4. Where superior diaphragmatic nodes locate? * Around vena cava ,aortic and esophageal opening. Around sternocostal trigonoum. Around aortic opening. Around esophageal opening. Where thoracic nodes of truncus symphaticus locate? Beside from superior cardiocervicalis nervE. * In front of costal heads on lateral surface of vertebral bodies. Back from costal heads on lateral surface of vertebral bodies. Laterally from costal heads on lateral surface of vertebral bodies. Back from superior cardiocervicalis nerve. Which branches do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? Esophageal. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. * Gray communicating. Inferior cardiac. Which branches do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? Esophageal. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. Inferior cardiac. * White communicant. Which branches do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? Esophageal. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. Inferior cardiac. * Pulmonary. Which branches do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? Esophageal. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. Inferior cardiac. * Aortic. Which branches do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? * Symphathetic. B. C. D. E. 622. A. B. C. D. E. 623. A. B. C. D. E. 624. A. B. C. D. E. 625. A. B. C. D. E. 626. A. B. C. D. E. 627. A. B. C. D. E. 628. A. B. C. D. E. 629. A. B. C. D. E. 630. A. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. Inferior cardiac. Esophageal. Which nerves decrease activity of the heart? Intercostal. * Parasymphathetic. Symphathetic. Lesser splanchnic. Greater splanchnic. Which nerves decrease circulation in coronary arteries? Greater splanchnic. Lesser splanchnic. * Parasymphathetic. Intercostal. Symphathetic. Which nerves decrease lumen of the bronchioli? Greater splanchnic. Lesser splanchnic. * Parasymphathetic. Intercostal. Symphathetic. Which nerves do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? Esophageal. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. * Greater splanchnic. Inferior cardiac. Which nerves do not belong to thoracic division of vagus nerve? Esophageal. Posterior bronchial. Anterior bronchial. * Lesser splanchnic. Inferior cardiac. Which nerves increase activity of the heart? Splanchnic. Vagus nervE. Parasymphathetic. Intercostal. * Symphathetic. Which nerves increase circulation in the coronary arteries? * Symphathetic. Intercostal. Parasymphathetic. Vagus nerve. Splanchnic. Which nerves increase lumen of the bronchioli? Intercostal. * Symphathetic. Parasymphathetic. Vagus nerve. Splanchnic. Which nerves supply muscles of anterior abdominal wall? Splanchnic. B. C. D. E. 631. A. B. C. D. E. 632. A. B. C. D. E. 633. A. B. C. D. E. 634. A. B. C. D. E. 635. A. B. C. D. E. 636. A. B. C. D. E. 637. A. B. C. D. E. 638. A. B. C. D. E. 639. A. Symphathetic. * Intercostals. Vagus nerve. Parasymphathetic. Which nerves supply muscles responsible for breathing? Splanchnic. Symphathetic. Vagus nerve. * Phrenic and intercostals. Parasymphathetic. Which nodes belong to parietal thoracic group? Paratracheal nodes. Paraesophageal nodes. Bronchopulmonary nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. * Parasternal nodes. Which nodes belong to parietal thoracic group? * Paramammary nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. Bronchopulmonary nodes. Paraesophageal nodes. Paratracheal nodes. Which nodes belong to parietal thoracic group? * Intercostal nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. Bronchopulmonary nodes. Paraesophageal nodes. Paratracheal nodes. Which nodes belong to parietal thoracic group? Tracheobronchial nodes. * Phrenic nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. Bronchopulmonary nodes. Paraesophageal nodes. Which nodes belong to parietal thoracic group? Tracheobronchial nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. * Prepericardial nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. Bronchopulmonary nodes. Which nodes belong to parietal thoracic group? Tracheobronchial nodes. Tracheobronchial nodes. Prepericardial nodes. * Prevertebral nodes. Bronchopulmonary nodes. Which nodes belong to visceral thoracic group? Tracheobronchial nodes. Phrenic nodes. Prepericardial nodes. Prevertebral nodes. * Paratracheal nodes. Which nodes belong to visceral thoracic group? * Bronchopulmonary nodes. B. C. D. E. 640. A. B. C. D. E. 641. A. B. C. D. E. 642. A. B. C. D. E. 643. A. B. C. D. E. 644. A. B. C. D. E. 645. A. B. C. D. E. 646. A. B. C. D. E. 647. A. B. C. D. E. Phrenic nodes. Prepericardial nodes. Prevertebral nodes. Paraesophageal nodes. Which nodes belong to visceral thoracic group? Bronchopulmonary nodes. * Tracheobronchial nodes. Prepericardial nodes. Prevertebral nodes. Paraesophageal nodes. Which of these are NOT a location for aggregations of lymph nodes? * Around the heart. Axillary region. Neck region. Inguinal region. Around the intestines. Which of these arteries are unpaired? Gonadial artery. Renal artery. * Hepatic artery. Suprarenal artery. Common iliac artery. Which of these arteries carries blood to the diaphragm? Anterior intercostals. * Inferior phrenic. Inferior mesenteric. Common hepatic. Gastroduodenal. Which of these statements about the lymphatic system is true? * The spleen filteres blood,removing microorganisms and other foreing substances. In the spleen ,reticular cells form a blood-splenic barrier. The thymus is an important filter for lymphatic fluiD. The tonsils are areas of diffuse lymphatic tissue that increase in size with agE. All of these are true. Which organs are not have lymphatic capillaries? In liver,lungs,heart. In the internal ear, dura mater. * In central and spinal brain, eyeball. In the skin,bones,muscles. Are inall organs. With what artery anastomose inferior pancreatoduodenal artery? * Superior pancreatoduodenal. Inferior mesenteric. Superior mesenteric. Gastroduodenalis. Hepatic communis. At what level arteria iliaca communis is forming? T12. L2. L3. L2-L3. * L4. 648. At what level vena cava inferior is forming? L2. * L4. L3. L2-L3. T12. 649. At what time umbilical vessels closing in the foetus? A. 8-12 days. B. 5-8 days. C. 6-9 days. D. * 2-6 days. E. 10-16 days. 650. Between what veins are forming portocaval anastomoses? A. Portal and cava superior. B. Portal and cava inferior. C. * Portal and caval veins. D. Portal and mesenteric superior. E. Portal and mesenteric inferior. 651. Between what veins areforming cavacaval anastomoses? A. Portal and cava inferior. B. * Superior and inferior cavA. C. Superior and inferior mesenteric. D. Portal and cavasuperior. E. Portal and mesenteric inferior. 652. Between what vessels locate ductus venosus in foetus? A. Portal and umbilical v. B. Umbilical and cava superior. C. Hepatic and cava inferior. D. * Umbilical and cava inferior. E. Portal and hepatic. 653. Branches of what artery supplying parts of transversal,descendens,and sigmoid colici intestines.? A. Truncus celiacus. B. Superior mesenteric. C. * Inferior mesenteric. D. Arteria lienalis. E. Arteria gastroduodenalis. 654. Continuation of what vessel is inferior mesenteric vein? A. * Superior rectalis. B. Inferior rectalis. C. Colica transversum. D. Ileocolica. E. Obturatorium. 655. From what organs collecting blood portal vein? A. * Pair organs of abdomen cavity. B. Non pair organs of abdomen cavity. C. Kidney. D. Testicles. E. Pancreatic gland. 656. From what organs collecting blood vena cava inferior? A. Non pair organs of abdominal cavity. B. * Pair organs of abdominal cavity. C. Pancreatic gland. D. Stomach. A. B. C. D. E. E. Liver. From what part of stomach pass vena prepilorica? A. * From pylorus. B. From fundus of ventricle. C. From cardial part of ventricle. D. From body of ventricle. E. From frontal surface of ventricle. 658. From what veins and roots vena portae is forming? A. Hepatic and gastric dextra. B. Superior mesenteric and external iliac. C. * Superior and inferior mesenteric,lienalis. D. External and internal iliac. E. Superior and inferior rectalis. 659. From where collecting blood portal vein? A. * From non pair organs of abdomen cavity. B. From pair organs of abdomen cavity. C. From large bowel. D. From small bowel. E. From liver. 660. From where collecting blood vena lienalis? A. Spleen. B. Gastric fundus. C. Pancreatic gland. D. Big omentum. E. * All of above. 661. From where collecting blood vena mesenterica inferior? A. Sigmoid intestinum. B. Superior part of rectum. C. Middle part of rectum. D. * Superior part of rectum,sigmoideum and colon descendens. E. Colon descendens. 662. From where flow out venous blood trough inferior diaphragmatic veins? A. From the stomach. B. From superior diaphragmatic surface. C. * From inferior diaphragmatic surface. D. From transversal part of mesenter. E. From the liver. 663. From where starts vena testicularis? A. Lateral surface of testis. B. Frontal border of testis. C. * Back border of testis. D. Low part of testis. E. Central part of testis. 664. In the composition of what ligament pass vena portae? A. Gastrohepatic. B. * Hepaticoduodenalis. C. Hepaticorenalis. D. Hepaticoesophagealis. E. Hepaticodiaphragmatic. 665. Indicate artery that has following branches:inferior epigastric artery,deep circumflex iliac artery? A. * External iliac. B. Ileocolic. C. Internal iliac. 657. D. Common iliac. E. Superficial circumflex iliac artery. 666. Indicate artery that is primary blood supply to the perineum.? A. Urethral artery. B. * Internal pudental artery. C. Perineal artery. D. Inferior rectal artery. E. Middle rectal zartery. 667. Indicate artery that supplies blood to anus,superficial and deep perineal muscles, clitoris/penis, posterior aspect of the scrotum/labium majus? A. Urethral artery. B. Perineal artery. C. * Internal pudental artery. D. Inferior rectal artery. E. Deep clitoral artery. 668. Indicate artery that supply blood to pelvis.lover limb,mentioned artery bifurcates anterior to the sacroiliac articulations into its terminal branches? A. Ileocolic. B. External iliac. C. Femoral. D. * Common iliac. E. Internal iliac. 669. Inferior vena cava receive tributaries from: A. Cecum. B. Duodenum. C. Jejunum. D. Ileum. E. * Liver. 670. Inferior vena cava receive tributaries from: A. * Kidney. B. Duodenum. C. Jejunum. D. Ileum. E. Cecum. 671. Inferior vena cava receive tributaries from: A. * Abdominal wall. B. Duodenum. C. Jejunum. D. Ileum. E. Cecum. 672. Inferior vena cava receive tributaries from: A. Spleen B. * Testes. C. Jejunum. D. Ileum. E. Cecum. 673. Junction of what veins forming portal vein? A. Superior and inferior mesenteric. B. Inferior mesenteric and lienalis. C. * Superior mesenteric and lienalis. D. Hepatic and superior mesenteric. E. Renalis and superior mesenteric. 674. Junction of what veins forming vena iliaca communis? A. Iliaca interna and femoral. B. C. D. E. 675. A. B. C. D. E. 676. A. B. C. D. E. 677. A. B. C. D. E. 678. A. B. C. D. E. 679. A. B. C. D. E. 680. A. B. C. D. E. 681. A. B. C. D. E. 682. A. B. C. D. E. 683. A. Iliaca interna andinternal pudental. * Internal and external iliac. External iliac and external pudental. External iliac and superior lumbal. On what level vena renalis fall in vena cava inferior? L1. L2. * Between L1 and L2. L3. T12. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Liver. Kidney. * Stomach. Adrenal gland Abdominal wall. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Liver. Kidney. Adrenal gland. * Spleen. Abdominal wall. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Liver. Kidney. Adrenal gland. Abdominal wall. * Small intestine. Portal vein drains venous blood from: * Large intestine. Kidney. Adrenal gland. Abdominal wall. Liver. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Kidney. * Colon. Adrenal gland. Abdominal wall. Liver. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Kidney. Adrenal glands. * Cecum. Abdominal wall. Liver. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Kidney. Adrenal glands. Abdominal wall. * Duodenum. Liver. Portal vein drains venous blood from: Kidney. B. C. D. E. Adrenal glands. Abdominal wall. Liver. * Ileum. 684. Portal vein drains venous blood from: A. * Jejunum. B. Adrenal glands. C. Abdominal wall. D. Liver. E. Kidney. 685. Regarding the left renal vein which is FALSE? A. Receives left testicular and left suprarenal veins. B. * Inferior mesenteric veins drains here. C. It drains into the inferior vena cava. D. Closes in front of the aorta. E. Carries more clear blood than artery. 686. Right testicular vein drains into: A. Common iliac vein. B. Splenic vein. C. * Inferior vena cava. D. Portal vein. E. Renal vein. 687. Structures related to the lesser omentum are: A. * C and E. B. Vagus nerve. C. Hepatic artery. D. Hepatic vein. E. Portal vein. 688. The inferior mesenteric vein enters the portal vein by: A. Joining the superior mesenteric vein. B. * Joining the splenic vein. C. Directly entering the portal vein. D. Joining the right branch of portal vein. E. Joining the left branch of portal vein. 689. The left testicular vein drains into the: A. External iliac vein. B. Internal iliac vein. C. Right renal vein. D. * Left renal vein. E. Inferior vena cava. 690. The right suprarenal vein drains into the: A. Portal vein. B. Left renal vein. C. Lumbal veins. D. Right renal vein. E. * Inferior vena cava. 691. The venous drainage of liver into inferior vena cava is trough: A. * Hepatic veins. B. Portal vein. C. Azygos vein. D. Superior mesenteric vein. E. Inferior mesenteric vein. 692. There is deficiency of blood supply of pelvic organs.Which artery supplies to anal canal and anus? A. B. C. D. E. Internal iliac a. * Internal pudentala. Middle rectala. Inferior vesical a. Obturator.a. 693. There is deficiency of blood supply of pelvic organs.Which artery supplies part of rectum above the anal canal? A. Internal iliac a. B. Internal pudental a. C. * Middle rectal a. D. Inferior vesical a. E. Obturator.a. 694. There is deficiency of blood supply of pelvic organs.Which artery supplies to transition of sigmoid colon to rectum. A. Internal iliac a. B. Internal pudental a. C. Middle rectal a. D. * Superior rectal a. E. Obturator.a. 695. To what branches divide arteria obturatoria? A. * Pudental. B. Anterior. C. Posterior. D. Pudental,anterior and posterior. E. Inferior. 696. To what branches divide internal iliac arteria? A. Parietal. B. Visceral. C. * Parietal and visceral. D. Superior. E. Inferior. 697. To what branches divide portal vein in the liver lobes? A. Right. B. * Right and left. C. Left. D. Superior. E. Superior and inferior. 698. To what veins flow in blood from urinary bladder? A. * Superior ureterovesical. B. Inferior ureterovesical. C. Uteral. D. Lateral lumbalis. E. Superior and inferior ureterovesical. 699. To what vessels flow out venous blood from mail ureter? A. Inferior rectal v. B. Internal pudental v. C. Inferior ureterovesical v. D. Superior ureterovesical v. E. * Internal iliac v. 700. What does communicate portal and inferior vena cava in foetus? A. Atrioventricular ostium. B. Oval foramen. C. Arterial duct. D. Brachicephalic trunk. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. E. * Venous duct. What does communicate pulmonary trunk and aorta in foetus? A. * Arterial duct. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. Venous duct. D. Oval foramen. E. Atrioventricular opening. Where flow in blood from caecum and appendix? A. Vena cava superior. B. * Vena cava inferior. C. Portal vein. D. V.iliac communis. E. V.lumbalis Where flow in hepatic veins? A. * V.cava inferior. B. V.mesenterica inferior. C. V.mesenterica superior. D. V.cava superior. E. V.portae. Where flow in left ovarii vein? A. V.cava inferior. B. Right renal vein. C. * Left renal vein. D. Superior mesenteric v. E. Inferior mesenteric v. Where flow in left suprarenal vein? A. V.mesenterica inferior. B. Right renal vein. C. V.portae. D. V.cava inferior. E. * Left renal vein. Where flow in right suprarenal vein? A. V.mesenterica inferior. B. Right renal vein. C. V.portae. D. * V.cava inferior. E. Left renal vein. Where flow in right testicular vein? A. * V.cava inferior. B. Right renal vein. C. Left renal vein. D. Superior mesenteric v. E. Inferior mesenteric v. Where flow out the blood from hepar? A. V.suprarenalis. B. V.portae. C. V.renalis. D. * V.hepatica. E. V.mesenteric superior. Where locate superior mesenteric vein? A. In mesentery of appendix. B. In mesentery of transversal colic intestinum. C. In mesentery of ascendens part of colic intestinum. D. In mesentery of descendens part of colic intestinum. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. E. * In the root of mesentery small intestinum. Where locate venacava inferior in the upper floor of abdominal cavity. A. * Back of the liver. B. Back of the stomach. C. Back of the root of mesentery of small intestinum. D. In front of the duodenum. E. In front of the head of pancreatic gland. Where portal vein forming? A. Back of pancreatic tail. B. Back of pancreatic body. C. * Back of pancreatic head. D. Back of liver. E. Back of spleen. Where starts vena ovarii? A. Middle surface of ovarium. B. Lateral surface of ovarium. C. * From gate of ovarium. D. From free border of ovarium. E. From mesenteric border of ovarium. Where vena cava inferior flow in? A. Left ventricle. B. Left atrium. C. Right ventricle. D. * Right atrium. E. Brachiocephalic veins. Where vena lienalis connect with superior mesenteric vein? A. Above head of pancreas. B. In front head of pancreas. C. * Back head of pancreas. D. Down the head of pancreas. E. Back the root of small bowel. Where vena lienalis forming? A. On renal surface. B. On visceral surface. C. On diaphragmatic surface. D. * In the gate of the spleen. E. On the stomach surface. Which gap does inferior gluteal artery pass trough? A. Obturator foramen. B. * Infrapiriform foramen. C. Lacuna vasorum. D. Femoral canal. E. Obturator canal. Which gap does internal pudental artery pass trough? A. Lacuna vasorum. B. Suprapiriform foramen. C. * Infrapiriform foramen. D. Femoral canal. E. Obturator canal. Which gap does internal pudental artery pass trough? A. Lacuna vasorum. B. Suprapiriform foramen. C. * Lesser sciatic foramen. D. Femoral canal. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. E. Obturator canal. Which gap does internal pudental artery pass trough? A. Lacuna vasorum. B. Suprapiriform foramen. C. * Ischiorectal fossa. D. Femoral canal. E. Obturator canal. Which gap does superior gluteal artery pass trough? A. Lacuna vasorum. B. * Suprapiriform foramen. C. Ischiorectal fossa. D. Femoral canal. E. Obturator canal. Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Esophageal veins. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Veins of the rectum. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Veins of the stomach. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Mesenteric veins. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. Which veins does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. * Vein of upper 1/3 of esophagus. B. Gastric veins. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. Vertebral plexus. Which veins does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. * Ascendens lumbal veins. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. Vertebral plexus. Which veins does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. * Azygos vein. D. Lower part of rectum. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. E. Portal veins. Which veins does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. * Hemiazygos vein. D. Lower part of rectum. E. Portal veins. Which veins does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. * Vertebral plexus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. Portal veins. Which veins does not take part in venous anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. Vertebral plexus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Renal veins. Which veins does not take part in venous anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. Vertebral plexus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Adrenal veins. Which veins does not take part in venous anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. Vertebral plexus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Veins of the heart. Which veins does not take part in venous anastomoses? A. Veins of esophageus. B. Veins around umbilicus. C. Vertebral plexus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Veins of the heart. Which vessels carry deoxybenated blood in foetus? A. * Umbilical artery. B. Carotid arteries. C. Brachiocephalic trunk. D. Aorta. E. Umbilical vein. Which vessels carry oxybenated blood in foetus? A. Umbilical artery. B. Carotid arteries. C. Brachiocephalic trunk. D. Aorta. E. * Umbilical vein. Which vessels pass in inguinal canal? A. * Testicular. B. Internal pudental. C. Middle rectal. D. Inferior vesical. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. E. Superior gluteal. Which vessels pass in lesser sciatic foramen? A. Middle rectal. B. * Internal pudental. C. Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. Superior gluteal. Which vessels pass in suprapiriform foramen? A. Middle rectal. B. Internal pudental. C. Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. * Superior gluteal. Which vessels supply lower portion of anal canal? A. Middle rectal. B. * Internal pudental. C. Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. Superior gluteal. Which vessels supply lower portion of uretra? A. Middle rectal. B. * Internal pudental. C. Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. Superior gluteal. Which vessels supply muscles of pelvic outlet (perineum)? A. Middle rectal. B. * Internal pudental. C. Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. Superior gluteal. Which vessels supply the prostate gland? A. Middle rectal. B. Internal pudental. C. * Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. Superior gluteal. Which vessels supply the seminal vesicles? A. Middle rectal. B. Internal pudental. C. * Inferior vesical. D. Testicular. E. Superior gluteal. With what veins inferior diaphragmatic veins anastomosing? A. Renal veins. B. Superior suprarenalis veins. C. Middle suprarenalis veins. D. Lumbal veins. E. * Superior diaphragmatic veins. With what veins left gastric vein anastomosing? A. Prepiloric. B. Vesical. C. * Esophageal. D. Pancreatic. E. Lienalis. At what level in abdominal cavity forming truncus lymphaticus? A. T11-L1. B. * T12-L2. C. L2-L3. D. L3-L4. E. Non of these. 747. From what plexus of abdominal cavity take sympathetic innervation superior part of rectum? A. Inferior hypogastric. B. Superior mesenteric. C. Superior hypogastric. D. Truncus celiacus. E. * Inferior mesenteric. 748. From what plexus of abdominal cavity take sympathetic innervation inferior part of rectum? A. * Inferior hypogastric. B. Superior mesenteric. C. Superior hypogastric. D. Truncus celiacus. E. Inferior mesenteric. 749. From what plexus of abdominal cavity take sympathetic innervation colon descendens? A. Inferior hypogastric. B. Superior mesenteric. C. Superior hypogastric. D. Truncus celiacus. E. * Inferior mesenteric. 750. From what plexus of abdominal cavity take sympathetic innervation sigmoid colon? A. Inferior hypogastric. B. Superior mesenteric. C. Superior hypogastric. D. Truncus celiacus. E. * Inferior mesenteric. 751. From what segments of spinal cord comes white communicant branches? A. L2-L3. B. * L1-L2. C. L3-L4. D. L4-L5 E. None of these. 752. From what vegetative ganglions coming fibres major and minor splanchnic nerves? A. * Inferior thoracic nodes truncus sympathicus. B. Intramural nodes. C. Celiac nodes. D. Inferior and superior mesenteric. E. Inferior and superior hypogastric. 753. In composition of what fibres nervus vagus coming to plexus celiacus? A. Anterior vagus trunk. B. * Posterior vagus trunk. C. Esophageal plexus. D. Fibres of left nerve. E. Fibres of right nerve. 746. 754. In creating of what plexus take part sacral nerve ganglions of sympathetic trunk? A. Inferior mesenteric. B. * Inferior hypogastric. C. Sacral plexus. D. Lumbal plexus. E. Vertebral. 755. In creating of what vegetative plexus take part major and minor splanchnic nerves? A. Esophageal plexus. B. Pulmonary plexus. C. * Celiacus plexus. D. Inferior mesenteric plexus. E. Inferior hypogastric plexus. 756. In what place of diaphragm comes truncus lymphaticus? A. Esophageal opening. B. Venacava inferior opening. C. * Aortic opening. D. Between medial and lateral cruses of diaphragm. E. In lumbocostal triangle. 757. In what vegetative ganglions interrupted nervous impulses that going trough fibres of major and minor splanchnic nerves? A. Inferior and superior hypogastric ganglions. B. Inferior and superior mesenteric ganglions. C. * Ganglions of truncus celiacus. D. Intramural ganglions. E. Ganglions of sympathic trunk. 758. Indicate lymph nodes that are located along the common iliac vessels; over the sacral promontory? A. Celiac nodes. B. * Common iliac nodes. C. Middle colic nodes. D. Ileocolic nodes. E. Inguinal nodes. 759. Indicate nerves that innervate spleen? A. Branches of superior hypogastric plexus. B. Branches of inferior hypogastric plexus. C. * Branches of celiac plexus. D. Branches of major splanchnic nerve. E. Branches of minor splanchnic nerves. 760. Lymph nodes: A. Pump lymph toward the heart. B. Filter the blood. C. * Have germinal centers where lymphocytes divide. D. Are attached to blood vessels. E. Contain red and white pulp. 761. Lymphatic organs: A. All of these. B. Include the pancreas and adrenal glands. C. Contain dense collagen fibers. D. * May filter blood or lymph. E. Contain many neutrophils. 762. Name colic nodes that drain transverse colon? A. * Middle colic nodes. B. C. D. E. Right colic nodes. Common iliac nodes. Celiac nodes. Mesenteric nodes. 763. Name lymph nodes that are located along the course of the right colic vessels and drain ascending colon and cecum? A. Common iliac nodes. B. Celiac nodes. C. Middle colic nodes. D. Mesenteric nodes. E. * Right colic nodes. 764. Parasympathetic preganglionic axons whose cell bodies are in the region of the spinal cord travel trough nerves that innervate the urinary bladder,lower colon, etc.? A. Cranial. B. * Pelvic. C. Spinal. D. Splanchnic. E. Symphathetic. 765. Some sympathetic pregangliotic axons pass trough the chainganglia and collateral ganglion before synapsing with cells in the: A. Blood vessels. B. Kidneys. C. Heart. D. * Adrenal medulla. E. Brain. 766. Some sympathetic pregangliotic axons synapse in collateral ganglia; the postgangliotic axon then passes through a: A. Somatic motor nerve. B. Parasympathetic nerve. C. Sympathetic nerve. D. Spinal nerve. E. * Splanchnic nerve. 767. Sympatetic nerves innervate which of these structures? A. * All of these. B. Smooth muscle in the esophagus and lungs. C. Sweat glandsin the skin of the head and neck. D. Smooth muscle in the blood vessels of the head, the salivary E. Smooth muscle in the wall of the pancreas. 768. Sympathetic postgangliotic axons may pass trough a and then reenter a spinal nerve? A. * Gray ramus communicans. B. Splanchnic nerve. C. Afferent neurons. D. Postgangliotic neuron. E. White ramus communicans. 769. Sympathetic pregangliotic axons enter the chin ganglia trough the: A. Postgangliotic neuron. B. * White ramus communicans. C. Splanchnic nerve. D. Afferent neurons. E. Gray ramus communicans. 770. The effect of sympathetic stimulation on the urinary bladder is to the wall and the sphincter: A. B. C. D. E. 771. A. B. C. D. E. 772. A. B. C. D. E. 773. A. B. C. D. E. 774. A. B. C. D. E. 775. A. B. C. D. E. 776. A. B. C. D. E. 777. A. B. C. D. E. 778. A. B. C. D. E. Relax,relax. Contract,relax. * Relax,contract. Contract,contract. None of above. The parasympathetic division: * Mediates many reflexes that regulate the digestive,urinary and reproductive systems. Decreases blood flow to the skin. Is responsible for the fight. Causes an increase in metabolism. All of these. The spleen : Has white pulp that is associated with the venous supply. Has red pulp that is associated with the arterial supply. Filters lymph and puts it back in the blood. * Acts as the blood reservoir. Destroys worn-out lymphocytes. The tonsils that are referred to as “the tonsils” are the: Splenic tonsils. Pharyngeal tonsils. Pyloric tonsils. Lingual tonsils. * Palatine tonsils. The walls of most blood vessels are innervated by: * Unmyelinated sympathetic neurons. Myelinated motor neurons. Unmyelinated sensory neurons. Unmyelinated motor neurons. Unmyelinated parasympathetic neurons. Thoracic duct starts at: * Continuation of cistern chili. Right lymphatic duct. Left lumbal trunk. None of above. Junction of azygos vein and inferior cava vein. To what plexus comes sacral splanchnic nerves? Sacral. Superior hypogastric. Celiac. * Inferior hypogastric. Inferior mesenteric. To what anatomic structure flow out lymph from ovaries? V.iliaca interna. * Truncus lumbalis. Truncus intestinalis. Plexus limphaticus. Ductus lymphaticus dexter. To what anatomic structures ajoin left lumbal lymphatic nodes? Left kidney. * Abdominal aortae. Inferiof vena cava. Lien. Lateral crus of diaphragm. 779. To what anatomic structures ajoin right lumbal lymphatic nodes? Left kidney. Abdominal aortae. * Inferiof vena cava. Lien. Lateral crus of diaphragm. 780. To what departments divide right and left truncus sympathicus? A. Cervical,thoracic,lumbal,sacral. B. * Cervical,thoracic,lumbal,sacral,coccigea. C. Cervical,thoracic,abdominal,lumbal,coccigea, D. Cephalic,thoracic,abdominal,lumbal,sacral,coccigea. E. Cervical,thoracic,sacral,coccigea. 781. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from gastric fundus? A. Nodi gastric dextri. B. Nodi mesocolici. C. Nodi gastroomentales. D. * Annulus lymphaticus cardie. E. Nodi gastroomentales sinistri. 782. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from abdominal part of esophagus? A. Nodi gastrici dextri. B. * Nodi gastrici sinistri. C. Nodi mesocolici. D. Nodi ileocolici. E. Nodi phrenici inferiores. 783. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from anterior abdominal wall? A. Nodi gastrici dextri. B. * Nodi epigastrici inferiores. C. Nodi mesocolici. D. Nodi ileocolici. E. Nodi phrenici inferiores. 784. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from appendix? A. Nodi lumbales. B. Nodi mesocolici. C. * Nodi ileocolici. D. Nodi phrenici iferiores. E. Nodi gluteales. 785. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from colic colon? A. Nodi lumbales. B. * Nodi mesocolici C. Nodi retrocavales. D. Nodi phrenici inferiors. E. Nodi glutealis. 786. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from kidneys? A. Nodi retrocavales. B. Nodus foramonalis. C. Nodi mesentericus superior. D. Nodi lumbales. E. * Nodi mesentericus inferior. 787. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from liver? A. Nodi lumbales. B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. * Nodi phrenici inferiors. A. B. C. D. E. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. E. Nodi glutealis. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from ovaries? A. Nodi gluteales B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. Nodi iliaci interni. E. * Nodi lumbales. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from prostate gland? A. Nodi lumbales. B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. * Nodi iliaci interni. E. Nodi glutealis. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from rectum? A. Nodi lumbales. B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. Nodi iliaci interni. E. * Nodi sacrales. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from rectum? A. Nodi lumbales. B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. Nodi iliaci interni. E. * Nodi pararectales. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from urinary bladder? A. Nodi gluteales B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. * Nodi iliaci interni. E. Nodi pararectales. To what lymphatic nodes can come lymph from uterus body? A. Nodi gluteales B. Nodi precavalis. C. Nodi retrocavales. D. * Nodi iliaci interni. E. Nodi lumbales. To what lymphatic vessel flow out lymph from left kidney? A. V.lienalis. B. Left renal vein. C. V.portae. D. Right venose angle. E. * Left venose angle. To what lymphatic vessel flow out lymph from organs of abdominal cavity? A. V.lienalis. B. Left renal vein. C. V.portae. D. Right venose angle. E. * Left venose angle. To what nodes of truncus sympathicus comes white connective branches? A. * L1-L2. B. L2-L3. C. L3-L4. D. L4-L5. E. Non of these. To what organs comes pregangliotic sympathic fibres? A. Kidneys. B. * Suprarenal glands. C. Ureters. D. Uterus. E. Urinar bladder. 798. To what parts divide nervus vagus? A. Cervical,thoracic,abdominal,iliac. B. Cervical,thoracic,diaphragmal,abdominal. C. Cephalic,thoracic,abdominal,lumbal,sacral. D. Intracranial,paracranial. E. * Cephalic,cervical,thoracic,abdominal. 799. What base function of the lymphatic system? A. Technical, barrier ,eritropoetic. B. Lymphatic,immune,eritropoetic. C. Haemopoetic,eritropoetic,transport. D. Immune,eritropoetic,transport. E. * Transport,barrier,filtration,immune,lymphpoetic. 800. What does form anterior vagal trunk? A. Right vagus nerve. B. * Left vagus nerve. C. Right greater splanchnic nerve. D. Left greater splanchnic nerve. E. Lesser splanchnic nerve. 801. What does form anterior vagal trunk? A. * Right vagus nerve. B. Left vagus nerve. C. Right greater splanchnic nerve. D. Left greater splanchnic nerve. E. Lesser splanchnic nerve. 802. What innervate fibres of superior mesenteric plexus? A. Stomach. B. * Iliac colon. C. Hepar. D. Rectum. E. Kidney. 803. What innervate postgangliotic fibres of intramural parasympatehetic nervose system? A. Muscle of pharynx. B. Muscle of laryngs. C. Muscle constrictor of uretra. D. * Muscle detrusor of urinar bladder. E. External muscle of anus. 804. What innervate postgangliotic fibres of intramural parasympatehetic nervose system? A. Muscle of pharynx. B. Muscle of laryngs. C. Muscle constrictor of uretra. D. * Internal muscle of anus. E. External muscle of anus. 805. What innervate postgangliotic fibres of intramural parasympatehetic nervose system? A. Muscle of pharynx. 797. B. C. D. E. 806. A. B. C. D. E. 807. A. B. C. D. E. 808. A. B. C. D. E. 809. A. B. C. D. E. 810. A. B. C. D. E. 811. A. B. C. D. E. 812. A. B. C. D. E. 813. A. B. C. D. E. 814. A. Muscle of laryngs. Muscle constrictor of uretra. * Muscle of pylorus. External muscle of anus. What organs are innervate by celiac plexus? Cecum. * Liver. Ascending colon. Ileum. Kidney. What organs are innervated by celiac plexus? Kidney. Ileum. * Spleen. Ascending colon. Cecum. What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? Transverse colon. Kidney. * Rectum. Gallbladder. Ascending colon. What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? Transverse colon. Kidney. * Urinary bladder. Gallbladder. Ascending colon. What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? Transverse colon. Kidney. * Uterus. Gallbladder. Ascending colon. What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? Transverse colon. Kidney. * Vagina. Gallbladder. Ascending colon. What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? Transverse colon. Kidney. * Prostate. Gallbladder. Ascending colon. What organs are innervated by inferior mesenteric plexus? * Sigmoid colon. Ascending colon. Rectum. Kidney. Urinary bladder. What organs are innervated by inferior mesenteric plexus? * Descending colon. B. C. D. E. Ascending colon. Rectum. Kidney. Urinary bladder. 815. What organs are innervated by inferior mesenteric plexus? A. * Ampule of rectum. B. Ascending colon. C. Rectum. D. Kidney. E. Urinary bladder. 816. What organs are innervated by superior mesenteric plexus? A. Kidney. B. Adrenal glands. C. Descending colon. D. * Cecum. E. Spleen. 817. What organs are NOT innervate by vagus nerve? A. Cecum. B. Pancreas. C. Colon. D. Liver. E. * Adrenal medulla. 818. What organs are NOT innervated by splanchnic nerves,which start from sacral spinal segments? A. * Transverse colon. B. Sigmoid colon. C. Prostate. D. Urinary bladder. E. Rectum. 819. What organs are NOT innervated by splanchnic nerves,which start from sacral spinal segments? A. * Cecum. B. Sigmoid colon. C. Prostate. D. Urinary bladder. E. Rectum. 820. What organs are NOT innervated by splanchnic nerves,which start from sacral spinal segments? A. * Kidney. B. Sigmoid colon. C. Prostate. D. Urinary bladder. E. Rectum. 821. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Sigmoid colon. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. E. Kidney. 822. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Descending colon. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. E. Kidney. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Rectum. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. E. Kidney. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Urinary bladder. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. E. Kidney. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Uterus. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. E. Kidney. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Vagina. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. E. Kidney. What organs innervateв by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Transverse colon. B. * Prostate. C. Transverse colon. D. Gallbladder. E. Kidney. What parts of intestine are NOT innervate by vagus nerve? A. * Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Cecum. D. Ascending colon. E. Jejunum. Which anatomic structures has no lymphatic capillaries? A. In mucous membranes,gastric wall,spleen. B. In thymus,bone marrow, pancreatic gland. C. * In splenic parenchyma,bone marrow,spinal and cerebral cerebrum. D. In hepatic parenchyma,thymus,pancreatic gland. E. In bone marrow,bulbus oculi,large colon. Which lymphatic nodes drain the lymph from ascending colon? A. Common iliac nodes. B. * Right colic nodes. C. Left colic nodes. D. Middle colic nodes. E. Mesenteric nodes. Which lymphatic nodes drain the lymph from descending colon? A. Common iliac nodes. B. Right colic nodes. C. * Left colic nodes. D. Middle colic nodes. E. Mesenteric nodes. Which lymphatic nodes drain the lymph from the small intestine? A. Common iliac nodes. B. Right colic nodes. C. Left colic nodes. D. Middle colic nodes. E. * Mesenteric nodes. 833. Which lymphatic nodes drain the lymph from transverse colon? A. Common iliac nodes. B. Right colic nodes. C. Left colic nodes. D. * Middle colic nodes. E. Mesenteric nodes. 834. Which lymphatic nodes drain to intestinal trunk? A. Common iliac nodes. B. Right colic nodes. C. Left colic nodes. D. Middle colic nodes. E. * Mesenteric nodes. 835. Which lymphatic nodes form the most numerous group? A. Common iliac nodes. B. Right colic nodes. C. Left colic nodes. D. Middle colic nodes. E. * Mesenteric nodes. 836. Which lymphatic nodes form the ring round the organ? A. * Nodes of the gastric cardia. B. Nodes of the duodenojejunal junction. C. Nodes of the gastric pylorus. D. Nodes of the gastric body. E. Nodes of the duodenal bulb. 837. Which of these characteristics is correct for the parasymphathetic division of the ANS? A. Chain ganglia and collateralganglia present. B. * Preganglionic cell bodies in the brainsteam and lateral parts of spinal cord gray matter. C. Many postgangliotic neurons for each pregangliotic neuron. D. Short pregangliotic neurons,long postgangliotic neurons. E. All of these are correct. 838. Which of these effects results from the stimulation of the parasympathetic division? A. Increased heart rate and force. B. * Increased contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the digestive tract. C. Increased glucose in the blood. D. Increased blood flow to skeletal muscles. E. Contraction of erector pili muscles. 839. Which of these sentements about lymphatic system is true? A. In the spleen,reticular cells form a blood-splenic barrier. B. The tymus is an important filter for lymphatic fluid. C. * The spleen filters blood,removing microorganisms and other foreing substances. D. The tonsils are areas of diffuse lymphatic tissue that increase with age. E. All of thes are true. 832. 840. Which of these structures is innervated almost entirely by the sympathetic division? A. Reproductive organs. B. Urinary bladder. C. * Blood vessels. D. Heart. E. Gastrointestinal tract. 841. Which of these structures is innervated entirely by the sympathetic division? A. Reproductive organs. B. Urinary bladder. C. * Adrenal medulla. D. Heart. E. Gastrointestinal tract. 842. Which vessels empty to cisterna chili? A. Right lymphatic duct. B. * Lumbal trunk. C. Bronchomediastinal trunk. D. Thoracic duct. E. Jugular trunk. 843. Which vessels empty to cisterna chili? A. Right lymphatic duct. B. Jugular trunk. C. * Intestinal trunk. D. Bronchomediastinal trunk. E. Thoracic duct. 844. Which vessels start from cisterna chili? A. Right lymphatic duct. B. Lumbal trunk. C. Bronchomediastinal trunk. D. * Thoracic duct. E. Jugular trunk. 845. Branche of what artery is A.collateralis media? A. A.brachialis. B. A.interossea communis. C. A.ulnaris. D. A.radialis. E. * A.profunda brachii. 846. Branche of what artery is A.collateralis radialis? A. A.brachialis. B. A.interossea communis. C. A.ulnaris. D. A.radialis. E. * A.profunda brachii. 847. Branche of what artery is A.collateralis ulnaris inferior? A. * A.brachialis. B. A.interossea communis. C. A.ulnaris. D. A.radialis. E. A.profunda brachii. 848. Branche of what artery is A.collateralis ulnaris superior? A. * A.brachialis. B. A.interossea communis. C. A.ulnaris. D. A.radialis. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. E. A.profunda brachii. Branche of what artery is A.reccurens interossea? A. A.interossea communis. B. A.profunda brachii. C. * A.interossea posterior. D. A.interossea anterior. E. A.radialis. Branche of what artery is A.reccurens radialis? A. A.interossea communis. B. A.profunda brachii. C. A.interossea posterior. D. A.interossea anterior. E. * A.radialis. Branche of what artery is A.reccurens ulnaris inferior? A. A.interossea communis. B. A.profunda brachii. C. A.interossea posterior. D. * A.ulnaris. E. A.radialis. Branche of what artery is A.reccurens ulnaris superior? A. A.interossea communis. B. A.profunda brachii. C. A.interossea posterior. D. * A.ulnaris. E. A.radialis. Continuation of what artery is A. brachialis? A. A. vertebralis. B. A. subclavia. C. * A. axillaris. D. A. thoracodorsalis. E. Tr.brachiocephalicus. Continuation of what vein is v.subclavia? A. Internal jugularis. B. * Axillary. C. Brachialis. D. External jugularis. E. Axygos. From what artery go out A. circumflexa humeri anterior? A. A.radialis. B. * A.axillaris. C. A.brachialis. D. A.subscapularis. E. A.subclaviA. From what artery go out A. circumflexa humeri posterior? A. A.radialis. B. * A.axillaris. C. A.brachialis. D. A.subscapularis. E. A.subclavia. From what artery go out A. subscapularis? A. A.radialis. B. * A.axillaris. C. A.brachialis. D. A.subscapularis. E. A.subclaviA. From what artery go out A. thoracica interna? A. A.radialis. B. A.axillaris. C. * A.brachialis. D. A.subscapularis. E. A.subclavia. 859. From what vessel go out left common carotid artery? A. A.radialis. B. A.axillaris. C. A.brachialis. D. * Arcus aortae. E. A.subclavia. 860. From what vessel go out right common carotid artery? A. * Tr.brachiocephalicus B. A.axillaris. C. A.brachialis. D. Arcus aortaE. E. A.subclavia. 861. How many layers forming the wall of A. subclavia? A. 1. B. 2. C. * 3. D. 4. E. 5. 862. How many parts has A. subclavia? A. OnE. B. Two. C. * ThreE. D. Four. E. FivE. 863. In what anatomy region located vena subclavia? A. Scapulotracheal triangle. B. Interaponeurotic suprasternal space. C. * Prescalenus space. D. Interscalenus space. E. Carotid triangle. 864. In what place joining two brachial veins? A. Low border of minor pectoral muscle. B. Upper border of major pectoral muscle. C. Upper boder ofminor pectoral muscle. D. * Low border of major pectoral muscle. E. In elbow fossae. 865. Indicate artery that continuous with the axillary artery, the name changeoccurs at the lateral border of the first rib;anterior scalene muscle passes anterior to mentioned artery,dividing it into 3 parts? A. * Subclavian. B. Aortic arch. C. Brachiocephalic. D. Vertebral. E. Internal thoracic artery. 866. Indicate lymph nodes that are located in the apex of the axill;6-12 in number;this is the highest group in the axilla? A. Lateral axillary nodes. 858. B. C. D. E. * Apical axxillary nodes. Subscapular axillary nodes. Infrascapulary nodes. Parasternal nodes. 867. Indicate the lymph nodes that are located in the cubital fossa of the upper limb and drain deep tissues of the forearm and hand? A. Accessory nodes. B. Apical axxillary nodes. C. * Cubital nodes. D. Lateral axillary nodes. E. Production of T cells in the spleen. 868. Indicate the lymph nodes that are located in the fat of the axilla; are 4 or 5 in number;they are involved in cancer of the mammary gland? A. Parasternal nodes. B. Apical axillary nodes. C. Lateral axillary nodes. D. * Central axillary nodes. E. Subscapular axillary nodes. 869. Indicate the lymphatic nodes that are situated along the distal axillary vein,they also known as brachial nodes. A. Apcal axillary nodes. B. Subscapular axillary nodes. C. Infraclavicular nodes. D. Parasternal nodes. E. * Lateral axillary nodes. 870. It is necessary to examine subclavian artery.Where it is located? A. * Interscalenus space. B. Anterscalenus space. C. Carotid trianglE. D. Omotrapezoid triangle. E. Omotracheal triangle. 871. It is necessary to put catheter into subclavian vein.Where is it located? A. Interscalenus space. B. * Anterscalenus space. C. Carotid trianglE. D. Omotrapezoid triangle. E. Omotracheal triangle. 872. Joining of what veins forming brachiocephalic veins? A. Jugularis anterior,subclavian. B. Jugularis externa,subclavian. C. * Ijugularis interna,subclavian. D. Anterior,external jugularis. E. Right ,left subclavian. 873. Lymphatic vessels of what group forming truncus subclavius? A. N.lymphatici brachialis. B. N.lymphtici cubitales. C. N.lymphatici profunda brachii. D. * N.lymphatici axillares. E. N. lymphatici interpectoralis. 874. Name artery that supplies blood to anconeus muscle and elbow joint.? A. Posterior interosseus artery. B. * Recurrent interosseus artery. C. Middle collateral artery. D. Common interosseus artery. E. Anterior interosseus artery. 