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Unit 2
Atomic Theory and
The Periodic Table
The Periodic Table
 The
periodic table is a tool used for the
investigations of:
 average
atomic mass, mass number, and
atomic number;
Mass Number
 Mass
number is the total amount of
nuclear particles, neutrons and protons,
and stated as AMU, atomic mass units.
Neutron is a non-charged particle that
lends mass to the nucleus.
Proton is a positively charged particle that
has the same mass as the neutron.
When added together, the proton mass
and neutron mass equal the mass number
of an isotope of an element.
 Isotopes
are atoms of the same element
with different numbers of neutrons
 While some isotopes are radioactive,
many are not.
 Below are the three isotopes of hydrogen.
(Note mass number is often called atomic mass.)
Atomic Number
 The
atomic number of an element equals the
number of protons in a single atom of that
element. This number does not change.
 In a stable atom, the atomic number also
equals the number of electrons surrounding
the nucleus of an atom.
 All atoms of a particular element have the
same number of protons.
 The periodic table is arranged in order of
increasing atomic numbers.
Atomic Number and
Mass Number
 In
the drawing below of a carbon atom,
there are 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6
 The atomic number is 6.
 The mass number is 12 amu.
Average Atomic Mass
Calculating the average mass number of an
element involves the weighted average of all
known isotopes and their abundance in nature.
Example: The element chlorine exists as two
naturally occurring isotopes. Cl-35 which occurs
75% of the time and Cl-37 which occurs 25% of the
What is the average atomic mass of chlorine?
(.75 x 35) + (.25 x 37) = 35.5 amu
Writing Atomic Number and
Mass Number
 Atomic
Number is only used as an
identifier of the number when written it is
the bottom number, the mass number is
the top.
 The
mass number is written as above or as
a dashed number, such as C-12.
Determining Number of
Neutrons from Atomic Number
and Mass Number
 To
determine the number of neutrons from
the mass number and atomic number,
simply subtract the two numbers.
 Example: Br – Bromine
Mass number – 79.904
Atomic number – 35
Number of protons and electrons in a
neutral atom = 35 each
Number of neutrons = Mass number –
atomic number = 45 (rounded)
Half-life of Radioactive
Half-life is the length of time required for one half of a given sample
of a radioactive isotope to decay.
 How to Calculate: An Example
A substance has a half-life of 25 days. If 200. g of that substance is
found in a storage facility, how grams of the substance will be left
after 125 days.
100  50
50  25
25  12.5
12.5  6.25
25 days
25 days
25 days
25 days
25 days (total of 125 days)
Mass after 125 days = 6.25 g
Radioactive Decay
 Radioactive
decay – the spontaneous
disintegration of a nucleus into a slightly
lighter and more stable nucleus,
accompanied by the emission of
particles, electromagnetic radiation, or
Types of Radioactive Decay
- alpha particle – two protons and two neutrons
bound together and emitted from a nucleus. They
are often referred to as helium nuclei particles with a
+2 charge. This particle has the lowest penetration of
all forms of radiation.
- beta particle – an electron emitted from the
nucleus during some kinds of radioactive decay.
Please note these electrons come from a radioactive
nucleus and not from the electron cloud around the
nucleus. This particle has medium penetration.
- gamma radiation – (ray) a high-energy
electromagnetic wave emitted from a nucleus as it
changes from an excited state to a ground energy
state. This ray has high penetration.
Historical and Quantum
Models of the Atom
 Discoveries
and insights related to the
atom’s structure have changed the
model of the atom over time
Major insights regarding the
atomic model of the atom and
principal scientists include:
Particles/atomos – Democritus
first atomic theory of matter – John Dalton Dalton also
stated that atoms are solid spheres that resemble a billard
discovery of the electron – J. J. Thompson
discovery of the nucleus – Ernest Rutherford = gold foil
experiment – the atom is mostly empty space, there is a
small, dense center that positively charged.
discovery of charge of electron – Robert Millikan
planetary model of atom – Niels Bohr
quantum nature of energy – Max Planck
uncertainty principle – Werner Heisenberg
wave theory – Louis de Broglie.
Particles/atomos – Democritus
 The
theory of Democritus and Leucippus
held that everything is composed of
"atoms", which are physically, but not
geometrically, indivisible; that between
atoms lies empty space; that atoms are
indestructible; have always been, and
always will be, in motion; that there are an
infinite number of atoms, and kinds of
atoms, which differ in shape, and size.
