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HCS 330
Disease in the News
Disease in the News
The West Nile Virus that was initially tracked down in 1937 in an adult lady residing in
Uganda is actually a disorder which can cause really serious meningitis or encephalitis
in human beings in case contracted (CDC, 2010). After 1937, the illness referred to as
the West Nile Virus has spread in all areas of the whole world and has been the key
reason for a considerable number of fatalities. For that reason, these days an article
explaining the spreading as well as contraction of this illness will be analyzed as an
attempt to share with those people interested on how to defend one’s self from this
disastrous illness. In analyzing the content the writers will be identified, the content will
be explained, claims will be known, national as well as geographical problems will be
established, and supporting proof will be furnished.
Writer Edward B. Hayes acquired his bachelor’s of arts qualification while attending
Bodoin College in 1978 and his qualification in medicine while participating in Tufts
University School of Medicine in 1982. Hayes presently works as a research professor
at the International Research Center in Health of Barcelona (CRESIB) however
previously worked as the Chief of Surveillance and Epidemiology Activity, Arboviral
Disease Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2005 when this article was published (CRESIB, 2006).
Nicholas Kumar acquired his bachelors of Science qualification in Molecular Biology
from the University of Massachusetts, acquired his Science doctorate qualification in
contagious illness epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public-Health’s Department
of Tropical Public Health, as well as studied both Chemistry and International
Development at the University of East Anglia (Western University of Health Sciences,
2009). Dr. Kumar at the moment works as the vertebrate ecologist for the Centers for
Disease Control as well as Prevention's Arbovirus Diseases Branch in Fort Collins and
has since 1997 (Western University of Health Sciences, 2009).
Roger S. Nasci acquired both his B.S and M.S in Zoology from Ohio University; he
acquired his Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Massachusetts, as well as was
a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Notre
Dame’s Vector Biology Laboratory (Sir Dorabji Tata Center for Research, 2007). Nasci
at the moment works as a research entomologist as well as is the Chief of the Arboviral
Diseases Branch in the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (Sir Dorabji Tata Center for Research, 2007).
Susan P. Montgomery acquired her DVM from Cornell University and her MPH from
Harvard School of Public Health (Doctors Without Borders, 2010). Montgomery at the
moment works for the Parasitic Diseases Branch; Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. Montgomery’s jobs at CDC include that of being a staff
epidemiologist in the Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch as well as an EIS
officer with the Arboviral Diseases Branch in the Division of Vector Borne Infectious
Diseases (Doctors Without Borders, 2010).
Daniel R. O’Leary has got a doctorates education in veterinary medicine as well as at
the moment works as a Career Epidemiology Field Officer with a division of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colorado (American Academy of
Pediatrics, 2007). Grant L. Campbell acquired his MD qualification from the UW School
of Medicine in 1978 and is at the moment working as a medical epidemiologist in the
Surveillance and Epidemiology Activity, Arboviral Diseases Branch, CDC in Fort Collins,
Colorado; his study pursuits include that of the epidemiology as well as prevention of
vector borne diseases (U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases, 2006). The writers
connected with this informative article do not seem to have any kind of biased interests
regarding the topic at hand however; they do appear to have personnel experience
regarding the research concluded and required to write this informative article.
This great article being analyzed is a peer-reviewed educational journal that was written
and published during 2005, by The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).
This great article referred to as Epidemiology as well as Transmission Dynamics of
West Nile Virus was retrieved from the EBSCOHOST database. This great article
analyzed provides an introduction to ways and means in which the illness known as the
West Nile Virus can as well as has spread all over the world. In the piece of writing, it is
stated that the virus, that is at first transported by birds, can be transmitted to human
beings by way of the contact of an contaminated mosquito and therefore as soon as
contaminated this illness can definitely cause a person major difficulties. Any time an
infected mosquito bites a person, the virus makes its way into an individual’s blood
vessels, resulting in the virus to increase in numbers as well as spread, and in case the
virus actually gets to the individual’s brain an inflammatory reaction of the brain referred
to as encephalitis takes place which in turn leads to additional complications with the
central nervous system to start.
In concerns to this specific virus, the projected occurrence of the infection is determined
by the total number of competent mosquitoes in a general area. For that reason, the
greater number of mosquitoes which can transport the virus in a general area the higher
one’s possibility of getting to be infected is in case most effective actions are not taken
to stay away from the spread of this illness. Well known carriers in 2004 of this illness
included the Cx. tarsalis, the Cx. pipiens, the Cx. Quinquefasciatus, the Cx. restuans,
the Cx. Erythrothorax, as well as thirty five other varieties (Hayes, Kumar, Nasci,
Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell, 2005). The West Nile Virus that has been located in
overseas countries around the world such as that of Asia, Europe, as well as Africa, has
spread a lot in the United States since initially found out here in 1999. This virus has not
just spread through contact with mosquitoes but is also seen to have been spread by
way of blood transfusions, body organ donations, breast feeding, pregnant state, as well
as occupational exposure to the virus (Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, &
Campbell, 2005). In the following paragraphs, there are claims made to support the
presence of the West Nile Virus all over the world.
