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Biology 11 – BACTERIA QUIZ
1) Prokaryotes:
a) Have linear DNA
b) Have a membrane bound nucleus
c) Have a complex cell wall
d) Reproduce through mitosis
2) All members of Archaea are:
a) Parasitic
b) Most closely related to Bacteria
c) Pathogenic
d) Anaerobic
3) In Gram staining, if some bacteria
retain the crystal violet stain after
alcohol treatment, then the species is:
a) Gram negative
b) Gram positive
c) Procedure is incomplete
d) None of the above
4) All bacteria can be divided into two groups called (3):
Group 1: Gram positive
Group 2: Gram negative
These groups are based on:
Cell wall structure
5) Name the SHAPE of each of the following samples of bacteria (3):
a. coccii/coccus
b. bacilli/bacillus
c. spirilli/spirillum
6) Name the type of motility that each of the above bacteria would use (3):
a. flagella/flagellum
b. Flagella/Gliding
c. Spiraling
7) Name the five different ways that bacteria reproduce. What is the significance of
bacteria being able to reproduce in so many ways?
- asexual: binary fission, budding, sporulation
- sexual: conjugation through plasmid transfer or gene transfer
- Being able to reproduce in so many ways is an evolutionary adaptation that has allowed
bacteria to thrive in many different environments
8) Name and describe ONE of the three different mechanisms of antimicrobial
- Mutation: Antibiotics bind to enzymes involved in DNA replication to stop bacterial
reproduction. Resistance can happen through a mutation in a gene that causes the enzyme
structure to change so that the antibiotic can no longer bind and the bacteria can reproduce in the
presence of the antibiotic.
- Destruction/Inactivation: Resistance can happen through the production of enzymes that destroy
or inactivate the antibiotic before it reaches the site of action.
- Efflux: Resistance can happen through the production of efflux pumps that pumps the antibiotic
out of the cell before it reaches the site of action.
9) Explain TWO reasons for why antibiotic resistance is a much more pressing concern
today than in the past?
- Pharmaceutical companies are no longer producing new antibiotics to fight the bacteria strains
that have become resistant to the current antibiotics. This is because it is very costly and time
consuming to produce them and there is a low return on the investments as people only take
antibiotics for a few weeks and bacteria acquire resistance very quickly.
- Antibiotic resistance is no longer a local problem as resistant bacteria have spread globally
through people travelling around the world.
10) When do bacteria turn to sporulation to reproduce and why? (2)
Sporulation is an adaptation for dispersal and for survival, often for extended periods of time, in
unfavorable conditions. That is, when bacteria find themselves at risk of dying in unfavorable
conditions, they form a dehydrated spore covered by a rigid coat that is able to survive in the
harsh environment and can become active when nutrients become available.