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Objective 1.01
Acquire information about the Sport/Event Industry to Aid in
Making Career Choices
6 Explain Impact of SEM Industry on Communities
Positive Impacts
1Types of Business in SEM
A. Franchises
C. _______________
B. _______________
D. Sporting goods
Negative Impacts
2 Provide Examples of Sports Available
Professional Teams
Examples: __________________________
Professional Individual Sports
Examples: __________________________
Collegiate/Scholastic Teams
Examples: __________________________
Venues: Coliseums, Arenas, Speedways
Examples: __________________________
Health Clubs
Examples: __________________________
Examples: __________________________
Definition of venues:
Provide Examples of Entertainment Available
Examples: __________________________
B. Movies
Examples: __________________________
C. Theme Parks
Examples: __________________________
D. Radio
Examples: __________________________
E. Film
Examples: __________________________
F. Television
Examples: __________________________
G. Dramatic Arts
Examples: __________________________
4 List the Factors Contributing to the Growth of SEM
Increase of _______________in sports/entertainment
Increase of _______________of sports/entertainment
Increase in _______________ in sports/entertainment
Increase of _______________
In a complete paragraph, explain how a community can minimize the negative of hosting an event.
Objective 1.02 Understand sport/event marketing’s role and function in business to facilitate
economic exchanges with customers.
1 Define Sports Marketing
2 Explain Sporting Events
A. _______________ an experience you can see, feel, and participate in.
B. _______________ Experience – Example: A football game you played or watched; you
will never play/watch that game again.
C. _______________ - make the game happen.
D. _______________ - where the game takes place. Example: Time Warner Cable Arena
4 Define Sports Products
5 Sport Consumers – Who uses these sports products/services?
A. _______________Participants: walk in the woods, jogging, freedom from rules.
B. _______________Participants: have rules – NCAA, MLB, MBA, MMA (sanctioning
C. _______________ are not paid to play, regulated on local, state, national level.
D. _______________are paid but follow strict rules by their governing body. It is their
E. _______________: observers of the sporting event. As important as the athletes! Help
create excitement and enthusiasm.
F. _______________: businesses or organizations that pay to associate their names or
products with a sporting event. Example: NASCAR
6 Define Event Marketing
A. Events provide a unique experience and are _______________. Events are
_______________ and _______________ at the same time.
B. Types of events:
_______________- Conferences, seminars, trade shows, team building, theme
parties, VIP events, incentive travel.
_______________ - weddings, birthdays, family events, anniversaries.
7 Define Disposable Income
A. _______________ to consumers with disposable income is VERY important in the SEM
Industry because the products associated are not _______________ to live.
5 Understand the Trends in SEM
SEM goods and services are those people buy _______________ they buy their
_______________ (example: bills, groceries).
A. Organizational Control of Athletes
E. _______________
B. _______________
F. Better _______________
C. _______________
G. _______________
How does marketing help the sports industry grow?
What are some of the benefits of sports marketing?
What are some benefits of event marketing?
D. Brand _______________
Objective 1.03 Acquire information about the SEM industry to aid in making career
1 Distinguish between Sports, Entertainment and Event Marketing
Sports Marketing:
Entertainment Marketing:
2 Identify Categories of Sport/Event Products
Sports Events
Event Marketing:
2 Compare Sports and Event Marketing
Non-sport events
Sporting goods
3 Explain why jobs in Sport/Event Marketing provide Career Potential
G. _______________of fields
H. _______________opportunities
Good for many different _______________ and _______________
J. Growing _______________ in most _______________
K. People find sports or entertainment careers very _______________
4 Discuss Personal Traits needed for success in Sport/Event Marketing
_______________ Skills
Positive _______________
Problem Solving
Time _______________
Detail _______________
Ability to Work under _______________
_______________ Ability
5. Explain Training needed for careers in Sport/Event Marketing
Firm educational background
Volunteer _______________ and _______________
6. Describe Sport/Event Marketing Careers
A. Advertising:
B. Sales promotion:
C. Market research:
D. Merchandising:
E. Community relations:
F. Media relations:
G. Sponsorship manager:
H. Event planner:
Hospitality manager:
J. Marketing director:
Objective 1.04 Employ product mix strategies to meet customer expectations.
1 Explain Product/Service Management
Concepts and procedures necessary to _______________, develop, maintain, and
_______________a product or service mix in response to market opportunities.
Product: The _____________ and _____________a business will offer to its customers
A. _______________of product: Will the business offer a variety of products?
B. _______________: Does the packaging protect the product and provide necessary information about
the product?