875. Name artery that supplies blood to deep forearm flexor and deep forearm extensor muscle A. Posterior interosseus artery. B. Recurrent interosseus artery. C. Middle collateral artery. D. * Common interosseus artery. E. Anterior interosseus artery. 876. Name artery that supplies blood to mediastinum,anterior thoracic wall,anterior abdominal wall,respiratory diaphragm,also known as internal mammary artery? A. Posterior intercostals artery. B. Musculophrenic artery. C. * Internal thoracic artery. D. Anterior intercostals artery. E. Subclavian artery. 877. Name artery that supplies blood to the neck, brain, spinal cord, thyroid gland, larynx, sholder ,chest muscles and upper limB. ? A. Brachiocephalic. B. Axillary. C. Aortic arch. D. Vertebral. E. * Subclavian. 878. Name continuation of inguinal vein? A. Superficial lateral. B. Superficial medial. C. * Subclavian. D. Brachial. E. Ulnar vein. 879. On what veins going flow out of blood from upper limb? A. Lateral cephalic. B. Medial main. C. Internal ulnaris. D. Ulnaris,radialis,interossea,brachialis. E. * All abowe. 880. On what veins going flow out of blood from upper limb? A. Lateral cephalic. B. Medial main. C. Internal ulnaris. D. * All abowe. E. Ulnaris,radialis,interossea,brachialis 881. The internal thoracic veins are tributaries of the: A. Azygos. B. * Brachocephalic. C. Subclavian. D. Internal jugular. E. External jugular. 882. To what branches divide thyreocervical trunk? A. A.thyroid superior,A.ascendens cervical,A.subscapular. B. A.thyroid inferior,A.ascendens cervical,A.subscapular. C. A.thyroid inferior,A.descendens cervical,A.suprascapular. D. * A.thyroid inferior,A.ascendens cervical,A.suprascapular. E. A.thyroid superior,A.ascendens cervical,A.suprascapular. 883. To what down count veins fall in palmar digital veins? A. B. C. D. E. * Arcus venosus palmaris superficialis. Arcus venosus palmaris profundus. V.metacarpea palmares. V.metacarpae dorsales. Rete venosum carpea palmares. 884. To what down counted veins flow out blood from m. biceps brachii? A. V.interossea. B. * V.brachialis. C. V.profunda brachii. D. V.cephalica. E. V.basilica. 885. To what down counted veins flow out blood from m. biceps brachii? A. V.interossea. B. * V.collaterales ulnares superior and inferior. C. V.profunda brachii. D. V.cephalica. E. V.basilica. 886. To what down counted veins flow out blood from m. triceps brachii? A. V.interosseA. B. V.collaterales ulnares superior and inferior. C. * V.circumflexa humeri posterior. D. V.cephalica. E. V.basilica. 887. To what group divide lymphatic nodes of upper limb? A. Lateral,medial,superior. B. Parietal,visceral. C. * Superficial,deep. D. External,internal. E. Pair and non pair. 888. To what group divide superficial lymphatic nodes of upper limb? A. Lateral,medial,superior. B. Medial,middle,inferior. C. * Lateral,medial,middlE. D. Medial,middle,superior. 889. To what group divide superficial lymphatic nodes of upper limb? A. Lateral,medial,superior. B. * Lateral,medial,middlE. C. Medial,middle,inferior. D. Medial,middle,superior. 890. To what group of lymphatic nodes come in lymph from nn.lymphatici interpectoralis? A. Latral. B. * Apical. C. Posterior. D. Medial. E. Inferior. 891. To what lymphatic nodes flow out lymph from mammary gland? A. N.axillares. B. N.brachialis. C. * N.cubitales. D. N.profunda brachii. E. N.ulnaris. 892. To what vein flow in vv.thoracicae internae? A. Subclavian. B. C. D. E. * Brachiocephali. Cava superior. Cava inferior. Hemiazygos. 893. To what vessel can come whith blood flow thrombus forming in v.axillaris? A. V.brachialis. B. V.subscapularis. C. * V.subclavius. D. V.profunda brachii. E. Tr.brachiochephalicus. 894. To what vessel flow in right lymphatic duct? A. Thoracic duct. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. * Right venose anglE. D. Right jugular trunk. E. Right bronchomediastinal trunk. 895. To what vessels dividing A. brachialis? A. A.profunda brachii,A.ulnaris. B. A.profunda brachii,A.radialis. C. A.collateralis radialis,A.collateralis media. D. * A.ulnaris,A.radialis. E. A.collateralis radialis,A.collateralis ulnaris. 896. To what vessels dividing A.profunda brachii? A. A.collateralis ulnaris,A.collateralis mediA. B. A.collateralis ulnaris superior,inferior. C. * A.collateralis radialis,A.collateralis mediA. D. A.ulnaris,A.radialis. E. A.collateralis radialis,A.collateralis ulnaris. 897. What artery directly supplies blood to the extensor muscles of shoulder and forearm? A. A.ulnares. B. A.brachialis. C. * A.profunda brachii. D. A.axillaris. E. A.common interossea. 898. What artery directly supplies blood to the flexor muscles of shoulder and forearm? A. A.ulnares. B. * A.brachialis. C. A.profunda brachii. D. A.axillaris. E. A.common interossea. 899. What artery supplies blood to the back group of shoulder muscles? A. A.radialis. B. A.axillaris. C. A.subscapularis. D. * A.profunda brachii. E. A.brachialis. 900. What artery supplies blood to the frontal group of shoulder muscles? A. A.radialis. B. A.axillaris. C. A.subscapularis. D. A.profunda brachii. E. * A.brachialis. 901. A. B. C. D. E. 902. A. B. C. D. E. 903. A. B. C. D. E. 904. A. B. C. D. E. 905. A. B. C. D. E. 906. third? A. B. C. D. E. 907. A. B. C. D. E. 908. A. B. C. D. E. 909. A. B. C. D. What is the name of external layer of the wall of axillary artery? Serouse. Fibrouse. Muscular. * Adventitium. Intima. What is the name of internal layer of the wall of axillary artery? Serouse. Fibrouse. Muscular. Adventitium. * Intima. What is the name of middle layer of the wall of axillary artery? Serouse. Fibrouse. * Muscular. Adventitium. Intima. What is the position of A. brachialis to n.medianus on the level of upper third? Back to the nerve. * Medial to the nerve. Locate not beside. Lateral to nerve. In front to the nerve. What is the position of A. brachialis to n.medianus on the level of lower third? Back to the nerve. Medial to the nerve. Locate not beside. * Lateral to nerve. In front to the nerve. What is the position of A. brachialis to n.medianus on the level of middle * Back to the nerve. Medial to the nerve. Locate not beside. Lateral to nerve. In front to the nerve. What is the position of A. brachialis to n.medianus on the level of upper third? Back to the nerve. Locate not beside. * Medial to the nerve Lateral to nerve. In front to the nerve. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.biceps brachii? A.interosseA. * A.brachialis. A.interossea recurens. A.profunda brachii. A.circumflexa humeri posterior. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.biceps brachii? A.interosseA. * A.recurens radialis. A.interossea recurens. A.profunda brachii. E. A.circumflexa humeri posterior. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.brachioradialis? A. A.interossea,radialis,ulnaris. B. * A.recurens radialis,radialis,collateraels radialis. C. A.brachialis,recurens radialis,profunda brachii. D. A.interossea recurens,ulnares,circumflexa humeri. E. A.profunda brachii,interossea posterior,collaterals radialis. 911. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.flexor digitorum profundus? A. A.interossea,radialis,ulnaris. B. A.recurens radialis,radialis,collateraels radialis. C. * A.radialis,interossea anterior. D. Interossea recurens,ulnares,circumflexa humeri. E. A.profunda brachii,interossea posterior,collaterals radialis. 912. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.flexor digitorum superficialis? A. A.interossea,radialis,ulnares. B. A.recurens radialis,radialis,collateraels radialis. C. * A.radialis,ulnaris. D. Interossea recurens,ulnares,circumflexa humeri. E. A.profunda brachii,interossea posterior,collaterals radialis. 913. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.pronator teres? A. A.interossea,radialis,ulnares. B. A.recurens radialis,radialis,collateraels radialis. C. * A.brachialis,radialis,ulnares. D. Interossea recurens,ulnares,circumflexa humeri. E. A.profunda brachii,interossea posterior,collaterals radialis. 914. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.triceps brachii? A. A.interossea. B. A.brachialis. C. * A.profunda brachii. D. A.interossea recurens. E. A.circumflexa humeri anterior. 915. What of down counted arteries supplying blood to m.triceps brachii? A. A.interosseA. B. A.brachialis. C. * A.circumflexa humeri posterior. D. A.interossea recurens. E. A.circumflexa humeri anterior. 916. What vein forming after joining of vv. Brachialis? A. * V.axillaris. B. V.subclavia. C. Subcutaneous medial. D. Subcutaneous lateral. E. Intermediate cubiti. 917. Where does empty basilica vein? A. Axillary vein. B. Ulnar vein. C. * Brachial vein. D. Deep brachial vein. E. Cephalic vein. 918. Where flow out at the end lymph from first finger of right hand? A. Left brachiochephalic vein. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. 910. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. C. Left brachiomediastinal trunk. D. Left venose angle. E. * Right subclavian vein. Where flow out at the end lymph from first finger of left hand? A. Left brachiochephalic vein. B. Brachiocephalic trunk. C. * Left brachiomediastinal trunk. D. Left venose angle. E. Right subclavian vein. Which artery anastomoses with circumflexa scapulae artery? A. * Subscapular artery. B. Anterior circumflexa humeri artery. C. Posterior circumflexa humeri artery. D. Axillary artery. E. Subscapular artery. Which artery gives off anterior intercostal arteries? A. Vertebral artery. B. Deep cervical artery. C. * Internal thoracic artery. D. Ascending cervical artery. E. Posterior intercostals artery. Which artery gives off suprascapular artery? A. Internal thoracic artery. B. Deep cervical artery. C. Ascending cervical artery. D. * Thyreocervical trunk. E. Vertebral artery. Which artery located in quadrilateral foramen with axillary nerve? A. Subscapular artery. B. Suprascapular artery. C. Axillary artery. D. Circumfllexa scapulae artery. E. * Posterior circumflexa humeri artery. Which artery located in trilaterum foramen? A. Subscapular artery. B. Suprascapular artery. C. Axillary artery. D. * Circumfllexa scapulae artery. E. Posterior circumflexa humeri artery. Which artery pass trough the foramen magnum into cranial cavity? A. * Vertebral artery. B. Deep cervical artery. C. Ascending cervical artery. D. Subclavian artery. E. Internal thoracic artery. Which artery passes trough the foramina of transverse processes? A. * Vertebral artery. B. Deep cervical artery. C. Ascending cervical artery. D. Subclavian artery. E. Internal thoracic artery. Which artery supplies deltoid muscle? A. * Thoracoacromial artery. B. Vertebral artery. C. Suprascapular artery. D. Ascending cervical artery. E. Costocervical trunk. 928. Which artery supplies lower part of thyroid gland? A. * Thoracoacromial artery. B. Vertebral artery. C. Suprascapular artery. D. Ascending cervical artery. E. Costocervical trunk. 929. Which artery supplies the brain? A. Internal thoracic artery. B. Subclavian artery. C. Ascending cervical artery. D. * Vertebral artery. E. Deep cervical artery. 930. Which artery supplies the spinal cord,giving off anterior and posterior spinal arteries? A. Internal thoracic artery. B. Subclavian artery. C. Ascending cervical artery. D. * Vertebral artery. E. Deep cervical artery. 931. Which artery supplies the the pons,forming the basilar artery? A. Internal thoracic artery. B. Subclavian artery. C. Ascending cervical artery. D. * Vertebral artery. E. Deep cervical artery. 932. Which deep vein passes in medial bicipital groove? A. * Brachial vein. B. Deep brachial vein. C. Cephalic vein. D. Bacilica vein. E. Ulnar vein. 933. Which of these veins is a deep vein? A. * Brachial vein. B. Deep brachial vein. C. Cephalic vein. D. Bacilica vein. E. Ulnar vein. 934. Which of these veins is frequently used as a site for draving blood from a patient? A. Brachial vein. B. * Medialcubital vein. C. Axillary vein. D. Radial vein. E. Basilica vein. 935. Which paried veins accompany the brachial artery? A. Deep brachial vein. B. Cephalic vein. C. * Brachial vein. D. Basilica vein. E. Ulnar vein. 936. Which superficial vein passes in lateral bicipital groove? A. B. C. D. E. Deep brachial vein. * Cephalic vein. Brachial vein. Basilica vein. Ulnar vein. 937. Which superficial vein passes in lateral groove of forearm? A. Deep brachial vein. B. Cephalic vein. C. Brachial vein. D. * Radial vein. E. Ulnar vein. 938. Which superficial vein passes in medial bicipital groove? A. Deep brachial vein. B. Cephalic vein. C. * Brachial vein. D. Basilica vein. E. Ulnar vein. 939. Which superficial vein passes in medial groove of forearm? A. Deep brachial vein. B. Cephalic vein. C. Brachial vein. D. Radial vein. E. * Ulnar vein. 940. Which superficial vein passes on medial side of forearm? A. Deep brachial vein. B. Cephalic vein. C. * Brachial vein. D. Basilica vein. E. Ulnar vein. 941. Which veins passes in radial canal? A. * Deep brachial vein. B. Cephalic vein. C. Brachial vein. D. Radial vein. E. Ulnar vein. 942. Which vessels are most numerous on anterior surface of forearm? A. * Intermediate anterbrachial. B. Ulnar veins. C. Basilica veins. D. Cephalic veins. E. Intermediate cubital veins. 943. With what vessel of forearm making anastomose A. collateralis ulnaris inferior? A. * R.anterior A.recurrens ulnaris. B. A.recurrens ulnaris. C. A.recurrens interossea. D. R.posterior A.recurrens ulnaris. E. A.collateralis ulnaris superior. 944. With what vessel of forearm making anastomose A.collateralis media? A. R.anterior A.recurrens ulnaris. B. A.recurrens ulnaris. C. * A.recurrens interossea. D. R.posterior A.recurrens ulnaris. E. A.collateralis ulnaris superior. 945. Afetr trauma patient has violation of sensitivity on paramedical,dorsal and palmar surfaces of the hanD. Whaty nerve is damaged? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Ulnar. E. Axillar. 946. Between what muscles passes trunks of brachial plexus on the neck? A. Medial and posterior trabecular musculi. B. Posterior trabecular and long muscles of the head. C. Sternocleidomastoideus and anterior trabecular muscles. D. * Anterior and medial trabecular muscles. E. Scapulohyoideus andmedial trabecular muscles. 947. Damage of what nerve can make violation of function of 1 and 2 musculi vermiformi? A. Ulnar. B. Radial. C. * Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial of forearm. 948. Damage of what nerve can make violation of function of 3 and 4 musculi vermiformi and all interosseus muscles? A. * Ulnar. B. Radial. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial of forearm. 949. During manipulations at intertrabecular space must be remember about next structures A. Diaphragmal nerve. B. Serratus symphatic nodlE C. * Trunks of brachial plexus. D. Bundles of brachial plexus. E. Nervous rami of cervical plexus. 950. How is forming brachial plexus? A. Posterior branches of 4-8 cervical spinal nerves and part of anterior branch of 1-st thoracic nervE B. Anterior branches of 1-4 cervical spinal nerves and part of anterior branche of 5-th cervical nervE C. * Anterior branches of 5-8 cervical spinal nerves,part of anterior branche of 4-th cervical and 1 thoracic nervE D. Posterior branches of 5-8 cervical spinal nerves and branches of cervical part symphatic trunk. E. Anterior branches of 1-6 thoracic spinal nerves and part of anterior branche of 8 cervical nervE 951. How situated arteria brachialis according to median nerve on the level of down- third of brachii? A. Medialy. B. Back of the nerve. C. * Laterally. D. In front of the nerve. E. Locate separately. 952. How situated arteria brachialis according to median nerve on the level of middle- third of brachii? A. B. C. D. E. Medialy. * Back of the nerve. Laterally. In front of the nerve. Locate separately. 953. Muscular fibres of what nerve innervate back group of forearm muscles? A. Ulnar. B. * Radial. C. Medial. D. Axillar. E. Musculocutaneus. 954. Name the long branches of brachial plexus going out from it lateral bundle? A. Radial,axillar. B. * Median,musculocutaneus. C. Median,ulnar,radial. D. Ulnar,cutaneus medial. E. Cutaneus medial nerves of arm and forearm,radial. 955. Sensory fibres of whar nerve innervate capsule of brachial joint? A. Axillar,subscapular. B. * Axillar,suprascapular. C. Posterior scapular,subscapular. D. Musculocutaneus,axillar. E. Subscapular,suprascapular. 956. Sensory fibres of what nerve innervate capsule of elbow joint? A. Ulnar,radial,axillar. B. * Radial,ulnar,median. C. Radial,median,musculocutaneus. D. Musculocutaneus,radial. E. Axillar,ulnar. 957. Sensory fibres of what nerve innervate capsule of radiocarpal joint? A. Radial,median,musculocutaneus. B. Ulnar,radial,musculocutaneus. C. * Ulnar,radial,musculocutaneus. D. Musculocutaneus,radial. E. Axillar,ulnar. 958. Skin branches of what nerves of brachial plexus innervate skin of the arm? A. Radial,median,musculocutaneus. B. Ulnar,radial,musculocutaneus. C. Ulnar,radial,musculocutaneus. D. Musculocutaneus,radial. E. * Axillar,radiar. 959. Skin branches of what nerves of brachial plexus innervate skin of forearm? A. Radial,median,musculocutaneus. B. Ulnar,radial,musculocutaneus. C. Ulnar,radial,musculocutaneus. D. * Musculocutaneus,radial. E. Axillar,ulnar. 960. Trauma of what nerve causes to decrease of skin sensitivity in medial dorsal and palmar surfaces of the hand and of 4-th finger? A. Radial. B. Median. C. * Ulnar. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Axillar. 961. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.subcostalis. B. N.musculocutaneus. C. Nn.supraclavicularis. D. N.occipitalis major. E. * N.subclavius. 962. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.subcostalis. B. Nn.supraclavicularis. C. N.suboccipitalis. D. * N.subscapularis. E. N.musculocutaneus. 963. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. * N.suprascapularis. B. Nn.clunium medii. C. N.subcostalis. D. N.suboccipitalis. E. N.occipitalis major. 964. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. * N.dorsalis scapula. B. N.subcostalis. C. N.musculocutaneus. D. Nn.clunium medii. E. N.suboccipitalis. 965. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.musculocutaneus. B. Nn.clunium superior. C. * N.thoracicus longus. D. N.occipitalis. E. N. subcostalis. 966. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.musculocutaneus. B. * N.axillaris. C. N.ulnaris. D. N.occipitalis. E. N.subcostalis. 967. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. Nn.cluium medii. B. * Nn.pectoralis medialis et lateralis. C. N.suboccipitalis. D. N.subcostalis. E. N.musculocutaneus. 968. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.subcostalis. B. N.musculocutaneus. C. Nn.supraclavicularis. D. * N.subclavius. E. N.occipitalis major. 969. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.subcostalis. B. Nn.supraclavicularis. C. * N.subscapularis. D. N.suboccipitalis. E. N.musculocutaneus. 970. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. Nn.clunium medii. B. * N.suprascapularis. C. N.subcostalis. D. N.suboccipitalis. E. N.occipitalis major. 971. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. N.musculocutaneus. B. Nn.clunium superior. C. N.occipitalis. D. * N.thoracicus longus. E. N. subcostalis. 972. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. Nn.cluium medii. B. N.suboccipitalis. C. * Nn.pectoralis medialis et lateralis. D. N.subcostalis. E. N.musculocutaneus. 973. What from down counted nerves apply to the short branches of brachial plexus? A. * N.axillaris. B. N.musculocutaneus. C. N.ulnaris. D. N.occipitalis. E. N. subcostalis. 974. What from down counted nerves is part of brachial plexus? A. Subscapular. B. Axillar. C. Radial. D. Thoracospinalis. E. * All of the above. 975. What from down counted nerves is part of brachial plexus? A. Diaphragmal. B. * Axillar. C. Ichias. D. Supraclavicularis. E. Obturatorius. 976. What innervae motor fibres of ulnar nerve on the forearm? A. All muscles ofpalmar surface. B. * Ulnar flexor of the hand and paramedical part of deep flexor of fingers. C. Radial flexor of the hand and lateral part of superficial lflexor of fingers. D. Long palmar musclE 977. 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. 984. 985. E. Round and quadrant pronator. What innervate motor fibres of suprascapular nerve? A. Major and minor round muscles. B. Musculus levator scapulae,rhomboid muscle. C. * Supraspinatal,infraspinatal muscle. D. Trapezium,minor round muscles. E. Infraspinatal,minor round muscles. What innervate motor fibres of median nerve on forearm? A. All muscles of forearm. B. All flexors,exept radial flexor the hand and lateral head of superficial flexor of digits. C. All flexors ,exept ulnar flexor of the hand and paramedical part of deep flexor of the hanD. D. * All flexors,exept deep flexor of digits. E. All flexors,exept superficial flexor of digits. What innervate motor fibres of subscapular nerve? A. Major and minor round muscles. B. Musculus levator scapulae,rhomboid muscle. C. Supraspinatal,infraspinatal muscle. D. Trapezium,minor round muscles. E. * Subscapular, major round muscles. What long branches passes from medial bundle of brachial plexus? A. Radial,axillar. B. Cutaneus medialnerve of the arm and forearm,radial. C. * Cutaneus medial nerve of the arm and forearm,ulnar. D. Median,musculocutaneus. E. Ulnar,radial,median. What muscles innervate motor fibres of posterior scapular nerve? A. Supraspinatal,infraspinatal. B. Major and minor round. C. Trapezial,supraspinal. D. Subscapular,major round. E. * Musculus levator scapulae,rhomboid muscle. What nerve innervate 1 and 2 vermifofm muscles of the hand? A. Radial. B. * Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. Ulnar. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of forearm. What nerve innervate 3 and 4 vermifofm muscles of the hand? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Ulnar. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of forearm. What nerve innervate anterior group of brachial muscles? A. Ulnar. B. Median. C. Radial. D. * Musculocutaneus. E. Axillar. What nerve innervate anterior group of brachial muscles? A. Ulnar. B. Axillar. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. C. Radial. D. Medial. E. * Musculocutaneus. What nerve innervate anterior group of brachial muscles? A. Ulnar. B. Median. C. Radial. D. Axillar. E. * Musculocutaneus. What nerve innervate anterior serratus muscle? A. * Thoracic longus. B. Thoracicmedial. C. Anterior branches of thoracic spinal nerves. D. Thoracic lateral. E. Axillar. What nerve innervate deep head of short flexor on 1-st finger on the hand? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Ulnar. E. Axillar. What nerve innervate muscles of eminence of little finger? A. * Ulnar. B. Axillar. C. Radial. D. Medial. E. Musculocutaneus. What nerve innervate muscles of hypotenar? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Ulnar. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of forearm. What nerve innervate muscles of tenar? A. Radial,musculocutaneus. B. * Median,ulnar. C. Musculocutaneus,ulnar. D. Ulnar,radial. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of forearm. What nerve innervate muscles of the hand? A. Axillar,radial. B. Musculocutaneus,radial. C. * Median,ulnar. D. Radial,median. E. Ulnar,radial. What nerve innervate musculus abductor of 1-st digt on the hand A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Ulnar. E. Axillar. What nerve innervate musculus deltoideus and skin above it? A. Musculocutaneus. B. Ulnar. C. * Axillar. D. Radial. E. Median. 995. What nerve innervate musculus deltoideus and skin above it? A. Musculocutaneus. B. Ulnar. C. Radial. D. * Axillar. E. Median. 996. What nerve innervate musculus deltoideus? A. Medial thoracic nerve. B. Thoracic longus nerve. C. * Axillar nerve. D. Subscapular nerve. E. Suprascapular nerve. 997. What nerve innervate musculus deltoideus? A. Medial thoracic nerve. B. Thoracic longus nerve. C. Subscapular nerve. D. * Axillar nerve. E. Suprascapular nerve. 998. What nerve innervate posterior group of brachial muscles? A. Ulnar. B. * Radial. C. Median. D. Axillar. E. Musculocutaneus. 999. What nerve innervate posterior group of brachial muscles? A. Ulnar. B. Median. C. * Radial. D. Axillar. E. Musculocutaneus. 1000. What nerve innervate skin of anterio- medial surface of forearm? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. Ulnar. E. * Medial cutaneus nerve of forearm. 1001. What nerve innervate skin of back surface of forearm? A. * Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. Ulnar. E. Axillar. 1002. What nerve innervate skin of back surface of the arm? A. * Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. Ulnar. E. Axillar. 1003. What nerve innervate skin of dorsal surface 5,4 and ulnar side of 3-d fingers of the hand? A. Radial. B. C. D. E. Median. Musculocutaneus. * Ulnar. Medial cutaneus nerve of forearm. 1004. What nerve innervate skin of dorsal surface of 1,2,half of 3-d fingers? A. * Ulnar. Radial. B. Ulnar. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1005. What nerve innervate skin of dorsal surface of 1,2,half of 3-d fingers? A. Ulnar. B. * Radial. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1006. What nerve innervate skin of eminence of big finger and radial side of palm? A. Ulnar. B. Axillar. C. Radial. D. * Medial. E. Musculocutaneus. 1007. What nerve innervate skin of lateral suface of forearm? A. Ulnar. B. Radial. C. * Musculocutaneus. D. Median. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1008. What nerve innervate skin of lateral suface of forearm? A. Ulnar. B. Radial. C. Median. D. * Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1009. What nerve innervate skin of medial surface of the arm? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. Ulnar. E. * Medial cutaneus nerve of the arm. 1010. What nerve innervate skin of palmar surface of 1,2,3 and radial side of 4-th fingers of the hand? A. Radial. B. * Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. Ulnar. E. Axillar. 1011. What nerve innervate skin of palmar surface of 5-th and half of 4-th digits and dorsal surface 5,4 and half of 3-d digits? A. Radial. B. * Ulnar. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1012. What nerve innervate skin of palmar surface of 5-th and ulnar side of 4-th fingers of the hand? A. Radial. B. Median. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Ulnar. E. Axillar. 1013. What nerve innervate skin of palmar surface of 5-th and half of 4-th digits and dorsal surface 5,4 and half of 3-d digits? A. * Ulnar. B. Radial. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1014. What nerve innervate skin of palmar surface of both sides of 1,2,3 and radial side 0f 4-th digits? A. Ulnar. B. Radial. C. Musculocutaneus. D. * Median. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1015. What nerve innervate skin of palmar surface of both sides of 1,2,3 and radial side 0f 4-th digits? A. Ulnar. B. Radial. C. * Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1016. What nerve innervate skin on eminence of little finger A. Radial. B. * Ulnar. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1017. What nerve innervate skin on eminence of little finger A. * Ulnar. B. Radial. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1018. What nerve passes with deep artery of brachii in brachio- muscular canal? A. Ulnar. B. Median. C. * Radial. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1019. What nerve passes with deep artery of brachii in brachio- muscular canal? A. Ulnar. B. * Radial. C. Median. D. Musculocutaneus. E. Cutaneus medial nerve of forearm. 1020. What nerves innervate muscles extensors of forearm? A. Median. B. C. D. E. Ulnar. * Radial. Axillar. Musculocutaneus. 1021. What nerves innervate muscles flexors of forearm? A. Axillar,radial. B. Musculocutaneus,radial. C. * Median,ulnar. D. Radial,median. E. Ulnar,radial. 1022. What nerves passes from posterior bundle of brachial plexus? A. Median,radial. B. Median,ulnar. C. Radial,ulnar. D. * Radial,axillar. E. Radial,musculocutaneus. 1023. What of down count concern to the axillary nerve? A. * Go out from posterior bundle subclavian part of brachial plexus. B. Concern to the long branches of brachial plexus. C. Contain only motor fibres and innervate only deltoid muscle. D. Pass through threeside opening. E. Go out from lateral bundle subclavian part of brachial plexus. 1024. What of down count concern to the bundles of brachial plexus? A. Locatein trabecular space. B. Divide to lateral,anterior and posterior bundles. C. Surround axillar vein. D. * Surround axillar artery. E. Locate in major supraclavicular fossae. 1025. What of down counted nerves apply to the long branches of brachial plexus? A. Thoracic longus,ulnar,radial. B. Thoracodorsalis,musculocutaneus,median. C. Subscapular,thoracic longus,ulnar. D. Posterior scapular,thoracic longus,musculocutaneus. E. * Musculocutaneus,cutaneus medialnerves of the arm and forearm. 1026. What of down counted nerves go out from lateral bundle of subclavian part of brachial plexus? A. * Musculocutaneus nerve. B. Ulnar nervE C. Medial ramus of median nerve. D. Medial thoracic nerve. E. Radial nerve. 1027. What of down counted nerves go out from posterior bundle of brachial plexus? A. Long thoracic nervE B. Musculocutaneus nervE C. Median nervE D. * Radial nervE E. Ulnar nervE 1028. ?What vessel is surrounded by cords of brachial plexus? A. * Axillary artery. B. Carotid artery. C. Brachial artery. D. Brachial vein. E. Subclavian artery. 1029. A. B. C. D. E. 1030. A. B. C. D. E. 1031. A. B. C. D. E. 1032. A. B. C. D. E. 1033. A. B. C. D. E. 1034. A. B. C. D. E. 1035. A. B. C. D. E. 1036. A. B. C. D. E. 1037. A. B. C. D. E. Where is brachial plexus located? Carotid triangle. * Axillary cavity. Anterscalenus space. Subpectoral triangle. Pectoral triangle. Where pass posterior scapular nerve? Along lateral border of scapulae. On costal surface of scapulae. Along superior border of scapulae. * Along medial border of scapulae. On inferior angle of scapulae. Which nerve arises from infrascapular part of brachial plexus? * Radial nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve. Subscapular nerve. Subclavius nerve. Long thoracic nerve. Which nerve arises from infrascapular part of brachial plexus? * Median nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve. Subscapular nerve. Subclavius nerve. Long thoracic nerve. Which nerve arises from lateral cord of brachial plexus? * N.musculocutaneus. N.cutaneus brachii laterallis. N.radialis. N.ulnaris. N.axillaris. Which nerve arises from medial cord of brachial plexus? N. musculocutaneus. N.cutaneus brachii laterallis. N.radialis. * N.ulnaris. N.axillaris. Which nerve arises from posterior cord of brachial plexus? N. musculocutaneus. N.cutaneus brachii laterallis. * N.radialis. N.ulnaris. N.axillaris. Which nerve passes near medial margin of scapula? Long thoracic nerve. Suprascapular nerve. Subscapular nerve. * Dorsal scapulae nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve. Which nerve passes under transverse ligaments of scapula? Long thoracic nerve. * Suprascapular nerve. Subscapular nerve. Dorsal scapulae nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve. 1038. A. B. C. D. E. 1039. A. B. C. D. E. 1040. A. B. C. D. E. 1041. A. B. C. D. E. 1042. A. B. C. D. E. 1043. A. B. C. D. E. 1044. A. B. C. D. E. 1045. A. B. C. D. E. 1046. A. B. C. D. E. Which nerve supply pronator quadratus muscle? Musculocutaneus nervE Axillar nerve. * Median nerve. Radial nerve. Ulnar nerve. Which nerve supply pronator teres muscle? Musculocutaneus nerve. Axillary nerve. * Median nerve. Radial nerve. Ulnar nerve. Which nerve supply supinator muscle? Musculocutaneus nerve. Axillary nerve. Median nerve. * Radial nerve. Ulnar nerve. Which nerve supply teres major muscle? Musculocutaneus nerve. Axillary nerve. Median nerve. Radial nerve. * Subscapular nerve. Which nerve supply teres minor muscle? Musculocutaneus nerve. * Axillary nerve. Median nerve. Radial nerve. Subscapular nerve. Which short branch aries from infrascapular part of brachial plexus? * Pectoral nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve. Subscapular nerve. Subclavius nerve. Long thoracic nerve. Which short branch aries from infrascapular part of brachial plexus? * Axillary Thoracodorsal nerve. Subscapular nerve. Subclavius nerve. Long thoracic nerve. Arteria dorsalis pedis is continuation of the next artery: Interossal. Posterior tibial. Posterior femoral. * Anterior tibial. Femoral. At what place a. femoralis go out from inguinal ligament? From outside of muscular lacuna. Under lateral part of inguinal ligament. * At external part of lacuna vasorum. Under medial part of inguinal ligament. At internal part of lacuna vasorum. 1047. A. B. C. D. E. 1048. A. B. C. D. E. 1049. A. B. C. D. E. 1050. A. B. C. D. E. 1051. A. B. C. D. E. 1052. A. B. C. D. E. 1053. A. B. C. D. E. 1054. A. B. C. D. E. 1055. A. B. C. D. E. At what region of tibia are more perforant veins? At upper part . At middle part. * At lover part. Evently on all tibia. No such veins on tibia. At what topographic region of lower limb going a.femoralis. Inguinal canal. Obturatorial canal. Femoral canal. Popliteal canal. * Abductive canal. By what line projecting femoral artery? Tuberculum pubicum and epicondylus medialis. Middle of tuberculum pubicum and epicondylus medialis. Middle of tuberculum pubicum and epicondylus lateralis. * Middle of ligament inguinalis and epicondylus medialis. pina iliaca anterior superior and epicondylus medialis. By what veins going flow out of blood from lower limb? Vv.safena magna and parva. V.femoralis and poplitea. Vv.tibialis. * All above . Vv.fibularis. By what veins going the most big part of blood flow from lower limb? Superficial veins. Equal on all veins. V.safena magna. V.safena parva. * Deep veins. Continuation of what artery is a. femoralis? Aortae. Iliaca communis. * Iliaca externa. Iliaca interna. Pudenta. Continuation of what artery is a. tibialis posterior? Femoralis. * Poplitea. Fibularis. Anterior tibialis. Deep femoral artery. Continuation of what vein is v.safena parva? Dorsal digital veins of the foot. Dorsal vein arch. * Lateral plantar vein. Calcaneus venose plexus. Dorsal venose plexus. From what consist external layer of the vessel wall? Media. Intima. * Adventitia. Mesenchima. Stroma. 1056. From what regions of human body go out lymph to inguinal lymphatic nodes? Lower limb,pelvic organs,seat region,external sex organs. Lower limb,pelvic organs,seat region,frontal abdominal wall,perineum. Sex organs,rectum,pelvic organs,. Lower limb,seat region,internal sex organs. * Lower limb,frontal abdominal wall,seat region,perineum,external sex organs. 1057. From what vessel go out deep femoral artery? A. Iliac externa. B. Iliac interna. C. * Femoral. D. Poplitea. E. Iliac communis. 1058. From what vessel go out middle poplitea artery? A. A.femoralis. B. Deep femoral artery. C. Anterior tibial artery. D. * A.poplitea. E. Posterior tibial artery. 1059. From where collect blood deep veins of lower limb? A. Skin and subcutaneous tissues. B. Skin and muscles. C. Subcutaneous tissues and muscles. D. * Muscles and joints. E. Joints and subcutaneous tissues. 1060. From where collect blood superficial veins of lower limb? A. * Skin and subcutaneous tissues. B. Skin and muscles. C. Subcutaneous tissues and muscles. D. Muscles and joints. E. Joints and subcutaneous tissues. 1061. How is ductus thoracicus forming? A. By confluence of right brachiocephalic and left subclavian,jugularis trunks. B. By confluence of left and rightnsubclavian trunks. C. By confluence of left jugular and right jugular and bronchomediastinal trunks. D. By confluence of left and right jugular trunks. E. * By confluence of right and left iliasc trunks. 1062. How many arteries go out from a.poplitea? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. E. * Five. 1063. How vena poplitea is forming? A. Junction of lateral and medial plantar veins. B. Junction of fibular veins. C. * Junction of posterior and anterior tibial veins. D. unction of metatarsal dorsal veins. E. Junction of tarsal dorsal veins. 1064. ?Indicate artery that has following branch:proper plantar digital artery to lateral side of 5-th finger. A. * Lateral plantar artery. B. Medial plantar artery. C. Plantar metatarsal artery. A. B. C. D. E. D. Deep plantar artery. E. Plantar arterial arch. 1065. Indicate artery that supplies blood to the deep foot,mentioned artery becomes continuous with A. * Lateral plantar artery. B. Medial plantar artery. C. Plantar metatarsal artery. D. Deep plantar artery. E. Plantar arterial arch. 1066. Name artery that supplies blood to the anterior side of the knee and adjacent muscules? A. * Anterior tibial recurrent artery. B. A.ppoplitea. C. A.genicular. D. Posterior tibial recurrent artery. E. Anterior tibial artery. 1067. Root of what vessel is vena femoralis? A. Inferior mesenteric. B. Internal iiliac. C. * External iliac. D. Poplitea. E. Obturatorii. 1068. Small vessels that supply blood to the walls of veins and arteries are called: A. Glomus. B. * Vasa vasorum. C. Arteriovenus anastomosis. D. Venules. E. Varicose veins. 1069. To what vein flow in vena safena magna? A. Anterior tibial. B. Posterior tibial. C. Poplitea. D. * Femoral. E. afena parva. 1070. To what vein flow in vena safena parva? A. Anterior tibial. B. Posterior tibial. C. * Poplitea. D. Femoral. E. Safena parva. 1071. Trough what anatomic structure going v.femoralis? A. Lacuna muscularis. B. Canalis femoralis. C. * Lacunavasorum. D. Canalis obturatorium. E. Foramen piriformis. 1072. Venous drainage from the lower limbs is mainly due to: A. Venous valves. B. Arterial valves. C. * Muscle pump. D. Communication between superficial and deep veins. E. Valve at sapheno-femoral junction. 1073. Whart arteries form net of genui ? A. * Descendens genui,anterior and posterior recurrent tibial,5 genual. B. C. D. E. 1074. A. B. C. D. E. 1075. A. B. C. D. E. 1076. A. B. C. D. E. 1077. A. B. C. D. E. 1078. A. B. C. D. E. 1079. A. B. C. D. E. 5 genual,fibular,recurrent tibial. Fibular,obturatorial,,rcurrent tibial. Femoral,deep femoral,obturatorial. Non of above. What anatomical structures passes in tibiopopliteal canal? Poplitea vein. Poplitea artery. Poplitea artery and vein. Tibial and fibial nerves. * Posterior tibial artery and vein, tibial nerve. What anatomical structures passes in tibiopopliteal canal? Poplitea vein. Poplitea artery. Poplitea artery and vein. Tibial and fibial nerves. * Posterior tibial artery and vein, tibial nerve. What arteries go out from femoral artery? Deep femoral,medial and lateral circvumflex femoris,3 perforant. External pudental,poplitea,2 lateral and 2 medial poplitea,deep femoral,superficial epigastrica. Poplitea,descendens genui ,medial genui,external pudental,deep femoral,deep epigastric. * Superficial circumflex ilei, external pudental, descendens genui,deep femoral,superficialepigastric. Deep circumflex femoral, internal pudental ,descendens genui,deep femoral,superficial epigastric. What arteries supplies anterior femoral muscle groupe? Poplitea. Posterior tibial. * Anterior tibial. Perforant and inferior genui. Femoral and descendens genui. What arteries supplies anterior femoral muscle groupe? Medial circumflex femoral and external pudental. * Lateral circumflex femoral and femoral. Perforant and poplitea. Descendens genuiand obturatoria. Femoral and medial circumflex femoral. What arteries supplies posterior femoral muscle groupe? Femoral and descendens genui. * Perforant and lateral,medial genui. Obturatorii,medialcircumflex femori. Lateral circumflex femori,femoral. Medial circumflex femori,external pudental. What arteries supplies posterior femoral muscle groupe and skin above 1080. them? A. Superior gluteus. B. Inferior gluteus. C. Descendens genui. D. Poplitea artery. E. * A.perforant. 1081. What artery locate in tibiopoplitea canal? A. A.femoral. B. A.poplitea. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. C. A.anterior tibial. D. A.fibular. E. * A.posterior tibial. What artery passes in the inferior musculofibular canal? A. Posterior tibial. B. Anterior tibial. C. Descendens poplitea. D. * Fibular. E. Poplitea. What artery supplies abductive muscles of femur and hip joint? A. * Superior iliac,medial circumflexum femoris. B. External pubis. C. Medial circumflexum femoris. D. Lateral circumflexum femoris. E. Descendens poplitea. What artery supplies anterior group of tibial muscles and skin above them? A. Poplitea. B. Fibular. C. Posterior tibial. D. Anterior tibial. E. * Lateral circumflex femoral. What artery supplies anterior tibial muscle group? A. A.descendens genii. B. A.posterior recurrens tibii. C. * A.anterior tibii. D. A.anterior recurrent tibii. E. A.fibular. What artery supplies crossing ligaments of knee joint? A. Lateral superior. B. Lateral inferior. C. * Medial poplitea. D. Medial inferior. E. Medial superior. What artery supplies lateral group of tibial muscles and skin above them? A. Poplitea. B. * Fibular. C. Posterior tibial. D. Anterior tibial. E. Dorsalis pedis. What artery supplies posterior group of tibial muscles and skin above them? A. Poplitea. B. Fibular. C. * Posterior tibial. D. Anterior tibial. E. Dorsalis pedis. What assertion about femoral artery is wrong? A. Deep femoral artery go out from femoral. B. * Femoral go out from deep femoral artery. C. Femoral artery continuing to poplitea. D. Femoral artery starts at lacuna vasorum. E. Superficial epigastric artery go out from femoral. What deep vein passes posterior to knee joint? A. V.saphena magna. B. V.saphena parva. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. C. V.jugularis. D. * V.poplitea. E. V.femoralis. What deep veins are tributaries of femoral vein? A. Superior and inferior gluteal. B. Posterior and anterior tibial. C. * Deep femoral vein. D. Fibular veins. E. V.safena magna. What elements of neurovascular bundle locate in poplitea fossa? A. Femoral artery,femoral vein,femoral nerve. B. * Poplitea artery,poplitea vein,isciac nerve. C. Poplitesa artery,poplitea vein,poplitea nerve. D. Poplitea artery,vena safena magna. E. Poplitea artery,poplitea vein,femoral nerve. What from down count is abnormal for superficial veins of lower limb? A. * Passes with the same arteries. B. Has lot of valves. C. Locate under the skin. D. Collected blood from skin and subcutaneous tissues. E. Has lot anastomoses with deep veins. What from down count is not facilitate to out flow of blood from lower limb? A. * Vertical position. B. Horizontal position. C. Walking and running. D. Active life. E. Presence of valves. What gap does femoral artery pass trough? A. * Lacuna vasorum. B. Obturator foramen. C. Obturator canal. D. Femoral canal. E. Lacuna musculorum. What gap does femoral vein pass trough? A. * Lacuna vasorum. B. Obturator foramen. C. Obturator canal. D. Femoral canal. E. Lacuna musculorum. What is composition of neurovessel bundle in the poplitea region.? A. * Arteria and vena poplitea,branches of n.isciaticus. B. N.isciaticus,v.safena magna,a.poplitea. C. A.and v. poplitea,n.obturatorius. D. N.isciaticus inferior,v.safena magna,a.poplitea. E. N.safenic,v.safena magna,a.poplitea. What is consecution of lymph drainage? A. * Lymph capillaries,afferent vessels,lymph nodes,efferens vessels,trunks and ducts. B. Lymph capillaries,efferent vessels,lymph nodes,afferent vessels,ducts and trunks. C. Lymph capillaries,lymph nodes,afferent vessels,efferent vessels,ducts and trunks. D. Lymph capillaries,vessels,nodes and ducts. E. Lymph capillaries,lymph nodes,vessels,ducts. 1099. What is consecution of lymph drainage from thumb of left foot? A. Superficial nodes of medial and lateral group,superficial inguinal nodes,iliac trunk,thoracic lymphatic duct,v.cava inferior. B. Superficial and deep lymphatic vessels,iliac nodes,iliac trunk,v.cava inferior. C. * Superficial and deep lymphatic vessels,inguinal,iliac nodes,iliac trunk,thoracic trunk,left venous angle. D. Superficial and deep lymphatic vessels,inguinal nodes,iliac trunk,thoracic duct,v.cava inferior. E. Superficial and deep lymphatic vessels,superficial inguinal nodes,iliac trunk,v.cava inferior. 1100. What is distribution of veins of lower limb? A. Subcutaneous and intermuscular. B. Parasceletal. C. Supra and infrafascial. D. * Superficial and deep. E. Intercostalis. 1101. What is location of poplitea vein to the same artery and tibial nerve? A. * In front artery,than vein and nerve back. B. Vein locate laterally from nerve and artery. C. Vein locate medialy from nerve and artery. D. Vein locate superficially from nerve and artery. E. In front vein ,than artery and nerve back. 1102. What is the name of veins which are locate subcutaneously at the medial femoral and posterior medial tibial surface? A. * V. safena magna and parva. B. V safena parva and deep femoral vein. C. V.poplitea and v.safena parva. D. V.femoralis and posterior tibial. E. V.posterior tibial and v.safena magna. 1103. What is topography o axillar nerve? A. * Passes through quadranse opening. B. Passes in brachiomuscular canal. C. Passes through triangual opening. D. Passes in canalis spiralis. E. Locate in premedial anterior ulnar sulcus. 1104. What of down counted arteries supplies musculus tensor fascies latae? A. Superior iliac. B. Inferior iliac. C. Femoral. D. * R.ascendens lateral circumflexum ilii. E. R.descendens lateral circumflexum ilii. 1105. What of down counted veins of lower limb are not doubling? A. Posterior and anterior tibial. B. Fibular,inferior gluteal. C. Medial and lateral plantar. D. Medial and lateral anterior maleolar. E. * Femoral,poplitea. 1106. What of down counted veins of lower limb are not doubling? A. Posterior and anterior tibial. B. Fibular,inferior gluteal. C. Medial and lateral plantar. D. Medial and lateral anterior maleolar. E. * Femoral,poplitea. 