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Social Studies
“Top Secret Mission”
Period 8
Table of Contents
The Byzantine Empire
Islamic Civilizations
Table of
The Byzantine Empire
Emperor Justinian was a strong leader of the Byzantine Empire. Justinian proved to be a good
emperor because he controlled the military, made laws, was supreme judge, and his order could not be
questioned. He wanted to reunite the Roman Empire. One of his greatest accomplishments was reforming
the Byzantine Empire’s law code. Justinian’s wife, Theodora, helped rule the empire.
The Byzantine Empire was the center of trade between Europe and Asia because many
different cultures passed through. Even though most citizens of the empire were not merchants, the trade
had made the empire rich. Around the year 550 A.D., a major industry of silk weaving had developed.
Byzantine travelers smuggled silk worms from China into the empire. They would raise the silk worms so
they could produce silk.
Constantinople was known for its many churches and palaces. Mosaics were an important part
of art. The religion of the Byzantine Empire was Eastern Orthodox, a form of Christianity. The emperor
was considered a representation of Jesus on Earth, and icons were very important to the church because
they were said to explain Christianity and to represent God’s presence.
Family was the center of social life in the Byzantine Empire. Women were not encouraged to
lead independent lives; they were expected to stay home and take care of their families. Learning was
highly respected. Subjects, such as religion, were studied in the schools. Many authors wrote about
religion, stressing the need to obey God and to save one’s soul.
Islamic Civilizations
Muhammad was accepted as God’s prophet and ruler of Madinah. Islam began when he
went to the hills to pray. He was visited by an angel and was told to preach Islam, which means
“surrendering to the will of Allah.” Wealthy merchants and religious leaders did not like Muhammad’s
message because they thought he was trying to take away their power.
Muslims write down the messages that Muhammad brought in a book called the Quran.
This book tells the Muslims teachings. They are told that lying, stealing, and murder are forbidden.
Many of the rules apply to a Muslim’s daily life. A law code was created to explain how a society
should be run. It covers all areas of daily life.
Islam was spread by preaching, trading, and through building the Islamic Empire. The
Muslim religion was split into two parts after Muhammad’s death: Shiites and Sunnis. The Umayyad
dynasty was accepted by the Sunnis. The Abbasid dynasty eventually overthrew the Umayyad.
Social groups were based on power and wealth. Government leaders, landowners, and
traders were at the top, followed by the artisans, farmers, and workers, and enslaved people were at the
bottom. Arabic was the common language. Muslims made advancements in mathematics and science.
They invented algebra, and doctors discovered that blood circulates. Scientists also realized that the
Earth was round.
Emperor Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire from 527 A.D. to
565 A.D. He was a strong ruler because accomplished many things. He also
controlled the military, made laws, was supreme judge, and his order could
not be questioned. One of his greatest accomplishments was reforming the
Byzantine law code.
To reform the law code, Justinian ordered a group of legal
scholars, headed by Tribonian, to reform the code. The new code became
known as the Justinian Code. This code influenced many pf the laws in the
surrounding areas. The Justinian Code allowed officials, businesspeople, and
individuals to easily understand more of the code.
Another one of Justinian’s accomplishments was attempting to
reunite the Roman Empire. He hired a general named Belisarius to lead the
army. This resulted in most of Italy and northern Africa being conquered, as
well as defeating the Persians in the east.
Justinian considered his wife, Theodora, as his intellectual equal.
He often asked for her advice and she helped him choose government
officials. She convinced him to give women more rights; now, Byzantium
women could own land. Theodora was a former actress and she was very
intelligent and strong-willed.
Mosaics were a big part of art in the Byzantine Empire.
Unlike the Roman mosaics, which were natural-colored marble pieces,
Byzantium mosaics were beautifully colored, irregularly shaped pieces
of glass. They were used to decorate the ceilings, domes, and floors of
Byzantine churches.
The mosaics were created to respect religious or political
figures. The images of the mosaics usually showed saints. Mosaics
were expensive and they were paid for by the emperors, state officials,
or church leaders. Inside churches, monasteries, and museums, many
mosaics can still be seen.
Many mosaics were placed on the centers of domes. The
dome is the highest part of the church. The mosaics that were placed on
the domes often had images of Jesus. Because Byzantine’s mosaics
commonly showed images of saints, which are Christian holy people,
Mary and Jesus were commonly used in the Byzantine mosaics.