C. Level of _______________: What level of quality will the business ensure?
D. _______________name: What brand name products will the business offer?
E. _______________: Will the business offer a warranty to its customers to ensure satisfaction
Sports Media
Sport Services
Ones in which we _______________
Ones we just _______________ or _______________, either in
person or on TV, radio or the internet
1. Ones that _______________ their _______________ from the
performance on the field (Professionals)
2. Ones that are considered _______________ and perform for their
own _______________
1. Ones that _______________ only _______________ sports team
2. Ones that host _______________ sports teams
1. Concerts
2. _______________
3. _______________
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. Trinkets and Trash
1. _______________ (____________ goods) – team and player specific
2. _______________ goods – equipment, toys, etc.
1. _______________ – Broadcast media
2. Newspaper/magazine – ________________
3. _______________ – News, Info & Social Media
1. _______________/camps
2. _______________-goods services
3. _______________-goods services
4.Explain Branding
A. Branding: The overall _______________ consumers get from it’s_______________ name,
design or symbol.
Characteristics of a good brand
1) Easy to _______________
Easily recognizable symbols
2) Stick out from _______________
4)It’s own _______________
Brand Image: Your _______________ of a brand based on _______________ knowledge
Brand image is a product's "_______________."
A product’s _______________- Wrigley Field's reputation as a great sport/event venue
is its image or personality.
C. Brand Loyalty: Having consistent _______________ of a product
D. Brand _______________: Getting the public to know your _______________ and typically
one of the _______________ step in marketing a new product
Cannot have Brand Loyalty or Brand Image without Brand Awareness
The team name, mascot, and logo are important _______________ that a sport/event
organization uses to _______________ and maintain Brand Awareness
5. Identify Unique Characteristics of Sport/Event Products
Outcome of sports/events cannot be controlled, marketers focus on the elements of the
product they can control, such as prices and promotions.
A. Quality of Product
_______________—how well does this product do what it’s supposed to do?
_______________—will this product be easy to fix if something goes wrong?
_______________—what are the additional benefits of this product
_______________—how long will this product last?
_______________—will this product perform consistently?
_______________—do I like the way this product looks and feels?
Quality of Service
_______________—can I depend on the service provider?
_______________—how do the venue, equipment, and personnel look?
_______________—are the employees courteous and trustworthy?
_______________—are the employees helpful and prompt?
_______________—how much individual attention will I receive from the service provider?
link between the product and the provider
_______________: Many sport/event products have a high degree of _______________. If they’re
not consumed _______________, they will be gone forever such as Games or_______________
_______________:the quality of a product’s _______________ is impossible to guarantee
over a period of time such as Panthers (Superbowl, Most loses in a season)
_______________:the quality of a product’s performances is possible to _______________
over a period of time such as Nike Jordan's
6. List the Elements of the Sports Product
Branding - _______________, Image and _______________
A combination of goods and services
can rarely be treated as either ____________ goods or _____________ services
Most sport/event products have a _______________ nature that ______________ elements
of both types of products
1. Do you think quality is reflected by high prices? Why or why not?
2. What type of warranty can be offered to a customer purchasing a ticket for an Atlanta Braves baseball
3. Should customers the same standard of quality from products as they do from services?
Objective 1.05: Acquire product knowledge to communicate product benefits and to ensure
appropriateness of product for the customer
1 Determine sport/event features and benefits
• Describes an __________ __________ of a product or service
• Describes how a product or service will directly offer a user a __________________
• Answers the question “ _________ ___ ___ ______ ____?”
• For every feature, there should be a _____________ ___________ for a consumer
2 Define different types of benefits
Obvious Benefits:
Easy to _________________
Example: _________________
Unique Benefits:
_______________ to the product or service
Example: ________________
Hidden Benefits:
Implied but not ________________
Example: _____________________
Define Feature-Benefit Selling:
3 Identify sources of feature/benefit information
Market – Includes the group of all potential ________________ who share common needs
and wants, and have the ________ and willingness to buy the ______________
Target Market - Includes the group of ___________that a company desires to have as
4 Identify 5 sources of feature/benefit information:
5 Distinguish between features and benefits for services versus those for goods
Services: Example: _________________
Features: ____________________________________________________
Benefits: _____________________________________________________
Goods: Example: _________________
Features: ____________________________________________________
Benefits: _____________________________________________________
6.Describe how to prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product
Identify each _________________
Align each feature with _______________________
a. Each feature has at least one ___________ to the customer
b. Is your benefit ______________, ___________ or ______________
c. Keep in mind your _______________ __________________
Describe factors that motivate people to participate in/attend sport/events
7 The importance of understanding why people participate or attend
__________________ your market – identify what your consumers want or need
Creates a ________________ ______________ for product
Makes _______________ successful
8 Marketing Motivators: What are some motivators for people to participate in or attend a sports
or entertainment event?
9 List 5 Ways to Identify Market Motivators
10 List 5 ways that salespeople can use sport/event motivators to sell products