1107. What of superficial veins flow into femoral vein? A. B. C. D. E. 1108. A. B. C. D. E. 1109. A. B. C. D. E. 1110. A. B. C. D. E. 1111. A. B. C. D. E. 1112. A. B. C. D. E. 1113. A. B. C. D. E. 1114. A. B. C. D. E. 1115. A. B. C. D. E. 1116. V.obturatoria. V.femoralis. V.tibialis. * V.safena magna. V.safena parva. What of superficial veins flow into femoral vein? V.obturatoria. V.femoralis. V.tibialis. * V.safena magna. V.safena parva. What of superficial veins flow into vena poplitea? V.obturatoria. V.femoralis. V.tibialis. V.safena magna. * V.safena parva. What of veins on lower limb is most haemodinamicaly important? Trunk of v.safena magna. * V.safena magna. Vv.perforans. Trunk of v.safena parva. Another vein. What organs form lymphoid elements? Lymphoid follicles in mucous layers,nodles,spleen. Lymphoid organs of mucous layers,tissues,nodles,thymus. Spleen,hepar,thymus,lymphatic nodes. * Spleen,lymphatic nodes,follicles,tonsils,thymus. Lymphoid follicles,bone marrow,lymphatic nodes,thymus. What organs form lymphoid elements? Lymphoid follicles in mucous layers,nodles,spleen. Lymphoid organs of mucous layers,tissues,nodles,thymus. Spleen,hepar,thymus,lymphatic nodes. * Spleen,lymphatic nodes,follicles,tonsils,thymus. Lymphoid follicles,bone marrow,lymphatic nodes,thymus. What structures locate in poplitea space? * Poplitea artery and vein,branches of isciac nerve. Inferior isciac nerve and poplitea artery. Poplitea artery,vein,inferior isciac nerve. Superior isciac nerve,poplitea artery and vein. V.safena magna,isciac nerve,femoral artery. What structures passes trough the tibopoplitea canal? A.and v. poplitea,n.fibularis communis. A.andv. tibialis posterior,n.fibularis communis. A.andv. tibialis anterior ,n.fibularis superficialis. * A.andv. tibialis posterior,n.tibialis. A.andv.poplitea,n.tibialis. What substances contain lymph? Fatsoluble acidizes,water,carbohydrates,proteins. Water,proteins,carbohydrates. * Colloide solutions of proteins,water,crystalloids,fats. Water,fats,carbohydrates. Fats,fatsoluble acidizes,water. What tibial vein is most haemodinamicaly important vessel? A. B. C. D. E. V.safena magna. Vv.perforants. * V.poplitea. V.safena parva. Another vessel. 1117. What vein applies to superficial veins of lower limb? A. V.safena magna. B. * V.safena parva. C. V.medial. D. V.posterior. E. V.lateral. 1118. What vein collected blood from skin and subcutaneous tissues of dorsal surface of foot and medial surface of tibia? A. V.obturatiria. B. * V.safena magna. C. V.safena parva. D. V.iliaca. E. V.poplitea. 1119. What vein collected blood from skin and subcutaneous tssues of dorsal surface of foot and posterior surface of tibia? A. V.obturatiria. B. V.safena magna. C. * V.safena parva. D. V.iliaca. E. V.poplitea. 1120. What vein passes trough hiatus saphenus? A. .basilica. B. .cephalica. C. .jugularis interna. D. .saphena parva. E. * .saphena magna. 1121. What vein passes trough the adductorial canal? A. V.saphena magna. B. V.saphena parva. C. V.jugularis. D. V.poplitea. E. * V.femoralis. 1122. What vein passes trough the crorupopliteal canal? A. V.saphena magna. B. V.saphena parva. C. V.jugularis. D. V.poplitea. E. * V.femoralis. 1123. What vein passes trough the femoral triangle? A. V.saphena magna. B. V.saphena parva. C. V.jugularis. D. V.poplitea. E. * V.femoralis. 1124. What vein passes trough the lacuna vasorum? A. V.saphena magna. B. V.saphena parva. C. V.jugularis. D. V.poplitea. 1125. 1126. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. E. * V.femoralis. What vein passes under extensor muscles of leg? A. * V.tibialis anterior. B. V.femoralis. C. V.saphena magna. D. V.saphena parva. E. V.poplitea. What vein passes under flexor muscles of leg? A. V.tibialis anterior. B. V.femoralis. C. V.saphena magna. D. V.saphena parva. E. * V.tibialis posterior. What vein passes under triceps surae muscle? A. V.tibialis anterior. B. V.femoralis. C. V.saphena magna. D. V.saphena parva. E. * V.tibialis posterior. What veins of lower limb have more valves than other? A. Superficialis. B. * Deep veins. C. Both of above. D. No special mark. E. No valves in those veins. What vessel continued from femoral artery? A. * A.poplitea. B. A.externa iliaca. C. Deep femoral artery. D. Inferior gluteal artery. E. Anterior tibial artery. What vessel continued from femoral artery? A. * A.poplitea. B. A.externa iliaca. C. Deep femoral artery. D. Inferior gluteal artery. E. Anterior tibial artery. What vessel is continuation of external iliac artery? A. Inferior epigastric artery. B. * Femoral artery. C. Deep circumflex iliac artery. D. Superficial epigastric artery. E. Inferior iliac artery. What vessel is last branch of anterior tibial artery? A. Posterior recurrent tibial artery. B. Anterior recurrent tibial artery. C. * Arteria dorsalis pedis. D. Lateral anterior maleolar artery. E. Medial anterior maleolar artery. What vessels are final branches of poplitea artery? A. Descendens artery of genui,perfarant arteries. B. Superior genui arteries,lateral and medial. C. Inferior genui arteries,lateral and medial. D. * Posterior and anterior tibal arteries. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. 1140. 1141. 1142. E. Middle genui artery,descendens genui artery. What vessels form plantar arterial arch? A. Lateral and medial anterior maleolar arteries. B. * Deep plantar,dorsal plantar artery,lateral plantar artery. C. Posterior maleolararteries,metatarsal arteries. D. Arteria archuata,medial and lateral maleolar arteries. E. Middle genui artery,descendens genui artery. Where can be palpate posterior tibial artery? A. * Back of premedial bone. B. In front of premedial bone. C. On dorsal surface of foot. D. In front of premedial bone. E. Back of lateral bone. Where can palpate a. dorsalis pedis? A. Between 2 and 3 metatarsal bones. B. Between 3 and 4 metatarsal bones. C. Between 4 and 5 metatarsal bones. D. * Between 1 and 2 metatarsal bones. E. Near external bone. Where you can palpate a.femoralis? A. At lower part of femur. B. At middle part of femur. C. Under lateral part of inguinal ligament. D. * Between middle and internal part of inguinal ligament. E. Between external and middle part of inguinal ligament. Which lymph nodes locate in area of lacuna vasorum? A. Aortic. B. Deep inguinal. C. Internal iliac. D. * Popliteal. E. Superficial inguinal. Which lymph vessel drains the lymph from lower limbs? A. Right lymphatic duct. B. * Thoracic duct. C. Jugular trunk. D. Subclavian trunk. E. Mediastinal trunk. Which lymph vessel drains the lymph from lower limbs? A. Right lymphatic duct. B. * Lumbal trunk. C. Jugular trunk. D. Subclavian trunk. E. Mediastinal trunk. Which of these areas is drained by thoracic duct? A. Lower limbs. B. Abdomen. C. Left thorax. D. Left side of head E. * All of these. Which of these vessels contain the most valves? A. * Middle veins in the legs. B. Elastic arteries near the heart. C. Small arteries in the upper extremities. D. Venules in the feet. E. Middle veins in the arm. Which superficial vein start near medial maleolus and empty to femoral vein? A. V.saphena parva. B. * V.saphena magna. C. V.tibialis anterior. D. V.tibialis posterior. E. V.peronea. 1144. Branche of what nerve is subcutaneous tibial nerve? A. Obturatorial. B. * Femoral. C. Gluteal. D. Tibial. E. Lateral cutaneous tibial nerve. 1145. Branche of what nerve is superficial fibular nerve? A. N.iliacus. B. * Common fibular nerve. C. Tibial nerve. D. Deep fibular nerve. E. Femoral nerve. 1146. Femoral nerve innervate next muscles: A. Qadriceps,major and longest adductional muscles. B. Musculus tenzor fascii,sartorius,external obturatorial muscles. C. * Quadriceps,majorand longus adductional muscles. D. Major.longus,and brevis adductional muscles. E. nternal and external obturatorial,Sartorius muscles. 1147. How is created iliac plexus? A. Posterior branches of 12-th thoracic and 1-3 lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. B. Connective branchesof 1-5 lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. C. * Anterior branchesof 12-th thoracic and 1-3 lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. D. Anterior branches of 1-5 lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. E. Posterior branches of 1-5 lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. 1148. How is created sacral plexus? A. All sacral cerebrospinal nerves. B. Anterior branches of all lumbal cerebrospinal nerves and pelvic branches of symphatetic trunk. C. * Anterior branches of 5-th lumbal,1-4 sacral,part of4-th lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. D. Anterior branches of all lumbal and sacral cerebrospinal nerves. E. Anterior branches of 1-4 lumbal,part of 5-th lumbal cerebrospinal nerves. 1149. Innervation of major gluteal nerve and hip joint making with the help of next nerve: A. Sciatic. B. Obturator. C. * Inferior gluteal . D. Superior gluteal.. E. Muscle branches of lumbal plexus. 1150. Lateral plantar nerve gives next branches: A. Medial and lateral. B. Superior and inferior. C. Medial and inferior. D. Superficial and lateral. E. * Superficial and deep. 1151. Long branches of sacral plexus are: A. Pudental nerve. 1143. B. C. D. E. 1152. A. B. C. D. E. 1153. A. B. C. D. E. 1154. A. B. C. D. E. 1155. A. B. C. D. E. 1156. A. B. C. D. E. 1157. A. B. C. D. E. 1158. A. B. C. D. E. 1159. A. B. C. D. E. 1160. A. * Posterior cutaneus femoral nerve. Quadrates femoral nerve. Superior gluteal nerve. Inferior gluteal nerve. Medial femoral muscle group innervte by next nerves: Femoral. * Obturator. Sciatic. Ileoepigastric. Muscle branches of lumbal plexus. Medial plantar nerve locate at: * Lies in medial plantar sulcus. Passes on medial side of plant. Passes on medial dorsal surface of plante. Passes trough first interdigital interspace. Lies in lateral plantar sulcus. Muscles of dorsal plantar part of foot innervate by next nerves: Tibial and subcutaneous. Fibular deep and superficial. * Deep fibular. Plantare medial and lateral. Obturatorial. Musculus quadratus plantaris innervate by: Medial plantar nerve. * Lateral plantar nerve. Superficial fibular nerve. Common fibular nerve. Deep fibular nerve. Name the nerve which innervate skin of upper gluteal part? Ileoinguinalis. Pudentofemoralis. Lateralcutaneous femoral. Obturator. * Ileoepigastric. Plexus iliacus locate: In front of major lumbal muscle * In front of quadrant lumbal muscle. Back of quadrant iliac muscle. Back of transverse proceses of lumbal vertebres. In the small pelvis space. Sciatic nerve is divided into following branches: Tibial nerves. Superior and inferior gluteal nerves. * Commmon peroneal and tibial nerves. Posterior cutanei femoral nerves. Tibial nerves and cutanei femoral nerves. Short branches of sacral plexus are: Tibial nerves. * Superior and inferior gluteal nerves. Commmon peroneal and tibial nerves. Posterior cutanei femoral nerves. Tibial nerves and cutanei femoral nerves. Superficial fibular nerve innervate: M.soleus. B. C. D. E. 1161. A. B. C. D. E. 1162. A. B. C. D. E. 1163. A. B. C. D. E. 1164. A. B. C. D. E. 1165. A. B. C. D. E. 1166. A. B. C. D. E. 1167. A. B. C. D. E. 1168. A. B. C. D. E. 1169. A. * M.fibularis longus and brevis. M.flexor halucis longus. M.tibialis posterior. M.tibialis anterior. The adductional muscles innervate by next nerve: Sciatic. Obturator. * Femoral. Pudentofemoral. Muscle branches of lumbal plexus. The biggest nerve of sacral plexus is: * Sciatic. Pudentofemoral. Obturator. Pudental. Femoral. The skin of shin is innervate by: * Subcutaneous,medial and lateral suralis nerves. Femoral and obturatorial nerves. Lateral and posterior cutaneous femoral nerves. Non of those. All of above. Trough what anatomical structure go out femoral nerve from pelvic cavity? Obturatorial canal. Lacuna vasorum. Inguinal canal. * Lacuna muscularis. Minor obturatorial opening. Trough what canal passes obturatorial nerve? Femoral. Inguinal. Adductorial. Tibiopopliteal. * The same named. What branches gives deep fibular nerve? Medial nerve of thumb. Medial nerve of 3-d finger. * Two dorsal digital nerves. Median dorsal cutaneous nerve. Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve. What branches gives lateral plantar nerve? Medial and lateral. Superior and inferior. Medial and inferior. * Superficial and deep. Superficial and lateral. What branches gives median dorsal cutaneous nerve? Calcaneus branches. Plantar digital nerves. * Dorsal digital plantar nerves. Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve. Median dorsal cutaneous nerve. ?What does femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve innervate? * Skin of femoral triangle. B. C. D. E. 1170. A. B. C. D. E. 1171. A. B. C. D. E. 1172. A. B. C. D. E. 1173. A. B. C. D. E. 1174. A. B. C. D. E. 1175. A. B. C. D. E. 1176. A. B. C. D. E. 1177. A. B. C. D. E. 1178. A. Anterior muscles of thigh. Medial muscles of thigh. Posterior muscles of thigh. Skin on medial thigh area. What does femoral nerve innervate? * Anterior muscles of thigh. Medial muscles of thigh. Posterior muscles of thigh. Skin of femoral triangle. Skin of back thigh area. What innervate medial dorsal cutaneous nerve? Skin of anterior tibial surface. Skin of anterior femoral surface. * Skin of turned in surfaces of 1-4 foot digits. Skin of turned in surfaces of 1-4 palmar digits. Skin of medial side of foot and medial surface of digits. What innervate medial plantar nerve? Musculus flexor digiti minimi. Skin of lateral surface of digiti minimi. Medial side and dorsal surface of plant. Skin of 1-4 digits. * Short flexor of foot digits and short flexor of thumb. What innervate sensor branches of ileoinguinal nerve? Skin of superior surface of seats. Skin of medial surface of seats. Skin of inferior surface of seats. Skin of superior and anterior surface of femor. * Skin of pubis and scrotum. What innervate superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve? * Skin on plantar surface of lateral side of 5-th digit. Skin on turned in surfaces of 1-2 digits of foot. Skin on turned in surfaces of 1-4 digits of foot. Medial side of foot. Medial side of thumb. What is the name of nerve that is continuation of tibial nerve on the foot? * Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve. Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve. Calcaneal medial branches. Calcaneal lateral branches. Median dorsal cutaneous nerve. What muscle not innervate by deep fibular nerve? Anterior tibial. Long extensor of thumb. * Posterior tibial . Short extensor of foot digits. Long extensor of foot digits. What muscles innervate femoral nerve? Major,longus and short adductional muscles. * Quadriceps femoral,Sartorius and pectineus muscles. Internal and external obturatorial,Sartorius muscles. Quadriceps femoral,major and longus adductional muscles. Musculus tensor fascii,Sartorius and gracilis muscles. What muscles innervate superficial fibular nerve? Soleus. B. C. D. E. 1179. A. B. C. D. E. 1180. A. B. C. D. E. 1181. A. B. C. D. E. 1182. A. B. C. D. E. 1183. A. B. C. D. E. 1184. A. B. C. D. E. 1185. A. B. C. D. E. 1186. A. B. C. D. E. 1187. A. Posterior tibial. Anterior tibial. Long extensor of foot digits. * Long and short fibular. What nerve innervate adductional muscles? Femoral. * Obturatorial. Gluteal. Ileoepigastric. Ileoinguinal. What nerve innervate anterior femoral muscle group? Muscular branches of lumbal plexus. Genitofemoral. Obturatorial. luteal. * Femoral. What nerve innervate anterior muscle group of femur? Ileoinguinal. Pudendofemoral. * Femoral. Iliac. Obturatorial. What nerve innervate anterior tibial muscle group? Femoral. Tibial. * Deep fibular. Superficial fibular. Obturatorial. What nerve innervate anterior tibial muscle group? Superficial fibular. Tibial. * Deep fibular. Common fibular. Gluteal. What nerve innervate deep muscles of posterior tibial muscle group? Common fibular. Deep fibular. * Tibial. Gluteal. Superficial fibular. What nerve innervate dorsal plantar muscles? * Deep fibular. Superficial fibular. Tibial. Common fibular. Gluteal. What nerve innervate external obturatorial muscle? Femoral. * Obturatorial. Gluteal. Ileoepigastric. Pudendal. What nerve innervate gracilis muscle? Femoral. B. C. D. E. 1188. A. B. C. D. E. 1189. A. B. C. D. E. 1190. A. B. C. D. E. 1191. A. B. C. D. E. 1192. A. B. C. D. E. 1193. A. B. C. D. E. 1194. A. B. C. D. E. 1195. A. B. C. D. E. 1196. A. * Obturatorial. Gluteal. Ileoepigastric. Muscle branches of lumbal plexus. What nerve innervate lateral tibial muscle group? * Superficial fibular. Tibial. Deep fibular. Common fibular. Gluteal. What nerve innervate major gluteal muscle? Gluteal. Superior gluteal. Femoral. * Inferior gluteal. Ileoinguinal. What nerve innervate major gluteal muscle? Gluteal. Superior gluteal. Femoral. * Inferior gluteal. Ileoinguinal. What nerve innervate major gluteus muscle and capsula of hip articulation? Pudendal. Superior sciatic nerve. Muscular branches of sacral plexus. Obturatorial. * Inferior sciatic. What nerve innervate medial femoral muscle group and skin above them? Ileoepigastric. * Obturatorial. Genitofemoralis. Inferior gluteal. Femoral. What nerve innervate medial femoral muscle group? Ileoepigastric. * Obturatorial. Genitofemoralis. Inferior gluteal. Femoral. What nerve innervate medial femoral muscle group? Gluteal. Femoral. * Obturatorial. Ileoinguinal. Muscular branches of lumbal plexus. What nerve innervate musculus levator ani? Superior gluteal. * Pudendaland branches of coccygea plexus. Inferior gluteal. Muscular branches of coccygea plexus. Obturatorial. What nerve innervate musculus levator ani? Superior gluteal. B. C. D. E. * Pudendaland branches of coccygea plexus. Inferior gluteal. Muscular branches of coccygea plexus. Obturatorial. 1197. What nerve innervate musculus pectineus? A. Femoral. B. * Obturatorial. C. Sciatic. D. Ileoepigastric. E. Muscular branches of lumbal plexus. 1198. What nerve innervate musculus pectineus? A. Femoral. B. * Obturatorial. C. Sciatic. D. Ileoepigastric. E. Muscular branches of lumbal plexus. 1199. What nerve innervate piriforme,obturatorial andqadrant muscles of femour? A. Superior gluteal nerve. B. Pudendal. C. Inferior gluteal. D. * Muscular branches of sacral plexus. E. Obturatorial. 1200. What nerve innervate posterior femoral muscle group? A. Superior gluteal. B. Obturatorial. C. Femoral. D. Inferior gluteal. E. * Tibiall. 1201. What nerve innervate posterior femoral muscle group? A. Femoral. B. Obturatorial. C. * Gluteal. D. Inferior gluteal. E. Pudendal. 1202. What nerve innervate quadrant plantar muscle,short flexor digiti minimi,3,4 vermiform muscles? A. Medial plantar. B. * Lateral plantar. C. Deep fibular. D. Superficial fibular. E. Common fibular. 1203. What nerve innervate skin of anteriomedial surface of tibia and medial side of foot? A. Ileoepigastric. B. Femoral branch of genitofemoral. C. * Safenus. D. Obturatorial. E. Gluteal. 1204. What nerve innervate skin of anterior surface of femour? A. * Femoral. B. Obturatorial. C. Ileoepigastric. D. Lateral cutaneous. E. Safenus. 1205. What nerve innervate skin of lateral femoral surface? Obturatorial. Femoral. Subcutaneous. * Lateral cutaneous femoral. emoral branch of genitofemoral. 1206. What nerve innervate skin of medial surface of tibia and foot ? A. Obturatorial. B. Femoral. C. Tibial. D. * Subcutaneous tibial. E. Lateral cutaneous. 1207. What nerve innervate skin of perineum? A. Posterior cutaneous femoral. B. * Pudendal. C. Gluteal. D. Superior gluteal. E. Inferior gluteal. 1208. What nerve innervate testicular covers? A. Femoral. B. Pudendal. C. Obturatorial. D. Ileoepigastric. E. * Genitofemoralis. 1209. What nerve innervate transversal and internal obliqual muscles of the abdomen? A. Femoral,ileoepigastric. B. Muscle branches of lumbal plexus. C. * Ileoepigastric ,ileoinguinal. D. Subcostal,femoral. E. Obturatorial. 1210. What nerve is forming by connection of premedian cutaneus tibial nerve with fibular connective branch? A. Deep fibular. B. Lateral cutaneous tibial. C. * Tibial. D. Safenus. E. Common fibular. 1211. What nerve is responsible for abduction of the foot? A. Cutaneous. B. * Tibial. C. Superficial fibular. D. Deep fibular. E. Femoral. 1212. What nerve is the branch of lumbal plexus? A. * Ileoepigastric. B. Superior iliac. C. Pudendal. D. Posterior cutaneous femoral. E. Iliac. 1213. What nerve is the branch of lumbal plexus? A. Superior iliac. B. * Lateral cutaneous femoral. C. Pudendal. A. B. C. D. E. 1214. 1215. 1216. 1217. 1218. 1219. 1220. 1221. 1222. D. Posterior cutaneous femoral. E. Femoral branches. What nerve is the branch of lumbal plexus? A. Superior iliac. B. * Ileoinguinal. C. Pudendal. D. Posterior cutaneous femoral. E. Femoral branches. What nerve is the branch of lumbal plexus? A. Superior iliac. B. * Femoral. C. Pudendal. D. Posterior cutaneous femoral. E. Femoral branches. What nerve is the branch of lumbal plexus? A. Superior iliac. B. * Pudendofemoral. C. Pudendal. D. Posterior cutaneous femoral. E. emoral branches. What nerve pass from common fibular nerve? A. Medial plantar. B. Lateral plantar. C. Median dorsal cutaneous. D. Mdial cutaneous tibial. E. * Lateral cutaneous tibial. What nerve passes trough lacuna muscularis? A. * Femoral. B. Obturatorial. C. Ileoepigastric. D. Lateral cutaneous. E. Safenus. What nerve passes trough adductorial canal? A. * Safenus. B. Femoral branch of genitofemoral n. C. Ileoinguinal. D. Obturatorial. E. Femoral. What nerve passes trough inguinal canal? A. Genital branch of genitofemoral. B. Femoral branch of genitofemoral. C. * Ileoinguinal. D. Obturatorial. E. Femoral. What nerve passes trough inguinal canal? A. Genital branch of genitofemoral. B. Femoral branch of genitofemoral. C. * Ileoinguinal. D. Obturatorial. E. Femoral. What nerve passes trough lacuna muscularis? A. Safenus. B. Obturatorial. C. Femoral. D. Ileoinguinal. E. * Femoral branch of genitofemoral n. 1223. What nerve passes trough obturatorial canal? A. Femoral. B. * Obturatorial. C. Ileoepigastric. D. Lateral cutaneous. E. Safenus. 1224. What nerve passes trough obturatorial canal? A. Femoral. B. * Obturatorial. C. Ileoepigastric. D. Lateral cutaneous. E. Safenus. 1225. What nerve responsible for abduction of the foot? A. Subcutaneous. B. Femoral. C. * Tibial. D. Deep fibular. E. Superficial fibular. 1226. What nerves innervate skin of anterior abdominal wall,pubis and inguinal region? A. Intercostals. B. Genitofemoral. C. Subcostal. D. Obturatorial. E. * Ileoepigastric. 1227. What nerves take part in the innervation of the foot muscles? A. Tibial and subcutaneous. B. Fibular (deep and superficial). C. Plantar (medial and lateral). D. * Plantar (medial and lateral),deep fibular. E. Gluteal and obturatorial. 1228. What nerves take part in the innervation of the skin of plantar surface of the foot? A. * Plantar medial and lateral. B. Superficial and deep fibular. C. Tibial and deep fibular. D. Femoral,cutaneous tibial,subcutaneous. E. Plantar medial,deep fibular. 1229. What nerves take part in the innervation of the tibial skin? A. Lateral and posterior cutaneous femoral. B. Obturatorial and femoral. C. * Subcutaneous,cutaneous medial and lateral tibial. D. All of above. E. Non of above. 1230. What nerves take part in the innervations of dorsal plantar muscles? A. Tibial and subcutaneous. B. Fibular (deep and superficial). C. Plantar (medial and lateral). D. * Deep fibular. E. Gluteal and obturatorial. 1231. What nerves take part in the innervations of plantar skin? A. Superficial and deep fibular. B. C. D. E. * Plantar medial and lateral. Femoral,cutaneous tibial subcutaneous. Plantar medial and deep fibular. Plantar medial ,fmoral. 1232. What of down counted muscles innervate by tibial nerve? A. Anterior tibial. B. Long extensor of thumb. C. * Posterior tibial . D. Short extensor of foot digits. E. Long extensor of foot digits. 1233. What of down counted muscles is not innervate by muscular fibres of lateral plantar nerve? A. Quadrant plantar muscle. B. * Short flexor of foot digits. C. Short flexor of minimum digit.musculus adductor digiti minimi. D. Interosseous plantar muscles. 1234. Where locate medial plantar nerve? A. Pass on the medial side of foot. B. Lies down in lateral plantar sulcus. C. * Lies down in medial plantar sulcus. D. Passes on medial side ofdorsal surface of plante. E. Passes trough first interdigital interspace. 1235. Where lumbal plexus is locate? A. In front of major lumbal muscle. B. * In front of lumbal quadratus muscle. C. Back of lumbal quadrates muscle. D. Back of transversal proceseces of lumbal vertebres. E. In the cavity of small pelvis. 1236. Which gap does femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve pass through? A. * Lacuna vasorum. B. Obturator foramen. C. Obturator canal. D. Femoral canal. E. Lacuna musculorum. 1237. Which gap does femoral nerve pass through? A. * Lacuna vasorum. B. Obturator foramen. C. Obturator canal. D. Femoral canal. E. Lacuna musculorum. 1238. Which gap does obturator nerve pass through? A. Lacuna vasorum. B. Obturator foramen. C. * Obturator canal. D. Femoral canal. E. Lacuna musculorum. 1239. Which gap does pudendus nerve pass through? A. Obturator foramen. B. * Lesser sciatic foramen. C. Obturator canal. D. Femoral canal. E. Suprapiriform foramen. 1240. Which gap does pudental nerve pass trough? A. * Infrapiriform foramen. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. Suprapiriform foramen. Obturator foramen. Obturator canal. Femoral canal. Which gap pudental nerve pass through? * Ischiorectal fossa. Suprapiriform foramen. Obturator foramen. Obturator canal. Femoral canal. A. B. C. D. E. Which nerves innervate posterior femoral muscle group? * Sciatic. Obturator. Inferior sciatic. Superior sciatic. Muscle branches of lumbal plexus. 1241. 1242. 1243. Which paired cranial nerve being tested as you visually follow a physician’s finger that is brought close to your nose, causing you to become cross-eyed? A. Abducens B. Trochlear C. Optic D. Ophtalmic E. *Oculomotor 1244. A. B. C. D. E. Which of following IS NOT result of sympathetic nerve stimulation? Constriction of blood vessels in the skin Dilation of bronchioles An increase in the heart rate An increase in arterial pressure *Dilation of blood vessels in the gastrointestinal tract A. B. C. D. E. The principal connection between the cerebral hemispheres is The pons The thalamus The central sulcus The fornix *The corpus callosum 1245. 1246. Where does a submandibular salivary gland get secretory innervation from? A. From the motor nucleus of facial nerve through a parotid ganglion and from it to the salivary gland. B. From the sensory nucleus of facial nerve, on chorda tympani to the submandibular ganglion and from it to the salivary gland. C. From the submandibular ganglion in composition the fibres of the IX pair to submandibular salivary gland. D. From the inferior cervical ganglion of sympathetic trunk to the postganglionic fibres. E. *From the superior salivatory nucleus of facial nerve on chorda tympani to the submandibular ganglion and from it to the salivary gland. 1247. What nerve does carry out sensible innervation of submandibular salivary gland? A. B. C. D. E. Auriculotemporal branches of mandibular nerve. Buccal branches of mandibular nerve. Mylohyoid branches of mandibular nerve. Chorda tympani. *Lingual branches of mandibular nerve. A. B. C. D. E. Specify localization of neurons of sympathetic innervation of eyeball Cells of frontal horns of two superior cervical segments, ciliary ganglion. Cells of frontal horns of superior cervical segment. Nucleus of III pair of Cranial nerves. Cells of posterior horns of two superior cervical segments, ciliary ganglion. *Cells of lateral horns inferior cervical and two superior thoracic segments of spinal cord, neurons of superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. 1248. 1249. Specify localization of neurons of descending parasympathetic innervation of eyeball (reflexes of accommodation and pupilla ). A. Motor nucleus of III pair of cranial nerves. B. Mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve, motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve. C. Motor nucleuses of IV and VI pairs of cranial nerves. D. Vegetative nucleus of VІІ pair of cranial nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion. E. *Accessory nucleus of III pair of cranial nerve, ciliary ganglion 1250. What is present peripheral part of the parasympathetic nervous system in cranial department? A. By sensible cranial nerves, their ganglions and postganglionic fibres.By spinal ganglions and frontal branches of spinal nerves. B. By spinal ganglions and connecting branches of spinal nerves. C. By the preganglionic fibres of some cranial nerves, intramural ganglions and postganglionic fibres. D. *By the preganglionic fibres of some cranial nerves, terminal ganglions near the organs and postganglionic fibres. 1251. What amount of ganglions the cervical department of sympathetic trunk have and how they are named? A. Four - superior, intermediate, middle, inferior. B. Three - superior, frontal-superior, frontal-posterior. C. Two- superior, inferior. D. Four - 2 superior, 2 inferior. E. *Three - superior, middle, inferior. 1252. A. B. C. D. E. 1253. Specify vessels which common carotid arteries begin from. From an ascending aorta. From a descending aorta. Left - from a brachiocephalic trunk, right - from the arch of aorta. Right and left - from a brachiocephalic trunk. *Rights - from a brachiocephalic trunk, left - from the arch of aorta. Specify the topography of common carotid artery. A. Medial is an internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, lateral - trachea, oesophagus, larynx, thyroid gland. B. Posterior - internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, anterior - larynx, trachea, oesophagus, thyroid gland. C. Anterior- internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, posterior- larynx, trachea, oesophagus, thyroid gland. D. From above - internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, posterior- larynx, trachea, oesophagus, thyroid gland. E. *Lateral is an internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, medial - trachea, oesophagus, larynx, thyroid gland 1254. What level is dividing of common carotid on internal and external carotid arteries? A. At the level of lower edge of thyroid cartilage. B. At level of cricoid cartilage. C. At level of angle of mandible. D. At the level of carotid tubercle of the VI cervical vertebra. E. *At the level of upper edge of thyroid cartilage. 1255. A. B. C. D. E. What terminal branches are the external carotid artery divided on? Superficial temporal, facial arteries. Facial, maxillary arteries. Facial, lingual arteryies. Lingual, occipital arteries. *Superficial temporal, maxillary arteries. A. B. C. D. E. Count the branches of anterior group of external carotid artery. Superior thyroid, lingual, ascending pharyngeal arteries. Facial, ascending pharyngeal, maxillary arteries. Lingual, facial, maxillary arteries. Facial, lingual, superficial temporal arteries. *Superior thyroid, lingual. 1256. 1257. Name the place of break away of lingual artery from an external carotid artery. A. From the beginning of external carotid artery. B. At the upper edge of thyroid gland. C. At level of corner of mandible. D. Above the upper edge of post belly of digastric muscle. E. *At the level of large horn of hyoid. 1258. A. B. C. D. E. 1259. A. B. C. D. E. 1260. Name the place of break away of facial artery from an external carotid artery. At the level of upper edge of thyroid cartilage. At the upper pole of thyroid gland. At the level of large horn of hyoid. Above the upper edge of post belly of digastric muscle. *At level of corner of mandible. What does occipital artery supply? Thyroid and parathyroid glands, skin of the back of head, auricle. Omohyoid muscle, auricle, skin of the back of head. Dura mater of middle cranial fossa, auricle. Auricle, muscles of auricle, parotid gland, acoustic duct. *Skin of the back of head, sternocleidomastoid muscle, auricle, dura mater of posterior cranial fossa. Name anatomic forms, what posterior auricularis artery supplies. A. Auricle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, parotid gland. B. Skin and muscles of the back of head, parotid gland, temporal muscle. C. Dura mater of posterior cranial fossa, digastric muscle. D. Temporal muscle and skin above it, stylohyoid muscle. E. *Skin of auricle and back of head, thympanic cavity. 1261. A. B. C. D. E. Name topographical form which a lingual artery passes in. Carotid triangle. Interscalene space. Omotrapezoid triangle. Interaponevrotical space. *Triangle of Pirogov. A. B. C. D. E. Name a place, where we can press facial artery and define its pulsation. Carotid triangle. Submandibular triangle. Branch of mandible, behind the edge of masseter muscle. Corner of mouth. *Basis of body of mandible, front of masseter muscle. 1262. 1263. Name branches through which the external and internal carotid arteries anastomoses. A. Deep lingual artery and dorsal braches. B. Palatine artery and ascending pharyngeal artery. C. Artery of upper lip and buccal arteries. D. Artery of lower lip and mental artery. E. *Angular artery and dorsal nasi artery. 1264. Name the branches of the first (mandibular) department of maxillary artery. A. Deep auricle, anterior thympanic, masseteric, superior alveolar arteries. B. Deep auricle, inferior alveolar, buccal arteries. C. Superior alveolar, infraorbital, sphenopalatine arteries. D. Posterior superior alveolar arteries, infraorbitale, buccal arteries. E. *Anterior thympanic, middle meningeal, inferior alveolar arteries. 1265. Name the branches of the second department of maxillary artery. A. Masseteric, inferior alveolar, deep temporal, pterygoid, buccal, posterior superior alveolar arteries. B. Masseteric, inferior alveolar, sphenopalatine, pterygoid, buccal, posterior superior alveolar. C. Masseteric, deep temporal, sphenopalatine, pterygoid, buccal, posterior superior alveolar. D. Masseteric, posterior superior alveolar infraorbitale, buccal arteries. E. *Masseteric, deep temporal, pterygoid branches, buccal, posterior superior alveolar arteries. 1266. Name the branches of the third (pterygopalatine) department of maxillary artery. A. Infraorbital, sphenopalatine, ascending palatine, pterygoid arteries. B. Infraorbital, descending palatine, sphenopalatine, inferior alveolar arteries. C. Infraorbital, pterygoid, posterior superior alveolar, superficial temporal arteries. D. Infraorbital, descending palatine, superficial temporal, pterygoid arteries. E. *Infraorbital, descending palatine, sphenopalatine, posterior superior alveolar arteries. 1267. Name the branches of superficial temporal artery. A. B. C. D. E. 1268. Occipitalposterior, posterior auricle arteries. Ascending and descending oesophageal arteries. Posterior anterior thympanic arteries. Sternocleidomastoid and descending oesophageal arteries. *Frontal, parietal arteries. Name anatomic structures, what superficial temporal artery supply. A. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and skin above it, trapezius muscle. B. Auditory tube, thympanic cavity, external acoustic meatus, auricle, masseter muscle, parotid gland. C. Back surface of auricle, skin and muscles of the back of head, submandibular gland, superior and inferior eyelids. D. Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, submandibular gland, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. E. *Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, parotid salivary gland, auricle, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. 1269. A. B. C. D. E. Name an artery, that supplies the teeth of mandible. Lingual. Facial. Ascending oesophageal. Sphenopalatine. *Inferior alveolar. 1270. Name the branches of internal carotid artery, which depart in the carotid channel of temporal bone A. Deep auricle artery. B. Anterior tympanic artery. C. Anterior ethmoidal artery. D. Anterior cerebral arteries. E. *Carotid-tympanic arteries. 1271. A. B. C. D. E. What artery does get to the visual nerve and crutches in the retina of eye? Ciliary artery. Medial palpebra artery. Lateral palpebral artery. Supraorbital artery. *Central artery of retina. A. B. C. D. E. What formations of brain supply anterior cerebral artery? Superior-lateral surface of hemispheres of brain. Anterior surface of cerebellum, cerebral peduncles, qudrigeminal plate. Medial surface of occipital particle, medulla oblongata. Insula, temporal particle, trunk of brain. *Medial surface of frontal and parietal particles, corpus callosum. 1272. 1273. What branch of internal carotid artery does form an anastomosis with the branches of vertebral artery? A. Anterior cerebral artery. B. Anterior connecting artery. C. Arachnoid artery. D. Ophtalmic artery. E. *Posterior connecting artery. 1274. What structures of the nervous system refer to the peripheral department of the sympathetic nervous system? A. Cervical and brachial plexus. B. Lumbar and sacral plexus, spinal nerves, spinal ganglions. C. Vagus nerve, radix of spinal cord, cervical sympathetic ganglions. D. Nucleus of lateral horns of spinal cord of С8 - L2. E. *Right and let sympathetic trunks, intermediate neuroganglions, white and grey connecting branches. 1275. A. B. C. D. E. 1276. A. B. C. D. E. 1277. Where is a cervical plexus disposed? At the level of four superior cervical vertebrae between anterior and middle scalene muscles. At the level of four inferior cervical vertebrae before prevertebral muscles. Under a skin in the lateral cervical triangle. Under a omohyoid muscle, in a omo-clavicular triangle. *At the level of four superior cervical vertebrae on the anterior-lateral surface of deep cervical muscles. A. B. C. D. E. What is the anterior cover of cervical plexus? Platysma muscle. Skin. Omohyoid muscle. Vascular-nervous cervical bunch. *Sternocleidomastoid muscle. A. B. C. D. E. What fibres do the nerves of cervical plexus contain of? Only dermical. Only muscle. Dermical and muscle, parasympathetic. Only mixed. *Dermic, muscle and mixed. 1278. 1279. A. B. C. D. E. 1280. What is formed a cervical plexus by? Eight pair of cervical spinal nerves. Four superior cervical spinal nerves, occipital nerve, vagus nerve. Superior cervical spinal nerves, accessory nerve. Anterior branches of superior cervical spinal nerves, hypoglossal nerve. *Anterior branches of four superior cervical spinal nerves. Name skin nerves of cervical plexus? Greater occipital nerve, phrenic nerve, supraclavicular nerve, transverse cervical nerve. Phrenic nerve, lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve, greater occipital nerve. Lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve, supraclavicular nerve, greater occipital nerve. Phrenic nerve, suboccipital nerve, lesser auricular nerve, accessory. *Lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve, transverse cervical nerve, supraclavicular nerve. Where do skin branches of cervical plexus appear on the neck? A. In the area of intermediate tendon of omohyoid muscle. B. In lower third of anterior edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle. C. In a supraclavicular fossula, near the inferior belly of omohyoid muscle. D. On the middle of length of common carotid artery. E. *On the middle of posterior edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle. 1281. A. B. C. D. E. What does lesser occipital nerve supply? Superficial muscles of occipital area. Skin of medial part of occipital area. Skin and muscles of auricle. External acoustic meatus and auditory tube. *Skin of lateral part of occipital area. A. B. C. D. E. What does great auricular nerve supply? Parotid gland. Skin and muscles of occipital area. Recti cervical muscles, muscles of auricle. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and skin above him. *Auricle and external acoustic meatus. A. B. C. D. E. What does the transverse cervical nerve supply? Platysma muscle. Muscles of suprahyoid group. Muscles of infrahyoid group. Skin of clavicular area and platysma muscle. *Skin of anterior and lateral cervical surfaces. A. B. C. D. E. What does supraclavicular nerve supply? Platysma muscle. Subclavius muscle. Skin of subclavicular area, subclavius muscle. Major pectoralis muscle and skin above it. *Skin above major pectoralis and deltoid muscles. A. B. C. D. E. What branches do form a cervical loop? Lesser occipital and phrenic nerves. Transverse cervical nerve and upper radix of hypoglossal nerve. Subscapular nerves and lower radix of cervical plexus. Recurrent nerve and lower guttural nerve. *Descending radix of hypoglossal nerve and lower radix of cervical plexus. A. B. C. D. E. Where is a cervical loop disposed. Between a common carotid artery and internal jugular vein. Between an external carotid artery and internal jugular vein. On the internal jugular vein. On the external jugular vein. *On the anterior surface of common carotid artery. A. B. C. D. E. What do the branches of cervical loop supply? Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. Scalene muscles. Suprahyoid cervical muscles and omohyoid muscle. Skin and platysma muscle. *Infrahyoid cervical muscles and geniohyoid muscle. 1282. 1283. 1284. 1285. 1286. 1287. 1288. What is function of phrenic nerve? A. Sympathetic. B. C. D. E. Parasympathetic. Motor. sensitive. *Mixed. A. B. C. D. What cervical muscle is a phrenic nerve located on? Sternocleidomastoid. Sternohyoid. Levator scapule. *Anterior scalene. A. B. C. D. E. Name forms, between which a phrenic nerve passes in thorax. Between scalene muscles. Ahead of subclavian vein. Behind a subclavian artery. Behind I rib. *Between a subclavian artery and vein. A. B. C. D. E. What does a phrenic nerve in thorax supply. Internal and external intercostal muscles. Heart, lungs, pleura, esophagus. Bronchus, thymus gland, lymphatic mediastinum ganglions. Esophagus, diaphragm, thymus gland, muscles of pectoral wall. *Pericardium, pleura, diaphragm, thymus gland. A. B. C. D. E. How is the mixed nerve of cervical plexus named? Vagus Accessory Intermediate Lesser occipital *Phrenic A. B. C. D. E. What foramen of skull does an internal jugular vein take beginning from? Rotundum. Ovale. Mastoid. Lacerum. *Jugular. 1289. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1293. 1294. What position on te neck does occupy internal jugular vein in relation to the common carotid artery? A. At the front. B. Medial. C. Behind. D. Beyond E. *Lateral 1295. with? A. B. C. D. E. Before confluence what vein is the lower bulge of internal jugular vein formed Superior cava. Brachiocephalic. External jugular Anterior jugular. *Subclavian. 1296. A. B. C. D. E. What venous plexus does anastomose a facial vein with? Pharyngeal and thyroid. Vertebral and thyroid. Lingual and pharyngeal. Lingual and thyroid. *Pterygoid and pharyngeal. A. B. C. D. E. What veins does anastomose a facial vein with? Lingual. Superior thyroid. Oesophageal. Transverse cervical veins. *Vein of orbit. A. B. C. D. E. Continuation of what sinuses is an internal jugular vein? Occipital and straight. Transverse and occipital. Superior petrosal and cavernous. Straight and superior sagittal. *Sigmoid and inferior petrosal. A. B. C. D. E. What sinus does the superior ophthalmic vein fall in? Superior petrosal. Inferior sagittal. Superior sagittal. Sphenoparietal *Cavernous. A. B. C. D. E. What veins do form the jugular venous arc? Anastomosis between internal and anterior jugular veins. Anastomosis between internal and external jugular veins. Anastomosis between external and anterior jugular veins. Anastomosis between internal jugular and middle thyroid veins. *Anastomosis between anterior jugular veins. A. B. C. D. E. Confluence of what sinuses does a confluence of sinuses appear? Occipital and transverse, sphenoparietal. Straight, transverse, superior petrosal, inferior sagittal. Suigmoid, superior and inferior petrosal, cavernous. Superior and inferior sagittal, straight, occipital *Superior sagittal, straight, occipital and transverse. A. B. C. D. E. What sinuses does the middle superficial cerebral vein fall in? Superior sagittal, transversE. Straight, occipital. Transverse, superior petrosal. Sigmoid, straight. *Cavernous, sphenoparietal. 1297. 1298. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. What sinus does the great cerebral vein fall in ? A. Inferior sagittal. B. Transverse. C. Sigmoid. D. Occipital. E. *Straight 1304. A. B. C. D. E. How are the XIII pair of cranial nerve named? Accessory Oculomotor Trochlear Vagus *Intermediate A. B. C. D. E. Where is a body of the second neuron of visual way? In the superior colliculus of quadrigeminal lamina. In the inferiof colliculus of quadrigeminal lamina. In a medial geniculate body. In a lateralgeniculate body. *In a retina. A. B. C. D. E. Where is a body of the third neuron of visual way? In the superior colliculus of quadrigeminal lamina. In the inferiof colliculus of quadrigeminal lamina. In a medial geniculate body. In a lateralgeniculate body. *In a retina. A. B. C. D. E. Name the area of innervation the branches of hypoglossal nerve. Skeletal muscles of tongue. Proper muscles of tongue. Stylohyoid muscle and suprahyoid muscles. Muscles of tongue and suprahyoid muscles. *Muscles of tongue, infrahyoid muscle, geniohyoid muscle. A. B. C. D. E. What topographical formation does the hypoglossal nerve pass in? In the triangle of Pirogov. In the carotid triangle. In the omo-trapezius triangle. In a submental triangle. *In the submandibular triangle. A. B. C. D. E. What channel does leave the hypoglossal nerve the cavity of skull through? Condylar canal. Musculo-tubular canal. Pterygoid canal. Chorda tympani canaliculus. *Hypoglossal canal. A. B. C. D. E. Where is the body of the 5th neuron of pupilla reflex placed? In a medial geniculate body In a lateral geniculate body In the superior colliculus of quadrigeminal lamina In the inferior colliculus of quadrigeminal lamina *In the accessory oculomotor nucleus 1305. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. What for functions is the accessory nerve? A. sensitive and parasympathetic. B. C. D. E. Sensitive. Sympathetic. Motor and sensitive. *Motor. A. B. C. D. E. What foramen does the accessory nerve leave the cavity of skull through? Hypoglossal canal. Lacerum foramen. Spinosum fofamen. Rotundum foramen. *Jugular foramen. A. B. C. D. E. What do axons of the 6th neuron of pupilla reflex innervate? Lacrimal apparatus Tunica of conjunctiva M. dilatator pupillae M. rectus superior *M. sphincter pupillae 1312. 1313. 1314. D. E. Name the nuclei of accessory nerve and their localization. Motor nucleus in a spinal cord and parasympathetic nucleus in medulla oblongata. Motor nucleus in pons and sensible nucleus in medulla oblongata. Motor nucleus in medulla oblongata motor nucleus in pons, sensitive nucleus in pons. Motor, sensitive and parasympathetic nucleus are in a medulla oblongata. *Motor nucleus in medulla oblongata, motor nucleus in a spinal cord. A. B. C. D. E. Name the branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve. Tracheal, bronchial, pulmonal. Superior and inferior laryngeal. Bronchial, inferior cervical cardiac. Esophageal, superior cervical cardiac, tracheal. *Esophageal, tracheal, cardiac. A. B. C. D. E. Specify motion of left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Rounds from below and behind subclavian artery. Passes ahead of arc of aorta. Passes ahead of subclavian artery. Passes ahead of ascending part of aorta. *Rounds from below and behind arc of aorta. A. B. C. 1315. 1316. 1317. Specify the place of break out of left recurrent laryngeal nerve from the vagus nerve. A. At the level of ascending part of aorta. B. At the level of left subclavian artery. C. At the level of superior edge of thyroid gland. D. At the level of superior aperture of thorax. E. *At the level of arc of aorta. 