* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Communication Just the Basics Non-Verbal Communication Now you can TALK! Tell me how you felt during the experiment… Interesting Facts 93% of all communication is non-verbal! We communicate non-verbally through: – Body Language – Eye Contact – Facial Expressions – Gestures – Posture – Dress and Appearance / Smell That leaves only 7% of our message that is understood through words. What are you really saying when you communicate? What About Verbal Communication? We need to make the most out of that 7%! We all choose to communicate in two ways: Constructive and Destructive Constructive =To Build (Positive) Destructive =To Destroy (Negative) What house are YOU living in? Constructive Communication Giving positive or encouraging messages Sending clear, concise messages Keeping the confidences of other people Using tact: (communicating something sensitive without hurting or offending) Asking Questions Being honest and open Speaking with respect Being a good listener Destructive Communication Insults, harassment, teasing Threatening Lying, blaming, accusing “You-Messages” Swearing Sarcasm (When a person says one message, but nonverbal communication and tone of voice says another) Gossip Topping Not listening Effective Listening Skills Stop talking!! Pay attention Look and act like you are interested Remove distractions Ask questions Don’t offer advice unless it’s asked for Use appropriate body language Maintain eye contact Communication Practice You communicate differently with different people. Let’s practice! In your table groups, communicate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Event Influence Personal Quality Compliment Levels of Communication Level 1: Superficial – Makes up the majority of our communication, “Small Talk”, talk about the weather, school, home, food, etc. Level 2: Personal – Deeper communication involving the sharing of beliefs, values, feelings and opinions. Level 3: Validating – Communication reinforcing people’s feelings about themselves and others. What Happened? Event Superficial Influence Personal Personal Quality Validating Compliment Why Did It Get More Difficult To Communicate? There is personal RISK Sharing something that means something to you! Risk of betrayal Things to Think About! Relationships are built on communication! Relationships cannot survive without communication on a personal and validating level! Relationships are WORTH the risk!