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What is Cardiomyopathy? (CMP)
 Deterioration of heart muscle
 Becomes enlarged, thick or rigid
 Scar tissue
 Pumping blood becomes more difficult, electrical
rhythm can get off beat.
 CMP can lead to heart failure, arrhythmias, and
heart valve problems
Where does it come from?! :P
 CMP can be inherited
Parents give it to you via a gene.
Mistakes/errors in genes may result in CMP.
 Can also be acquired
Other diseases and conditions can cause CMP
High blood pressure
 Heart tissue problem from previous heart attack
 Pregnancy
 Nutritional deficiencies.
 Abuse of cocaine or anti-depressants
 Excessive use of alcohol
 However, most of the time the cause of CMP is unknown.
Types: Dilated Cardiomyopathy
 Dilated CMP can be caused
by a few medical problems
Most common form
Common age range: 20-60
Affects atria and ventricles
Starts in left ventricle,
stretches it out and thins
Heart cannot pump, will
result in heart failure
Can also result in heart
valve problems, blood clots
and arrhythmias.
Types: Hypertrophic CMP
 Hypertrophic CMP is
passed down genetically
1:500, men and women
Common cause for cardiac
arrest in young people
Walls of ventricles (left)
thicken; difficult to fill with
Different things can
happen from here:
Blocks blood flow
Harm mitral valve: backflow
Restrictive CMP
 Restrictive CMP is caused
by amyliodosis
 Found in older adults
 Atria enlarged because
ventricles cannot fill up
 Walls stiff, not thick
 Blood flow reduced
 Causes arrhythmias and
heart failure
Alcohol Cardiomyopathy
What is it?
 Comes from long term
abuse of alcohol
 Toxic effects of alcohol
on heart muscle
Cannot pump
 Leads to heart failure
Jose Cuervo Especial
Signs and Symptoms
 Some people never experience the symptoms
 Symptoms of heart failure:
Shortness of breath
Swelling in ankles, feet, legs or abdomen.
Swelling in veins of the neck
 Other symptoms related to CMP:
Fainting during physical activity
Chest pain
Heart murmur
Medication (for dilated
Other treatments
 ACE inhibitors
 Iatrogenic/implanted
 Diuretics
 Coronary artery bypass
 Stem cells
 Beta blockers
Does it work?
 Heart transplants
 Last resort
 Lifestyle changes
Treatment: Ventricular Assist Device
 Can be used short-term
or long-term.
 Assist right or left
Sometimes both
 Pumps blood out of
ventricle, into aorta
 Cable controls unit;
sticks out of abdomen
Treatment: Defibrillators
 Ventricular fibrillation
Rapid, erratic heart beats
 Electrical device:
Shocks heart to a stop
 Heart rhythmically
Homework: Broken Heart Syndrome
 Takotsubo
 Weakening of heart
muscle caused by
emotional stress
 Can you die of a broken
 "What Is Cardiomyopathy?" - NHLBI, NIH. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb.
"Cardiomyopathy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Feb.
2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.
"What Is Cardiomyopathy?" What Is Cardiomyopathy. N.p., n.d.
Web. 28 Feb. 2013.
"Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation,
20 Feb. 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.
Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Definition." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for
Medical Education and Research, 02 Mar. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.
"Dilated Cardiomyopathy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." U.S
National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine,
n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.
CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.