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Mrs. Green
Fifth Grade
The Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
As Earth rotates, it gives the appearance that
the sun “rises in the sky” every morning and
“sets or goes down in the sky” every night
When it rises here, it is setting on the other side
of Earth and when it is setting here, it is rising
on the other side of Earth
You use sunrise and sunset times for every day
of the year to find the number of daylight
hours for a given city in a full year
We know now through readings, artwork,
demonstrations, and simulations that:
The moon rotates around the Earth
 The moon has 8 phases
 The moon reflects the sun’s light
 We see the “part” of the moon that is facing the
Earth and is illuminated by the sun
A full moon is made when the moon we see is
facing the sun and reflecting all the sunlight.
As the Earth rotates on its “tilted” axis, we
begin to see only portions of the moon and the
light it is reflecting from the sun which makes
the different phases.
A lunar eclipse is made when the moon is in
the shadow of the Earth
In your illustration-The Moon, The Earth
(facing the moon), and then the sun
You are on Earth facing the moon and the
Earth is between the moon and sun
This happens when the moon completely
blocks the sun
The moon is directly between us on Earth and
the sun
Your illustration goes-Earth (looking at the
moon towards the sun), moon, and sun
We experience day and night on Earth because:
The Earth spins on its axis
One rotation lasts 24 hours
As the Earth spins, one side faces the sun which
makes day
The other side faces away from the sun which makes
When it is day for us, the other side of the Earth is
experiencing night
The sun looks to be “moving” across the sky because
of the Earth rotating around on its axis
Seasons occur because the Earth is tilted on its
Seasons occur because the Earth rotates around
the sun
We have 4 seasons-summer, fall, winter, and
It takes the Earth 365 days to make 1 revolution
around the sun
Ocean Tides are the rise and fall of the water
Oceans have low tides and high tides
Tides are made by the “moon’s gravitational
pull as it orbits the Earth”
There are 2 low tides and 2 high tides each day
So now that we’ve reviewed some of the major
science concepts from this quarter
Let’s see what we’ve learned…
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A. Facing towards the sun
B. Facing away from the sun
C. Facing slightly left of the sun
D. Facing slightly right of the sun
You’re Right!!
We experience night when our side of Earth
faces AWAY from the sun!!
Try the next question!
Remember how day and night are made…by
the Earth rotating on its axis.
As it rotates, one half is facing the sun (day)
and one half is facing away (night).
Try the question again!
A. Improved Technology
B. Science Fiction Movies
C. Fewer trips to the moon
You’re right!
Technology is constantly changing and
providing us with new, up to date information
about the planets and space so we are always
learning something new!
Go on to the next question!
Technology is constantly changing and
providing us with new updated information.
This is how we know that Pluto is now a dwarf
planet and that there are 2 new dwarf planetsEris and Ceres.
Try the question again!!
A. The 2 hemispheres
B. The distance from the Equator
C. The Earth’s tilt and its rotation
D. The moon’s phases
You’re right!!
You remembered that the Earth’s tilt is what
makes those 4 seasons!!
Go on to the next one!
Remember what we learned early on…The
Earth’s tilt and its rotation it what makes our
Go back and try again!
A. The moon
B. The Milky Way
C. Stars
D. The Sun
Way to go!
The sun is definitely the planets source of light
and heat!
Try the next question!
Think about what else is in the solar system
that could provide heat and light.
What provides Earth with heat and light? This
is probably your answer…
Go back and try again!
A. Ocean Tides
B. A new year
C. Day and Night
D. Winter
The Earth rotates on its axis.
One rotation takes 24 hours. When one side
faces the sun, it is day. When that same side
faces away, it is night!
You’ve really been paying attention!
Go on to the next one!
The Earth rotates on its axis
One rotation takes 24 hours to complete
When one side faces the sun, it is day and the
side facing away is having night.
Look at your choices again
Try it again
A. The part of the moon we see is NOT
reflecting any sunlight.
B. The part of the moon we see is facing the
sun and reflecting ALL of the sun’s light.
C. The part of the moon we see is ONLY
reflecting a QUARTER of the sun’s light.
You got it!!
The moon will be full when the part we see is
totally reflecting all of the sun’s light!
Keep up the good work!
Try out the next question!
Think back or even look back in your science
What does your illustration look like? To see a
full moon, the moon we see must be facing the
sun completely!
Try it again!
A. Because of the stars and Milky Way
B. Because the moon has 8 phases
C. Because the sun revolves around the Earth
D. Because of the rotation of the Earth on its
You have been SOO paying attention!
The sun looks like it moves across the sky
because of the Earth’s rotation on its axis!!
Try out the next one!
Think about it…Does the sun really move
across the sky? Does it really rise and set?
Or is it because of something the Earth does!!
Go back and try the question again!
A. The sun sets
B. The Earth is above the moon
C. The Earth is between the moon and the sun
blocking the sun’s light
D. The moon is between the sun and the Earth
A lunar eclipse happens when the moon is in
the shadow of the Earth.
The Earth is positioned between the moon and
the sun.
Keep up the good work
Try out the next question!
Think back to your illustrations…
A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth is
positioned between the sun and the moon.
This way the moon is in the shadow of the
Go back and try it again.
A. The sun’s gravitational pull as it orbits the
B. The Earth’s gravitational pull on the moon
C. The moon’s gravitational pull as it orbits the
D. Excessive amounts of rain
You did it again!!
Try out the next question.
Ocean tides are the rise and fall of the water
levels. These tides have nothing to do with
how much it rains.
Think back to your demonstration with neap
and spring tides. Did the moon have
something to do with it?
Try the question again.
A. Earth, moon, sun
B. Sun, moon, Earth
C. Earth, sun, moon
D. Moon, Earth, sun
Way to go!!
You have really been paying attention and
have really learned a lot!
Congratulations on completing your review!!
You are definitely ready for your test!
Think about the size of these 3 objects. The sun
is the LARGEST star in the solar system. The
moon is much smaller than the Earth.
Try the question again