1318. Specify motion of right reccurent laryngeal nerve. A. Passes between subclavian artery and vein. B. Passes at the front of subclavian artery. C. Passes at the front of internal jugular vein. D. Rounds from below and behind the arc of aorta. E. *Rounds from below and behind subclavian artery. 1319. Specify the place of break out of right recurrent laryngeal nerve from the vagus nerve. A. At the level of lower edge of manubrium of sternum. B. At the level of brachiocephalic trunk. C. At the level of upper edge of thyroid gland. D. At the level of arc of aorta. E. *At the level of right subclavian artery. 1320. A. B. C. D. E. 1321. What do axons of 6th neuron of accommodation reflex supply? Apparatus of lacrimalis Tunica of conjunctiva M. dilatator pupillae M. rectus superior *M. ciliaris Name, what is form pharyngeal plexus? A. By the branches of vagus nerve, hypoglossal nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve. B. By the branches of vagusnerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, by sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, hypoglossal nerve. C. By the branches of vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal and hypoglossal nerves, parasympathetic branches. D. By the branches of trigeminal, glossopharyngeal nerves, branches of cervical department of sympathetic trunk. E. *By branches of vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, by the branches of cervical department of sympathetic trunk. 1322. What structures do pass the aksons of the last neuron of auditory way through? A. Through the white matter of extrema capsule B. Through the white matter of external capsule C. Through the white matter of anterior crus of internal capsule D. Through the white matter of genu of internal capsule E. *Through the white matter of posterior crus of internal capsule 1323. Name the branches of cervical part of vagus nerve. A. Pharyngeal branches, superior and inferior laryngeal nerves, superior cervical cardiac branches. B. Pharyngeal branches, oesophageal, inferior laryngeal nerve,. C. Pharyngeal branches, superior laryngeal nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve, inferior cervical cardiac branches. D. Pharyngeal branches, tracheal, inferior laryngeal nerve, upper cardiac. E. *Pharyngeal branches, superior laryngeal nerve, superior and inferior cervical cardiac branches. 1324. A. B. C. D. E. Name the area of innervation of meningeal branch of vagus nerve. Dura mater of middle cranial fossa, walls of superiorpetrosal sinus. Dura mater of middle and posterior cranial fossas. Dura mater of anterior cranial fossa, walls of cavernous sinus. Diaphragm of sella turcica and tentorium cerebelli. *Dura mater of posterior cranial fossa. 1325. A. B. C. D. E. Name the branches of cranial part of vagus nerve. Meningeal branch, oesophageal branches. Auricular branch, oesophageal branches. Auricular branch, lingual branch. Ophthalmic branch, lingual branch. *Meningeal branch, auricular branch. A. B. C. D. E. Where is a vagus nerve located in the middle cervical department? Between a common carotid artery and ansa cervicalis. Between an internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery. Between a brachiocephalic trunk and internal jugular vein. Between an external jugular vein and external carotid artery. *Between a common carotid artery and internal jugular vein. 1326. 1327. What ganglions do preganglion fibres carry impulses from the parasympathetic nucleus of vagus nerve? A. To the preorgans ganglions B. To the paravertebral ganglions C. To the spinal ganglions D. To the prevertebral ganglions E. *To the intramural ganglions 1328. Define the scopesof cranial department of vagus nerve. A. Between the upper and lower ganglions of vagus nerve. B. Between the exit of nerve from the brain and jugular foramen. C. Between the exit of nerve from the brain and to bifurcate of common carotid artery. D. Between the exit of nerve from the brain and upper ganglion. E. *Between the exit of nerve from the brain and lower ganglions 1329. D. E. Define the scopesof cervical department of vagus nerve. Between the jugular foramen and begin of superior laryngeal nerve. Between the jugular foramen and begin of superior cervical cardiac branches. Between the jugular foramen and begin of oesophageal and lingual branches. Between the inferior ganglion and begin of left recurrent laryngeal nerve. *Between the inferior ganglion and begin of right recurrent laryngeal nerve. A. B. C. D. E. What departments of vagus nerve are? Cervical, thoracic, abdominal. Cervical, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic. Cranial, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum. Cranial, cervical, thoracic. *Cranial, cervical, thoracic, abdominal A. B. C. D. E. What neurons are presented the ganglions of vagus nerve? By great pyramidal cells. By less pyramidal cells. By middle pyramidal cells By ganliosus cells. *By pseudounipolar cells A. B. C. 1330. 1331. 1332. Name ganglions for the step of vagus nerve. A. B. C. D. E. Superior and inferior (parasympatetic ). Superior (sensible), inferior (parasympatetic ). Superior (sensible ), inferior (sympatetic). Superior and inferior (sympatetic). *Superior and inferior (sensible) A. B. C. D. E. Name the nucleuses of vagus nerve. Inferior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of solitary tract, ambiguus nucleus. Ambiguus nucleus, superior salivvatory nucleus, Nucleus of solitary tract Nucleus of spinal way, ambiguus nucleus, dorsal vagal nucleus. Mesencephalic nucleus, propria nucleus, dorsal vagal nucleus. *Nucleus of solitary tract, ambiguus nucleus, dorsal vagal nucleus A. B. C. D. E. What fibres does the vagus nerve contain? Parasympathetic, sympathetic, sensible. Sympathetic, parasympathetic, motor. sensitive, sympathetic. Only sensible *Parasympathetic, sensible, motor A. B. C. D. E. What foramen does the vagus nerve abandon the cavity of skull through? Lacerum. Hypoglossal canal. Ovale Stylomastoid *Jugular A. B. C. D. E. What plexus do the fibres of vagus nerve go in composition of? In composition of inferior mesenteric In composition of inferior hypogastric In composition of cervical In composition of lumbar *In composition of pharingeal 1333. 1334. 1335. 1336. 1337. A. B. C. D. E. Name the place of output of vagus nerve on the basis of cerebrum. Between posterior edge of pons and olives. Between the pyramid and olive. From a posterior lateral fissure, behind the output of vestibulocochlear nerve In pontocerebellar angle. *From a posterior lateral fissure, behind the output of glossopharyngeal nerve. 1338. Name the area of innervation the tonsilar branches of glossopharyngeal nerve. A. To the mucus of soft palate, to the palatoglossal arch, to the lingual tonsil. B. To the mucus of soft palate, to the palatopharyngeal arch, to palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. C. To the mucus of uvula, pharyngeal tonsil, tuba tonsils, palatopharyngeal arch. D. To the mucus of soft palate, tongue, to the lingual tonsil. E. *To the mucous of palatine tonsils and arches. 1339. Name the area of innervation of lingual branches of glossopharyngeal nerve. A. sensitive innervation of mucus anterior third of tongue, tasteinnervation of fungiform papillae. B. sensitive innervation of mucus inferior surface of tongue, tasteinnervation of conical papillae. C. sensitive innervation of apex of tongue, tasteinnervation of the filiform and fungiform papillae of tongue. D. Motive innervation language. E. *sensitive innervation of mucus posterior third of tongue, tasteinnervation of vallate papillae.* 1340. A. B. C. D. E. Name the area of motor innervation of glossopharyngeal nerve. Pharyngeal constrictor muscles Palatopharyngeus muscle Palatopharyngeus and stylopharyngeus muscles Muscles of tongue. *Stylopharyngeus muscle 1341. Name the branches of glossopharyngeal nerve. A. Connecting branch with the vagus nerve, caroticotympanic nerves, branch to palatoglossal and to stylopharyngeus muscles, pharyngeal branches, sinus branch, tympanic nerve. B. Connecting branch with the vagus nerve, branch to the pharyngeal constrictor, branch to palatine tonsils, pharyngeal branches, sinus branch, tympanic nerve. C. Connecting branch with a facial nerve, sinus branch, pharyngeal and lingual branches, branch to the digastric muscle. D. Tympanic nerve, sinus branch, pharyngeal branches, tonsils branches, connecting branch with a facial nerve, branches to the tongue muscles. E. *Tympanic nerve, sinus branch, pharyngeal branches, branch to the stylopharyngeal muscle, tonsil branches, connecting branch with the vagus nerve, lingual branches. 1342. Name direction of motion of fibres of glossopharyngeal nerve. From the nucleus of solitary tract to the superior and inferior ganglions of nerve; from muscles to the ambiguous nucleus; from the otic ganglion to the inferior salivatory nucleus. From a parotid gland to the nucleus of solitary tract; from ambiguous nucleus to the muscles; from to the mucus to the superior and inferior ganglions. From the superior ganglion to the nucleus of solitary tract; from ambiguous nucleus to the mucus of pharynx and tongue: from the nucleus of solitary tract to the parotid gland. From the superior ganglion to the nucleus of solitary tract; from inferior ganglion to the propria pontis nucleus, from ambiguous nucleus to the mucus of pharynx and tongue. *From superior and inferior ganglions to the nucleus of solitary tract; from ambiguous nucleus to the muscle; from the inferior salivatory nucleus to the otic ganglion A. B. C. D. E. 1343. Name the ganglions of glossopharyngeal nerve. A. Superior ganglion (sensible), inferior ganglion (parasympathetic), inferior cervical (sympathetic). B. Superior gangllion (sensible), inferior and hypoglossal ganglions (parasympathetic). C. Superior ganglion (parasympathetic), inferior ganglion (sensible). D. Inferior and superior ganglions (sensible), submandibular and sublingual ganglions (parasympathetic). E. *Superior and inferior ganglions (sensible), otic ganglion (parasympathetic). 1344. What area of innervation of parasympathetic fibres of glossopharyngeal nerve? A. To the lacrimal gland. B. To the submandibular and sublingual glands. C. To the glands of mucus of palatine arches, soft palate. D. To the glands of mucus of oral and nasal cavities. E. *To the parotid gland. 1345. A. B. C. D. E. 1346. A. B. C. D. E. 1347. What area of innervation of motor fibres of glossopharyngeal nerve? To pharyngeal constrictors. To the propria muscles of tongue. To the hyoglossus muscle. To skeletal muscles of tongue. *To the stylopharyngeus muscle What area of innervation of sensible fibres of glossopharyngeal nerve? Mucus shell of pharynx, larynx, posterior third of tongue, tonsils and palatine arches. Mucus shell of anterior third of tohgue, tonsils and palatine arches. Mucus shell, nasopharynx and posterior third of tongue. Mucus shell of oral, nasal cavities, and posterior third of tongue. *Mucus shell of pharynx, tympanic cavity, mucus shell of posterior third of tongue, tonsils and palatine arches A. B. C. D. E. Name the types of fibres of glossopharyngeal nerve. Motor, sensible, sympathetic. Motor and parasympathetic. sensitive, sympathetic, parasympathetic. sensitive and motor. *Motor, sensible, parasympathetic A. B. C. D. E. The branch of what nerve is a tympanic nerve? III pair of cranial nerves V pair of cranial nerves VII pair of cranial nerves XI pair of cranial nerves *IX pair of cranial nerves 1348. 1349. Name the area of innervation of cervical branch of facial nerve and its anastomosis. A. Mylohyoid muscle, with lesser occipital nerve B. Sternohyoid muscle, with great auricular nerve C. Platysma muscle, with the supraclavicular nerve. D. Sternocleidomastoid muscle, with the accessory nerve E. *Platysma muscle, with the transverse cervical nerve. 1350. Name the area of innervation the zygomatic branches of facial nerve. A. Major and minor zygomaticus muscles, buccinator muscle. B. Major and minor zygomaticus muscles, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. C. major and minor zygomaticus muscles, nasalis muscles, mentalis muscles. D. Major zygomaticus, lateral pterygoid muscles, nanalis muscles. E. *Orbicularis oculi muscle, major and minor zygomaticus musclesmi. 1351. . Name the area of innervation the temporal branches of facial nerve. A. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle, corrugator supercilii blepharonmuscle, anterior auricular muscle. B. Anterior auricular, lacrimal muscles, frontalbelly of epicranius muscle, levator palpebrae superioris muscle. C. Depressor palpebrae inferioris muscle, lacrimal blephamuscle, occipital belly of epicranius muscle. D. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle supperoir, temporal muscle, anterior auricular muscle. E. *Anterior and superior auricular muscles, frontalbelly of epicranius muscle, orbicularis oculi muscle 1352. What branches do break out from a facial nerve immediately for exit from the stylomastoid foramen? A. Nerve to stapedius muscle, temporal branches, marginal mandibulae. B. Chorda tympani, zygomatic and cervical branches. C. Temporal, pterygoid and cervical branches. D. Nerve to stapedius muscle, styloglossal nerve, marginal mandibulae branch. E. *Posterior auricular nerve, branch to the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid branch 1353. The defeat of what nucleus does result in violation of function of lacrimal gland? A. Submandibular B. Otic C. Ciliary D. Superior cervical E. *Pterygopalatine 1354. Name the innervation of chorda tympani. A. Anterior two third of mucous shell of tongue, mucus shell of palatine, ciliary ganglion. B. Anterior two third of mucous shell of tongue, otic ganglion. C. Posterior third of mucous shell of tongue, pterygopalatine ganglion. D. Mucous shell of root of tounge, submandibular and sublingual ganglions. E. *Anterior two third of mucous shell of tongue, submandibular and sublingual ganglions 1355. Name, to what parasympathetic ganglion fibres of great petrosal nerve are preganglionic. A. Ciliary ganglion. B. Submandibular ganglion C. Sublingual ganglion D. Otic ganglion E. *Pterygopalatine ganglion 1356. Specify, what nucleuses of cerebri trunk is behaved to the intermedius nerve. A. Inferor salivatory nucleus, nucleus of solitary tract. B. Superior salivatory nucleus, ambiguus nucleus. C. Inferor salivatory nucleus, ambiguus nucleus. D. Nucleus of solitary tract, ambiguus nucleus. E. *Superior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of solitary tract. 1357. Name, to what parasympathetic ganglion fibres of chorda tympani are preganglionic. A. Ciliary ganglion. B. Pterygopalatine ganglion. C. Trigeminal ganglion. D. Otic ganglion. E. *Submandiblar ganglion 1358. A. B. C. D. E. What nerves do start from a facial nerve in a facial canal. Deep petrosal, lesser petrosal, nerve to stapedius muscle Lesser petrosal nerve, nerve to stapedius muscle, tympanicus nerve Nerve to stapedius muscle, tympanicus nerve, carotico-tympanicus nerves. Lesser petrosal nerve, chorda tympani, nerve to stapedius muscle *Great petrosal nerve, chorda tympani, nerve to stapedius muscle A. B. C. D. E. What fibres does intermedius nerve contain? Motor, sensible. Parasympathetic, motor. Motor, sympathetic sensitive taste, sympathetic. *sensitive taste, vegetative A. B. C. D. E. What function has the intermedius nerve? Motor. sensitive Sympathetic. Parasympathetic. *Mixed. A. B. C. D. E. What function has the facial nerve (without intermedius nerve)? Mixed. sensitive. Parasympathetic. Sympathetic. *Motor. A. B. C. D. E. What nerves do pass through an internal acoustic meatus? Accessory, intermedius nerves. Great petrosal, glossopharyngeal nerves. Lesser petrosal, facial nerves. Glossopharyngeal, vestibulocochlear nerves. *Vestibulocochlear, facial nerves A. B. C. D. E. What department of brain does an olfactory nerve develop from? From diencephalon From an isthmus of rhombencephalon From metencephalon From medulla oblongata *From telencephalon. 1359. 1360. 1361. 1362. 1363. 1364. What function has an olfactory nerve? A. B. C. D. E. Motor. Mixed Sympathetic Parasympathetic *sensitive 1365. What openings do the fibres of olfactory nerve enter through into the cavity of cranium? A. Superior and inferior orbital fissures B. Rotundum and spinosum foramens C. Ovale and jugular foramens D. Lacerum and nasale foramens E. *Through the openings of the cribrosa lamina 1366. A. B. C. D. E. Where are olfactory receptors located? In the mucus of middle nasal meatus. In the mucus of inferior nasal meatus. In mucus of nasal part of pharynx. In mucus of tongue and soft palate. *In the mucus of superior nasal meatus. A. B. C. D. E. Where is the first neuron of pathway of olfactory analyzer located? In the olfactory bulb. In the olfactory tract. In the olfactory triangle. In the anterior perforated substance. *In the mucus of superior nasal meatus. A. B. C. D. E. What does behave to peripheral part of olfactory brain? Olfactory area, olfactory filaments, olfactory tract. Olfactory bulbs, olfactory tract, posterior perforated substance. Olfactory area, olfactory filaments, olfactory bulbs, uncus. Olfactory filaments, olfactory bulbs, olfactory tract, hippocampus. *Olfactory bulbs, olfactory tract, olfactory triangle. A. B. C. D. E. What does behave to central part of olfactory brain? Olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory triangle, uncus. Olfactory triangle, anterior perforated substance, hippocampus, uncus. Septum pellucidum,fornix, posterior perforated substancE. Olfactory tract, parahippocampal gyrus, dentate gyrus. *Cingulate gyrus, uncus, hippocampus. A. B. C. D. E. What function has the optic nerve? Motor. Mixed. Sympathetic. Parasympathetic. *sensitive. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. 1371. Where does a cerebral part of optic nerve start from? A. From telencephalon. B. From mesencephalon. C. From metencephalon. D. From medulla oblongata. E. *From diencephalon. 1372. A. B. C. D. E. Where is the body of the IV neuron of visual tract? In the medial geniculate body In the superior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina In the inferior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina In the optic chiasm *In the lateral geniculate body A. B. C. D. E. Where are the nucleses of optic nerve in central nervous system? In pons In the quadrigeminal lamina In the rhomboid fossa In medulla oblongata *Nucleuses are absent in central nervous system A. B. C. D. E. What opening does the optic nerve enter through into the cranium? Superior orbital fissure Rotundum foramen Spinosum foramen Inferior orbital fissure *Optic canal. A. B. C. D. E. Where is the body of the IV neuron of pupilla reflex placed? In a medial geniculate body In a medial geniculate body In the inferior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina In the optic chiasm *In the superior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina 1373. 1374. 1375. 1376. What fibres are present in the right optic tract? A. By the fibres of right optic nerve. B. By the fibres of left optic nerve C. By the lateral bunch of fibres of left and by the medial bunch of fibres of right optic nerves. D. By the lateral bunch of fibres of right and by the lateral bunch of fibres of left optic nerves E. *By the lateral bunch of fibres of right and by the medial bunch of fibres of left optic nerves 1377. A. B. C. D. E. Where is the body of the VI neuron of pupilla reflex placed? In the medial geniculate body In the lateral geniculate body In the superior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina In the inferior colliculi of guadrigeminal lamina *In ciliary ganglion A. B. C. D. E. What function has the oculomotor nerve? sensitive Motor Sympathetic Parasympathetic *Mixed 1378. 1379. What opening does the oculomotor nerve pass out throught from the cavity of cranium? A. Optic canal B. Inferior optical fissure C. Rotundum foramen D. Ovale foramen E. *Superior optical fissure 1380. A. B. C. D. E. Specify the place of output of oculomotor nerve from the cerebri. Between the pons and medulla oblongata Lateral from cerebral peduncle Between the pyramid and olive Behind the olive of medulla oblongata *From the interpeduncular fossa on the medial edge of cerebral peduncle 1381. orbit? A. B. C. D. E. What branches are formed by the oculomotor nerve after entering into the 1382. A. B. C. D. E. What does supply the superior branch of oculomotor nerve? Medial and lateral rectus muscles of eye Superior rectus and superior oblique muscles of eye Levator palpebrae superioris muscle, superior oblique muscle of eye Superior oblique, lateral rectus muscles of eye. *Superior rectus muscle of eye; levator palpebrae superioris muscle A. B. C. D. E. What does supply inferior branch of oculomotor nerve? Inferior oblique, inferior rectus muscles of eye, ciliary muscle. Inferior oblique, inferior rectus, lateral rectus muscles of eye. Medial rectus, lateral rectus, inferior oblique muscles of eye. Inferior oblique muscle of eye, ciliary muscle, sphincter of pupil musclE. *Inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique muscles of eyE. * A. B. C. D. E. What fibres do go in composition of oculomotor nerve? Sympathetic and motor. sensitive and motor Motor Vegetative *Parasympathetic and motor A. B. C. D. E. Where are the somato-motor nuclei of oculomotor nerve located? In the quadrigeminal lamina at the level of inferior colliculi In superior part of rhomboid fossa In inferior part of rhomboid fossa In anterior part of pons *In the quadrigeminal lamina at the level of superior colliculi. 1383. 1384. 1385. 1386. Medial and lateral Superior, inferior and medial Medial, lateral and middle. Superior, inferior and medial *Superior and inferior Where are parasympathetic nuclei of oculomotor nerve located? A. In the cerebral peduncle, in lateral geniculate bodies B. C. D. E. In superior colliculi, in medial geniculate bodies In inferior colliculi, in the substantia nigra of cerebral peduncle In the pulvinar of thalamus, in the caudate body *On the bottom of cerebral aqueduct in his gray matter A. B. C. D. E. How many neurons has visual pathway? 2 neurons 3 neurons 5 neurons 6 neurons *4 neurons 1387. 1388. What do supply the postganglionic parasympathetic fibres of oculomotor nerve? A. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle B. Eyeball and sphincter of pupil muscle C. Lacrimal gland and ciliary muscle D. Ciliary muscle and dilatator of pupil muscle E. *Ciliary muscle and sphincter of pupil muscle 1389. Where are the bodies of fourth neurons of visual way placed? A. In the superior and inferior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina. B. In the superior and inferior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina and in lateral geniculate body. C. In the pulvinar of thalamus and medial geniculate body. D. In the pulvinar of thalamus and superior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina. E. *In the pulvinar of thalamus and lateral geniculate body. 1390. A. B. C. D. E. What structures do the axon of fourth neuron of visual way pass through? Through the white matter of extrema capsule Through the white matter of external capsule Through the white matter of anterior crus of internal capsule Through the white matter of genu of internal capsule *Through the white matter of posterior crus of internal capsule A. B. C. D. E. What function of the trochlear nerve? Sensitive Mixed Sympathetic Parasympathetic *Motor A. B. C. D. E. What opening does the trochlear nerve go out from the cavity of cranium? Optic canal Inferior orbital fissure Rotundum foramen Ovale foramen *Superior orbital fissure A. B. C. D. Where does the trochlear nerve go out from the cerebrum? From the lateral surface of cerebri peduncles In interpeduncular fossula Between the pons and pyramid Between the pons and middle cerebri peduncles 1391. 1392. 1393. E. *Near the frenulum of superior medullary velum 1394. A. B. C. D. E. What does supply the trochlear nerve? Inferior odlique muscle of eye Levator palpebrae superioris muscle Medial rectus muscle of eye Lateral rectus muscle of eye *Superior obliqus muscle A. B. C. D. E. Where is the nucleus of trochlear nerve located? In quadrigeminal lamina at the level of superior colliculi In the lateral corner of rhomboid fossa In the inferior corner of rhomboid fossa In dorsal part of pons *In quadrigeminal lamina at the level of inferior colliculi A. B. C. D. E. What nerve does supply the superior oblique muscle of eye? Facial. Abducens. Optic. Oculomotor. *Trochlear. A. B. C. D. E. What for function is the abducens nerve? Sensitive Mixed Sympathetic Parasympathetic *Motor A. B. C. D. E. Where is the nucleus of abducens nerve located? In the superior colliculi of quadrigeminal lamina In the lateral corners of rhomboid fossa In quadrigeminal lamina at the level of superior colliculi In the medulla oblongata *In dorsal part of pons in the area of facial tuberculum A. B. C. D. E. Where does the abducens nerve go out from the cerebri? On the medial surface of cerebri peduncle Lateral from cerebri peduncle In the interpeduncular fossula Between the pons and middle cerebellum peduncle *Between the pons and pyramid of medulla oblongata 1395. 1396. 1397. 1398. 1399. 1400. What opening does the abducens nerve go out through from the cavity of cranium? A. Optic canal B. Inferior orbital fissure C. Rotundum foramer D. Ovale foramen E. *Superior orbital fissure 1401. What does supply the abducens nerve? A. Medial rectus muscle of eye B. C. D. E. Superior oblique muscle of eye Inferior oblique muscle of eye Superior rectus muscle of eye *Lateral rectus muscle of eye A. B. C. D. E. What is function of the trigeminal nerve? Motor Sensitive Sympathetic Parasympathetic *Mixed A. B. C. D. E. How many nuclei in central nervous system do have the trigeminal nerve? One Two Three Five *Four A. B. C. D. E. How many motor nuclei do have the trigeminal nerve? Two Three Four Five *One A. B. C. D. E. How many sensitive nuclei do have the trigeminal nerve? One Two Four Five *Three 1402. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1406. Name the nucleus of trigeminal nerve. A. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of spinal way, superior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of pons B. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of spinal way, inferior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of pons. C. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of pons, nucleus of spinal way of trigeminal nerve, ambiguus nucleus. D. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of spinal way of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of solitary way. E. *Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of spinal way, nucleus of pons, nucleus mesencephalic. 1407. A. B. C. D. E. 1408. Specify localization of motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve. In the inferior corner of rhomboid fossa In the lateral corners of rhombooid fossa. In the cover of mesencephalon. In dorsal part of medulla oblongata. *In dorsal part of pons. What for functions are the nuclei of trigeminal nerve? A. Sensory and parasympathetic B. C. D. E. Parasympathetic and motor Only sensory Only motor *Motor and sensory A. B. C. D. E. Specify localization of pons nucleus of trigeminal nerve In dorsal part of medulla oblongata In ventral part of pons In ventral part of medulla oblongata In dorsal part of spinal cord *In dorsal part of pons A. B. C. D. E. What do supply the motor fibres of trigeminal nerve? Stapedius muscle Buccinator muscle Muscles of tongue Mentalis muscle *Tensor tympani muscle A. B. C. D. E. Where does the trigeminal nerve start from the brain? In the area of ponto-cerebelaris corner Between the pons and medulla oblongata Between the pons and superior cerebellaris peduncle Between the pons and inferior cerebellaris peduncle *Between the pons and middle cerebellaris peduncle A. B. C. D. E. What do supply the motor fibres of trigeminal nerve? Stapedius muscle Buccinator muscle Muscles of tongue Mentalis muscle *Tensor veli palatini muscle A. B. C. D. E. How is the first branch of trigeminal nerve named? Lacrimal nerve Maxillary nerve Frontalnerve Ethmoidal nerve *Ophthalmic nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the second branch of trigeminal nerve named? Ophthalmic nerve Ethmoidal nerve Mandibular nerve Lacrimal nerve *Maxillary nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the third branch of trigeminal nerve named? Maxillary nerve Ophthalmic nerve Pterygopalatine nerve Lacrimal nerve *Mandibular nerve 1409. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413. 1414. 1415. 1416. What opening does the first branch of trigeminal nerve go out through from the cranium? A. Rotundum foramen B. Ovale foramen C. Spinosum foramen D. Inferior orbital E. *Superior orbital fissure 1417. What opening does the second branch of trigeminal nerve go out through from the skull? A. Superior orbicular fissure B. Inferior orbicular fissure C. Ovale foramen D. Spinosum foramen E. *Rotundum foramen 1418. What opening does the third branch of trigeminal nerve go out through from the skull? A. Superior orbicular fissure B. Inferior orbicular fissure C. Rotundum fissure D. Spinosum foramen E. *Ovale foramen 1419. A. B. C. D. E. 1420. 1421. What cranial nerve does go out on basis of skull through the ovale foramen? First branch of the V pair of cranial nerves Second branch of the V cranial nerves VI pair of cranial nerves VII pair of cranial nerve *Third branch of the V cranial nerves ANSWER: E A. B. C. D. E. What nerves do start from the first branch of trigeminal nerve? Frontal, zygomatic, lacrimal nerves and ramus meningeus. Lacrimal, frontal, infraorbital nerves and ramus meningeus. Zygomatic, nasociliary, pterygopalatine nerves and ramus meningeus. Frontal, lacrimal, ciliary, pterygopalatine nerves and ramus meningeus *Frontal, lacrimal, nasociliary nerves and ramus meningeus. A. B. C. D. E. What does supply the frontalnerve? Skin of forehead, inferior palpebrae, medial corner of eye. Skin of forehead, inferior palpebrae, lateral corner of eye. Skin of forehead, superior and inferior palpebrae. Skin of forehead, lacrimal gland, levator palpebrae superioris muscle. *Skin of forehead, superior palpebrae, medial corner of eye. 1422. 1423. 1424. What does supply the lacrimal nerve? Lacrimal gland, skin and conjunctiva of medial corner of eye. Lacrimal gland, skin of the back of nose and palpebrae superior. Lacrimal gland, lacrimal sac and inferior palpebrae. Lacrimal gland, lacrimal sac, skin of the back of nose. E. *Lacrimal gland, skin and conjunctiva of lateral corner of eye. 1425. What does supply the posterior ethmoidal nerve? A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. E. Retina of eye. Lacrimal gland. Mucous of maxillary sinus. Mucous of frontalsinus *Mucous of sphenoidal sinus. A. B. C. D. E. What nerve does the lacrimal gland get parasympathetic supplying from? From ophthalmic nerve From optic nerve From accessory nerve From oculomotor *From intermedius nerve A. B. C. D. E. What fibres are preganglionic to the ciliary ganglion? Fibres of great petrosal nerve. Fibres of lesser petrosal nerve. Fibres of deeppetrosal nerve. Fibres of intermedius nerve. *Fibres of oculomotor nerve. 1426. 1427. 1428. A. B. C. D. E. 1429. What nerves do start from the second branch of trigeminal nerve? Branches to dura mater, to the otic ganglion, supraorbital, zygomatic nerves. Branch to dura mater, infraorbital, zygomatic, ciliary nerves. Branch to dura mater, supraorbital, ciliary, lingual nerves. Branch to dura mater, buccal, zygomatic, pterygopalatine nerves. *Branches to dura mater, to the pterygopalatine ganglion, infraorbital, zygomatic nerves. A. B. C. D. E. What does supply the infraorbital nerve? Skin of inferior palpebrae, radix of nose and lacrimal gland. Skin of superior palpebrae, upper lip and lateral surface of nose. Skin of inferior palpebrae, lower lip and radix of nose. Skin of inferior palpebrae, upper lip and zygomatic area. *Skin of inferior palpebrae, lateral surface of nose and upper lip. A. B. C. D. E. What nerve is supplyed skin of upper lip by? Mandibular nerve Zygomatic nerve Nasociliary nerve Great palatine nerve *Infraorbital nerve A. B. C. D. E. What fibres are preganglionic to the pterygopalatine ganglion? Fibres of lesser petrosal nerve. Fibres of deeppetrosal nerve. Fibres of oculomotor nerve. Fibres of intermedius nerve. *Fibres of great petrosal nerve. A. B. C. D. What fibres does contain the third branch of trigeminal nerve? Sensory, secretory Motor, secretory Sensory, secretory, motor Sympathetic, secretory, sensory 1430. 1431. 1432. E. *Motor, sensory 1433. A. B. C. D. E. What muscular branches are given by the mandibular nerve? Lingual branches. Branches to the posterior belly of digastric muscle. Inferior gingival branches. Branches of isthmus of fauces. *Deeptemporal branches. A. B. C. D. E. What sensory branches are given by the mandibular nerve? Inferior alveolar, deeptemporal, lingual. Inferior alveolar, palatine, lingual nerves Buccal, lingual, pterygoid nerves. Lingual, pharyngeal, auriculotemporal, masseteric nerves. *Buccal, lingual, auriculotemporal nerves. A. B. C. D. E. What does supply the lingual nerve of mandibular nerve? Mucus shell of bottom of mouth, mucus shell of radix of tongue. Mucus shell of bottom of mouth, mucus shell of posterior 1/3 of tongue. Mucus shell of bottom of mouth, tastepapillas of posterior 1/3 of tongue. Mucus shell of bottom of mouth, tastepapillas of anterior 2/3 of tongue. *Mucus shell of bottom of mouth, mucus shell of anterior 2/3 of tongue. 1434. 1435. 1436. A. B. C. D. E. 1437. What does supply the inferior alveolar nerve? Teeth and gums of mandible, suprahyoid muscles. Teeth and gums of mandible, skin of upper and lower lip, geniohyoid muscle. Teeth and gums of mandible, skin of chin and lower lip, cheeks, stylohyoid muscle Teeth and gums of mandible, skin of lower lip and chin, posterior belly of digastric muscle, geniohyoid muscle. *Teeth and gums of mandible, skin of lower lip and chin, anterior belly of digastric muscle, mylohyoid muscle. A. B. C. D. E. What does supply the auriculotemporal nerve of mandibular nerve? Muscles of tongue. Tympanic cavity. Internal ear. Internal acoustic meatus *Parotid salivary gland. A. B. C. D. E. Fibres of what nerve are preganglionic to the pterygopalatine ganglion? Oculomotor. Chorda tympani. Deeppetrosal. Lesser petrosal. *Great petrosal. 1438. 1439. What do supply postganglionic nervous fibres which start from the pterygopalatine ganglion? A. Mucus shell of cavity of mouth and tympanic cavity, palatine tonsils, glands of pharynx. B. Glands of cavity of mouth and nose, parotid gland. C. Sensory and secretory innervation of mucus cavity of mouth and middle ear, submandibular gland D. Glands of cavity of mouth, nose; sublingual salivary gland. E. *Glands of mucus shell of cavity of nose and palate, lacrimal gland. 1440. A. B. C. D. E. Fibres of what nerve are preganglionic to the otic ganglion? Facial Intermedius Vagus Trigeminal *Glossopharyngeal 1441. What do supply postganglionic nervous fibres which start from the otic ganglion? A. Skin of auricle B. Mucus shell of tympanic cavity C. Internal ear D. Auditory tube E. *Parotid salivary gland 1442. A. B. C. D. E. Fibres of what nerve are preganglionic to the submandibular ganglion? Vagus Glossopharyngeal Great petrosal Lessser petrosal *Chorda tympani 1443. What do supply and what type of innervation of postganglionic nervous fibres which start from the submandibular ganglion?A. Sensory innervation of mucus shell of bottom of cavity of mouth B. Tasteinnervation of anterior 2 /3 of tongue C. Sympathetic innervation of submandibular salivary gland D. Sensory innervation of parotid salivary gland E. *Parasympathetic innervation of submandibular and sublingual salivary gland 1444. The damage of what nuclei of cerebral trunk will result in violation of function of submandibular and sublingual salivary glands? A. Nucleus of Yakubovych B. Inferior salivatory C. Spinal vagus D. Nucleus of solitary way E. *Superioir salivatory 1445. A. B. C. D. E. What nerve does supply the inferior oblique muscle of eye? Trochlear. Abducens. Trigeminal. Infraorbital *Oculomotor. 1446. What nerve does supply the superior rectus muscle of eye and levator palpebrae superioris muscle? A. Abducens B. Trochlear. C. Trigeminal. D. Infraorbital E. *Oculomotor. 1447. A. B. C. D. E. What nerve does supply inferior and medial rectus muscles of eye? Superior branch of oculomotor Ophthalmic Trochlear Infraorbital. *Inferiior branch of oculomotor. A. B. C. D. E. What nerve does supply the lateral rectus muscle of eye? Zygomatic nerve. Trochlear nerve. Superior branch of oculomotor. Inferior branch of oculomotor. *Abducens nerve. A. B. C. D. E. How many pairs of cranial nerves are? 31 pairs 10 pairs 21 pairs 8 pairs *13 pairs A. B. C. D. E. How is I pair of cranial nerves named? Optic nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Oculomotor nerve Hypoglossal nerve *Olfactory nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the II pair of cranial nerves named? Vestibulocochlear nerve Oculomotor Hypoglossal Trigeminal nerve *Optic nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the III pair of cranial nerves named? Hypoglossal Trigeminal Accessory nerve Trocchlear nerve *Oculomotor A. B. C. D. E. How is the IV pair of cranial nerves named? Facial nerve Hypoglossal Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve *Trochlear nerve 1448. 1449. 1450. 1451. 1452. 1453. 1454. How is the V pair of cranial nerves named? A. Accessory nerve B. Trochlear nerve C. Facial nerve D. Hypoglossal nerve E. *Trigeminal nerve 1455. A. B. C. D. E. How is the VI pair of cranial nerves named? Accessory nerve Trochlear nerve Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve *Abducens nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the VII pair of cranial nerves named? Accessory nerve Trochlear nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve *Facial nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the VIII pair of cranial nerves named? Facial Vagus Trigeminal Hypoglossus *Vestibulocochlear A. B. C. D. E. How is the VIII pair of cranial nerves named? Oculomotor Hypoglossal Trigeminal Abducens *Vestibulocochlear A. B. C. D. E. How is the IX pair of cranial nerves named? Accessory nerve Trochlear nerve Facial nerve Vagus nerve *Glossopharyngeal nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the Х pair of cranial nerves named? Olfactory nerve Optic nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Oculomotor *Vagus nerve A. B. C. D. E. How is the XI pair of cranial nerves named? Abducens nerve Trochlear nerve Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve *Accessory nerve 1456. 1457. 1458. 1459. 1460. 1461. 1462. How is the XII pair of cranial nerves named? A. B. C. D. E. Trigeminal nerve Abducens nerve Accessory nerve Trochlear nerve *Hypoglossal A. B. C. D. E. What nerves do behave to the sensory cranial nerves? IV, VII pairs I, ІІІ, VIII pairs II, V, Х pairs V, VII, Х pairs *I, II, VIII pairs A. B. C. D. E. To the motor cranial nerves belong Optic nerve Oculomotor Vagus Trigeminal *Hypoglossal A. B. C. D. E. To the mixed cranial nerves belong. Hypoglossal Abducens nerve Accessory nerve Optic nerve *Trigeminal nerve A. B. C. D. E. Parasympathetic nuclei have next cranial nerves. Optic nerve Accessory nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Trigeminal nerve *Oculomotor A. B. C. D. E. All of cranial nerves have nuclei in cerebrum, except. 1 and VIII pairs II and VIII pairs V and VII pairs ІІІ and ІV pairs *I and II pairs 1463. 1464. 1465. 1466. 1467. 1468. What cranial nerves contain motornuclei in the grey matter of cerebral peduncle? A. IV, V pairs B. V, VI pairs C. VI, VII pairs D. VII, IX pairs E. *III, IV pairs 1469. A. B. C. D. Nuclei of V pair of cranial nerves located. in the rhomboid fossa in the area of medull oblongata in cerebellum in diencephalon In cerebral peduncle E. *in the rhomboid fossa in the area of pons 1470. A. B. C. D. E. The V pair of cranial nerves have next nuclei. pons nucleus, inferior salivatiry nucleus nucleus of spinal way, ambiguusnucleus nucleus of mesencephalic way, ambiguus nucleus Superior salivatory nucleus, nucleus of solitary way *motor nucleus, pons nucleus A. B. C. D. E. What nucleus is parasympathetic? Ambiguus nucleus Pons nucleus Nucleus of mesencephalic way Nucleus of solitary way *Superior salivatory nucleus A. B. C. D. E. What nucleus is motor? Pons nucleus Nucleus of mesencephalic way Superior salivatory nucleus Nucleus of solitary way *Ambiguus nucleus 1471. 1472. 1473. A. B. C. D. E. 1474. Trigeminal ganglion of V pair located. in breaking up of dura mater of anterior cranial fossa on the posterior surface of pyramid of temporal bone under the arcuate eminence in the area of greater wing of sphenoid bone in breaking up of dura mater of posterior cranial fossa *on the anterior surface of pyramid of temporal bone in the area of the depression for trigeminal ganglion A. B. C. D. E. Trigeminal ganglion is formed. by motor nervous cells by efferent nervous cells by associative nervous cells by inserted nervous cells *by sensory nervous cells A. B. C. D. E. The central process of trigeminal ganglion form. motor radix parasympathetic radix sympathetic rsdix mixed radix *sensory radix 1475. 1476. Axons of cells of trigeminal ganglion enter in synaptic connection with the cells of grey matter, that located. A. in medulla oblongata B. in diencephalon C. in olfactory brain D. in cerebellum E. *in rhomboid fossa 1477. A. B. C. D. E. Next branches depart from the trigeminal ganglion. frontalnerve infraorbital nerve lingual nerve facial nerve *ophthalmic nerve A. B. C. D. E. Ophthalmic nerve. is the IІ branch of trigeminal nerve is the ІІІ branch of trigeminal nerve is the I pair of cranial nerves is the ІІ pair of cranial nerves *is the I branch of trigeminal nerve A. B. C. D. E. Ophthalmic nerve in orbit is divided by next branches. optic nerve, frontalnerve, nasociliary nerve infraorbital nerve, nasal nerve, supratrochlear nerve supraorbital nerve, supratrochlear nerve, long ciliary nerve nasal nerve, lacrimal nerve, frontalnerve *lacrimal nerve, frontalnerve, nasociliary nerve A. B. C. D. E. The branch of what pair of cranial nerves is the lacrimal nerve? ІІ pair of cranial nerves ІІІ pair of cranial nerves ІV pair of cranial nerves VІ pair of cranial nerves *V pair of cranial nerves A. B. C. D. E. The lacrimal nerve contains parasympethetic fibres from the next ganglion. from the otic ganglion from the submandibular ganglion from the ciliary ganglion from the trigeminal ganglion *from the pterygopalatine ganglion A. B. C. D. E. The lacrimal nerve supplies. skin and conjunctiva of medial corner of eye skin of the back of nose vascular shell of eye skin and conjunctiva of inferior palpebrae *skin and conjunctiva of superior palpebrae * A. B. C. D. E. The lacrimal nerve is a branch of. nasociliary nerve maxillary nerve frontalnerve supratrochlear nerve *ophthalmic nerve A. B. C. D. The frontalnerve is a branch of. maxillary nerve lacrimal nerve nasociliary nerve supratrochlear nerve 1478. 1479. 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. E. *ophthalmic nerve 1485. A. B. C. D. E. The frontalnerve contains of next fibres. parasympathetic motor sympathetic mixed *sensory A. B. C. D. E. The frontalnerve is divided on. lacrimal and supraorbital nerves nasociliary and anterior ethmoidal nerves infraorbital and trochlear nerves trochlear and posterior ethmoidal nerves *supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves A. B. C. D. E. The supraorbital nerve is a branch of. anterior ethmoidal nerve lacrimal nerve trochlear nerve anterior ethmoidal nerve *frontalnerve A. B. C. D. E. The supratrochlear nerve is a branch of. anterior ethmoidal nerve lacrimal nerve trochlear nerve posterior ethmoidal nerve *frontalnerve A. B. C. D. E. The supratrochlear nerve contains of next fibres. sympathetic motor parasympathetic mixed *sensory A. B. C. D. E. The nasociliary nerve gives next branches. supratrochlear and subtrochlear nerves supraorbital and infraorbital nerves frontalnerve lacrimal nerve *anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves A. B. C. D. E. Anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves are the branches of. maxillary nerve frontalnerve lacrimal nerve supraorbital nerve *nasociliary nerve 1486. 1487. 1488. 1489. 1490. 1491. 1492. Long ciliary branches is the branches of A. maxillary nerve B. frontalnerve C. lacrimal nerve D. supraorbital nerve E. *nasociliary nerve 1493. A. B. C. D. E. The subtrochlear nerve is a branch. maxillary nerve frontalnerve lacrimal nerve supraorbital nerve *nasociliary nerve A. B. C. D. E. The ciliary ganglion is located in the area of ramification. ХІ pair of cranial nerve ІХ pair of cranial nerve VII pair of cranial nerve I of pair of cranial nerve *V pair of cranial nerve A. B. C. D. E. To the ciliary ganglion befit. preganglionic parasympathetic from the facial nucleus preganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the superior salivatory nucleus sensory connecting fibres from the zygomatic nerve (by transit ) preganglionic sympathetic fibres *sensory connecting fibres from the nasociliary nerve (by transit ) A. B. C. D. E. From the ciliary ganglion depart. connecting ganglionic branches long ciliary nerves nasociliary nerves anterior ethmoidal nerves *short ciliary nerves A. B. C. D. E. Short ciliary nerves start from Long ciliary nerves nasociliary nerve frontalnerve lacrimal nerve *ciliary ganglion A. B. C. D. E. Short ciliary nerves contain next fibres sensory parasympathetic sympathetic motor *mixed A. B. C. D. E. The parasympathetic fibres of short ciliary nerves supply. conjunctiva of eye dilatator of pupil muscle lacrimal gland nasolacrimal canal *sphincter of pupil muscle 1494. 1495. 1496. 1497. 1498. 1499. 