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Beginning on page 500, answer these questions:
1. What questions faced the United States at the end of the Civil War? - What rights will African
Americans have? Will the slave holders be punished? How could the war torn nation be brought
back together?
2. Where did most of the fighting during the Civil War take place? – The South
3. What was torn up/destroyed as a result of the fighting? – Farms, buildings, homes, cities,
bridges, and railroads.
4. What is the period of rebuilding the nation called? - Reconstruction
Lincoln’s Plan
5. Define the “Ten Percent Plan.” – It was the plan that when 10% of a Confederate state swore
loyalty to the Union then it would become a Union State.
6. What did Lincoln believe about punishing the South? 7. The President offered a “pardon” to all white Southerners except for whom? – The Confederate
8. In 1864, what three states established governments under Lincoln’s plan? – Louisiana, Arkansas,
and Tennessee
Rival Plan
9. What group considered Lincoln’s plan too mild? – Radical Republicans
10. Who was a leader of the groups from #9 who believed the South must be punished? – Thaddeus
11. What happened to the states from #8? They denied seats to the states from Lincolns
reconstruction plan.
The Wade-Davis Bill
12. Year? 1864
a. First: a majority of White men in a state had to swear loyalty to the Union.
Second: a state convention could be held but only when they swore to not take up arms
against the Union.
c. Former Confederates were also denied the right to hold office.
d. Third: the convention had to adopt a new state constitution that abolished slavery
13. How did Lincoln respond? He refused to sign it.
Freedmen’s Bureau
14. Where was most of the progress seen of reconstruction? – The works of freeing slavery.
15. Define “freedmen” – a slave who is now free.
16. The bureau to help these people was called what? – The Freedmen’s Bureau.
17. They helped former slaves by giving what? - They gave clothing, food, and Medical care.
18. One of the greatest successes was in the area of what - Education.
19. List new African American institutions of higher learning – Howard, Fisk and Atlanta University.
20. Although its main goal was to help African Americans, the bureau helped who else? –
Southerners who supported the Union.
A New President
21. Who became President after Lincoln? – Andrew Johnson
22. Where was he from? - Tennessee
23. What had he been the only Southern Senator to do? – Support the Union.
24. Johnson resented who and what did he wish to do to them? – The people who owned slaves
and he wanted to punish them.
25. Who did Johnson believe should have the power to make decisions during reconstruction? – The
26. What did Johnson call his plan for the country? – Restoration
27. When would Southerners be pardoned? - When they swore loyalty to the Union.
28. Why did Johnson not like wealthy leaders in the South? - He believed they led the south to
29. How could Confederate officers and wealthy landowners be pardoned? – By swearing loyalty
the president directly.
30. Who could vote in the South? – White men who swore loyalty.
31. Johnson opposed granting what? – African American equal rights.
32. Before a state could reenter the Union, its constitutional convention had to do what? - Abolish
Slavery and rejoin Union.
33. What was passed in January 1865? – 13th Amendment.
34. By the end of 1865, all states except Texas had done what? – Were ready to join the Union.
Formed governments.