John Dalton
 John
Dalton (1766 – 1844) proposed a
basic model of the atom that helped
establish many scientific concepts and
also created the foundation for more
modern models. His model suggested that
atoms are the smallest particle of an
element, that atoms of different elements
have different masses, and that they are
solid, indestructible units - much like a
billiard ball.
John Dalton
First Well Defined Atomic Theory
Five main points of Dalton's atomic theory
1. Elements are made of extremely small
particles called atoms.
2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size,
mass, and other properties; atoms of different
elements differ in size, mass, and other properties.
3. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or
4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple
whole-number ratios to form chemical compounds.
5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined,
separated, or rearranged.
J. J. Thomson
 Sir
Joseph John "J. J." Thomson,
18 December 1856 – 30 August 1940) was
a British physicist and Nobel laureate. He is credited
with discovering electrons and isotopes, and inventing
the mass spectrometer. Thomson was awarded the
1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the
electron and for his work on the conduction of
electricity in gases. He is best known however for his
plum pudding model of the atom.
JJ Thomson
 Thomson
fashioned his model after the
dessert known as a plum pudding, seen
 The
Plum pudding model, shows the
electrons and positively charged particles
randomly stuck in the nucleus.
Robert Millikan
discovery of charge of electron
Millikan's experiment involved measuring the force
on oil droplets in a glass chamber sandwiched
between two electrodes, one above and one
below. With the electrical field calculated, he
could measure the droplet's charge, the charge
on a single electron being (1.592×10−19 C).
Ernest Rutherford
 Ernest
(30 August 1871 – 19 October 1937)
was a New Zealand born British chemist and
physicist who became known as the father
of nuclear physics. He is the only Nobel prize
winner to have his most famous work
performed after receiving the prize.
Gold Foil Experiment
 As
a result of the gold foil experiment,
Rutherford surmised the atom is mostly
empty space, there is a small, dense
center that positively charged.
 Rutherford shot alpha particles
in a beam through a thin sheet of
gold foil, the beam scattered,
indicating a dense positive center.
Niels Bohr
 Niels
Henrik David Bohr
(October 7, 1885 –November 18, 1962)
a Danish physicist who made foundational
contributions to understanding atomic
structure and quantum mechanics, for
which he received the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1922.
Niels Bohr
 Created
the Planetary Model of the
 He stated that the electrons were in fixed
orbits around the nucleus.
Max Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
April 23, 1858 – October 4, 1947) was a German
theoretical physicist who originated quantum
theory, which won him the Nobel Prize for Physics
in 1918
According to the quantum theory, energy is held
to be emitted and absorbed in tiny, discrete
amounts. An individual bundle or packet of
energy, called a quantum, thus behaves in some
situations much like particles of matter; particles
are found to exhibit certain wavelike properties
when in motion and are no longer viewed as
localized in a given region but rather as spread
out to some degree.
Werner Heisenberg
 Uncertainty
States that there is a level of
uncertainty as to the exact location of
an electron in the electron cloud.
Louis de Broglie
 Wave–particle
duality states that all
particles exhibit both wave and particle
properties. This means that particles can
have both mass and movement, often in
the form of vibrations.
Quantum Mechanical Model
 The
modern atomic theory is called the
Quantum Mechanical Model. This model
uses different letters to denote placement
of electrons and energy levels.
Electron configurations,
Valence electrons, and
Oxidation numbers
Electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of
an atom based on their energy level.
Atoms can gain, lose, or share electrons within the outer energy level.
Electrons are added one at a time to the lowest energy levels first (Aufbau
An orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons (Pauli Exclusion Principle).
Electrons occupy equal-energy orbitals so that a maximum number of
unpaired electrons results (Hund’s Rule).
Energy levels are designated 1–7. Orbitals are designated s, p, d, and f
according to their shapes
s, p, d, f orbitals relate to the regions of the Periodic Table.
Loss of electrons from neutral atoms results in the formation of an ion with a
positive charge (cation).
Gain of electrons by a neutral atom results in the formation of an ion with a
negative charge (anion).
Transition metals can have multiple oxidation states.
Electron Configuration
Review of Periodic Table