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Unit 1: History of the Earth Study Guideline Part 2
Textbook Chapters: 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 6.6, 7.1, 17
1) Be able to define the following vocabulary words:
Specialization- Certain types of cells that perform a very specific function within
an organism. These cells have a “specific” purpose.
Diffusion- The movement of substances from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration.
Evolution- The slow and gradual change of organisms over time.
Big Bang Theory- Theory that explains the origin of the universe.
Redshift- Light sources moving away from us appear more red in color.
Meteorites- Similar to asteroids. Small chunks of rock in space that may have
brought organic materials to early Earth.
Plate tectonic theory- Theory to explain how and why volcanoes and
earthquakes occur on Earth. Earth’s crust is composed of many plates that move
around over time.
Divergent plate boundaries- Two plates coming apart forming ridges.
Convergent boundaries- Two plates coming together forming mountains and or
Transform boundaries- Two plates sliding past each other.
Trenches-When an oceanic plate subducts under a land plate it forms a deep
Oparin-Haldane heterotroph hypothesis-Hypothesis to explain what early forms
of life were like. Most likely they had to consume their own food and were
Subduction zones- Oceanic plate sliding under land plates.
RNA hypothesis-RNA is an information carrying molecule that can also act as a
catalyst. For this reason it can perform more functions than DNA (a related
molecule) and probably was the first information carrying molecule in organisms.
Doppler Effect-A phenomenon that occurs when the frequency of waves are
shifted due to the movement of a wave source relative to it’s observer.
Cosmic Microwave Background-Another explanation to support the Big Bang
Theory. It is an observed radiation source not associated with stars or galaxies,
so why is it there? Evidence suggests that this type of radiation was left over
after the Big Bang.
Electromagnetic Radiation-Comes in many types. Very fast moving waves that
carry energy.
Cell theory- 3 parts:
1) All cells come from preexisting cells.
2) The cell is the most basic unit of life.
3) All of life is composed of one or more cells.
Prokaryote-Very simple organisms such as bacteria. They do not have a nucleus
or visible organelles. Many have been shown to live in hostile places on current
Earth which suggests to scientists that they were the first organisms to appear
on early hostile Earth. Apart from that many are found to be anaerobic.
Endosymbiotic Theory- A Theory to suggest how a prokaryote evolved into a
Eukaryote-Complex cells by comparison to prokaryotes. Have the capability to
specialize to perform specific tasks such as form tissues and organs. Have a
nucleus and visible and complex organelles.
Nucleus-Nicknames the boss of a cell. It contains the DNA which code for
proteins that perform specific functions in cells.
Radioactive isotope- A form of an element that is radioactive and used in dating
fossils and remains of organisms. Examples include Uranium 238 and Carbon 14.
Tissue- A group of specialized cells that perform 1 specific function. Example,
Troposphere- Layer of the Earth’s atmosphere closest to the surface of the
Earth. Is hot and contains a very dense layer of air.
Organ- A collection of tissues that perform a specific function. Ex) Heart.
Stratosphere- The layer of Earth’s atmosphere above the troposphere that
contains the Ozone Layer. Air is very thin and cold here.
Organ system- A collect of organs that perform a specific function such as
digesting food.
Ozone layer-Composed of O3 gas which helps to block harmful ultraviolet rays
from the sun.
Organism-A living thing.
DNA-An information carrying molecule used by most organisms. Is the code for
proteins which perform specific functions within organisms.
2) Describe the necessary changes to Earth’s atmosphere to allow life on land.
Oxygen was needed in order to produce the Ozone Layer to protect life on land. Oxygen gas
also allowed land heterotrophs to break down food.
3) Explain how a prokaryote evolved into a eukaryote.
Endosymbiosis. Watch the following video if you have no yet:
4) Describe the methods we use to date rocks and fossils.
Radioactive carbon 14 dating is the preferred method for fossils younger than about
40,000 years old. After that we use Uranium 238. These materials have a known half life so we
can compare the observed radioactive material to the broken down material.
5) Describe the different spheres of the Earth and how each one contributes to the evolution of
life. Troposphere contains highly dense air for organisms to use and breathe. The stratosphere
contains the Ozone Layer which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.
6) Understand how plants live on land and move water throughout their tissues.
Driven by diffusion, the cohesion-tension hypothesis explains that since water tends to stick
together, one molecule will pull another one up the trunk of a tree.
7) Explain the conditions on early Earth.
Very hostile, life as we know it could not live there. Oceans were hot and filled with simple
organic materials. Things like sugar and what humans consider food were not around yet. The
atmosphere contained little to no oxygen. Any life was probably anaerobic, simple, and