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Eighth Grade Assessment
Our Place in Space
Earth Science
1. How does the shape and tilt of the earth influence climate in Colorado? Be sure to mention length of day, position of the
sun, amount of sunlight and seasonal patterns.
The summer in the Northern Hemisphere the earth is tilted toward the sun resulting in warmer climate
and longer days. The sun is higher in the sky. In winter, the Northern Hemisphere faces away from the
sun and the climate is cooler, days are shorter…
2. What major forces maintain the orbit of objects in the solar system?
Inertia and Gravity
3. What are the historic and current models of the Earths place in the solar system and why did they change? Who influenced
these changes?
Geocentric- Greeks and heliocentric – Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler , Aristotle
4. Compare and contrast two well supported theories that explain how our solar system was formed. (stick to
 Big Bang Co-Formation- Planets formed as sun formed, swelling gasses, heat
5. How is energy transferred from within the Sun, to Earth. How is this energy then transferred to living things?
 Fusion, Radiation zone, photosphere, electromagnetic field, earth
6. Diagram a Solar Eclipse, be sure to include the umbra and penumbra and label all parts of the diagram.
7. Diagram a Lunar Eclipse
8. Diagram the position of the moon, Earth and Sun during a neap tide and a spring tide.
9. Number the phases of the moon in the order that they occur, beginning with the new moon as number one.
10. Which two phases are gibbous moons?
F and G
11. What are the phases shown in A and D called?
12. Where is the moon in relation to Earth and the sun during phase B?
Opposite of the Earth
13. List and describe the six major components of the Solar system?
 Stars, moons, planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets
14. List the planets from the Solar system from the sun out.
 M,V,E,M,J,S,N, P
15. The tendency of an object to continue doing what it is doing is known as:
 Velocity
 Gravity
 Inertia
 Friction
16. The motion of Earth spinning on its access is known as:
 Motion
 Rotation
 Revolution
 Radiation
17. Axis is defined as:
 The imaginary line that passes through the center of the planet from pole to pole.
 The horizontal line which goes around the center of the Earth
 Felonious act of entrapment
 A single rotation of a planet around the sun
18. Explain how the solar system is changing over time and suggest how this could affect the solar system. From where does
this information come?
Sun is changing- dying out, losing hydrogen, sun turning into red giant, black hole, this sucks!