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Honors Biology
Classification Review
Name ____________
Two animals of the same family would not have to be in the same
a. Genus b. domain
c. order
d. phylum
e. class
2. A phylogenetic tree of bird families would most clearly show which of the following?
a. characteristics shared by all bird families
d. Similar structures shared by various species
b. Evolutionary relationships among families
e. Relative ages of living species of birds
c. Families that look most alike
3. A microbiologist recently discovered a new single-celled eukaryotic organism. It is green and swims, propelled
by two flagella. This organism would probably be placed in Kingdom
a. Plantae b. Archaea c. Protista
e. Animalia
e. not enough information
4. In a detailed phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary relationships within a class, the “trunk” of the tree
might represent the ____, while the ends of individual “twigs” might represent ____
a. Phylum . . . classes
d. species . . . families
b. Class . . . species
e. class . . . phyla
c. Genus . . . species
Which summarizes early systems of classification, such as Aristotle’s?
a. Classification of domesticated animals is most important
b. Morphological characteristics must distinguish organisms
c. Phyla and divisions are grouped under two basic kingdoms
d. Species are distinct and unchanging throughout earth’s history
6. Modern biological classification systems differ from outdated systems because they consider ___
a. Biological diversity
c. evolutionary relationships
b. Environmental changes
d. morphological comparisons
7. Which is an example of a morphological character of organisms?
a. Bright tail feathers of peacocks during breeding season
b. Identical number of chromosomes in cabbage and kale
c. Similar nucleotide sequences of gorillas and orangutans
d. Tusks of modern African elephants and extinct mastodons
8. Which is the purpose of cladistics?
a. Analyze evolutionary relationships
b. Calculate molecular clocks
9. Which kingdom includes the extremophiles?
a. Archaea
b. Eubacteria
c. classify extinct species
d. organize genetic information
c. Monera
10. Which kingdom does NOT include autotrophic organisms
a. Archaea
b. eubacteria
c. Fungi
d. Prokaryota
d. Protista
11. The ability to interbreed and produce fertile young is a characteristic of all organisms in the same
a. Phylum
b. order
c. family
d. species
12. The evolutionary history of a group of organisms is represented by a
a. Fossil collection
b. sample of DNA
c. phylogenetic tree
d. taxonomic key
13. All fungi
a. Are parasitic
b. lack chlorophyll
14. Kingdom is to phylum as
a. Species is to genus
b. Phylum is to class
c. are multicellular
d. are microscopic
c. family is to class
d. order is to genus
15. Which of these characteristics is shared by both Archaea and Bacteria?
a. Presence of a nucleus
d. absence of membrane-bound organelles
b. Presence of ribosomes
e. all of the above
c. Presence of a cell wall
16. Which is mismatched?
a. Fungi – heterotrophic by absorption
b. Plants – usually photosynthetic
c. Animals – rarely ingestive
d. Protists – various modes of nutrition
e. Both c and d
17. Molecular clock data are based on
a. Common adaptations among animals
b. DNA dissimilarities in living species
c. DNA fingerprinting of fossils
d. finding similarities among plants
e. All of the above
18. In cladistics
a. A clade must contain the common ancestor plus all its descendants
b. Shared derived traits help construct cladograms
c. The species in a clade share similar structures
d. All of the above
19. The discovery of common ancestors in the fossil record, the presence of similar physical structures, and
nucleic acid similarities help scientists decide
a. How to classify organisms
d. how evolution occurred
b. The proper cladogram
e. All of the above
c. How to construct phylogenetic trees
20. Which of these descries systematics?
a. Studies evolutionary relationships
b. Includes taxonomy and classification
c. Uses fossils, anatomical, and molecular data
d. includes phylogenetic trees
e. All of the above
21. In classifying organisms, a clear-cut division can be made between
a. Bacteria and protists
c. protists and multicellular organisms
b. Animal-like and fungus-like protists
d. plant-like and fungus-like protists
22. There is strong biochemical evidence that the earliest living things on earth were
a. Prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
c. animals
d. plants
23. Differences in the structure of hemoglobin among different animals result from mutations that must have
occurred after the ancestors of the various species
a. Occupied the same branch on the evolutionary tree
c. died out
b. Split apart
d. converged
24. The following list shows the classification of a human being, Homo sapiens. Name the category that
corresponds to each of the taxa listed.
a. Eukarya
e. Primates
b. Animalia
f. Hominidae
c. Chordata
g. Homo
d. Vertebrata
h. sapiens