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Name: __________________________________________________________ Class _____________
The Byzantine Empire and Justinian’s Rule
After Rome got too big and had all those problems, Rome began to decline. One result was emperor _________________
(Die-o-clee-shun) decided to split the empire into two parts. The capitol of the Roman Empire moved from the West to the the capitol of the Roman Empire was _______________________ named after Constantine the first
____________________ emperor of Rome.
The _________________ Roman Empire, due to a wide variety of problems (money, invasions, corruption, bad leaders,
starvation, unemployment, etc.), fell apart and was divided into many small ________________. The Eastern Roman
Empire, though, grew in wealth and power and ended up being known as the _____________________ Empire. The
Classical culture of ___________ and ___________ survived in this empire.
Watch the video on the Byzantine Empire and answer the following questions.
1. What did the Eastern Roman Empire come to be called? ____________________________
2. The Byzantine _______________, Constantinople, became the new Rome.
3. Constantinople was located on a major ______________ route between Europe and Asia.
4. The Byzantine Empire became _________ with wealth and culture.
5. The greatest influence of the Byzantines can be seen in _______________.
6. In the ______ century, the empire began to shrink.
7. Byzantium’s end came in ________, when the armies of the Ottoman Turks attacked Constantinople.
Use your textbook, pages 328-331, to take split page notes. Answer the questions to the left in the spaces to the right.
The Byzantine Empire and Justinian’s Rule
Why was Constantinople
How did Greek and Roman
culture influence the
Byzantine Empire?
Who was Justinian?
Who was Theodora and why
was she important? Be sure to
read her biography on pg 331.
What was one of Justinian’s
main goals? Did he
accomplish it?
What is Justinian’s Law