1500. The sympathetic fibres of short ciliary nerves supply. A. B. C. D. E. conjunctiva of eye ciliary muscle sphincter of pupil muscle lacrimal gland *dilatator of pupil muscle 1501. The sensory fibres of short ciliary nerves supply. A. skin of superior palpebrae B. skin of inferior palpebrae C. skin of radix of nose 1502. D. skin of lateral corner of eye 1503. E. *shells of eyeball 1504. Skin and conjunctiva of superior palpebrae in lateral corner of eye are supplied. A. by the frontalnerve B. by long ciliary branches C. by short ciliary nerves D. by the nasociliary nerve E. *by the lacrimal nerve 1505. A. B. C. D. E. Skin of forehead is supplied by the maxillary nerve by the lacrimal nerve by the zygomatic nerve by the nasociliary nerve *by the supraorbital nerve 1506. Skin and conjunctiva of superior palpebrae in the area of medial corner of eye are supplied. A. zygomatic nerve B. by the lacrimal nerve C. by the long ciliary nerve D. by the nasociliary nerve E. *by the supratrochlear nerve 1507. Mucus shell of the ethmoidal and frontalsinus and mucus shell of cavity of nose are supplied. A. by the nasopalatine nerve B. by long ciliary nerves C. by the lacrimal nerve D. by the frontalnerve E. *by anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves 1508. A. B. C. D. E. 1509. The lacrimal gland gets secretory innervation from. ciliary ganglion otic ganglion trigeminal ganglion jugular ganglion *pterygopalatine ganglion The lacrimal gland gets parasympathetic innervation from. A. inferior salivatory nucleus B. spinal nucleus of vagus nerve C. ambiguous nucleus D. nucleus of Yacubovych E. *superior salivatory nucleus 1510. Dilatator of pupil muscle is supplied. A. by postganglionic sympathetic fibres from the inferior cervical neuroganglion of sympathetic trunk B. by postganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the pterygopalatine ganglion C. by postganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the ciliary ganglion D. by postganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the nucleus of Yakubovych E. *by postganglionic sympathetic fibres from internal carotid plexus in composition with short ciliary branches 1511. Sphincter of pupil muscle and ciliary muscle are supplied. A. by postganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the pterygopalatine ganglion B. by postganglionic sympathetic fibres from the internal carotid plexus in composition with short ciliary branches C. by preganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the accessory nucleus of oculomotor D. by preganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the inferior salivatory nucleus E. *by postganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the ciliary ganglion in composition with short ciliary branches 1512. A. B. C. D. E. Shells of eyeball are supplied. by the lacrimal nerve by the great petrosal nerve by the anterior and posteriorethmoidal nerves by the frontalnerve *long ciliary branches A. B. C. D. E. II branch of V pair of cranial nerves named. facial nerve ophthalmic nerve mandibular nerve frontalnerve *maxillary nerve A. B. C. D. E. The maxillary nerve contains next fibres. mixed motor parasympathetic sympathetic *sensory A. B. C. D. E. For the maxillary nerve is characteristic following, except for. it is the second branch of the V pair of cranial nerves starts from the trigeminal nucleus goes out from the skull through the rotundum foramen goes into the pterygopalatine fossa *it is the mixed branch of trigeminal nerve 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. In the cavity of skull from the maxillary nerve depart next branch.. A. infraorbital nerve B. anterior meningeal branch C. posterior meningeal branch D. zygomatic nerve E. *middle meningeal branch 1517. A. B. C. D. E. Middle meningeal branch it is the branch of facial nerve it is the branch of vestibulocochlear nerve it is the branch of optic nerve it is the branch of accessory nerve *it is the branch of maxillary nerve A. B. C. D. E. In the pterygopalatine fossa next branches depart from the maxillary nerve. middle meningeal branch anterior alveolar branches greater and lesser palatine nerves nasopalatine nerve *ganglionic branches to the parasympathetic ganglion A. B. C. D. E. Name the arteries, which supply the lacrimal gland: Short posterior ciliary arteries Central retinal artery Long posterior ciliary arteries Supratrochlear artery *Lacrimal artery A. B. C. D. E. Name the arteries which supply vascular tunic of the eye : Central retinal artery Lacrimal artery Supratrochlear artery Muscular arteries *Short posterior ciliary arteries A. B. C. D. E. Name the arteries,which supply vascular tunic of the eye : Central retinal artery Lacrimal artery Supratrochlear artery Muscular arteries *Long posterior ciliary arteries A. B. C. D. E. Name the arteries,which supply of the retina : Lacrimal artery Supratrochlear artery Muscular arteries Long posterior ciliary arteries *Central retinal artery 1518. 1519. 1520. 1521. 1522. 1523. Name the arteries, which supply superior rectus and superior oblique muscles of the eyeball : A. Long posterior ciliary arteries B. Central retinal artery C. Lacrimal artery D. Supratrochlear artery E. *Muscular arteries 1524. A. B. C. D. E. Name the artery, which supply mucous of the ethmoidal labirynth : Supratrochlear artery Muscular arteries Central retinal artery Lacrimal artery *Posterior ethmoidal arteries A. B. C. D. E. Name the artery, which supply of the muscles and skin of the forehead : Posterior ethmoidal arteries Muscular arteries Central retinal artery Lacrimal artery *Supratrochlear artery A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the posterior scalene musclE. * N. trigeminus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *Plexus cervicalis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the middle scalene muscle. N. trigeminus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *Plexus cervicalis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the anterior scalene muscle. N. trigeminus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *Plexus cervicalis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the thyrohyoid muscle. N. glossopharyngeus; N. vagus; N. hypoglossus; N. trigeminus. *Ansa cervicalis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the platysma muscle. N. accessorius; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus; *N. facialis A. B. C. D. Name the nerves innervating the sternocleidomastoid muscle. N. facialis; hypoglossus; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus; 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1529. 1530. 1531. E. *N. accessorius 1532. A. B. C. D. E. 1533. A. B. C. D. E. 1534. 1535. Name the nerves innervating the elevator muscle of the upper eyelid? Abducent nerve Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Optic nerve *Oculomotor nerve ANSWER: E A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the superior rectus muscle. Abducent nerve Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Optic nerve *Oculomotor nerve A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the inferior rectus muscle. Abducent nerve Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Optic nerve *Oculomotor nerve A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating the medial rectus muscle. Abducent nerve Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Optic nerve *Oculomotor nerve A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the inferior oblique muscle. Abducent nerve. Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Optic nerve *Oculomotor nerve A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the superior oblique muscle. Abducent nerve Trigeminal nerve Oculomotor nerve Optic nerve *Trochlear nerve 1536. 1537. 1538. 1539. 1540. Name the nerves innervating the trapezius musclE. * N. vagus; N. hypoglossus; N. facialis; N. glossopharyngeus; *N. accessorius Name the nerves innervating of the lateral rectus muscle. A. Trigeminal nerve B. C. D. E. Trochlear nerve Oculomotor nerve Optic nerve *Abducent nerve A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the masseter muscle. N. facialis; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *N. trigeminus A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the greater zygomatic muscle. N. hypoglossus; N. trigeminus ; N. glossopharyngeus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the lesser zygomatic muscle. N. hypoglossus; N. trigeminus ; N. glossopharyngeus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the levator labii superioris muscle. N. trigeminus; N. glossopharyngeus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the levator aguli oris muscle. N. trigeminus; N. glossopharyngeus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the orbicularis oris muscle. N. trigeminus; N. glossopharyngeus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the buccinator muscle. N. trigeminus; N. glossopharyngeus; N. hypoglossus; N. vagus. *N. facialis 1541. 1542. 1543. 1544. 1545. 1546. 1547. 1548. A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the nasalis muscle. N. hypoglossus; N. trigeminus; N. glossopharyngeus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the risorius muscle. N. glossopharyngeus; N. hypoglossus; N. trigeminus; N. vagus. *N. facialis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the rectus capitis lateralis muscle. N. accessorius; N. facialis ; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *Plexus cervicalis A. B. C. D. E. Name the nerves innervating of the rectus capitis anterior muscle. N. accessorius; N. facialis; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *Plexus cervicalis A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the accessory nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Mesencephalon; Rhinencephalon. *Medulla oblongata A. B. C. D. E. The chorda tympani goes into the: Fissura petrosquamosa; Fissura tympanomastoidea; Fissura tympanosquamosa; Canaliculus mastoideus. *Fissura petrotympanica A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the vagus nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Mesencephalon; Rhinencephalon. *Medulla oblongata A. B. C. D. Name the IX pair of the cranial nerves. N. accessorius; N. vagus; N. hypoglossus; N. abducens. 1549. 1550. 1551. 1552. 1553. 1554. 1555. E. *N. glossopharyngeus 1556. A. B. C. D. E. Name the X pair of the cranial nerves. N. glossopharyngeus; N. accessorius; N. hypoglossus; N. abducens. *N. vagus A. B. C. D. E. Name the XI pair of the cranial nerves. N. glossopharyngeus; N. vagus; N. hypoglossus; N. abducens. *N. accessorius A. B. C. D. E. Name the XII pair of the cranial nerves. N. glossopharyngeus; N. accessorius; N. vagus; N. abducens. *N. hypoglossus A. B. C. D. E. Name the VIII pair of the cranial nerves. N. glossopharyngeus; N. vagus; N. hypoglossus; N. abducens. *N. vestibulocochlearis A. B. C. D. E. Name the VI pair of the cranial nerves. N. vestibulocochlearis; N. vagus; N. hypoglossus; N. glossopharyngeus. *N. abducens A. B. C. D. E. Name the V pair of the cranial nerves. N. abducens; N. vestibulocochlearis; N. vagus; N. glossopharyngeus. *N. trigeminus A. B. C. D. E. The facial nerves pass through the: Fissura petrosquamosa; Fissura tympanomastoidea; Fissura tympanosquamosa; Canaliculus mastoideus. *Facial canal 1557. 1558. 1559. 1560. 1561. 1562. 1563. Name the nuclei of the facial nerves: A. Nucleus salivatorius inferior; B. Nucleus ambiquus; C. Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi facialis; D. Nucleus pontinus nervi facialis. E. *Nucleus salivatorius superior 1564. A. B. C. D. E. Name the nuclei of the facial nerves: Nucleus salivatorius inferior; Nucleus ambiquus; Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi facialis; Nucleus pontinus nervi facialis. *Nucleus tractus solitarii A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the oculomotor nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Pons; Rhinencephalon. *Mesencephalon A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the abducent nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Mesencephalon; Rhinencephalon. *Pons A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the facial nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Mesencephalon; Rhinencephalon. *Pons A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the glossopharingeal nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Mesencephalon; Rhinencephalon. *Medulla oblongata A. B. C. D. E. The nuclei of the trochlear nerve lie in the: Telencephalon; Diencephalon; Pons; Rhinencephalon. *Mesencephalon 1565. 1566. 1567. 1568. 1569. Situational Tasks 1. During centralline catheterization doctor making puncture of viena subclavia.Where it is locate? A. * Neck B. Abdomen C. Throcic cavity 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. D. Pelvis E. Correct answer is missing During operation surgeon make transplantation of artificial bifurcation of carotid artery.What is it? A. * Place where common carotid artery divides into external and internal parts B. Place where common carotid artery divides into external carotid artery and left carotid artery C. Place where common carotid artery divides into left carotid artery and right carotid artery D. Place where common carotid artery divides into external and right carotid artery E. Сщккусе фтыцук шы ьшыыштп ?In arterial bleeding a tourniquet is imposed to… A. * Proximal to the side of damage B. Distal to the side of damage C. Directly on the wound D. On opposite extremity E. Simultaneously proximal and distal to the site of damage In venous bleeding a tourniquet is imposed to… A. 1 rib B. Transversal processus of neck vertebrae C. * Clavicular bone D. 2 rib E. Brachial bone F. Distal to the site of damage G. Directly on the wound H. Proximal to the site of damage I. On opposite extremity J. Simultaneously proximal and distal to the site of damage Movement of the head make stimulations of hear cells in the semicircular canals it is results from the movement of… A. Cerebrospinal fluid B. * Endolymph C. Perilymph D. Otoliths E. Aqueous humor The doctor explore pupilare reflex at the patient,pupils will be dilate in response to the contraction of the… A. Ciliar iris muscle B. Ciliary muscle C. Orbicularis oculi muscle D. * Radial iris muscle E. Levator palpebrae superior muscle The doctor put on the tourniquet on patient”s extremity.What time it is imposed in winter? A. To 15-30 min B. * T0 30-60 min C. To 1-2 hours D. To 4-6 hours E. To 12 hours The doctor put on the tourniquet on patient”s extremity.What time it is imposed in summer? A. * To 1-2 hours B. To 15-30 min C. To 30-60min D. To 4-6 hours E. To 12 hours 9. The doctor put on tourniquet at the patient”s extremity.What are the criteria of efficiency of imposition of it? A. * Stop bleeding B. Pale extremityabsense of pulsation C. Coldness of the extremity D. Disappearance of sensation E. Absence of pulsation 10. The patient has an inflammation of cervical lymph nodes.To what group they are belong ? A. Nodi superficiales B. Nodi profundi superior C. Nodi profundi inferior D. Nodi supraclavicularis E. * All 11. The patient has bleeding from vena jugularis externa.Which veins forming it? A. V. facialis B. V.lingualis C. * V. occipitalis D. V. parotidea E. Correct answer is missing 12. The patient has comotion of the common carotid artery with the tear of intima results in… A. Subcutaneous thrombophlebitis B. Angiovenous dysplasia C. * Arterial thrombosis D. Pagget-shroeter’s syndrome E. Arterio-venous fistula 13. The patient has injury of common carotid artery,the direct sings of it damage is… A. * Acute arterial insufficiency B. Damage of the skin C. Loss of consciousness D. Crepitation E. Defect of soft tissues 14. The patient has injury of common carotid artery,the direct sings of it damage is… A. Loss of consciousness B. * Pulsating haematoma C. Crepitation D. Damage of the skin E. Defect of soft tissues 15. The patient has injury of common carotid artery,the direct sings of it damage is… A. Damage of the skin B. Defect of soft tissues C. Crepitation D. * Absence or impared pulsation below the site of wound E. Loss of consciousness 16. The patient has injury of vena jugularis interna,it collecting blood from the… A. * Head and neck B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdomen E. Correct answer is missing 17. The patient has injury of vena jugularis interna,it collecting blood from the… A. Spin B. Hands C. Thoracic cavity D. Abdominal E. * Correct answer is missing 18. The patient has swelling of the left half of head.Where the lymph flows from this part of head? A. Truncus jugularis dexter B. * Truncus jugularis sinister C. Right common carotid artery D. Left common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 19. The patient has swelling of the right half of head.Where the lymph flows from this part of head? A. * Truncus jugularis dexter B. Truncus jugularis sinister C. Left common carotid artery D. Right common carotid artery E. Correct answer is missing 20. The patient has thrombosis of terminal branch of external carotid artey,it is… A. Maxillary artery B. Posterior auricular artery C. * Inferior timpanic artery D. Lingual artery E. Superior thyroid artery 21. When the doctor want to make temporary haemostasis, he use the methods of… A. Electro-coagulation of vessels B. Suturing of vessels C. Introduction of haemostatic medicines D. Angiorrhaphy E. * Maximumflexing of the extremity in joints,elevation of the extremity 22. When the doctor want to make temporary haemostasis ,he use the methods of… A. * Digital compression of the artery B. Electro-coagulation of vessels C. Introduction of medicines D. Suturing of vessels E. Angiorrhaphy 23. A man found bleeding wound in the body of the lower jaw to the front of the masseter. What artery may cause bleeding? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Lingual arteries C. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. D. * Facial arteries E. Maxillary arteries 24. After a head injury in a side area appeared bleeding. What arteries blood supply of this area? A. Occipital posterior, posterior auricle arteries. B. Ascending and descending oesophageal arteries. C. * Frontal, parietal arteries. D. Posterior anterior thympanic arteries. E. Sternocleidomastoid and descending oesophageal arteries 25. During the examination in patient detected bleeding from the auricle and external acoustic meatus. Which of arteries can be damaged? A. * Superficial temporal artery B. Superior thyroid arteries C. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. D. Facial arteries E. Maxillary arteries 26. During the examination in patient detected damaged of the vagus nerve. The patient said that several days ago he injured occipital area of head. Name foramen through which the vagus nerve leaves the skull. A. round; B. * jugular; C. oval; D. styloid; E. lacerum. 27. During the examination in patient detected damaged of the vagus nerve. After the MRI examination found pathological formation in the area of jugular foramen.. Name which of cranial nerves leaves the skull with vagus nerve. A. ІХ, ХІ, ХІІ pair of cranial nerves; B. ІХ, ХІІ pair of cranial nerves; C. * ІХ, ХІ pair of cranial nerves D. XII, VII pair of cranial nerves; E. VII, IX pair of cranial nerves. 28. During the examination in patient detected external bleeding from the corner of eye. Which of arteries can be damaged? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. C. Facial arteries D. * Superficial temporal artery E. Maxillary arteries 29. During the examination of the woman, found bleeding wound to the back of the angle of lower jaw. What artery may cause bleeding in the area of parotid salivary gland? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. C. Facial arteries D. Maxillary arteries E. * Superficial temporal artery 30. During the MRI examination revealed pathological formation in the area of jugular foramen. Which of cranial nerves can be damaged? A. * from IX to XII pair B. from V to VIII pair C. from IX to XI pair D. from I to IV pair E. from I to IV pair 31. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Tachycardia; B. Increased of blood pressure; C. * Increased peristalsis of the digestive tract D. Inhibition of secretion of stomach; E. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles. 32. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Tachycardia; B. Increased of blood pressure; C. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles D. Inhibition of secretion of stomach; E. * Decrease the tension of constricnors muscles. 33. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. * Vasorelaxation; B. Tachycardia; C. Increased of blood pressure; D. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles; E. Inhibition of secretion of stomach. 34. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Increased of blood pressure; B. Tachycardia; C. * Slowdown and the weakening of the heart; D. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles; E. Inhibition of secretion of stomach. 35. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Increased of blood pressure; B. * Bradikardiya; C. Tachycardia; D. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles; E. Inhibition of secretion of stomach. 36. In patient detected bleeding in left side area of the head. Which artery carries blood supply of muscles and skin in this area? A. * left superficial temporal artery B. right anterior thympanic C. deep temporal arteries D. left sphenopalatine E. all correct answers 37. In patient detected bleeding in left side area of the head. Which artery carries blood supply of muscles and skin in this area? A. Occipitalposterior, posterior auricle arteries. B. * Frontal, parietal arteries. C. Ascending and descending oesophageal arteries. D. Posterior anterior thympanic arteries. E. Sternocleidomastoid and descending oesophageal arteries 38. In patient detected bleeding in left side area of the head. Superficial temporal artery is damaged. What does it supply in head? A. Back surface of auricle, skin and muscles of the back of head, submandibular gland, superior and inferior eyelids. B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and skin above it, trapezius muscle. C. Auditory tube, thympanic cavity, external acoustic meatus, auricle, masseter muscle, parotid gland. D. * Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, parotid salivary gland, auricle, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. E. Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, submandibular gland, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. 39. ?In tourist after falling from the mountain detected bleeding in the face. From which artery bleeding appeared? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Lingual arteries C. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. D. * Facial arteries E. Maxillary arteries 40. In tourist after falling from the mountain detected bleeding in the face. Damaged facial arteries. Name a place, where we can press facial artery? A. Carotid triangle. B. Submandibular triangle. C. Branch of mandible, behind the edge of masseter muscle. D. * Basis of body of mandible, front of masseter muscle. E. Corner of mouth. 41. A man found bleeding wound in the body of the lower jaw to the front of the masseter. What artery may cause bleeding? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Lingual arteries C. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. D. * Facial arteries E. Maxillary arteries 42. After a head injury in a side area appeared bleeding. What arteries blood supply of this area? A. Occipital posterior, posterior auricle arteries. B. Ascending and descending oesophageal arteries. C. * Frontal, parietal arteries. D. Posterior anterior thympanic arteries. E. Sternocleidomastoid and descending oesophageal arteries 43. During the examination in patient detected bleeding from the auricle and external acoustic meatus. Which of arteries can be damaged? A. * Superficial temporal artery B. Superior thyroid arteries C. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. D. Facial arteries E. Maxillary arteries 44. During the examination in patient detected damaged of the vagus nerve. The patient said that several days ago he injured occipital area of head. Name foramen through which the vagus nerve leaves the skull. A. round; B. * jugular; C. oval; D. styloid; E. lacerum. 45. During the examination in patient detected damaged of the vagus nerve. After the MRI examination found pathological formation in the area of jugular foramen.. Name which of cranial nerves leaves the skull with vagus nerve. A. ІХ, ХІ, ХІІ pair of cranial nerves; B. ІХ, ХІІ pair of cranial nerves; C. * ІХ, ХІ pair of cranial nerves D. XII, VII pair of cranial nerves; E. VII, IX pair of cranial nerves. 46. During the examination in patient detected external bleeding from the corner of eye. Which of arteries can be damaged? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. C. Facial arteries D. * Superficial temporal artery E. Maxillary arteries 47. During the examination of the woman, found bleeding wound to the back of the angle of lower jaw. What artery may cause bleeding in the area of parotid salivary gland? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. C. Facial arteries D. Maxillary arteries E. * Superficial temporal artery 48. During the MRI examination revealed pathological formation in the area of jugular foramen. Which of cranial nerves can be damaged? A. * from IX to XII pair B. from V to VIII pair C. from IX to XI pair D. from I to IV pair E. from I to IV pair 49. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Tachycardia; B. Increased of blood pressure; C. * Increased peristalsis of the digestive tract D. Inhibition of secretion of stomach; E. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles. 50. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Tachycardia; B. Increased of blood pressure; C. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles D. Inhibition of secretion of stomach; E. * Decrease the tension of constricnors muscles. 51. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. * Vasorelaxation; B. Tachycardia; C. Increased of blood pressure; D. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles; E. Inhibition of secretion of stomach. 52. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Increased of blood pressure; B. Tachycardia; C. * Slowdown and the weakening of the heart; D. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles; E. Inhibition of secretion of stomach. 53. Identify the symptoms that arise when irritation of nuclei and trunk of vagus nerv? A. Increased of blood pressure; B. * Bradikardiya; C. Tachycardia; D. Increased the tension of constricnors muscles; E. Inhibition of secretion of stomach. 54. In patient detected bleeding in left side area of the head. Which artery carries blood supply of muscles and skin in this area? A. * left superficial temporal artery B. right anterior thympanic C. deep temporal arteries D. left sphenopalatine E. all correct answers 55. In patient detected bleeding in left side area of the head. Which artery carries blood supply of muscles and skin in this area? A. Occipitalposterior, posterior auricle arteries. B. * Frontal, parietal arteries. C. Ascending and descending oesophageal arteries. D. Posterior anterior thympanic arteries. E. Sternocleidomastoid and descending oesophageal arteries 56. In patient detected bleeding in left side area of the head. Superficial temporal artery is damaged. What does it supply in head? A. Back surface of auricle, skin and muscles of the back of head, submandibular gland, superior and inferior eyelids. B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle and skin above it, trapezius muscle. C. Auditory tube, thympanic cavity, external acoustic meatus, auricle, masseter muscle, parotid gland. D. * Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, parotid salivary gland, auricle, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. E. Skin and muscles of temporal and parietal areas, submandibular gland, external acoustic meatus, external corner of eye. 57. ?In tourist after falling from the mountain detected bleeding in the face. From which artery bleeding appeared? A. Superior thyroid arteries B. Lingual arteries C. Ascending pharyngeal arteries. D. * Facial arteries E. Maxillary arteries 58. In tourist after falling from the mountain detected bleeding in the face. Damaged facial arteries. Name a place, where we can press facial artery? A. Carotid triangle. B. Submandibular triangle. C. Branch of mandible, behind the edge of masseter muscle. D. * Basis of body of mandible, front of masseter muscle. E. Corner of mouth. 59. During operation surgeon can see that the inferior alveolar nerve and vessels are contents of… A. Mental foramen B. Angle of mandible C. Mandibular notch D. * Mandibular canal E. None of these 60. During operation surgeon can see that the lesser palatine nerves and vessels pass through… A. Posterior nasal spine B. Palatine crest C. * Lesser palatine foramen D. Sphenopalatine foramen E. Incisive fossa 61. During operation surgeon can see that the mandibular nerve passes through the next region and contains… A. Rotundum foramen,motor fibres B. Oval foramen,sympathetic fibres C. Mandibular foramen,sensory and motor fibres D. * Oval foramen,sensory and motor fibres E. None of these 62. During operation surgeon can see that the maxillary nerve passes through the next region and contains… A. Rotundum foramen,motor fibres B. Oval foramen,sensory fibres C. * Rotundum foramen,sensory fibres D. Rotundum foramen,parasymphatetic fibres E. None of these 63. During the operation surgeon can see that the facial nerve pass through the next region and is responsible for our special sense of… A. Jugular foramen,touch B. Optic canal,sight C. Cribriform plate,smell D. Foramen cecum,taste E. * Internal ocoustic meatus,taste 64. ?The patient has a lesion of the trigeminal nerve, it would result in weakness of… A. Moving the eyeball B. Closure the eyes C. * Compression the teeth D. Lifting the upper eyelid E. Contraction of tongue 65. The patient has a lesion of the trigeminal nerve, it would result in weakness of… A. Contraction of masseter muscle B. Contraction of sternocleidomastiod muscle C. Compression the teeth D. Protrubing the mandibule E. * None of these 66. The patient has lesion of control facial expressions,which nerve is responsible for this function? A. Accessory nerve B. Trigeminal nerve C. * Facial nerve D. Vestibulocochlear nerve E. Trochlear nerve 67. The patient has lesion of the ansa cerviccalis nerve,it would result in weakness of … A. Contraction of platisma B. Contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle C. Contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. * Contraction of infrahyoid muscle E. Contraction of mylohyoid muscle 68. The patient has the lesion of the facial nerve,it would result in weakness of… A. Contraction of masseter muscle B. * Contraction of zygomatic muscle C. Compression the teeth D. Protrubing the mandible E. None of these 69. The patient has the lesion of the facial nerve,it would result in weakness of… A. Contraction of masseter muscle B. * Contraction of orbicularis oculi muscle C. Compression the teeth D. Protrubing the mandible E. None of these 70. The patient has the lesion of the facial nerve,it would result in weakness of… A. Contraction of masseter muscle B. * Closure the mouth C. Protrubing the mandible D. Compression the teeth E. None of these 71. The patient has the lesion of the facial nerve,it would result in weakness of… A. Contraction of masseter muscle B. * Contraction of bucinator muscle C. Protrubing the mandible D. Compressing the teeth E. None of these 72. The patient has the lesion of the trigeminal nerve,it would result inweakness of… A. * Contraction of masseter muscle B. Contraction of platisma C. Contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. Contraction of buccinator muscle E. None of these 73. The patient has the lesion of the trigeminal nerve,it would result inweakness of… A. Contraction of masseter muscle B. Contraction of platisma C. * Contraction of temporal muscle D. Contraction of tongue muscle E. None of these 74. Doctor dentist making local anaesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve,it is situated at… A. * Mandibular canal B. Mental foramen C. Angle of mandible D. Mandibular notch E. None of these 75. Doctor dentist making local anaesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve,it is situated at… A. Infraorbital canal B. Palatine foramen C. Angle of mandible D. Mandibular notch E. * None of these 76. During operation surgeon cansee that the mandibular nerve passes trough the next region and contains… A. * Oval foramen ,sensory and motor fibres B. Mandibular foramen,sensory and motor fibres C. Oval foramen,sympathetic fibres D. Oval foramen,parasympathetic fibres E. Rotundum foramen,motor fibres 77. During operation surgeon cansee that the maxillary nerve passes trough the next region and supplies the… A. Foramen rotundum, eyeball B. Jugular foramen,larynx C. Orbital canal,maxillary teeth D. Foramen rotundum,lips E. * None of these 78. During operation surgeon cansee that the zygomaticus nerve passes trough the next region and is responsiblefor the… A. Superior orbital fissure,touch sensation B. * Inferior orbital fissure,touch sensation C. Superior orbital fissure,innervations of muscles D. Inferior orbital fissure,innervations of muscles E. Superior orbital fissure,innervations of gland 79. During the operation surgeon can see that the glosspharingeal nerves pass trough the next region and are responsible for our special sense of… A. Foramen cecum,taste B. Cribriform plate,smell C. Optical canal,sight D. * Jugular foramen,taste E. Internal acoustic meatus,taste 80. During the operation surgeon can see that the glosspharingeal nerves pass trough the next region and are responsible for our special sense of… A. Foramen cecum,taste B. Jugular foramen,smell C. Internal acoustic meatus,taste D. Optic canal,sight E. * None of above 81. During the operation surgeon can see that the СТ8 nerves pass through the next region and are responsible for our special sense of… A. * Internal acoustic meatus,balance B. Foramen cecum,taste C. Optic canal,sight D. Cribriform plate,smell E. Jugular foramen 82. During the operation surgeon can see that the СТ8 nerves pass through the next region and are responsible for our special sense of… A. Internal acoustic meatus,balance B. Jugular foramen touch C. Cribriform plate,smell D. * Internal acoustic meatus,hearing E. Optical canal,sight 83. During the operation surgeon can see that the СТ8 nerves pass through the next region and are responsible for our special sense of… A. Foramen cecum,taste B. Cribriform plate,smell C. Optic canal,sight D. Jugular foramen,touch E. * None of the above 84. The patient has lesion of the hypoglossus nerve,it would result inweakness of… A. Contraction of bucinator muscle B. Contraction oforbicularis oris muscle C. Contraction of platisma D. * Contraction of vertical muscle E. None of these 85. The patient has lesion of the hypoglossus nerve,it would result inweakness of… A. Contraction of bucinator muscle B. Contraction of orbicularis oris muscle C. Contraction of platisma D. * Contraction of transverse muscle E. None of these 86. The patient has lesion of the hypoglossus nerve,it would result inweakness of… A. Contraction of bucinator muscle B. * Contraction of geniohyoid muscle C. Contraction of orbicularis oris muscle D. Contraction of platisma E. Contraction of mylohyoid muscle 87. The patient has lesion of the hypoglossus nerve,it would result inweakness of… A. Contraction of bucinator muscle B. Contraction of platisma muscle C. Contraction of mylohyoid muscle D. * Contraction of infrahyoid muscle E. None of these 88. ?The patient has lesion of control facial expressions which nerve is responsible for this function? A. Trigeminal nerve B. * Facial nerve C. Trochlear nerve D. Vestibulotrochlear nerve E. Accessory nerve 89. The patient has lesion of hypoglossus nerve,what is it function? A. Aries from the floor of the 3-d ventricle B. Is the taste nerve of the tongue C. * Supplies all the muscles of the tongue D. Supplies the stylohyoid muscle E. Supplies the sublingual salivary gland 90. Doctor analised X-ray picture of the heart. He found pathology on the right contour of the cardio-vessel shadow. What parts of the heart formed it? A. Right atrium and right ventricle. B. Pulmonary trunk and right atrium. C. Pulmonary trunk and right ventricle. D. * Ascending aorta and right atrium. E. Ascending aorta and right ventricle. 91. During auscultation of the heart it was diagnosed doublening of the first tone on the level of cartilage of 5-th right rib. Pathology of what vale listen physician? A. * Tricuspid valve. B. Mitral valve. C. Aortic valve. D. Pulmonary trunk valve. E. Vena cava superior valve 92. During auscultation of the heart it was diagnosed diastolic sound in the second intercostal space on the right parasternal line. Pathology of what vale listen physician? A. * Tricuspid valve. B. Mitral valve. C. Aortic valve. D. Pulmonary trunk valve. E. Vena cava superior valve 93. During auscultation of the heart it was diagnosed diastolic sound in the second intercostal space on the left parasternal line. Pathology of what vale listen physician? A. Tricuspid valve. B. Mitral valve. C. Aortic valve. D. * Pulmonary trunk valve. E. Vena cava superior valve 94. During auscultation of the patient physician listen sound in the proection of the heart apex. Insufficiency of what valve can be suspect? A. Aortic valve. B. Tricuspid valve. C. Pulmonary trunk valve. D. * Mitral valve. E. Valve of vena cava inferior. 95. During investigation of 45-year old patient it was diagnosed insufficiency of tricuspid valve. Where is it location? A. Between left atrium and left ventricle. B. * Between right atrium and right ventricle. C. Aorta ostium. D. Pulmonary trunk ostium. E. Coronary sinus ostium. 96. During ultrasound investigation of 1,5 year child it was found nonclosure of the oval opening, which was confirmed clinically. In what part of the heart can be find this defect? A. * Interventricular septum. B. Interatrial septum. C. Right atrioventricular septum. D. Left atrioventricular septum. E. Apex of the heart. 97. On X-ray picture of the chest in the frontal direct position doctor diagnosed dilation of the left contour of middle shadow in it low part. What part of the heart is increased? A. Auricle of the left atrium. B. Right ventricle. C. Left atrium. D. Right atrium. E. * Left ventricle. 98. Pathology of what vale listen physician? A. Pulmonary trunk valve. B. Tricuspid valve. C. * Mitral valve D. Aortic valve. E. Vena cava superior valve. 99. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of systemic circulation. Which chamber of the heart receives blood from systemic circulation? A. * Right atrium. B. Left atrium. C. Coronary sinus. D. Right ventricle. E. Left ventricle. 100. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of systemic circulation. Which chamber of the heart sends the blood to systemic circulation? A. Left atrium. B. * Left ventricle. C. Right atrium. D. Right ventricle. E. Coronary sinus. 101. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of pulmonary circulation. Which chamber of the heart sends the blood to pulmonary circulation? A. Right atrium. B. * Right ventricle. C. Left atrium. D. Left ventricle. E. Coronary sinus. 102. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of circulation. Which vessel carries the oxygenated blood? A. Pulmonary trunk. B. Coronary sinus. C. Venule. D. * Brachiocephalic trunk. E. Brachiocephalic vein. 103. The investigation of patient show violation in blood supply of frontal part interventricular septum of the heart. What artery has bad function? A. * R. interventriculares anterior. B. R. interventriculares posterior. C. Right coronary artery. D. Left coronary artery. E. R. circumflex. 104. The patient has myocardial infarction back wall of the right ventricle. Branches of what artery are thrombosed? A. Left subclavian artery. B. Left coronary artery. C. Left and right coronary artery. D. Right subclavian artery. E. * Right coronary artery. 105. The patient has myocardial infarction frontal wall of the left ventricle. Branches of what artery are thrombosed? A. Anterior ventricular branches of right coronary artery. B. * Anterior interventricular branche of left coronary artery. C. Circumflex branche of left coronary artery. D. Left marginal branche of the left coronary artery. E. Atrioventricular branches of the left coronary artery. 106. The physician inspected the patient with insufficiency of pulmonary circulation. Which chamber of the heart receives blood from pulmonary circulation? A. Right atrium. B. Left ventricle. C. Right ventricle. D. * Left atrium. E. Coronary sinus. 107. The physician listening to the heart tones and discovered a violation of the tricuspid valve. At what place did he auscultate it? A. At the apex of the heart. B. * Near the xiphoid processus. C. Near the join of the 5th costal cartilages with the sternum to the right. D. In the second intercostal space to the left of the sternum. E. In the second intercostals space to the right of the sternum. 108. The physitian listening to the heart tones and discovered a violation of the pulmonary trunk valve. At what place did he auscultate it? A. At the apex of the heart. B. Near the xiphoid processus. C. Near the join of the 5th costal cartilages with the sternum. D. * In the second intercostals space to the left of the sternum. E. In the second intercostals space to the right of the sternum. 109. To the cardiologic department come patient with violation of venous drainage from back walls of both ventricles. Violation of blood flow in what vein is it? A. V. cordis parva. B. V. cordis magna. C. Vv. cordis minimae. D. V. obliqua atria sinistri. E. * V. cordis media. v. obliqua atria sinistri. 110. To the cardiologic department come patient with violation of venous drainage from back walls of both ventricles. Violation of blood flow in what vein is it? A. V. cordis parva. B. V. cordis magna. C. Vv. cordis minimae. D. * V. cordis media. v. obliqua atria sinistri. E. V. obliqua atria sinistri. 111. To the cardiologic department come patient with violation of blood supply of the left atrium. Changes in perfusion of what artery bring to this pathology? A. A. coronaria dextra. B. R. interventriculares anterior. C. R. circumflexus. D. R. interventriculares posterior. E. * Rr. Interventriculares. 112. To the hospital come 63-year old patient for coronarografy (investigation of blood flow in heart arteries). Radiologist must know on what branches divided left coronary artery? A. * R. interventriculares anterior et r. ascendens. B. R. interventriculares anterior et r. circumflexus. C. R. interventriculares posterior et r. descendens. D. R. interventriculares anterior et posterior. E. R. ventriculi dexter et sinister. 113. ?When physician listening to the heart tones he discovered a violation of bicuspid(mitral) valve. At what place did he auscultate it? A. * At the apex of the heart. B. Near the xiphoid processus. C. Near the join of the 5th costal cartilages with the sternum. D. In the second intercostal space to the left of the sternum. E. In the second intercostal space to the right of the sternum. 114. When the physitian listening to the heart tones he discovered a violation of the aortic valve. At what place he auscultate it? A. Near the xiphoid processus. B. At the apex of the heart. C. * In the second intercostals space to the right of the sternum. D. Near the join of the 5th costal cartilages with the sternum. E. In the second intercostals space to the left of the sternum. 115. 17-th year old patient has abscess at the medial corner of the eye.After two days she was delivered to the neuro-surgical department with thrombose of cavernose sinus.Infection come through: A. V.maxillaris. B. * V.angularis. C. V.profunda faciei. D. V.transversa faciei. E. V.diploicae frontalis. 116. After course of chemotherapy patient has decrease of all blood cells (pancitopenia). What organ was damaged? A. Yellow bone marrow. B. Spleen. C. Liver. D. * Red bone marrow. E. Thymus. 117. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of celiac trunk was diagnosted. What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Cecum. D. * Stomach. E. Ileum. 118. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of celiac trunk was diagnosteD. What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Cecum. D. Ileum. E. * Gallbladder. 119. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of celiac trunk was diagnosted. What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. * Liver. B. Transverse colon. C. Cecum. D. Ileum. E. Sigmoid colon. 120. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of inferior mesenteric artery was diagnosted. What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. Stomach. B. * Colon. C. Duodenum. D. Ileum. E. Appendix. 121. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of inferior mesenteric artery was diagnosted What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. Stomach. B. Transverse colon. C. * Sigmoid colon. D. Spleen. E. Liver. 122. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of superior mesenteric artery was diagnosted. What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. Stomach, B. Duodenum. C. Sigmoid colon. D. * Ileum. E. Liver. 123. During investigation of the patient on CT picture thrombosis of superior mesenteric artery was diagnosted. What organ will get decreased blood supplying? A. Stomach. B. Duodenum. C. Sigmoid colon. D. Spleen. E. * Transverse colon. 124. During operation of extraction of the tumor in front of the tragus of auricle surgeon found vein.It was: A. V.facialis. B. V.jugularis interna. C. V.jugularis externa. D. V.auricularis posterior. E. * V.retromandibularis. 125. During operation on the thyroid glande after opening of interaponeurotic suprasternal space some vessel can be damag.eIt is: A. A. thyroid inferior. B. V.jugularis externa. C. V.subclavia. D. Jugular venous arch. E. A. thyroid superior. 126. For extraction of 27- th tooth stomatologist made tuberal anaesthesiA. Next day patient has haematoma of soft tissues at paraauricular region. What vessels were damaged? A. V.facialis dextra. B. V.facialis sinistra. C. V.retromandibularis. D. Plexus pterygoideus dexter. E. * Plexus pterygoideus sinister. 127. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of circulation.Which vessels carries the oxygenated blood? A. Brachiocephalic vein. B. Pulmonary trunk. C. * Celiac trunk. D. Capillary. E. Venule. 128. The 45 years old patient has liver cirrhosis. System of what vein was damaged? A. V.cavae inferioris. B. V.cavae superioris. C. * V.portae hepatis. D. V.azygos E. V.hemiaxygos. 129. The man 70 years old during shaving cut small abscess of the skin in the mastoid region. After two days he was deliverd to the hospital with inflammation of the layers of the brain. Infection come to the skull cavity through: A. V.stylomastoideae. B. V.labirinthi. C. V.tympanici. D. * V.emissaria mastoideae. E. V.auriculares. 