Download 4.4 Diffentiated Multiplication Unit Plan

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Big Idea/Essential Questions:
SOL 4.4 - Multiplication
 The student will estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers.
 The student will add, subtract, and multiply whole numbers.
 The student will solve single-step and multistep addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems with
whole numbers.
Learning Targets: KUD (Know, Understand, Do); SOL; Objectives; Content; Skills:
 The student will use problem solving, mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning, connections,
and representations to
o Estimate whole number sums, differences, products, and quotients.
o Refine estimates by adjusting the final amount, using terms such as closer to, between, and a little
more than.
o Estimate and find the products of two whole numbers when one factor has two digits or fewer and
the other factor has three digits or fewer, using paper and pencil and calculators.
o Solve single-step and multistep problems using whole number operations.
o Verify the reasonableness of sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers using
 All students should
o Understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations.
o Understand how to solve single-step and multistep problems using whole number operations.
 Product
 Topic 3
 Estimate
 Topic 5
 Base-10
 Topic 7
 Vertical
 Weebly Resources
 Horizontal
 Multistep
 Whole number
Real World Connections/Making Connections:
 Exemplars – Missing Key Dilemma
 Let’s Do Lunch!
Formative Assessments:
Summative Assessments:
 Pre-Assessment
 Unit Assessment
 Vocabulary
 Exemplars – Missing Key Dilemma
 Independent Work
 Review Day Activity
Differentiation/Student Information (Diagnostic): Developmental factors of students; poverty; behavior; diagnostic
Possible Supports:
Students Identified:
Day 1: Pre-Assessment and Multiplication Introduction
Pre-Assessment (Basic Facts, 2 by 1, 3 by 1)
What is Multiplication? (Circle Map)
Basic Multiplication Fact Review
Day 2: Vocabulary and Representations of Multiplication
Interactive Notes (array, groups of, repeated addition,
commutative property)
Day 3: Whole Group lesson on estimating products
Day 4: Exemplars – Missing Key Dilemma
Day 5: Whole Group lesson on traditional algorithm (2 by
Day 6: Small Groups (Teacher directed, centers,
independent work)
Day 7: Whole Group lesson on partial products (2 by 2)
Day 8: Small Groups (Teacher directed, centers,
independent work)
Day 9: Whole Group lesson on lattice multiplication (2 by
Day 10: Small Groups (Teacher directed, centers,
independent work)
Day 11:Whole Group lesson on 3 methods of
multiplication (3 by 2)
Day 12: Small Groups (Teacher directed, centers,
independent work)
Day 13: Small Groups (Teacher directed, centers,
independent work)
Day 14: Review Day (Suggested activities)
Let’s Do Lunch!
4.4 Multiplication Word Problems
Khan Academy Videos
Envisions Pre-made materials
Day 15: Unit Assessment