Claims made in accordance to exactly how this virus is growing include that of what
kinds of mosquitoes are mostly a major contributor to the transmission of the virus, the
kinds of birds to blame for transporting the illness, and the local ecology as well as
conducts which are having an influence on human exposures. In the content, it is stated
that during the year 2003 when the West Nile Virus continued to develop eastward in
the U.S. that, the Cx. tarsalis had become the most frequently reported West Nile Virus
positive mosquito varieties. This specific mosquito made up thirty two per cent of the
positive pool followed by the varieties of Cx. Quinquefasciatus, Cx. pipiens, and Cx.
restuans (Hayes, Komar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell, 2005). But, in 2004
when big outbreaks started to happen in the southwestern United States, the most
generally West Nile Virus positive mosquito varieties reported was the Cx.
quinquefasciatus, making up more than fifty percent of the positive pools, followed by
Cx. Pipiens and Cx. tarsalis (Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell,
In the following paragraphs, birds are also reported to be the most significant amplifying
types of West Nile Virus. As per Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, &
Campbell (2005)," In laboratory studies, species in the orders of Passeriformes (song
birds), Charadriiformes (shore birds), Strigiformes (owls), and Falconiformes (hawks)
developed viremia levels sufficient to infect most feeding mosquitoes, whereas species
of Columbiformes (pigeons), Piciformes (woodpeckers), and Anseriformes (ducks) did
not.” Particular passerines, in particular common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula), different
corvids (crows, jays, magpies), house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus), and house
sparrows (Passer domesticus) were extremely contagious to mosquitoes as well as had
mortality rates greater than forty per cent’ (para. 3, p. 8).
One more claim made in this content is that risk factors for example local ecology as
well as the conducts of human beings make it difficult for human beings not to come into
contact with the West Nile Virus contaminated mosquitoes. It is stated in the following
paragraphs that places which have higher and more vegetation cover, older homes,
reduced human population density, a predominance of older Caucasian inhabitants, and
are in vicinity to dead birds are at greater risk compared to others (Hayes, Kumar,
Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell, 2005). Some other signs that can be
assessed as risk factors regarding the exposure of the West Nile Virus incorporate not
donning DEET containing insect repellant, not draining or keeping large bodies of water
near one’s property, improperly checking blood as well as organs prior to use, and to be
out between sunset and dawn (Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, &
Campbell, 2005).
National or Global Perspective
This informative article does incorporate a national as well as international point of view
of the illness in accordance to its existence throughout the world. As Mentioned by
Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell (2005), “From 1937 until
1999, West Nile virus (WNV) garnered scant medical attention as the cause of febrile
illness and sporadic encephalitis in parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe’. After the
surprising detection of WNV in New York City in 1999, the virus has spread dramatically
westward across the United States, southward into Central America and the Caribbean,
and northward into Canada, resulting in the largest epidemics of neuroinvasive WNV
disease ever reported” (para. 1, p. 1). In this content, the growth of this illness all over
the United States is correctly shown by making use of charts and graphs and lots of
proof is furnished and can be observed to support the claims of the spreading capability
of this virus.
Supporting Evidence
The article provides a great deal of proof with regards to supporting the reasons and
causes of the West Nile Virus epidemic. In the article, per cent rates are given to identify
the top carriers of the illness, charts and graphs are given to assist identify with how the
illness is spreading, and experimental data in reference to the hosts of the illness is
described. Together with the proof furnished in the article proof regarding the spreading
and causes of the West Nile Virus can be obtained at the Center for Disease and
Control Prevention website, the Medline website, the Mayo Clinic website, at the USGS
website, as well as within a lot more sites.
In summary, the West Nile Virus, that was initially, found in 1937 has been established
to be contracted by human beings from the bites of mosquito varieties which include the
Cx. tarsalis, the Cx. pipiens, the Cx. Quinquefasciatus, the Cx. restuans, and the Cx.
Erythrothorax (Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell, 2005). These
species varieties of mosquitoes contract the virus from feeding upon birds for example
sparrows, songbirds, owls, hawks, shore birds, and finches (Hayes, Kumar, Nasci,
Montgomery, O’Leary, & Campbell, 2005). The West Nile Virus can be an extremely
harmful and life-ending illness in case contracted due to its capability to cause
meningitis or encephalitis in human beings. But, with the skills as well as knowledge of
the writers Hayes, Kumar, Nasci, Montgomery, O’Leary, and Campbell one now knows
how to decrease one’s possibilities of contracting this illness by making use of insect
repellants which contain DEET, eliminating big bodies of water, and remaining indoors
after sunset.