130. The patiens has varicose veins on the left leg.Which superficial veins make drainage of this region? A. V.safena parva and v.femoralis profunda. B. * V.safena magna and v. safena parva. C. V.poplitea and v.supervicialis subcutaneus. D. V.tibialis and v.safena magna. E. V. tibialis posterior and v.safena parva. 131. The patient undergo operation of spleenectomy.What consequences can be after this operation? A. * Diseases of blood system. B. Frequent stool. C. Frequent uresis. D. Diseases of kidney. E. Fractures of the bones. 132. The patient 45 years old has varicose veins on the anteriomedial surface of the left leg.Which vein drainage blood from this region? A. * Safena magna. B. Safena parva. C. Lateral subcutaneous. D. Medial subcutaneous. E. Medial. 133. The patient 67 years old has an inflammation of adipose body of the orbit, thromboflebitis of v.ophtalmicae was developed and sinus cavernosus was damaged. Through what opening v.ophtalmicae come to this sinus. A. Fissure orbitalis inferior. B. * Fissure orbitalis superior. C. Canalis opticum. D. Foramen ovale. E. Foramen rotundum. 134. The patient 68 years old after extraction of second low big tooth, meningitis was developed. Phisician ascertain that infection come to dura mater through: A. * Plexux pterygoideus. B. V.jugularis externA. C. V.jugularis anterior. D. V.facialis. E. V.retromandibularis. 135. The patient has cancer of some organ in thoracic cavity.Tumor developes very quckly,because lymph from this organ get out directly to the thoracic duct.It is: A. * Esophagus. B. Lung. C. Trachea. D. Heart. E. Thymus. 136. The patient has inflammation in the hip region (postinjection abscess).What lymphatic nodes will be enlarge? A. Paratracheal. B. Ander knee. C. Posterior cervical. D. * Superficial and profound inguinal. E. Submandibular. 137. ?The patient was delivered to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord.Which nervous rami form intercostal nerves? A. * T1-T11. B. C1-C4. C. C5-T1. D. T12-S4. E. S5-Co1. 138. The patient was delivered to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord.Which nervous rami form subcostal nerves? A. C1-C4. B. * T12. C. C5-T1. D. T1—T11. E. T12-S4. 139. The patient with trauma of carotid triangle and massive bleeding of dark colour was delivered to the surgical department.What vessel damaged? A. * V.jugularis interna. B. V.jugularis externa. C. A. carotis interna. D. A. facialis. E. V.facialis. 140. The 50 years old patient has dilated paraumbilical veins .Which of the following does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Vein at upper 1/3 of esophagus. 141. The 50 years old patient has dilated veins of esophagus.Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Mesenteric veins. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. 142. The 54 years old patient has dilated veins of esophagus.Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Veins of the stomach. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. 143. ?The 56 years old patient has deficiency of blood supply of pelvic organs.Which artery supplies to anal canal and anus? A. * Internal pudental . B. Internal iliaC. C. Middle rectal . D. Inferior vecical. E. Obturator A. 144. The 60 years old patient has dilated paraumbilical veins .Which of the following does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Portal veins. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Ascending lumbal veins. 145. The 62 years old patient has dilated veins of esophagus.Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. * Veins of the rectum. B. Vertebral plexus. C. Azygos vein. D. Hemiazygos vein. E. Lumbal veins. 146. The 63 years old patient has deficiency of blood supply of pelvic organs.Which artery supplies to transition of sigmoid colon to rectum? A. A. obturatoria. B. Inferior vesical. C. Middle rectal. D. Inferior rectal. E. * Superior rectal. 147. The 66 years old patient has dilated paraumbilical veins .Which of the following does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Portal veins. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Azygos vein. 148. The 67 years old patient has dilated veins of esophagus.Which of the following does not take part in cava-caval anastomoses? A. B. C. D. E. * Esophageal veins. Vertebral plexus. Azygos vein. Hemiazygos vein. Lumbal veins. 149. The 70 years old patient has dilated paraumbilical veins .Which of the following does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Portal veins. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Hemiazygos vein. 150. The 70 years old patient has dilated paraumbilical veins .Which of the following does not take part in porto-systemic anastomoses? A. Gastric veins. B. Portal veins. C. Veins around umbilicus. D. Lower part of rectum. E. * Vertebral plexus. 151. The CT picture show deficiency of blood supply of pelvic organs.Which artery supplies part of rectum above the anal canal? A. Internal pudental. B. * Middle rectal. C. Inferior rectal. D. Inferior vesical. E. Obturator A. 152. The CT picture show thrombosis in the joining of the inferior mesenteric and portal vein. This veins joints by: A. * Joining the splenic vein. B. Joining the superior mesenteric vein. C. Directly entering the portal vein. D. Joining thу left branch of portal vein. E. Joining the right branch of portal vein. 153. The CT picture show thrombosis of the right suprarenal vein.Where drains into this vessel? A. Right renal vein. B. Portal vein. C. Lumbal veins. D. * Inferior vena cava. E. Left renal vein. 154. The patient has deficiency of primary blood supply to perineum. Which artery supplies this structure? A. * Internal pudental artery. B. Urethral artery . C. Perineal artery. D. Inferior rectal artery. E. Middle rectal artery. 155. The patient has liver cirrhosis .Venous drainage of liver into vena cava inferior is trough: A. Azygos vein. B. Inferior mesenteric vein. C. Superior mesenteric vein. D. Portal vein. E. * Hepatic veins 156. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Stomach. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 157. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Spleen. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 158. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Small intestinum. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 159. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Large intestinum. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 160. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Colon. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 161. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Caecum. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 162. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Duodenum. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 163. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Ileum. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 164. The physician diagnosed that patient has blocking in system of portal vein.From what organs drains the venous blood this vein? A. * Jejunum. B. Liver. C. Kidney. D. Adrenal gland. E. Abdominal wall. 165. During operation surgeon found inflammation of appendix.To what lymphatic nodes flow out lymph from this organ? A. Nodi lumbales. B. Nodi mesocolici. C. * Nodi iliocolici. D. Nodi phrenici inferiors. E. Nodi glutealis. 166. During operation surgeon found some lymphatic nodes that form ring round the organ.Which nodes they are? A. * Gastric cardia. B. Duodenojejunal junction. C. Gastric pylorus. D. Gastric body. E. Duodenal bulb. 167. During operation surgeon found tumor of ovarium.To what anatomic structure flow out lymph from ovarii? A. V.iliaca interna. B. * Truncus llumbales. C. Truncus intestinales. D. Plexus limphaticus. E. Ductus limphaticus dexter. 168. During operation surgeon found tumor of stomach.To what lymphatic nodes flow out lymph from fundus of stomach.? A. Nodi gastric dextri. B. Nodi mesocolici. C. Nodi gastroomentalis. D. Annulus limphaticus cardie. E. Nodi gastroomentales sinistri. 169. On the CT picture surgeon found tumor of abdominal part of esophagus. To what lymphatic nodes can flow lymph from this structure? A. Nodi igastrici dextri. B. Nodi mesocolici. C. Nodi ileocolici. D. Nodi phrenici inferiors. E. * Nodi gastric sinistri. 170. Surgeon making operation and cut tissues near cisterna chili.What vessels empty to this structure? A. Jugular trunk. B. Thoracic duct. C. Bronchomediastinal trunk. D. * Lumbal trunk. E. Right lymphatic duct. 171. Surgeon making operation and cut tissues near cisterna chili.What vessels empty to this structure? A. Jugular trunk. B. C. D. E. Thoracic duct. Bronchomediastinal trunk. * Intestinal trunk. Right lymphatic duct. 172. Surgeon making operation and cut tissues near cisterna chili.What vessels start from this structure? A. Jugular trunk. B. * Thoracic duct. C. Bronchomediastinal trunk. D. Lumbal trunk. E. Right lymphatic duct. 173. The patient has abscess on the lateral surface of abdomen wall.To what lymphatic nodes flow out lymph from aabdominal wall? A. * Nodi epigastrici inferiors. B. Nodi retrocavales. C. Nodi sacrales. D. Nodi obturatorii. E. Nodi glutealis. 174. The patient has chronic cholecyscitis. To what lymphatic nodes come lymph from this organ? A. Nodi paravesicales. B. Nodi retrocavales. C. * Nodus foraminalis. D. Nodi mesenterici superior. E. Nodi mesenterici inferior. 175. The patient has chronic inflammation of kidney.To what lymphatic nodes come lymph from this organ? A. Nodi paravesicales. B. Nodi retrocavales. C. Nodus foraminalis. D. Nodi mesenterici superior. E. * Nodi mesenterici inferior. 176. ?The patient has chronic pain in the epigastric region.What organsare innervated by celiac plexus? A. * Liver. B. Cecum. C. Ascending colon. D. Ileum. E. Kidney. 177. The patient has chronic pain in the epigastric region.What organsare innervated by celiac plexus? A. Cecum. B. * Spleen. C. Ascending colon. D. Ileum. E. Kidney. 178. The patient has chronic pain in the epigastric region.What organsare innervated by superior mesenteric plexus? A. * Cecum. B. Spleen. C. Ascending colon. D. Adrenal gland. E. Kidney. 179. The patient suffering from pain in left part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior mesenteric plexus? A. Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Rectum. E. * Descendens colon. 180. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Urinary bladder. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Kidney. E. * Uterus. 181. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. * Urinary bladder. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Kidney. E. Gallbladder. 182. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? A. * Urinary bladder. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Kidney. E. Gallbladder. 183. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? A. * Uterus. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Kidney. E. Gallbladder. 184. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? A. * Vagina. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Kidney. E. Gallbladder. 185. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? A. Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. * Prostate. E. Gallbladder. 186. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior mesenteric plexus? A. * Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Rectum. E. Gallbladder. 187. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by inferior mesenteric plexus? A. Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. * Ampuleof rectum. E. Gallbladder. 188. The patient suffering from pain in lower part of abdomen region .What organs are innervated by pelvic splanchnic nerves? A. Sigmoid colon. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. * Rectum. E. Gallbladder. 189. The patient suffering from pain in the anal region .What organs are innervated by inferior hypogastric plexus? A. * Rectum. B. Transverse colon. C. Ascending colon. D. Kidney. E. Gallbladder. 190. Physician checks the pulse rate on lower lateral portion of forearm. Which artery passes there? A. Brachial artery. B. * Radial artery. C. Axillary artery. D. Ulnar artery. E. Anterior interosseus artery. 191. Physician inspects forearm of the patient.Which vessels are most numerous on anterior surface of forearm? A. Ulnar veins. B. * Intermediate antebrachial veins. C. Basilica veins. D. Cephalic veins. E. Intermediate cubital veins. 192. Physician inspects the hand. Which arteries anastomose with common digital arteries? A. Dorsal carpal arteries. B. Dorsal metacarpal arteries. C. * Palmar metacarpal arteries. D. Proper digital arteries. E. Carpal arteries. 193. Physician inspects the hand. Which arteries branch off from deep palmar arch?? A. Dorsal carpal arteries. B. Dorsal metacarpal arteries. C. * Palmar metacarpal arteries. D. Proper digital arteries. E. Carpal arteries. 194. Physician inspects the hand. Which arteries branch off from superficial palmar arch?? A. Dorsal carpal arteries. B. C. D. E. Dorsal metacarpal arteries. Palmar metacarpal arteries. * Common digital arteries. Carpal arteries. 195. Physician inspects the hand. Which arteries branch off from dorsal carpal arch?? A. Dorsal carpal arteries. B. Carpal arteries C. Palmar metacarpal arteries. D. Common digital arteries. E. * Dorsal metacarpal arteries. 196. Physician inspects the hand. Which arteries branch off from common digital arteries?? A. * Proper digital arteries. B. Carpal arteries. C. Palmar metacarpal arteries. D. Common digital arteries. E. Dorsal metacarpal arteries. 197. Physician inspects the hand. Which arteries branch off from dorsal metacarpal arteries?? A. * Proper digital arteries. B. Carpal arteries. C. Palmar metacarpal arteries. D. Common digital arteries. E. Dorsal metacarpal arteries. 198. Physician inspects the palmar surface of the hand. Which artery forms main part of superficial palmar arch? A. * Ulnar artery. B. Metacarpal arteries. C. Radial artery. D. Anterior interosseus artery. E. Posterior interosseua artery. 199. Physician inspects the palmar surface of the hand. Which artery forms main part of deep palmar arch? A. Ulnar artery. B. Metacarpal arteries. C. * Radial artery. D. Anterior interosseus artery. E. Posterior interosseua artery. 200. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of circulation.Which vessels carries the oxygenated blood? A. Pulmonary trunk. B. Pulmonary artery. C. Capillary. D. Venule. E. * Thyreocervical trunk. 201. Physician inspects the patient with insufficiency of circulation. Which vessels carries the oxygenated blood? A. Pulmonary trunk. B. Pulmonary artery. C. Capillary. D. Venule. E. * Costocervical trunk. 202. Physician inspects the wrist. Which artery passes in “anatomical snuff-box”? A. B. C. D. E. * Radial artery. Brachial artery. Axillary artery. Ulnar artery. Anterior interosseus artery. 203. Surgeon performing operation of the fracture of olecranon scapulae. Which artery anastomose with circumflexa scapulae artery? A. Anterior circumflexa humeri artery. B. Posterior circumflexa humeri artery. C. * Suprascapular artery. D. Axillary artery. E. Subscapular artery. 204. Surgeon performing operation of the fracture of olecranon scapulae. Which artery gives off suprascapular artery? A. Anterior circumflexa humeri artery. B. Posterior circumflexa humeri artery. C. Suprascapular artery. D. * Subscapular artery. E. Thyreocervical trunk. 205. The patient delivered to the hospital with the cut trauma of medial part of arm, with the venous bleeding.What vessels are probably damaged? A. Cephalic vein. B. Deep brachial vein. C. * Basilica vein. D. Subscapular vein. E. Brachial vein. 206. The patient delivered to the hospital with the cut trauma of lateral part of arm, with the venous bleeding.What vessels are probably damaged? A. * Cephalic vein. B. Deep brachial vein. C. Basilica vein. D. Subscapular vein. E. Brachial vein. 207. The patient delivered to the hospital with the cut trauma of cubital fossa, with the venous bleeding.What vessels are probably damaged? A. Cephalic vein. B. * Intermediate cubital vein. C. Basilica vein. D. Subscapular vein. E. Brachial vein. 208. ?The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon. Which artery anastomoses with superior collateral ulnal artery? A. * Anterior recureent ulnar artery. B. Interosseus recurrent artery. C. Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. Collateral media artery. E. Collateral radial artery. 209. The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon .Which artery anastomoses with inferior collateral ulnar artery? A. Anterior recureent ulnar artery. B. Interosseus recurrent artery. C. * Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. Collateral media artery. E. Collateral radial artery. 210. The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon. Which artery anastomoses with collateral media artery? A. Anterior recureent ulnar artery. B. * Interosseus recurrent artery. C. Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. Collateral media artery. E. Collateral radial artery. 211. The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon. Which artery anastomoses with collateral radial artery? A. Anterior recureent ulnar artery. B. Interosseus recurrent artery. C. Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. * Radial recurrent artery. E. Collateral radial artery. 212. The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon. Which artery anastomoses with recurrent radial artery? A. Anterior recureent ulnar artery. B. Interosseus recurrent artery. C. Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. Radial recurrent artery. E. * Collateral radial artery. 213. The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon. Which artery anastomoses with recurrent interosseus artery? A. * Collateral media artery. B. Interosseus recurrent artery. C. Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. Radial recurrent artery. E. Collateral radial artery. 214. The patient with wound of elbow presented to the surgeon. Which artery anastomoses with recurrent ulnar artery? A. * Collateral media artery. B. Inferior collateral ulnar artery. C. Posterior recurrent ulnar artery. D. Radial recurrent artery. E. Collateral radial artery. 215. ?40 years old patient of trauma department has fracture of distal part of humerus and separation of a medial epicondyle. At examination is detected delicacy in flection of a hand and medial adduction.What nerve is damaged? A. * Ulnar nerve. B. Median nerve. C. Radial nerve. D. Musculocutaneus nerve. E. Axillar nerve. 216. After fracture of surgical neck of brachial bone the patient can”t adduct arm.What nerve is damaged? A. Radial nerve. B. Median nerve. C. Musculocutaneus nerve. D. * Axillary nerve. E. Ulnar nerve. 217. After the inflammatory process ill began to mark delicacy at flexion of the 1,2,3 and 4 digits of the hand,decreasing of a volume of a muscle,increase of the thenar. At examination: 3 and radial surfaces of the fouth digits are detected pain disturbance and thermoesthesia in a palm surface of 1,2 digits.What nerve is damaged? A. Radial nerve. B. * Median nerve. C. Musculocutaneus nerve. D. Axillary nerve. E. Ulnar nerve. 218. After trauma patient complains for difficulties of abduction of arm.Which nerve supply the supraspinatus muscle? A. * Suprascapular nerve. B. Dorsal scapulae nerve. C. Subscapular nerve. D. Long thoracic nerve. E. Thoracodorsal nerve. 219. After trauma patient complains for difficulties of adduction of arm.Which nerve supply the latissimus dorsi muscle? A. Suprascapular nerve. B. Dorsal scapulae nerve. C. Subscapular nerve. D. Long thoracic nerve. E. * Thoracodorsal nerve. 220. After trauma patient complains for difficulties with abduction of arm.Which nerve can be damaged? A. Pectoral nerves. B. Thoracodorsal nerve. C. * Axillary nervE. D. Subscapular nerve. E. Long thoracic nerve. 221. After trauma patient complains for pain during deep inspiration.Which nerve supply the serratus anterior muscle? A. Suprascapular nerve. B. Dorsal scapulae nerve. C. Subscapular nerve. D. * Long thoracic nerve. E. Thoracodorsal nerve. 222. After trauma the patient can”t flexe forearm in the elbow joint.What nerve is damaged? A. Radial nerve. B. Median nerve. C. * Musculocutaneus nerve. D. Axillary nerve. E. Ulnar nerve. 223. At an inflammation of deep lymph nodes of an inguinal region the surgeon was compelled to open deeply located gathering. Neverless, after operation in patient there was a complication: was lostflexion of forearm in a elbow joint and was broke dermal sensitivity of the antero-lateral surface of a forearm.What of brachial plexus nerve was damaged at operation? A. Radial nerve. B. * Musculocutaneus nerve. C. Ulnar nerve. D. Median nerve. E. Cutaneus medial antebrachii nerve. 224. In ill after a trauma in a region of an ulnar join the handicapping has appeared at a bending 4 and 5 fingers,has decreased in the sizes protrusion of a little finger.At the review is noticed also decrease pain and thermoesthesia in a 1,5 fingers of a palmar surface and 2,5 digits on a dorsal surface of a little finger.What nerve is damaged? A. * Ulnar nerve. B. Radial nerve. C. Median nerve. D. Musculocutaneus nerve. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of a forearm. 225. In patient after fracture of the upper third of humerus was advanced the paralis of posterior group of muscles of an arm and forearm.What nerve is damaged? A. Ulnar nerve. B. * Radial nerve. C. Median nerve. D. Musculocutaneus nerve. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of a forearm. 226. Patient after trauma of anterior surface of the upper third of forearm have affected pronation loosened palmar flexion of the hand,and affected sensitivity of a skin of the1,2,3 and radialside of 4th digits,and of dorsal surface of distal and medial phalanxes of a 2,3,4 digits.What nerve is struck at disturbance of the indicated functions? A. * Median nerve in the upper third of forearm. B. Radial nerve. C. Median nerve. D. Musculocutaneus nerve. E. Medial cutaneus nerve of a forearm. 227. Patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on medial palmar part of hand. What nerve is damaged? A. Radial nerve. B. Median nerve. C. Musculocutaneus nerve. D. Medial cutaneus nerve of a forearm. E. * Ulnar nerve. 228. Patient of 30 years old with a cut wound of a forearm has appeared the disturbance of fingers extension. It testifies about damage of: A. * Radial nerve. B. Median nerve. C. Musculocutaneus nerve. D. Medial cutaneus nerve of a forearm. E. Ulnar nerve. 229. Patient present to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord. Which nervous rami form brachial plexus? A. * Ventral rami 5-T1. B. Ventral rami C1-4. C. Ventral rami T12-L4. D. Ventral rami L5-S4. E. Ventral rami S5-Co1. 230. Patient present to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord. Which nervous rami form cervical plexus? A. Ventral rami 5-T1. B. * Ventral rami C1-4. C. Ventral rami T12-L4. D. Ventral rami L5-S4. E. Ventral rami S5-Co1. 231. The girl complains of the hindered and morbid extension of a digits and a hand,anesthesia of the skin of posterior surface of arm and forearm and 1-3 fingers.What nerve is struck? A. * Radial nerve. B. Median nerve. C. Musculocutaneus nerve. D. Medial cutaneus nerve of a forearm. E. Ulnar nervE. 232. The patient can”t adduct right hand after transferred traumA. At examination passive motions are not limiteD. Detected atrophy of deltoid muscle. What nerve is damaged? A. Radial nerve. B. Median nerve. C. Musculocutaneus nerve. D. * Axillary nerve. E. Ulnar nerve. 233. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on dorsal lateral part of hand. What nerve is damaged? A. N. medianus. B. N.ulnaris. C. * N.radialis. D. N.musculocutaneus. E. N.cutaneus antebrahii medialis. 234. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on dorsal medial part of hand. What nerve is damaged? A. N. medianus. B. * N.ulnaris. C. N.radialis. D. N.musculocutaneus. E. N.cutaneus antebrahii medialis. 235. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on lateral part of forearm.What nerve is damaged? A. N. medianus. B. N.ulnaris. C. N.radialis. D. * N.musculocutaneus. E. N.cutaneus antebrahii medialis. 236. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on dorsal part of arm .What nerve is damaged? A. N.medianus. B. N.ulnaris. C. * N.radialis. D. N.musculocutaneus. E. N.cutaneus antebrahii medialis. 237. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on dorsal part of forearm .What nerve is damaged? A. N.medianus. B. N.ulnaris. C. * N.radialis. D. N.musculocutaneus. E. N.cutaneus antebrahii medialis. 238. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on upper lateral part of arm .What nerves damaged? A. N. medianus. B. C. D. E. N.ulnaris. N.radialis. N.musculocutaneus. * N.axillaris. 239. The patient complains for violation of skin sensitivity on lateral palmar part of hand. What nerve is damaged? A. * N. medianus. B. N.ulnaris. C. N.radialis. D. N.musculocutaneus. E. N.cutaneus antebrahii medialis. 240. 19.The patient has swelling and pain on the way of vessels on medial surface of femur.What veins are damaged? A. Femoral artery. B. V.safena parva. C. * V.safena magna. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. Posterior tibial artery 241. After trauma patient came to physician with complains of the pain,blue color and brashing on the premedial surface of the tibyA. What vessel is damaged? A. Femoral artery. B. V.safena parva. C. * V.safena magnA. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. Posterior tibial artery 242. After wound in the region of genu articulation surgeon put some stitches on the vessels.What elements of neuro- vascular bundle locallised in poplitea fossa? A. Femoral artery,femoral vein,femoral nerve. B. * Poplitea artery,poplitea vein,ischiatic nerve. C. Poplitea artery,poplitea vein,poplitea nerve. D. Poplitea artery,vsafena magna,subcutaneous nerve. E. Poplitea artery,poplitea vein,femoral nerve. 243. ?Man 47-years old complains for deficiency of blood supply of leg. Which artery pases in lacuna vasorum? A. * Femoral artery. B. Arteria mediana plantaris. C. Poplitea artery. D. Plantar metatarsal artery. E. All of these. 244. Man 47-years old complains for deficiency of blood supply of leg. Which artery pases in adductorial canal? A. * Femoral artery. B. Arteria mediana plantaris. C. Poplitea artery. D. Plantar metatarsal artery. E. All of these. 245. The patient has the slight swelling on medial surface of thigh ,increased of sizes vein.What vein is pathology marked? A. * V.safena magnA. B. V.tibialis anterior. C. V.safena parva. D. V.cephalica. E. V.basilica. 246. The patient has the slight swelling on medial surface of thigh ,increased of sizes vein.What vein is pathology marked? A. * V.safena magnA. B. V.tibialis anterior. C. V.safena parva. D. V.cephalica. E. V.basilica. 247. The patient has the slight swelling on medial surface of leg,increased of sizes vein.What vein is pathology marked? A. * V.safena magna. B. V.tibialis anterior. C. V.safena parva. D. V.cephalic.a E. V.basilica. 248. The patient has the slight swelling on the posterior surface of leg ,increased of sises vein.What vein is pathology marked? A. V.safena magnA. B. * V.safena parvA. C. V.jugularis internA. D. V.cephalicA. E. V.basilicA. 249. The patient has wound on the plantar surface of foot.What vessels formed plantar arterial arche? A. Lateral and medial anterior maleolar arteries. B. * Deep plantar,dorsal arteria pedis,lateral plantar artery. C. Posterior maleolar arteries,medial and lateral. D. Lateral and medial metatarsal arteries. E. Arteria arcuata,medial ,lateral maleolar arteries. 250. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery supplies frontal femoral muscles? A. Obturatory artery. B. * Femoral artery. C. Deep femoral artery. D. Perforating artery. E. Poplitea artery. 251. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery pulsation physician palpate between medial malleolus and heel? A. Femoral artery. B. Fibular artery. C. Poplitea artery. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. * Posterior tibial artery. 252. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of kneE. Which artery does not take part in articular rete of knee joint? A. * Peroneal artery. B. Lateral superior genicular artery. C. Descending genicular artery. D. Lateral inferior genicular artery. E. Mediall superior genicular artery. 253. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of kneE. Which artery does not take part in articular rete of knee joint? A. * Femoral artery. B. Lateral superior genicular artery. C. Descending genicular artery. D. Lateral inferior genicular artery. E. Mediall superior genicular artery. 254. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of kneE. Which artery does not take part in articular rete of knee joint? A. * Deep femoral artery. B. Lateral superior genicular artery. C. Descending genicular artery. D. Lateral inferior genicular artery. E. Mediall superior genicular artery. 255. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery pulsation physician palpate near extensor hallucis in region of ankle joint? A. * Dorsalis pedis artery. B. Fibular artery. C. Poplitea artery. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. Posterior tibial artery. 256. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery pulsation physician palpate between medial malleolus and heel? A. Femoral artery. B. Fibular artery. C. Poplitea artery. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. * Posterior tibial artery. 257. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery passes in musculofibular canal? A. Femoral artery. B. * Fibular artery. C. Poplitea artery. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. Posterior tibial artery. 258. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery supplies back femoral muscles? A. Obturatory artery. B. Femoral artery. C. Deep femoral artery. D. * Perforating artery. E. Poplitea artery. 259. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery supplies frontal femoral muscles? A. Obturatory artery. B. * Femoral artery. C. Deep femoral artery. D. Perforating artery. E. Poplitea artery. 260. The patient suffers from deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery supplies femoral adductors muscles? A. * Obturatory artery. B. Femoral artery. C. Deep femoral artery. D. Perforating artery. E. Poplitea artery. 261. The patient,female 55-years old suffers from femoral herniA. Which vessels form lateral wall of femoral canal? A. * Femoral vein. B. C. D. E. Femoral artery. External iliak artery. External iliac vein. Internal iliac artery. 262. The patient,male 45 years old complains for deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery passes in superior musculofibular canal? A. * No one artery. B. Popliteal artery. C. Fibular artery. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. Posterior tibial artery. 263. The patient,male 45 years old complains for deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery passes in superior musculofibular canal? A. * No one artery. B. Popliteal artery. C. Fibular artery. D. Anterior tibial artery. E. Posterior tibial artery. 264. The patient,male 45 years old complains for deficiency of blood supply of leg.Which artery passes in femoral triangle? A. * Femoral artery. B. Popliteal artery. C. Common iliac artery. D. Internal iliac artery. E. Obturatory artery. 265. A 65-year old patient got inflammation of ischiorectal fossa and needs the operation.What nerves are locate here? A. * Pudendal. B. Obturatory. C. Inferior gluteal. D. Superior gluteal. E. Sciatic. 266. A man got deep knife wound of anterior leg muscles.What nerve can be damaged? A. * Peroneus profundus. B. Cutaneus surae lateralis. C. Peroneus superficialis. D. Tibialis. E. Peroneus communis. 267. A man got deep knife wound of lateral leg muscles.What nerve can be damaged? A. Peroneus profundus. B. Cutaneus surae lateralis. C. * Peroneus superficialis. D. Tibialis. E. Peroneus communis. 268. In trauma department was delivered patient with a wound of right lumbal region.It was detected wound of psoas major muscle,he lost capability of leg extension in a knee joint.What nerve is damaged? A. * Femoral. B. Ilioepigastric. C. Ilioinguinal. D. Genitofemoral. E. Obturatorial. 269. Patient complains for sensitivity and motion deficiency in lower limB. What nerve supplies cremaster muscle? A. * Genitofemoral. B. Anterior cutaneus femoral. C. Lateral femoral cutaneus. D. Femoral. E. Ilioinguinal. 270. The patient complains for absence of sensitiveness of skin on plantar foot. What nerves needs to be checked up? A. * Plantar nerves. B. Sural nerves. C. Tibial nerves. D. Common peroneal nerves. E. Deep peroneal nerves. 271. The patient complains for absence of sensitiveness of skin in perineal region.Which nerve is branching off there? A. Obturator nerve. B. * Pudendal nerve. C. Femoral nerve. D. Inferior gluteal. E. Superior gluteal. 272. The patient complains for difficulties with abduction of the thigh after traumA. Which nerve can be damaged? A. * Superior gluteus. B. Femoral. C. Sciatic. D. Obturator. E. Inferior gluteus. 273. The patient complains for difficulties with adduction of the thigh after traumA. Which nerve can be damaged? A. Superior gluteus. B. Femoral. C. Sciatic. D. * Obturator. E. Inferior gluteus. 274. The patient complains for difficulties with eversion of the foot after traumA. He can not lift lateral edge of foot.Which nerve can be damaged? A. * Superficial peroneal. B. Sciatic. C. Tibial. D. Deep peroneal. E. Common peroneal. 275. The patient complains for difficulties with extension of the thigh after traumA. Which nerve can be damaged? A. Femoral. B. * SciatiC. C. Obturator. D. Ilioinguinal. E. Pudendal. 276. The patient complains for difficulties with extension of the leg in knee joint after traumA. Which nerve can be damaged? A. Obturator. B. * Femoral. C. SciatiC. D. Superior gluteus. E. Inferior gluteus. 277. The patient complains for difficulties with extension of the foot in ankle joint after traumA. Which nerve can be damaged? A. Obturator. B. Femoral. C. Deep peroneal. D. * Superior gluteus. E. Inferior gluteus. 278. The patient complains for difficulties with flexion of the thigh after traumA. Which nerve can be damaged? A. * Femoral. B. Sciatic. C. Obturator. D. Ilioinguinal. E. Pudendal. 279. The patient complains for difficulties with flexion of the leg in knee joint after trauma. Which nerve can be damaged? A. Obturator. B. * Tibial. C. Femoral. D. Superior gluteus. E. Inferior gluteus. 280. The patient complains for difficulties with flexion of the foot in ankle joint after trauma. Which nerve can be damaged? A. Obturator. B. Femoral. C. * Tibial. D. Superior gluteus. E. Inferior gluteus. 281. The patient complains for difficulties with inversion of the foot after traumA. He can not lift lateral edge of foot.Which nerve can be damaged? A. Superficial peroneal. B. Sciatic. C. * Tibial. D. Deep peroneal. E. Common peroneal. 282. The patient complains for sensitivity and motion deficiency in lower limB. Which nerve innervate the skin on medial leg region? A. * Saphenus nervE. B. Anterior femoral cutaneus nerve. C. Cutaneus medial surae nerve. D. Femoral nerve. E. Tibial nerve. 283. The patient complains for sensitivity deficiency in lower limb. Which nerve passes trough the lacuna vasorum? A. Genital branch. B. * Femoral branch. C. Femoral nervE. D. Ilioinguinal nerve. E. Pudendus nerve. 284. The patient complains for sensitivity deficiency in lower limb. Which nerve passes trough the lacuna musculorum? A. Genital branch. B. C. D. E. Femoral branch. * Femoral nerve. Ilioinguinal nerve. Pudendus nerve. 285. The patient complains for sensitivity deficiency in lower limb. Which nerve passes below the anterior superior iliac spine? A. * Lateral femoral cutaneus nerve. B. Anterior femoral cutaneus nerve. posterior femoral cutaneus nerve. C. Posterior femoral cutaneus nerve. D. Ilioinguinal nerve. E. Pudendus nerve. 286. The patient presented to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord. Which nervous rami form the lumbal plexus? A. * Ventral rami L5-S4. B. Ventral rami C1-C4. C. Ventral rami C5-T1. D. Ventral rami T12-L4. E. Ventral rami S5-Co1. 287. The patient presented to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord. Which nervous rami form the cocygeal plexus? A. Ventral rami L5-S4. B. Ventral rami C1-C4. C. Ventral rami C5-T1. D. Ventral rami T12-L4. E. * Ventral rami S5-Co1. 288. The patient presented to neuro-surgeon with trauma of spinal cord. Which nervous rami form the sacral plexus? A. * Ventral rami L5-S4. B. Ventral rami C1-C4. C. Ventral rami C5-T1. D. Ventral rami T12-L4. E. Ventral rami S5-Co1. 289. The patient suffers from sensitivity deficiency in lower limb. Which nerve passes trough inguinal canal? A. Femoral branch. B. * Genital branch. C. Obturator nervE. D. Ilioinguinal nerve. E. Pudendus nerve. Text questions for pictures 1. What is indicated on figure 2 with number1? A. n. abducens B. n. lacrimalis C. n. maxillaris D. n. ophtalmicus E. *n. supraorbitalis 2. What is indicated on figure 2 with number3? A. n. lacrimalis B. n. maxillaris C. n. ophtalmicus D. n. mandibularis E. *n. abducens 3. What is indicated on figure 2 with number4? A. n. maxillaris B. n. ophtalmicus C. n. mandibularis D. radix sensoria n. trigemini E. *n. lacrimalis 4. What is indicated on figure 2 with number5? A. n. ophtalmicus B. n. mandibularis C. radix sensoria n. trigemini D. n. abducens E. *n. maxillaris 5. What is indicated on figure 2 with number6? A. n. mandibularis B. radix sensoria n. trigemini C. n. abducens D. n. oculomotorius E. *n. ophtalmicus 6. What is indicated on figure 2 with number7? A. radix sensoria n. trigemini B. n. abducens C. n. oculomotorius D. n. n. opticus E. *n. mandibularis 7. What is indicated on figure 2 with number9? A. n. abducens B. n. oculomotorius C. n. opticus D. n. trochlearis E. *radix sensoria n. trigemini 8. What is indicated on figure 2 with number10? A. n. oculomotorius B. n. opticus C. n. trochlearis D. n. frontalis E. *n. abducens 9. What is indicated on figure 2 with number11? A. n. opticus B. n. trochlearis C. n. frontalis D. n. nasociliaris E. *n. oculomotorius 10. What is indicated on figure 2 with number12? A. n. trochlearis B. n. frontalis C. n. nasociliaris D. n. supratrochlearis E. *n. opticus 11. What is indicated on figure 2 with number13? A. n. frontalis B. n. nasociliaris C. n. supratrochlearis D. n. supraorbitalis E. *n. trochlearis 12. What is indicated on figure 2 with number14? A. n. trochlearis B. n. nasociliaris C. n. supratrochlearis D. n. supraorbitalis E. *n. frontalis 13. What is indicated on figure 2 with number15? A. n. trochlearis B. n. frontalis C. n. supratrochlearis D. n. supraorbitalis E. *n. nasociliaris 14. What is indicated on figure 2 with number16? A. n. trochlearis B. n. frontalis C. n. nasociliaris D. n. supraorbitalis E. *n. supratrochlearis 15. What is indicated on figure 3 with number1? A. n. trochlearis B. n. frontalis C. n. nasociliaris D. n. supraorbitalis (r. medialis) E. *n. supraorbitalis (r. lateralis) 16. What is indicated on figure 3 with number2? A. n. trochlearis B. n. frontalis C. n. nasociliaris D. n. supraorbitalis (r. Lateralis E. *n. supraorbitalis (r. medialis) 17. What is indicated on figure 3 with number3? A. n. trochlearis B. n. frontalis C. n. nasociliaris D. n. supraorbitalis (r. Lateralis) E. *n. supratrochlearis 18. What is indicated on figure 3 with number4? A. B. C. D. E. n. supratrochlearis n. trochlearis n. frontalis n. nasociliaris *n. infratrochlearis 19. What is indicated on figure 3 with number5? A. n. infratrochlearis B. n. supratrochlearis C. n. trochlearis D. n. frontalis E. *n. infraorbitalis 20. What is indicated on figure 3 with number6? A. n. infraorbitalis B. n. infratrochlearis C. n. supratrochlearis D. n. trochlearis E. *rr. alveolares superiores anteriores 21. What is indicated on figure 3 with number7? A. rr. alveolares superiores anteriores B. n. infraorbitalis C. n. infratrochlearis D. n. supratrochlearis E. *r. alveolaris superior medius 22. What is indicated on figure 3 with number9? A. r. alveolaris superior medius B. rr. alveolares superiores anteriores C. n. infraorbitalis D. n. infratrochlearis E. *rr. dentales superiores 23. What is indicated on figure 3 with number10? A. rr. dentales superiores B. r. alveolaris superior medius C. rr. alveolares superiores anteriores D. n. infraorbitalis E. *rr. gingivales superiores 24. What is indicated on figure 3 with number11? A. rr. gingivales superiores B. rr. dentales superiores C. r. alveolaris superior medius D. rr. alveolares superiores anteriores E. *rr. gingivales inferiores 25. What is indicated on figure 3 with number12? A. rr. gingivales inferiores B. rr. gingivales superiores C. rr. dentales superiores D. r. alveolaris superior medius E. *n. mentalis 26. What is indicated on figure 3 with number13? A. n. mentalis B. rr. gingivales inferiores C. rr. gingivales superiores D. rr. dentales superiors E. *rr. dentales inferiores 27. What is indicated on figure 3 with number15? A. rr. dentales inferiores B. n. mentalis C. rr. gingivales inferiores D. rr. gingivales superiors E. *rr. alveolares superiores posteriores 28. What is indicated on figure 3 with number16? A. rr. alveolares superiores posteriores B. rr. dentales inferiores C. n. mentalis D. rr. gingivales inferiores E. *nn. alveolaris inferior 29. What is indicated on figure 3 with number17? A. nn. alveolaris inferior B. rr. alveolares superiores posteriores C. rr. dentales inferiores D. n. mentalis E. *n. lingualis 30. What is indicated on figure 3 with number18? A. n. lingualis B. nn. alveolaris inferior C. rr. alveolares superiores posteriores D. rr. dentales inferiores E. *n. mylohyoideus 31. What is indicated on figure 3 with number19? A. n. mylohyoideus B. n. lingualis C. nn. alveolaris inferior D. rr. alveolares superiores posteriores E. *n. buccalis 32. What is indicated on figure 3 with number20? A. n. buccalis B. n. mylohyoideus C. n. lingualis D. nn. alveolaris inferior E. *n. auriculotemporalis 33. What is indicated on figure 3 with number21? A. n. auriculotemporalis B. n. buccalis C. n. mylohyoideus D. n. lingualis E. *n. mandibularis 34. What is indicated on figure 3 with number24? A. n. mandibularis B. n. auriculotemporalis C. n. buccalis D. n. mylohyoideus E. *n. maxillaris 35. What is indicated on figure 3 with number25? A. n. maxillaris B. n. mandibularis C. n. auriculotemporalis D. n. buccalis E. *n. ophtalmicus 36. What is indicated on figure 3 with number27? A. n. ophtalmicus B. n. maxillaris C. n. mandibularis D. n. auriculotemporalis E. *n. zygomaticus 37. What is indicated on figure 3 with number28? A. n. zygomaticus B. n. ophtalmicus C. n. maxillaris D. n. mandibularis E. *n. nasociliaris 38. What is indicated on figure 3 with number30? A. n. nasociliaris B. n. zygomaticus C. n. ophtalmicus D. n. maxillaris E. *n. lacrimalis 39. What is indicated on figure 3 with number31? A. n. lacrimalis B. n. nasociliaris C. n. zygomaticus D. n. ophtalmicus E. *n. frontalis 40. What is indicated on figure 3 with number33? A. n. frontalis B. n. lacrimalis C. n. nasociliaris D. n. zygomaticus E. *n. zygomaticotemporalis 41. What is indicated on figure 4 with number1? A. n. hypoglossus B. C. D. E. n. glossopharyngeus ramus mandibulae n. zygomaticus *n. lingualis 42. What is indicated on figure 4 with number3? A. ganglion sublinguale B. ganglion submandibulare C. gl. submandibularis D. n. zygomaticus E. *gl. sublingualis 43. What is indicated on figure 4 with number4? A. gl. sublingualis B. ganglion submandibulare C. gl. submandibularis D. n. zygomaticus E. *ganglion sublinguale 44. What is indicated on figure 4 with number5? A. gl. sublingualis B. ganglion sublinguale C. gl. submandibularis D. n. zygomaticus E. *ganglion submandibulare 45. What is indicated on figure 4 with number6? A. gl. sublingualis B. ganglion sublinguale C. ganglion submandibulare D. n. zygomaticus E. *gl. submandibularis 46. What is indicated on figure 4 with number7? A. n. lingualis B. n. glossopharyngeus C. ramus mandibulae D. n. zygomaticus E. *n. hypoglossus 47. What is indicated on figure 4 with number8? A. n. lingualis B. n. hypoglossus C. ramus mandibulae D. n. zygomaticus E. *n. glossopharyngeus 48. What is indicated on figure 4 with number9? A. n. lingualis B. n. hypoglossus C. n. glossopharyngeus D. n. zygomaticus E. *ramus mandibulae 49. What is indicated on figure 5 with number1? A. chorda thympani B. plexus thympanicus C. r. communicans cum plexo thympanico D. ganglion geniculi E. *n. stapedius 50. What is indicated on figure 5 with number2? A. plexus thympanicus B. r. communicans cum plexo thympanico C. ganglion geniculi D. n. facialis E. *chorda thympani 51. What is indicated on figure 5 with number3? A. n. stapedius B. r. communicans cum plexo thympanico C. ganglion geniculi D. n. facialis E. *plexus thympanicus 52. What is indicated on figure 5 with number4? A. n. lingualis B. n. hypoglossus C. n. glossopharyngeus D. n. zygomaticus E. *r. communicans cum plexo thympanico 53. What is indicated on figure 5 with number6? A. communicans cum plexo thympanico B. n. lingualis C. n. hypoglossus D. n. glossopharyngeus E. *n. facialis 54. What is indicated on figure 5 with number7? A. n. facialis B. communicans cum plexo thympanico C. n. lingualis D. n. hypoglossus E. *n. intermedius 55. What is indicated on figure 5 with number8? A. n. intermedius B. n. facialis C. communicans cum plexo thympanico D. n. lingualis E. *n. vestibulocochlearis 56. What is indicated on figure 5 with number10? A. n. intermedius B. n. facialis C. communicans cum plexo thympanico D. n. lingualis E. *n. petrosus major 57. What is indicated on figure 5 with number11? A. n. petrosus major B. n. intermedius C. n. facialis D. communicans cum plexo thympanico E. *n. caroticothympanicus 58. What is indicated on figure 5 with number12? A. n. caroticothympanicus B. n. petrosus major C. n. intermedius D. n. facialis E. *n. petrosus minor 59. What is indicated on figure 5 with number14? A. n. petrosus minor B. n. caroticothympanicus C. n. petrosus major D. n. intermedius E. *n. petrosus profundus 60. What is indicated on figure 5 with number15? A. n. petrosus profundus B. n. petrosus minor C. n. caroticothympanicus D. n. petrosus major E. *n. canalis pterygoidei 61. What is indicated on figure 5 with number16? A. n. canalis pterygoidei B. n. petrosus profundus C. n. petrosus minor D. n. caroticothympanicus E. *nn. pterygopalatine 62. What is indicated on figure 5 with number17? A. nn. pterygopalatine B. n. canalis pterygoidei C. n. petrosus profundus D. n. petrosus minor E. *n. maxillaris 63. What is indicated on figure 5 with number24? A. n. maxillaris B. nn. pterygopalatine C. n. canalis pterygoidei D. n. petrosus profundus E. *n. massetericus 64. What is indicated on figure 5 with number25? A. n. massetericus B. n. maxillaris C. nn. pterygopalatine D. n. canalis pterygoidei E. *n. mandibularis 65. What is indicated on figure 5 with number26? A. n. mandibularis B. n. massetericus C. n. maxillaris D. nn. pterygopalatine E. *n. lingualis 66. What is indicated on figure 5 with number27? A. n. lingualis B. n. mandibularis C. n. massetericus D. n. maxillaris E. *n. alveolaris inferior 67. What is indicated on figure 5 with number28? A. n. alveolaris inferior B. n. lingualis C. n. mandibularis D. n. massetericus E. *n. auriculotemporalis 68. What is indicated on figure 5 with number29? A. n. auriculotemporalis B. n. alveolaris inferior C. n. lingualis D. n. mandibularis E. *n. thympanicus 69. What is indicated on figure 5 with number34? A. r. auricularis n. vagi B. n. glossopharyngeus C. n. thympanicus D. n. auriculotemporalis E. *r. stylohyoideus n. facialis 70. What is indicated on figure 5 with number35? A. r. stylohyoideus n. facialis B. r. auricularis n. vagi C. n. glossopharyngeus D. n. thympanicus E. *r. digastricus 71. What is indicated on figure 5 with number36? A. r. digastricus B. r. stylohyoideus n. facialis C. r. auricularis n. vagi D. n. Glossopharyngeus E. *n. auricularis posterior 72. What is indicated on figure 6 with number1? A. B. C. D. E. rr. temporales n. supraorbitalis rr. zygomatici n. infraorbitalis *plexus intraparotideus 73. What is indicated on figure 6 with number2? A. n. supraorbitalis B. rr. zygomatici C. n. infraorbitalis D. rr. buccales E. *rr. temporales 74. What is indicated on figure 6 with number3? A. rr. zygomatici B. n. infraorbitalis C. rr. buccales D. r. marginalis mandibularis E. *n. supraorbitalis 75. What is indicated on figure 6 with number4? A. n. infraorbitalis B. rr. buccales C. r. marginalis mandibulari D. r. colli E. *rr. zygomatici 76. What is indicated on figure 6 with number5? A. rr. buccales B. r. marginalis mandibulari C. r. colli D. n. transversus colli E. *n. infraorbitalis 77. What is indicated on figure 6 with number6? A. r. marginalis mandibulari B. r. colli C. n. transversus colli D. nn. supraclaviculares E. *rr. buccales 78. What is indicated on figure 6 with number7? A. r. colli B. n. transversus colli C. nn. supraclaviculares D. n. auricularis magnus E. *r. marginalis mandibulari 79. What is indicated on figure 6 with number8? A. n. transversus colli B. nn. supraclaviculares C. n. auricularis magnus D. n. facialis E. *r. colli 80. What is indicated on figure 6 with number9? A. nn. supraclaviculares B. n. auricularis magnus C. n. facialis D. n. occipitalis minor E. *n. transversus colli 81. What is indicated on figure 6 with number10? A. n. auricularis magnus B. n. facialis C. n. occipitalis minor D. n. occipitalis major E. *nn. supraclaviculares 82. What is indicated on figure 6 with number11? A. n. facialis B. n. occipitalis minor C. n. occipitalis major D. n. auriculotemporalis E. *n. auricularis magnus 83. What is indicated on figure 6 with number12? A. n. occipitalis minor B. n. occipitalis major C. n. auriculotemporalis D. n. infraorbitalis E. *n. facialis 84. What is indicated on figure 6 with number13? A. n. occipitalis major B. n. auriculotemporalis C. rr. zygomatici D. n. infraorbitalis E. *n. occipitalis minor 85. What is indicated on figure 6 with number14? A. rr. temporales B. n. supraorbitalis C. rr. zygomatici D. n. infraorbitalis E. *n. occipitalis major 86. What is indicated on figure 6 with number15? A. n. auricularis magnus B. n. facialis C. n. occipitalis minor D. n. occipitalis major E. *n. auriculotemporalis 87. What is indicated on figure 7 with number1? A. plexus brachialis B. gangl. cervicale superius C. gangl. inferius n. vagi D. n. occipitalis major E. *gangl. trigeminale 88. What is indicated on figure 7 with number2? A. n. lingualis B. n. hypoglossus C. n. laryngeus superior D. n. vagus E. *n. glossopharyngeus 89. What is indicated on figure 7 with number3? A. n. hypoglossus B. n. laryngeus superior C. n. vagus D. n. phrenicus E. *n. lingualis 90. What is indicated on figure 7 with number4? A. n. laryngeus superior B. n. vagus C. n. phrenicus D. plexus brachialis E. *n. hypoglossus 91. What is indicated on figure 7 with number5? A. n. vagus B. n. phrenicus C. plexus brachialis D. truncus sympathicus E. *n. laryngeus superior 92. What is indicated on figure 7 with number6? A. n. phrenicus B. plexus brachialis C. truncus sympathicus D. plexus cervicalis E. *n. vagus 93. What is indicated on figure 7 with number8? A. plexus brachialis B. truncus sympathicus C. plexus cervicalis D. gangl. cervicale superius E. *n. phrenicus 94. What is indicated on figure 7 with number9? A. truncus sympathicus B. plexus cervicalis C. gangl. cervicale superius D. n. occipitalis major E. *plexus brachialis 95. What is indicated on figure 7 with number10? A. n. vagus B. C. D. E. n. phrenicus plexus brachialis truncus sympathicus *truncus sympathicus 96. What is indicated on figure 7 with number12? A. n. auricularis magnus B. n. facialis C. n. occipitalis minor D. n. occipitalis major E. *gangl. cervicale superius 97. What is indicated on figure 7 with number12? A. gangl. cervicale superius B. n. auricularis magnus C. n. facialis D. n. occipitalis minor E. *gangl. inferius n. vagi 98. What is indicated on figure 8 with number1? A. n. glossopharyngeus B. n. accessorius C. r. communicans cum nervo hypoglosso D. n. laryngeus reccurens dexter E. *r. communicans cum nervo faciale 99. What is indicated on figure 8 with number2? A. n. accessorius B. r. communicans cum nervo hypoglosso C. n. laryngeus reccurens dexter D. n. laryngeus reccurens sinister E. *n. glossopharyngeus 100. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number3? r. communicans cum nervo hypoglosso n. laryngeus reccurens dexter n. laryngeus reccurens sinister n. vagus sinister *n. accessorius A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number4? n. laryngeus reccurens dexter n. laryngeus reccurens sinister n. vagus sinister ganglion coeliacum dexter *r. communicans cum nervo hypoglosso A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number5? n. laryngeus reccurens dexter n. laryngeus reccurens sinister n. vagus sinister ganglion coeliacum dexter *r. communicans cum trunco sympathico 101. 102. 103. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number10? n. laryngeus reccurens sinister n. vagus sinister ganglion coeliacum dexter r. communicans cum trunco sympathico *n. laryngeus reccurens dexter A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number11? n. vagus sinister ganglion coeliacum dexter r. communicans cum trunco sympathico n. laryngeus reccurens dexter *n. laryngeus reccurens sinister A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number12? ganglion coeliacum dexter r. communicans cum trunco sympathico n. laryngeus reccurens dexter n. laryngeus reccurens sinister *n. vagus sinister A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number24? n. glossopharyngeus n. accessorius n. vagus sinister r. communicans cum trunco sympathico *n. laryngeus superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number27? n. glossopharyngeus n. facialis r. communicans cum nervo hypoglosso r. communicans cum trunco sympathico *n. accessorius A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number29? n. accessorius n. glossopharyngeus n. facialis r. communicans cum nervo hypoglosso *n. dorsalis n. vagi A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 8 with number30? n. dorsalis n. vagi n. accessorius n. glossopharyngeus n. Glossopharyngeus *n. facialis A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 9 with number1? а. temporalis superficialis a. maxillaris а. alveolaris inferior а. auricularis posterior 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. E. *а. transversa faciei 111. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number2? a. maxillaris а. alveolaris inferior а. auricularis posterior а. occipitalis *а. temporalis superficialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number3? а. alveolaris inferior а. auricularis posterior а. occipitalis а. pharyngea posterior *a. maxillaris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number4? а. auricularis posterior а. occipitalis а. pharyngea posterior a. carotis interna *а. alveolaris inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number5? а. occipitalis а. pharyngea posterior a. carotis interna a. carotis communis sinistra *а. auricularis posterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number8? а. pharyngea posterior a. carotis interna a. carotis communis sinistra truncus thyreocervicalis *а. occipitalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number9? a. carotis interna a. carotis communis sinistra truncus thyreocervicalis a. subclavia sinistra *а. pharyngea posterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number10? a. carotis communis sinistra truncus thyreocervicalis a. subclavia sinistra a. vertebralis *a. carotis interna 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. What is indicated on figure 9 with number13? A. truncus thyreocervicalis B. a. subclavia sinistra C. a. vertebralis D. a. thyroidea superior E. *a. carotis communis sinistra 119. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number15? a. subclavia sinistra a. vertebralis a. thyroidea superior a. carotis interna *truncus thyreocervicalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number16? a. vertebralis a. thyroidea superior a. carotis interna a. lingualis *a. subclavia sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number17? a. thyroidea superior a. carotis interna a. lingualis a. facialis *a. vertebralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number19? a. carotis interna a. lingualis a. facialis a. labialis inferior *a. thyroidea superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number20? a. lingualis a. facialis a. labialis inferior a. labialis superior *a. carotis interna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number21? a. facialis a. labialis inferior a. labialis superior a. sphenopalatina *a. lingualis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number23? a. labialis inferior a. labialis superior a. sphenopalatina a. infraorbitalis *a. facialis 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. What is indicated on figure 9 with number24? A. B. C. D. E. a. labialis superior a. sphenopalatina a. infraorbitalis a. angularis *a. labialis inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number25? a. sphenopalatina a. infraorbitalis a. angularis a. dorsalis nasi *a. labialis superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number26? a. infraorbitalis a. angularis a. dorsalis nasi a. supraorbitalis *a. sphenopalatina A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number27? a. angularis a. dorsalis nasi a. supraorbitalis a. meningea media *a. infraorbitalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number28? a. dorsalis nasi a. supraorbitalis а. auricularis posterior a. meningea media *a. angularis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number29? a. supraorbitalis а. auricularis posterior a. meningea media a. angularis *a. dorsalis nasi A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 9 with number30? а. auricularis posterior a. meningea media a. angularis a. dorsalis nasi *a. supraorbitalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 10 with number1? а. cerebri anterior a. communicans anterior а. ophthalmica а. communicans posterior *a. cerebri media 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 10 with number1? а. cerebri anterior a. communicans anterior а. ophthalmica а. communicans posterior *a. cerebri media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 10 with number2? a. communicans anterior а. ophthalmica а. communicans posterior а. meningea media *а. cerebri anterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 10 with number3? а. ophthalmica а. communicans posterior а. meningea media а. maxillaris *a. communicans anterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number1? а. pulmonalis sinistra conus arteriosus pars ascendens aortae truncus pulmonalis *arcus aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number2? conus arteriosus pars ascendens aortae truncus pulmonalis v. cava superior *а. pulmonalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number3? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis sinistra conus arteriosus v. cava superior *truncus pulmonalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number4? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis sinistra conus arteriosus v. cava superior *auricula sinistra 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. What is indicated on figure 31 with number5? A. pars ascendens aortae B. а. pulmonalis sinistra C. auricula sinistra D. v. cava superior E. *conus arteriosus 142. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number6? sulcus interventricularis inferior sulcus interventricularis sinistra v. cava superior auricula sinistra *sulcus interventricularis anterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number7? sulcus interventricularis inferior sulcus interventricularis sinistra v. cava superior auricula sinistra *ventriculus sinister A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number8? sulcus interventricularis inferior sulcus interventricularis sinistra v. cava superior auricula sinistra * apex cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number9? sulcus interventricularis inferior sulcus interventricularis sinistra apex cordis auricula sinistra *incisura apicis cordis; A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number10? sulcus interventricularis inferior sulcus interventricularis sinistra apex cordis auricula sinistra *ventriculus dexter A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number11? ventriculus dexter arcus aortae apex cordis auricula sinistra *auricula dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 31 with number12? ventriculus dexter auricula dextra apex cordis auricula sinistra *pars ascendens aortae 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. What is indicated on figure 31 with number13? A. pars ascendens aortae B. C. D. E. auricula dextra apex cordis auricula sinistra *v. cava superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number1? pars ascendens aortae auricula dextra apex cordis auricula sinistra *v. cava superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number2? pars ascendens aortae auricula dextra v. cava superior auricula sinistra *а. pulmonalis dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number3? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava superior auricula sinistra *vv. pulmonales dextrae (superior et inferior) A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number4? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava superior auricula sinistra *atrium dextrum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number5? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava superior auricula sinistra *v. cava inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number6? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior auricula sinistra *sulcus coronarius A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number7? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior auricula sinistra *ventriculus dexter 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number8? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior sulcus coronarius *sulcus interventricularis posterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number9? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior sulcus coronarius *apex cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number10? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior sulcus coronarius *ventriculus sinister A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number11? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior sulcus coronarius *sinus coronarius cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number12? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior sulcus coronarius *atrium sinistrum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number13? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior sulcus coronarius *vv. pulmonales sinistrae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number14? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae *a. pulmonalis sinistra A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 32 with number15? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. E. *lig. arteriosum 165. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 32 with number16? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae *aorta A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number1? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae *ostium v. cavae superioris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number2? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae *aorta A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number3? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae *limbus fossae ovalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number4? pars ascendens aortae а. pulmonalis dextra v. cava inferior vv. pulmonales sinistrae *foramina venarum minimarum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number5? foramina venarum minimarum pars ascendens aortae mm. papillares vv. pulmonales sinistrae *mm. pectinati A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number6? mm. pectinati pars ascendens aortae mm. papillares vv. pulmonales sinistrae *valva atrioventricularis dextra 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. What is indicated on figure 33 with number7? A. mm pectinati B. mm ascendens C. m.atrioventricularis dextra D. vv. pulmonales sinistrae E. *mm. papillares 173. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number8? mm. pectinati mm. papillares m.atrioventricularis dextra vv. pulmonales sinistrae *apex cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number9? mm. pectinati mm. papillares m.atrioventricularis dextra vv. pulmonales sinistrae *trabeculae carneae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number10? mm. pectinati mm. papillares m.atrioventricularis dextra trabeculae carneae *chordae tendineae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number11? mm. pectinati chordae tendineae m.atrioventricularis dextra trabeculae carneae *ostium sinus coronarii cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number12? mm. pectinati chordae tendineae ostium sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae *valvula sinus coronarii cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number13? valvula sinus coronarii cordis chordae tendineae ostium sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae *valvula v. cavae inferioris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 33 with number14? valvula sinus coronarii cordis chordae tendineae ostium sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae *v. cava inferior 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. What is indicated on figure 21 with number15? A. B. C. D. E. valvula sinus coronarii cordis chordae tendineae ostium sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae *fossa ovalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number1? valvula sinus coronarii cordis chordae tendineae ostium sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae *v. cava superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number2? valvula sinus coronarii cordis v. cava superior ostium sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae *vv. pulmonales dextrae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number3? valvula sinus coronarii cordis v. cava superior ostium sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae *vv. pulmonales sinistrae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number4? valvula sinus coronarii cordis v. cava superior ostium sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae *valva atrioventricularis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number5? valvula sinus coronarii cordis v. cava superior ostium sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae *mm. papillares A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number6? valvula sinus coronarii cordis v. cava superior mm. papillares vv. pulmonales dextrae *trabeculae carneae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number7? valvula sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae mm. papillares vv. pulmonales dextrae *epicardium 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number8? valvula sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae mm. papillares epicardium *myocardium A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number9? valvula sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae mm. papillares epicardium *chordae tendineae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number10? valvula sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae mm. papillares chordae tendineae *mm. pectinati A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number11? valvula sinus coronarii cordis trabeculae carneae mm. papillares chordae tendineae *fossa ovalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number12? valvula sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae mm. papillares chordae tendineae *truncus pulmonalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 35 with number13? valvula sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae mm. papillares chordae tendineae *aorta A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number1? valvula sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae mm. papillares а. coronaria dextra *aorta 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. What is indicated on figure 36 with number2? A. valvula sinus coronarii cordis B. vv. pulmonales dextrae C. а. coronaria dextra D. chordae tendineae E. *а. coronaria sinistra 196. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number3? valvula sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae а. coronaria dextra chordae tendineae *valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number4? valvula sinus coronarii cordis vv. pulmonales dextrae valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae chordae tendineae *valva atrioventricularis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number5? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae chordae tendineae *valvula semilunaris posterior aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number7? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae chordae tendineae *valvula semilunaris dextra aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number8? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae chordae tendineae *nodulus valvulae semilunaris aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number9? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae а. coronaria sinistra *а. coronaria dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 36 with number10? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae а. coronaria sinistra * sinus aortae 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. What is indicated on figure 37 with number1? A. valvula sinus coronarii cordis B. C. D. E. valva atrioventricularis sinistra valvula semilunaris sinistra aortae а. coronaria sinistra *ostium v. pulmonalis dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number2? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra а. coronaria sinistra *v. pulmonalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number3? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra а. coronaria sinistra *septum interatriale A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number4? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra septum interatriale *pars membranacea septi interventricularis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number5? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis septum interatriale *valva atrioventricularis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number6? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis septum interatriale *chordae tendineae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number15? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis septum interatriale *chordae tendineae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number7? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *mm. papillares 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number14? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *mm. papillares A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number8? mm. papillares valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *myocardium A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number9? mm. papillares valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *pars muscularis septi interventricularis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number10? mm. papillares valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *trabeculae carneae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number12? mm. papillares valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *trabeculae carneae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number11? mm. papillares myocardium; endocardium mm. pectinati *epicardium A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number16? mm. papillares valva atrioventricularis sinistra pars membranacea septi interventricularis mm. pectinati *valva atrioventricularis dextra A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 37 with number17? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra septum interatriale 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. E. *ostium sinus coronarii 219. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number18? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra septum interatriale *mm. pectinati A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number19? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra septum interatriale *auricula dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 37 with number20? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra septum interatriale *ostium v. cavae inferioris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number1? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra ostium v. cavae inferioris *ostium atrioventriculare dextrum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number2? valvula sinus coronarii cordis valva atrioventricularis sinistra ostium v. pulmonalis dextra ostium v. cavae inferioris *anulus fibrosus dexter A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number3? valvula sinus coronarii cordis anulus fibrosus dexter ventriculus sinister ostium v. cavae inferioris *ventriculus dexter A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number4? valvula sinus coronarii cordis anulus fibrosus dexter ostium v. pulmonalis dextra ostium v. cavae inferioris *trigonum fibrosum dextrum 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. What is indicated on figure 38 with number5? A. valvula sinus coronarii cordis B. anulus fibrosus dexter C. ostium v. pulmonalis dextra D. ostium v. cavae inferioris E. *ostium atrioventriculare sinistrum 227. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number6? valvula sinus coronarii cordis anulus fibrosus dexter ventriculus dexter ostium v. cavae inferioris *ventriculus sinister A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number7? valvula sinus coronarii cordis anulus fibrosus dexter ventriculus dexter ostium v. cavae inferioris *anulus fibrosus sinister A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number8? valvula sinus coronarii cordis anulus fibrosus dexter ventriculus dexter ostium v. cavae inferioris *trigonum fibrosum sinistrum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number9? valvula sinus coronarii cordis anulus fibrosus dexter ventriculus dexter ostium v. cavae inferioris *ostium aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number10? ostium aortae anulus fibrosus dexter ventriculus dexter ostium v. cavae inferioris *ostium trunci pulmonalis. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number4? crus sinistrum nodus atrioventricularis nodus sinuatrialis. atrium sinistrum *crus dextrum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number7? crus dextrum nodus atrioventricularis nodus sinuatrialis. atrium sinistrum *crus sinistrum 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. What is indicated on figure 38 with number8? A. B. C. D. E. crus dextrum nodus atrioventricularis nodus sinuatrialis. crus sinistrum *fasciculus atrioventricularis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number10? fasciculus atrioventricularis crus dextrum nodus sinuatrialis. crus sinistrum *nodus atrioventricularis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 38 with number12? fasciculus atrioventricularis crus dextrum nodus atrioventricularis crus sinistrum *nodus sinuatrialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number1? а. pulmonalis sinistra а. coronaria sinistra r. circumflexus r. interventricularis anterior *arcus aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number2? arcus aortae а. coronaria sinistra r. circumflexus r. interventricularis anterior *а. pulmonalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number3? а. pulmonalis sinistra а. coronaria sinistra r. circumflexus r. interventricularis anterior *truncus pulmonalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number4? truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra r. circumflexus r. interventricularis anterior *а. coronaria sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number6? r. circumflexus а. coronaria sinistra truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra *r. interventricularis anterior 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number7? r. circumflexus а. coronaria sinistra truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. cordis magna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number12? r. circumflexus а. coronaria sinistra truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra *a. coronaria dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 39 with number13? r. circumflexus а. coronaria sinistra truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. cava superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number1? r. circumflexus а. coronaria sinistra truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra *arcus aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number2? arcus aortae а. coronaria sinistra truncus pulmonalis v. cava superior *а. pulmonalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number4? arcus aortae v. cava superior truncus pulmonalis а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. cava inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number5? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. cordis parva 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. What is indicated on figure 40 with number6? A. arcus aortae B. v. cava superior C. v. cava inferior D. а. pulmonalis sinistra E. *а. coronaria dextra 250. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number7? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *sinus coronarius cordis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number9? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. cordis media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number10? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *r. interventricularis posterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number12? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. posterior ventriculi sinistri A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number13? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *a. coronaria sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number14? arcus aortae v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. cordis magna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 40 with number15? v. cordis magna v. cava superior v. cava inferior а. pulmonalis sinistra *v. obliqua atrii sinistri 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. What is indicated on figure 45 with number1? A. а. subclavia sinistra B. C. D. E. а. intercostalis suprema rr. oesophageales pars ascendens aortae *а.carotis communis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number2? а.carotis communis sinistra а. intercostalis suprema rr. oesophageales pars ascendens aortae *а. subclavia sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number3? а. subclavia sinistra а.carotis communis sinistra rr. oesophageales pars ascendens aortae *а. intercostalis suprema A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number25? а. subclavia sinistra а.carotis communis sinistra rr. oesophageales а. intercostalis suprema *truncus brachiocephalicus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number23? truncus brachiocephalicus а. subclavia sinistra а.carotis communis sinistra а. intercostalis suprema *rr. oesophageales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number24? rr. oesophageales truncus brachiocephalicus а. subclavia sinistra а.carotis communis sinistra *pars ascendens aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number5? pars ascendens aortae truncus brachiocephalicus а. subclavia sinistra а.carotis communis sinistra *pars thoracica aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 45 with number21? pars ascendens aortae truncus brachiocephalicus а. subclavia sinistra а.carotis communis sinistra *a. intercostalis posterior 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number1? truncus coeliacus a. gastrica sinistra а. splenica (lienalis) cauda pancreatic *colon transversum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number2? a. gastrica sinistra а. splenica (lienalis) cauda pancreatic v. lienalis *truncus coeliacus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number3? а. splenica (lienalis) cauda pancreatic v. lienalis а. mesenterica superior *a.gastrica sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number4? cauda pancreatic v. lienalis а. mesenterica superior aa. jejunales et ileales *а. splenica (lienalis) A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number5? v. lienalis а. mesenterica superior aa. jejunales et ileales а. colica sinistra *cauda pancreatic A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number6? а. mesenterica superior aa. jejunales et ileales а. colica sinistra a. mesenterica inferior *v. lienalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number7? aa. jejunales et ileales а. colica sinistra a. mesenterica inferior a. sigmoidea *а. mesenterica superior A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 51 with number8? а. colica sinistra a. mesenterica inferior a. sigmoidea a. iliaca communis 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. E. *aa. jejunales et ileales 273. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number9? a. mesenterica inferior a. sigmoidea a. iliaca communis a. rectalis superior *а. colica sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number10? a. sigmoidea a. iliaca communis a. rectalis superior rectum *a. mesenterica inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number11? a. iliaca communis a. rectalis superior rectum colon sigmoideum *a. sigmoidea A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number12? a. rectalis superior rectum colon sigmoideum a. appendicularis *a. iliaca communis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number13? rectum colon sigmoideum a. appendicularis caecum *a. rectalis superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number14? colon sigmoideum a. appendicularis caecum a. ileocaecalis *rectum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number15? a. appendicularis caecum a. ileocaecalis a. colica dextra *colon sigmoideum 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. What is indicated on figure 51 with number16? A. caecum B. a. ileocaecalis C. a. colica dextra D. a. colica media E. *a. appendicularis 281. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number17? a. ileocaecalis a. colica dextra a. colica media v. mesenterica superior *caecum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number18? a. colica dextra a. colica media v. mesenterica superior v. mesenterica inferior *a. ileocaecalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number19? a. colica media v. mesenterica superior v. mesenterica inferior v. porta hepatis *a. colica dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number20? v. mesenterica superior v. mesenterica inferior v. porta hepatis caput pancreatic *a. colica media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number21? v. mesenterica inferior v. porta hepatis caput pancreatic duodenum *v. mesenterica superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number22? v. porta hepatis caput pancreatic duodenum hepar *v. mesenterica inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number23? caput pancreatic duodenum hepar vesica felae *v. porta hepatis 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. What is indicated on figure 51 with number24? A. B. C. D. E. duodenum hepar vesica felae a. hepatica communis. *caput pancreatic A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number25? hepar vesica felae a. hepatica communis. truncus coeliacus *duodenum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number26? vesica felae a. hepatica communis. colon transversum truncus coeliacus *hepar A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number27? a. hepatica communis. truncus coeliacus a. gastrica sinistra а. splenica (lienalis) *vesica felae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 51 with number28? colon transversum truncus coeliacus a. gastrica sinistra а. splenica (lienalis) *a. hepatica communis. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number1? а. mesenterica inferior а. colica sinistra а. sigmoidea а. rectalis superior *а. colica media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number4? а. colica sinistra а. sigmoidea а. rectalis superior v. iliaca communis *а. mesenterica inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number5? а. sigmoidea а. rectalis superior v. iliaca communis bifurcatio aortae *а. colica sinistra 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number6? а. rectalis superior v. iliaca communis bifurcatio aortae a. iliaca communis *а. sigmoidea A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number7? v. iliaca communis bifurcatio aortae a. iliaca communis v. cava inferior *а. rectalis superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number8? bifurcatio aortae a. iliaca communis v. cava inferior pars abdominalis aortae *v. iliaca communis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number9? a. iliaca communis v. cava inferior pars abdominalis aortae colon transversum *bifurcatio aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number10? v. cava inferior pars abdominalis aortae colon transversum omentum majus. *a. iliaca communis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number11? pars abdominalis aortae colon transversum omentum majus. а. sigmoidea *v. cava inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number12? colon transversum omentum majus. а. colica sinistra а. sigmoidea *pars abdominalis aortae 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. What is indicated on figure 54 with number13? A. omentum majus. B. а. mesenterica inferior C. а. colica sinistra D. а. sigmoidea E. *colon transversum 304. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 54 with number14? а. colica media а. mesenterica inferior а. colica sinistra а. sigmoidea *omentum majus. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number1? а. iliaca communis sinistra v. iliaca communis sinistra а. sacralis media a. et v. iliaca externa sinistra *pars abdominalis aortae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number2? v. iliaca communis sinistra а. sacralis media a. et v. iliaca externa sinistra a. et v. iliaca interna sinistra *а. iliaca communis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number3? а. sacralis media a. et v. iliaca externa sinistra a. et v. iliaca interna sinistra а. iliolumbalis *v. iliaca communis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number4? a. et v. iliaca externa sinistra a. et v. iliaca interna sinistra а. iliolumbalis а. glutea superior sinistra *а. sacralis media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number5? a. et v. iliaca interna sinistra а. iliolumbalis а. glutea superior sinistra а. sacralis lateralis *a. et v. iliaca externa sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number6? а. iliolumbalis а. glutea superior sinistra а. sacralis lateralis a. obturatoria sinistra *a. et v. iliaca interna sinistra 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. What is indicated on figure 55 with number7? A. а. glutea superior sinistra B. C. D. E. а. sacralis lateralis a. obturatoria sinistra a. umbilicalis sinistra *а. iliolumbalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number8? а. sacralis lateralis a. obturatoria sinistra a. umbilicalis sinistra a. glutea superior sinistra *а. glutea superior sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number9? a. obturatoria sinistra a. umbilicalis sinistra a. glutea superior sinistra a. vesicalis inferior *а. sacralis lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number10? a. umbilicalis sinistra a. glutea superior sinistra a. vesicalis inferior a. rectalis media *a. obturatoria sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number11? a. glutea superior sinistra a. vesicalis inferior a. rectalis media a. pudenda interna *a. umbilicalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number12? a. vesicalis inferior a. rectalis media a. pudenda interna гг. prostaticae a. vesicalis inferior *a. glutea superior sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number13? a. rectalis media a. pudenda interna гг. prostaticae a. vesicalis inferior a. rectalis inferior *a. vesicalis inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number14? a. pudenda interna гг. prostaticae a. vesicalis inferior a. rectalis inferior a. perinelis *a. rectalis media 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number15? гг. prostaticae a. vesicalis inferior a. rectalis inferior a. perinelis гг. scrotales posteriores a. perinealis *a. pudenda interna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number16? a. rectalis inferior a. perinelis гг. scrotales posteriores a. pernealis a. ductus deferentis *гг. prostaticae a. vesicalis inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number17? a. perinelis гг. scrotales posteriores a. perinealis a. ductus deferentis plexus pampiniformis *a. rectalis inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number18? гг. scrotales posteriores a. perinealis a. ductus deferentis plexus pampiniformis a. testicularis *a. perinelis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number19? a. ductus deferentis plexus pampiniformis a. testicularis a. dorsalis et v. dorsalis profunda penis *гг. scrotales posteriores a. perinealis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number20? plexus pampiniformis a. testicularis a. dorsalis et v. dorsalis profunda penis a. umbilicalis sinistra *a. ductus deferentis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number21? a. testicularis a. dorsalis et v. dorsalis profunda penis a. umbilicalis sinistra a. vesicalis inferior *plexus pampiniformis A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 55 with number22? a. dorsalis et v. dorsalis profunda penis a. umbilicalis sinistra a. vesicalis inferior lig. umbilicale medianum 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. E. *a. testicularis 327. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number23? a. umbilicalis sinistra a. vesicalis inferior lig. umbilicale medianum lig. umbilicale media *a. dorsalis et v. dorsalis profunda penis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number24? a. vesicalis inferior lig. umbilicale medianum lig. umbilicale media ductus deferens *a. umbilicalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number25? lig. umbilicale medianum lig. umbilicale media ductus deferens a. epigasrica inferior *a. vesicalis inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number26? lig. umbilicale media ductus deferens a. epigasrica inferior a. circumflexa ilium profunda *lig. umbilicale medianum A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number27? ductus deferens a. epigasrica inferior a. circumflexa ilium profunda a. vesicalis superior dextra *lig. umbilicale media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number28? a. epigasrica inferior a. circumflexa ilium profunda a. vesicalis superior dextra a. et v. obturatoria dextra *ductus deferens A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number29? a. circumflexa ilium profunda a. vesicalis superior dextra a. et v. obturatoria dextra a. iliaca communis dextra *a. epigasrica inferior 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. What is indicated on figure 55 with number30? A. a. vesicalis superior dextra B. a. et v. obturatoria dextra C. a. iliaca communis dextra D. v. iliaca communis dextra E. *a. circumflexa ilium profunda 335. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number31? a. et v. obturatoria dextra a. iliaca communis dextra v. iliaca communis dextra v. cava inferior. *a. vesicalis superior dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number32? a. iliaca communis dextra v. iliaca communis dextra v. cava inferior. а. iliaca communis sinistra *a. et v. obturatoria dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number33? v. iliaca communis dextra v. cava inferior. а. iliaca communis sinistra v. iliaca communis sinistra *a. iliaca communis dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number34? v. cava inferior а. iliaca communis sinistra v. iliaca communis sinistra а. sacralis media *v. iliaca communis dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 55 with number35? а. iliaca communis sinistra v. iliaca communis sinistra а. sacralis media a. et v. iliaca externa sinistra *v. cava inferior. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number3? а. iliaca externa а. glutea superior а. circumflexa ilii superficialis а. circumflexa femoris medialis *v. iliaca externa A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number4? а. glutea superior а. circumflexa ilii superficialis а. circumflexa femoris medialis aa. pudendae externae *а. iliaca externa 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. What is indicated on figure 56 with number5? A. B. C. D. E. а. circumflexa ilii superficialis а. circumflexa femoris medialis aa. pudendae externae а. femoralis *а. glutea superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number6? а. circumflexa femoris medialis aa. pudendae externae а. femoralis aa. genu descendens *а. circumflexa ilii superficialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number7? aa. pudendae externae а. femoralis aa. genu descendens rete ariculare genus *а. circumflexa femoris medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number8? а. femoralis aa. genu descendens rete ariculare genus lamina vastoadductoria *aa. pudendae externae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number9? aa. genu descendens rete ariculare genus lamina vas-toadductoria v. femoralis *а. femoralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number10? rete ariculare genus lamina vas-toadductoria v. femoralis r. descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis *aa. genu descendens A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number11? lamina vas-toadductoria v. femoralis r. descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis a.circumflexa femoris lateralis *rete ariculare genus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number12? v. femoralis r. descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis a.circumflexa femoris lateralis r. ascendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis *lamina vastoadductoria 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number13? r. descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis a.circumflexa femoris lateralis r. ascendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis lig. inguinale a. circumflexa ilii profunda *v. femoralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number14? a.circumflexa femoris lateralis r. ascendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis lig. inguinale a. circumflexa ilii profunda n. cutaneus femoris lateralis. *r. descendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number15? r. ascendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis lig. inguinale a. circumflexa ilii profunda n. cutaneus femoris lateralis. v. iliaca externa *a.circumflexa femoris lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number16? lig. inguinale a. circumflexa ilii profunda n. cutaneus femoris lateralis. v. iliaca externa а. iliaca externa *r. ascendens a. circumflexae femoris lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number17? n. cutaneus femoris lateralis. v. iliaca externa а. iliaca externa а. glutea superior *lig. inguinale a. circumflexa ilii profunda A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 56 with number19? v. iliaca externa а. iliaca externa а. glutea superior а. circumflexa ilii superficialis *n. cutaneus femoris lateralis. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number1? vv. phrenicae inferiors oesophagus v. suprarenalis sinistra v. renalis sinistra *vv. hepaticae 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. What is indicated on figure 65 with number2? A. oesophagus B. v. suprarenalis sinistra C. v. renalis sinistra D. v. ovarica sinistra E. *vv. phrenicae inferiors 358. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number3? v. suprarenalis sinistra v. renalis sinistra v. ovarica sinistra ureter *oesophagus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number4? v. renalis sinistra v. ovarica sinistra ureter v. iliaca communis *v. suprarenalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number5? v. ovarica sinistra ureter v. iliaca communis v. glutea superior *v. renalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number6? ureter v. iliaca communis v. glutea superior v. iliaca externa *v. ovarica sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number7? v. iliaca communis v. glutea superior v. iliaca externa v. circumflexa ilium superficialis *ureter A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number8? v. glutea superior v. iliaca externa v. circumflexa ilium superficialis v. pudenda interna *v. iliaca communis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number9? v. iliaca externa v. circumflexa ilium superficialis v. pudenda interna v. epigastrica inferior *v. glutea superior 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. What is indicated on figure 65 with number10? A. v. circumflexa ilium superficialis B. C. D. E. v. pudenda interna v. epigastrica inferior plexus venosus uterinus et vaginalis *v. iliaca externa A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number11? v. pudenda interna v. epigastrica inferior plexus venosus uterinus et vaginalis v. dorsalis profunda clitoridis *v. circumflexa ilium superficialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number12? v. epigastrica inferior plexus venosus uterinus et vaginalis v. dorsalis profunda clitoridis v. saphena magna *v. pudenda interna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number13? plexus venosus uterinus et vaginalis v. dorsalis profunda clitoridis v. saphena magna v. femoralis *v. epigastrica inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number14? v. dorsalis profunda clitoridis v. saphena magna v. femoralis v. epigastrica superficialis *plexus venosus uterinus et vaginalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number15? v. saphena magna v. femoralis v. epigastrica superficialis v. sacralis mediana *v. dorsalis profunda clitoridis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number16? v. femoralis v. epigastrica superficialis v. sacralis mediana v. iliaca interna *v. saphena magna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number17? v. epigastrica superficialis v. sacralis mediana v. iliaca interna w. lumbales *v. femoralis 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number18? v. sacralis mediana v. iliaca interna w. lumbales vv. lumbales ascendens *v. epigastrica superficialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number19? v. iliaca interna w. lumbales vv. lumbales ascendens v. ovarica dextra *v. sacralis mediana A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number20? w. lumbales vv. lumbales ascendens v. ovarica dextra v. renalis dextra *v. iliaca interna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number21? vv. lumbales ascendens v. ovarica dextra v. renalis dextra v. suprarenalis dextra *vv. lumbales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number22? v. ovarica dextra v. renalis dextra v. suprarenalis dextra v. cava inferior. *vv. lumbales ascendens A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number23? v. renalis dextra v. suprarenalis dextra v. cava inferior. v. iliaca communis *v. ovarica dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number24? v. suprarenalis dextra v. cava inferior. v. iliaca communis v. glutea superior *v. renalis dextra A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 65 with number25? v. cava inferior. v. iliaca communis v. glutea superior v. iliaca externa 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. E. *v. suprarenalis dextra 381. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 65 with number26? v. iliaca communis v. glutea superior v. iliaca externa v. circumflexa ilium superficialis *v. cava inferior. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number1? v. gastrica sinistra vv. gastricae breves v. gastroomentalis sinistra v. splenica *vv. oesophageales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number2? vv. gastricae breves v. gastroomentalis sinistra v. splenica v. gastroomentalis dextra *v. gastrica sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number3? v. gastroomentalis sinistra v. splenica v. gastroomentalis dextra v. mesenterica inferior *vv. gastricae breves A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number4? v. splenica v. gastroomentalis dextra v. mesenterica inferior v. colica sinistra *v. gastroomentalis sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number5? v. gastroomentalis dextra v. mesenterica inferior v. colica sinistra vv. sigmoideae *v. splenica A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number6? v. mesenterica inferior v. colica sinistra vv. sigmoideae v. rectalis superior *v. gastroomentalis dextra 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. What is indicated on figure 66 with number7? A. v. colica sinistra B. vv. sigmoideae C. v. rectalis superior D. vv. rectales mediae E. *v. mesenterica inferior 389. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number8? vv. sigmoideae v. rectalis superior vv. rectales mediae vv. rectales inferiors *v. colica sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number9? v. rectalis superior vv. rectales mediae vv. rectales inferiors v. appendicularis *vv. sigmoideae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number10? vv. rectales mediae vv. rectales inferiors v. appendicularis v. ileocolica *v. rectalis superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number11? vv. rectales inferiors v. appendicularis v. ileocolica v. colica dextra *vv. rectales mediae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number12? v. appendicularis v. ileocolica v. colica dextra v. colica media *vv. rectales inferiors A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number13? v. ileocolica v. colica dextra v. colica media v. mesenterica inferior *v. appendicularis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number14? v. colica dextra v. colica media v. mesenterica inferior v. porta hepatis *v. ileocolica 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. What is indicated on figure 66 with number15? A. B. C. D. E. v. colica media v. mesenterica inferior v. porta hepatis v gastrica dextra *v. colica dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number16? v. mesenterica inferior v. porta hepatis v gastrica dextra vv. paraumbilicales *v. colica media A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number17? v. porta hepatis v gastrica dextra vv. paraumbilicales lig. falciforme hepatis *v. mesenterica inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number18? v gastrica dextra vv. paraumbilicales lig. falciforme hepatis v. gastrica sinistra *v. porta hepatis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number19? vv. paraumbilicales lig. falciforme hepatis vv. oesophageales v. gastrica sinistra *v. gastrica dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 66 with number20? lig. falciforme hepatis vv. oesophageales v. gastrica sinistra vv. gastricae breves *vv. paraumbilicales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number1? v. cava superior v. azygos vv. oesophageales v. gastrica sinistra *v. brachiocephalica A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number2? v. azygos vv. oesophageales v. gastrica sinistra v. gastrica dextra *v. cava superior 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number3? vv. oesophageales v. gastrica sinistra v. gastrica dextra v. lienalis *v. azygos A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number4? v. gastrica sinistra v. gastrica dextra v. lienalis v. mesenterica superior *vv. oesophageales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number5? v. gastrica dextra v. lienalis v. mesenterica superior v. mesenterica inferior *v. gastrica sinistra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number6? v. lienalis v. mesenterica superior v. mesenterica inferior v. cava inferior *v. gastrica dextra A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number7? v. mesenterica superior v. mesenterica inferior v. cava inferior v. rectalis superior *v. lienalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number8? v. mesenterica inferior v. cava inferior v. rectalis superior plexus venosus rectalis *v. mesenterica superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number9? v. cava inferior v. rectalis superior plexus venosus rectalis vv. rectales media et inferior *v. mesenterica inferior 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. What is indicated on figure 68 with number10? A. v. rectalis superior B. plexus venosus rectalis C. vv. rectales media et inferior D. v. femoralis E. *v. cava inferior 412. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number11? plexus venosus rectalis vv. rectales media et inferior v. femoralis v. iliaca communis *v. rectalis superior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number12? vv. rectales media et inferior v. femoralis v. iliaca communis v. epigastrica superficialis *plexus venosus rectalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number13? v. femoralis v. iliaca communis v. epigastrica superficialis v. epigastrica inferior *vv. rectales media et inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number14? v. iliaca communis v. epigastrica superficialis v. epigastrica inferior vv. paraumbilical *v. femoralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number15? v. epigastrica superficialis v. epigastrica inferior vv. paraumbilical v. porta hepatis *v. iliaca communis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number16? v. epigastrica inferior vv. paraumbilical v. porta hepatis v. cava inferior *v. epigastrica superficialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number17? vv. paraumbilical v. porta hepatis v. cava inferior v. thoracoe-pigastrica *v. epigastrica inferior 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. What is indicated on figure 68 with number18? A. v. porta hepatis B. C. D. E. v. cava inferior v. thoracoe-pigastrica vv. epigastricae superiors *vv. paraumbilical A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number19? v. cava inferior v. thoracoe-pigastrica vv. epigastricae superiors v. axillaris *v. porta hepatis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number20? v. thoracoe-pigastrica vv. epigastricae superiors v. axillaris v. subclavia. *v. cava inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number21? vv. epigastricae superiors v. axillaris v. subclavia. v. brachiocephalica *v. thoracoe-pigastrica A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number22? v. axillaris v. subclavia. v. brachiocephalica v. cava superior *vv. epigastricae superiors A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number23? v. subclavia. v. brachiocephalica v. cava superior v. azygos *v. axillaris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 68 with number24? v. brachiocephalica v. cava superior v. azygos vv. oesophageales *v. subclavia. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number1? а. superior lateralis genus a. inferior medialis genus а. tibialis anterior а. Peronea *а. Poplitea 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number2? a. inferior medialis genus а. tibialis anterior а. Peronea r. perforans *а. superior lateralis genus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number3? а. tibialis anterior а. Peronea r. perforans rr. malleolares laterales *a. inferior lateralis genus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number4? а. Peronea r. perforans rr. malleolares laterales r. communicans *а. tibialis anterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number5? r. perforans rr. malleolares laterales r. communicans rr. calcanei a. peroneae *а. Peronea A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number6? rr. malleolares laterales r. communicans rr. calcanei a. peroneae rete calcanei *r. perforans A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number7? r. communicans rr. calcanei a. peroneae rete calcanei rr. calcanei a. tibialis posterior *rr. malleolares laterales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number8? rr. calcanei a. peroneae rete calcanei rr. calcanei a. tibialis posterior rr. malleolares mediales *r. communicans A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 57 with number9? rete calcanei rr. calcanei a. tibialis posterior rr. malleolares mediales rr. musculares 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. E. *rr. calcanei a. peroneae 435. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number10? rr. calcanei a. tibialis posterior rr. malleolares mediales rr. musculares a. tibialis posterior *rete calcanei A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number11? rr. malleolares mediales rr. musculares a. tibialis posterior a. inferior medialis genus *rr. calcanei a. tibialis posterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number12? rr. musculares a. tibialis posterior a. inferior medialis genus a. media genus *rr. malleolares mediales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number13? a. tibialis posterior a. inferior medialis genus a. media genus a. superior lateralis genus. *rr. musculares A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number14? a. inferior medialis genus a. media genus a. superior lateralis genus. а. superior lateralis genus *a. tibialis posterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number15? a. media genus a. superior lateralis genus. а. superior lateralis genus a. inferior medialis genus *a. inferior medialis genus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 57 with number16? a. superior lateralis genus. а. superior lateralis genus a. inferior medialis genus а. tibialis anterior *a. media genus 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. What is indicated on figure 57 with number17? A. а. Poplitea B. а. superior lateralis genus C. a. inferior medialis genus D. а. tibialis anterior E. *a. superior lateralis genus. 443. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number1? a. tibialis anterior а. malleolaris anterior medialis а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsales dorsales *rete patellare A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number2? а. malleolaris anterior medialis а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsales dorsales aa. digitales dorsales *a. tibialis anterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number4? а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsales dorsales aa. digitales dorsales а. tarsalis lateralis *а. malleolaris anterior medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number4? aa. metatarsales dorsales aa. digitales dorsales а. tarsalis lateralis a. malleolaris anterior lateralis *а. tarsalis medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number5? aa. digitales dorsales а. tarsalis lateralis a. malleolaris anterior lateralis a. reccurens tibialis anterior. *aa. metatarsales dorsales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number6? а. tarsalis lateralis a. malleolaris anterior lateralis a. reccurens tibialis anterior. a. tibialis anterior *aa. digitales dorsales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number7? a. malleolaris anterior lateralis a. reccurens tibialis anterior. a. tibialis anterior а. malleolaris anterior medialis *а. tarsalis lateralis 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. What is indicated on figure 58 with number8? A. B. C. D. E. a. reccurens tibialis anterior. a. tibialis anterior а. malleolaris anterior medialis а. tarsalis medialis *a. malleolaris anterior lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 58 with number10? a. tibialis anterior а. malleolaris anterior medialis а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsales dorsales *a. reccurens tibialis anterior. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number1? а. tibialis anterior rete malleolare mediale retinaculum mm. extensorum inferior а. tarsalis medialis *а. malleolaris anterior medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number2? rete malleolare mediale retinaculum mm. extensorum inferior а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsals dorsales *а. tibialis anterior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number3? retinaculum mm. extensorum inferior а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsals dorsales aa. digitales dorsales *rete malleolare mediale A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number4? а. tarsalis medialis aa. metatarsals dorsales aa. digitales dorsales rr. perforantes *retinaculum mm. extensorum inferior A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number5? aa. metatarsals dorsales aa. digitales dorsales rr. perforantes а. Arcuata *а. tarsalis medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number6? aa. digitales dorsales rr. perforantes а. Arcuata a. tarsalis lateralis *aa. metatarsals dorsales 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number7? rr. perforantes а. Arcuata a. tarsalis lateralis a. dorsalis pedis *aa. digitales dorsales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number8? а. Arcuata a. tarsalis lateralis a. dorsalis pedis rete malleolare laterale *rr. perforantes A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number9? a. tarsalis lateralis a. dorsalis pedis rete malleolare laterale а. malleolaris anterior lateralis *а. Arcuata A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number10? a. dorsalis pedis rete malleolare laterale а. malleolaris anterior lateralis retinaculum mm. extensorum superior *a. tarsalis lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number11? rete malleolare laterale а. malleolaris anterior lateralis retinaculum mm. extensorum superior а. malleolaris anterior medialis *a. dorsalis pedis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number12? а. malleolaris anterior lateralis retinaculum mm. extensorum superior а. malleolaris anterior medialis а. tibialis anterior *rete malleolare laterale A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 59 with number13? retinaculum mm. extensorum superior а. malleolaris anterior medialis а. tibialis anterior rete malleolare mediale *а. malleolaris anterior lateralis 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. What is indicated on figure 59 with number14? A. а. malleolaris anterior medialis B. а. tibialis anterior C. rete malleolare mediale D. retinaculum mm. extensorum inferior E. *retinaculum mm. extensorum superior 466. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number1? r. calcaneus anterior a. plantartis lateralis a. plantarius lateralis aa. metatarsals plantares aa. digitales plantares communes *rete calcanei A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number2? a. plantarius lateralis aa. metatarsals plantares aa. digitales plantares communes aa. digitales plantares propriae *r. calcaneus anterior a. plantartis lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number3? aa. metatarsals plantares aa. digitales plantares communes aa. digitales plantares propriae r. perforans *a. plantarius lateralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number6? aa. digitales plantares communes aa. digitales plantares propriae r. perforans arcus plantaris profundus *aa. metatarsals plantares A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number7? aa. digitales plantares propriae r. perforans arcus plantaris profundus r. profundus a. plantaris medialis *aa. digitales plantares communes A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number8? r. perforans arcus plantaris profundus r. profundus a. plantaris medialis a. plantaris medialis *aa. digitales plantares propriae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number9? arcus plantaris profundus r. profundus a. plantaris medialis a. plantaris medialis r. superficialis a. plantaris medialis *r. perforans 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. What is indicated on figure 60 with number10? A. r. profundus a. plantaris medialis B. C. D. E. a. plantaris medialis r. superficialis a. plantaris medialis a. tibialis posterior. *arcus plantaris profundus A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number11? a. plantaris medialis r. superficialis a. plantaris medialis a. tibialis posterior. a. plantarius lateralis *r. profundus a. plantaris medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number12? r. superficialis a. plantaris medialis a. tibialis posterior. a. plantarius lateralis aa. metatarsals plantares *a. plantaris medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number13? a. tibialis posterior. r. calcaneus anterior a. plantartis lateralis a. plantarius lateralis aa. metatarsals plantares *r. superficialis a. plantaris medialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 60 with number14? rete calcanei r. calcaneus anterior a. plantartis lateralis a. plantarius lateralis aa. metatarsals plantares *a. tibialis posterior. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number1? v. epigastrica superficialis vv. pudendae externae v. saphena accessoria v. saphena magna *v. femoralis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number2? vv. pudendae externae v. saphena accessoria v. saphena magna rr. cutanei (n. obturatorius) *v. epigastrica superficialis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number3? v. saphena accessoria v. saphena magna rr. cutanei (n. obturatorius) r.Infrapatellaris *vv. pudendae externae 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number4? v. saphena magna rr. cutanei (n. obturatorius) r.Infrapatellaris arcus venosus dorsalis pedis; *v. saphena accessoria A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number5? rr. cutanei (n. obturatorius) r.Infrapatellaris arcus venosus dorsalis pedis; vv. metatarsales dorsales *v. saphena magna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number6? r.Infrapatellaris arcus venosus dorsalis pedis; vv. metatarsales dorsales v. circumflexa iliaca superficialis *rr. cutanei (n. obturatorius) A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number7? arcus venosus dorsalis pedis; vv. metatarsales dorsales v. circumflexa iliaca superficialis v. femoralis *r.Infrapatellaris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number9? vv. metatarsales dorsales v. circumflexa iliaca superficialis v. femoralis v. epigastrica superficialis *arcus venosus dorsalis pedis; A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number10? v. circumflexa iliaca superficialis v. femoralis v. epigastrica superficialis vv. pudendae externae *vv. metatarsales dorsales A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 67 with number17? v. femoralis v. epigastrica superficialis vv. pudendae externae v. saphena accessoria *v. circumflexa iliaca superficialis A. B. C. D. What is indicated on figure 77 with number1? nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (inferiores) fascia cruris vasa lymphatica superficiales pedis vasa lymphatica superficiales cruris 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. E. *nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superomediales) 489. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number3? fascia cruris vasa lymphatica superficiales pedis vasa lymphatica superficiales cruris vasa lymphatica superficiales femoris *nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (inferiores) A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number4? vasa lymphatica superficiales pedis vasa lymphatica superficiales cruris vasa lymphatica superficiales femoris v. saphena magna *fascia cruris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number5? vasa lymphatica superficiales cruris vasa lymphatica superficiales femoris v. saphena magna nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superolaterales) *vasa lymphatica superficiales pedis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number6? vasa lymphatica superficiales femoris v. saphena magna nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superolaterales) fascia lata *vasa lymphatica superficiales cruris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number7? v. saphena magna nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superolaterales) fascia lata nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superomediales) *vasa lymphatica superficiales femoris A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number8? nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superolaterales) fascia lata nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superomediales) nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (inferiores) *v. saphena magna A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 77 with number9? fascia lata nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superomediales) nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (inferiores) fascia cruris *nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superolaterales) 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. What is indicated on figure 77 with number9? A. fascia lata B. nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (inferiores) C. fascia cruris D. vasa lymphatica superficiales pedis E. *nodi lymphoidei inguinales superficiales (superomediales) 497. A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number1? vas lymphaticum afferentia capsula trabeculae sinus marginalis *cortex lymphonodi A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number2? capsula trabeculae sinus marginalis hilum lymphonodi *vas lymphaticum afferentia A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number3? trabeculae sinus marginalis hilum lymphonodi vasa lymphatica efferentia *capsula A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number4? sinus marginalis hilum lymphonodi vasa lymphatica efferentia sinus terminalis *trabeculae A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number5? hilum lymphonodi vasa lymphatica efferentia sinus terminalis medulla lymphonodi. *sinus marginalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number6? vasa lymphatica efferentia sinus terminalis medulla lymphonodi. cortex lymphonodi *hilum lymphonodi A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number7? sinus terminalis medulla lymphonodi. cortex lymphonodi vas lymphaticum afferentia *vasa lymphatica efferentia 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. What is indicated on figure 83 with number8? A. B. C. D. E. medulla lymphonodi. cortex lymphonodi vas lymphaticum afferentia capsula *sinus terminalis A. B. C. D. E. What is indicated on figure 83 with number9? cortex lymphonodi vas lymphaticum afferentia capsula trabeculae *medulla lymphonodi. 505. Step Normal Anatomy Module 3 A 17 year old student pressed out a pustule in the medial angle of eye. In 2 days she was taken to the institute of neurosurgery with thrombosis of cavernous sinus. Through what vein did the infection get into this sinus? A. *V.angularis B. V.maxillarіs C. V.profunda faciei D. V.transversa faciei E. V.diploicae frontalis A 19 year-oldpatient was diagnosed with appendicitis and was hospitalized. The surgical operation on ablating appendix vermiformis is to be performed. What artery must be fixed to stop bleeding during the surgical operation? A. *The ileocolic artery B. The colica dextra C. The colica media D. The colica sinistra E. The iliac A 28 year old man with cut wound of frontal skin was admitted to the hospital. A vessel that supplies blood to the frontal part of head was ligated in order to stop bleeding. What vessel was ligated? A. *A.supraorbitalis B. A.infraorbitalis C. A.angularis D. A.dorsalis nasi E. A.temporalis superficialis A 50 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about pain behind his breastbone, asphyxia during physical activity. Angiography revealed pathological changes in the posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery. What heart parts are affected? A. *Posterior wall of the right and left ventricles B. Left atrium C. Anterior wall of the right and left ventricles D. Right atrium E. Right atrioventricular valve A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the right subcostal region, vomiting with blood. Objectively: enlarged liver, varicose veins in the stomach and esophagus. Disfunction of what vessel is likely to be? A. *Vena porta B. Aorta abdominalis C. Vena hepatica D. Vena cava superior E. Vena cava inferior A 60 year old patient has problems with formation and moving of food mass, it disturbs eating process. His tongue is stiff, speaking is impossible. What nerve is damaged? A. *XII B. V C. IX D. XI E. VII A 70 year old female patient was diagnosed with fracture of left femoral neck accompanied by disruption of ligament of head of femur. The branch of the following artery is damaged: A. *Obturator B. Femoral C. External iliac D. Inferior gluteal E. Internal pudendal A man suffering from osteochondrosis got acute pain in the abdominal muscles (lateral and anterior). During objective examination a physician diagnosticated increased pain sensitivity of skin in the hypogastric region. This pain might be caused by affection of the following nerve: A. *Iliohypogastric B. Sciatic C. Obturator D. Femoral E. Genitofemoral A man with a stab wound in the area of quadrilateral foramen applied to a doctor. Examination revealed that the patient was unable to draw his arm aside from his body. What nerve is most probably damaged? A. *N. axillaris B. N. medianus C N. radialis D. N. ulnaris E. N. subclavius A patient complains about edemata of legs, skin cyanosis, and small ulcers on one side of the lateral condyle. Examination revealed a swelling, enlarged veins, formation of nodes. The pathological process has started in the following vein: A. *V. saphena parva B. V. saphena magna C. V. femoralis D. V. profunda femoris E. V. iliaca externa A patient complains of aching gums and maxillary teeth. What nerve is inflamed? A. *ІI branch of the V pair B. III branch of the V pair C. I branch of the V pair D. Sublingual E. Accessory A patient consulted a doctor about the inflammation of the ethmoid bone cells (ethmoiditis). Examination revealed the disorder of blood supply to the bone. The ethmoidal cells are normally supplied with blood by the branches of the following artery: A. *A. *ophthalmica B. A. *infraorbitalis C. A. *facialis D. A. *cerebri anterior E. A. *transversa faciei A patient consulted dental surgeon about an injury of submandibular triangle. During the wound cleansing the surgeon found that the artery leading to the soft palate is damaged. What artery is damaged? A. *A. *palatina ascendens B. A. *palatina descendens C. A. *sphenopalatina D. A. *pharingea ascendens E. A. *facialis A patient got a craniocerebral trauma that resulted in right-side convergent strabismus. Damage of which craniocerebral nerve caused such consequences? A. *n. abducens B. n. facialis C. n. trigeminus D. n. trochlearis E. n. aculomotorius A patient has a malignisation ofthoracic part of esophagus. What lymphatic nodes are regional for this organ? A. *Anulus lymphaticus cardiae B. Nodi lymphatici paratrachealis C. Nodi lymphatici prevertebralis D. Nodi lymphatici pericardiales laterales E. Nodi lymphatici mediastinales posteriores A patient has air embolism as a result of a skin injury in the middle portion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Which cervical vein was injured? A. *External jugular vein B. Anterior jugular vein C. Internal jugular vein D. Posterior auricular vein E. Transverse cervical vein A patient has an exudative pleurisy. At what level should the pleural puncture along the posterior axillary line be taken? A. *ІХ intercostal space B. VІІІ intercostal space C. VІІ intercostal space D. ХІ intercostal space E. VІ intercostal space A patient has assymetric face, it is especially noticeable during active muscle contraction. What nerve may be damaged? A. *Facial (motor unit) B. Trigeminal, І branch C. TrigeminaІ, IІ branch D. Trigeminal, ІІІ branch E. Sublingual A patient has difficulties with jaw joining when he is chewing. There is partial atrophy of masticatory muscles situated below the zygomatic arch. What nerve branches do these muscles innervate? A. *N. mandibularis B. N. maxillaris C. N. alveolaris inferior D. Nn. alveolares superiores E. N. infraorbitalis A patient has lost skin sensitivity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. This is the result of dysfunction of the following nerve: A. *Medial brachial cutaneous nerve B. Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve C. Radial nerve D. Ulnar nerve E. Axillary nerve A patient has lost skin sensitivity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. This is the result of dysfunction of the following nerve: A. *Medial brachial cutaneous nerve B. Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve C. Radial nerve D. Ulnar nerve E. Axillary nerve A patient has secretory dysfunction of the submandibular salivary galnd. Which nerve is responsible for its vegetative innervation? A. *Chorda tympani B. N. auriculotemporalis C. N. mandibularis D. N. petrosus major E. N. petrosus minor A patient has tissue ischemia below the knee joint accompanied with intermittent claudication. What artery occlusion should be suspected? A. *Popliteal artery B. Peroneal artery C. Posterior tibial artery D. Anterior tibial artery E. Proximal part of femoral artery A patient in three weeks after acute myocardial infarction has pain in the heart and joints and pneumoniA. *What is the main mechanism of development of post-infarction Dressler’s syndrome? A. *Autoimmune inflammation B. Ischemia of myocardium C. Resorption of enzymes from necrotized area of myocardium D. Secondary infection E. Vessels ' thrombosis A patient suffers from middle ear inflammation (otitis). He complains also of disordered test sensation in the anterior tongue part. What nerve is damaged? A. *N. facialis B. N. trigeminus C. N. vestibulo-cochlearis D. N. vagus E. N. glossopharyngeus A patient with cancer of the back of tongue had an intensive bleeding as a result of tumor spread to the dorsal artery of tongue. What vessel should be ligated in order to stop bleeding? A. *Lingual artery B. Dorsal artery of tongue C. Deep artery of tongue D. Facial artery E. Ascending pharyngal artery A patient with neuritis of femoral nerve has disturbed flexion of thigh as well as disturbed crus extension in the knee joint. What muscle's function is disturbed? A. *Quadriceps muscle of thigh B. Biceps muscle of thigh C. Triceps muscle of thigh D. Semitendinous muscle E. Semimembranous muscle A patient's knee joint doesn't extend, there is no knee-jerk reflex, skin sensitivity of the anterior femoral surface is disturbed. What nerve structures are damaged? A. *Femoral nerve B. Superior gluteal nerve C. Big fibular nerve D. Obturator nerve E. Inferior gluteal nerve A woman consulted a doctor about swelling and tenderness of the lower extremity, swollen veins and nodes on the medial surface of thigh. Which vein was affected? A. *Great saphenous B. Small saphenous C. Femoral D. Popliteal E. Tibial A woman in grave condition was admitted to a hospital with thediagnosis of the hemorrhagic stroke in the region of frontal part of the right cerebral hemisphere. The damage of what artery most likely causedthis condition? A. *A. *сerebri anterior B. A. *cerebri posterior C. A. *communicans anterior D. A. *cerebri media E. A. *communicans posterior A woman suffering from osteochondrosis felt acute pain in her humeral articulation that became stronger when she abducted her shoulder. These symptoms might be caused by damage of the following nerve: A. *Axillary nerve B. Subscapular nerve C. Dorsal scapular nerve D. Subclavicular nerve E. Throracodorsal nerve A woman underwent an operation on account of extrauterine (tubal) pregnancy. In course of the operation the surgeon should ligate the branches of the following arteries: A. *Uterine and ovarian B. Superior cystic and ovarian C. Inferior cystic and ovarian D. Uterine and superior cystic E. Uterine and inferior cystic After a road accident a driver was delivered to the hospital with an injury of the medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve might be damaged in this case? A. *n. ulnaris B. n. radialis C. n. axillaris D. n. muscolocutaneus E. n. medianus After an operation a patient's sensitivity of front and lateral surface of neck has reduced. What nerve is damaged? A. *N. transversus colli B. N. auricularis magnus C. Nn. supraclaviculares D. N. occipitalis minos E. N. phrenicus After resection of the middle third of femoral artery obliterated by a thromb the lower extremity is supplied with blood due to the surgical bypass. Name an artery that plays the main role in reestablishment of blood flow: A. *Deep femoral artery B. Superficial circumflex artery of hip bone C. Descending genicular artery D. Superficial epigastric artery E. Deep external pudendal artery After trauma a 44-year-old patient had a rupture of left palm muscle tendons and of the surface of blood vessels. After operation and removal of the most part of the necrotically changed muscle tissue the bloodstream was normalized. What vessels have helped with restoration of bloodstream? A. *Arcus palmaris profundus B. Arcus palmaris superficialis C. AA. *digitales palmares communes D. AA. *metacarpeae palmares E. AA. *perforantes An 18-year-old man was delivered to the hospital after a road accident. Examination at the traumatological department revealed multiple injuries of soft tissues of face in the region of the medial eye angle. The injuries caused massive haemorrhage. What arterial anastomosis might have been damaged in this region? A. *A. *carotis externa et A. *carotis interna B. A. *carotis externa et A. *subclavia C. A. *carotis interna etA. *subclavia D. A. *subclavia et A. *ophthalmica E. A. *carotis interna et A. *ophthalmica During ablation of the nose wing lypoma a dentist injured a vessel, that caused a saphenous hematomA. *What vessel was damaged? A. *А.facialis B. А.maxillaris C. А.supraorbitalis D. А.infraorbitalis E. А.angularis During the fetal period of the development in the vascular system of the fetus large arterial (Botallo's) duct is functioning which converts intolig. arteriosum after birth. What anatomical formations does this duct connect between each other? A. *Pulmonary trunk and aorta B. Right and left auricle C. Aorta and inferior vena cava D. Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava E. Aorta and superior vena cava Examination of a 2-year-old child revealed physical developmental lag, the child often has pneumonias. The child was diagnosed with nonclosure of ductus arteriosus. Haemodynamics disorder was caused by the intercommunication of the following vessels: A. *Aorta and pulmonary trunk B. Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins C. Superior cava and aorta D. Superior cava and pulmonary trunk E. Aorta and pulmonary veins In order to make a functional complete denture the left superior canine of a patient should be extracted. After the infraorbital anesthesia the patient got a rapidly growing hematoma in the front part of face. It was found that the injured artery is a branch of: A. *А. maxillaris B. А. alveolaris inferior C. А. temporalis superficialis D. А. ophthalmica E. А. labialis superior On examination of a road accident victim a doctor revealed left clavicle fracture and disturbed blood circulation in an extremity (no pulsing of radial artery). What cause of blood circulation disturbance is the most probable? A. *Compression of subclavian artery B. Compression of axillary artery C. Compression of subclavian vein D. Compression of vertebral artery E. Compression of axillary vein Surgical approach to the thyroid gland from the transverse (collar) approach involves opening of interaponeurotic suprasternal space. What anatomic structure localized in this space is dangerous to be damaged? A. *Jugular venous arch B. External jugular vein C. Subclavicular vein D. Inferior thyroid arthery E. Superior thyroid arthery The patient has come to the hospital from the smelting workshop in the condition of hyperthermiA. *What is the direct cause of loss of consciousness at the heat stroke? A. *Decreased brain blood supply B. Arterial pressure drop C. Increased water loss through sweating D. Decrease of heart output E. Dilatation of peripheral vessels The patient with thymoma (thymus gland tumour) has cyanosis, extention of subcutaneous venousnet and edema of the soft tissues of face, neck, upper part of the trunk and upper extremities. What venous trunk is pressed with tumour? A. *Superior vena cava B. External jugular vein C. Clavicular vein D. Internal jugular vein E. Frontal jugular vein The process of heart transplantation determined the viability of myocardial cells. The determination of what myocardium parameter is the most important? A. *Rest potential of cardiomyocytes B. Heart temperature C. Concentration of oxygen in heart vessels D. Concentration of calcium-ions in myofibrils E. Concentration of Ca-ions in heart vessels Victim has elbow joint trauma with avulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve can be damaged in this trauma? A. *Ulnar B. Radial C. Musculocutaneous nerve D. Cardiac cutaneous nerve E. Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm When a patient puts his tongue out the tip of it deflects to the left. Motor innervation of what cranial nerve is disturbed in this case? A. *N. hypoglossus dexter B. N. glossopharyngeus dexter C. N. vagus dexter D. N. trigeminus sinister E. N. facialis sinister Where should the cathetor for evacuation of the lymph from the thoracic lymph duct be inserted? A. *To the left venous corner B. To the right venous corner C. To the superior vena cava D. To the inferior vena cava E. To the left inguinal vein While palpating mammary gland of a patient a doctor revealed an induration in form of a node in the inferior medial quadrant. Metastases may extend to the following lymph nodes: A. *Parasternal B. Posterior mediastinal C. Profound lateral cervical D. Bronchopulmonary E. Superior diaphragmal While performing an operation in the area of axillary crease a surgeon has to define an arterial vessel surrounded by fascicles of brachial plexus. What artery is it? A. *A. *axillaris B. A. *vertebralis C. A. *transversa colli D. A. *profunda brachii E. A. *subscapularis