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Jennifer Culbertson
The Partner Marketing Group
[email protected]
Today’s Discussion
Why make marketing a priority?
Historical perspective
What’s happening today
Strategies for maximizing your efforts &
stretching budget
Your Feedback
• What are you experiencing in your market?
– Your company
– Your competitors
– Overall channel
• Cutbacks?
• Shift in budgets?
• Other tactics?
What Typically Happens in Tough Times?
• People spend, but do it less than they did before.
Scrutinize purchases, rely on value and longevity
• People think "maintenance" rather than "expansion.”
Make the best out of what they have vs. purchasing new
• Financial people tend to drive most decisions. Financial
roles (CFOs) will weigh in the decision-making process
more heavily
• Budgets tend to get cut, especially marketing. Many
times management doesn’t understand the impact of
marketing and figures they can resume when economy
gets better
Why Make Marketing A Priority?
• Gain market share - When competitors are
cutting back, they surrender market share
• Cheaper to market now – With less competition,
may be able to gain market share without
spending a lot of money
• Solidify relationships – Easier to market to people
you already know and have relationship with
(customers and hot prospects)
• Proactively marketing now will show confidence,
strength and stability during chaotic times
Historical Perspective
• History does repeat itself –
– 9 major recessions in U.S. since 1907
– Each lasted on average 14 months
– Each followed by a lengthy recovery
– 7 years since that last recovery – some say we are
– Some say recessions keep the free market honest
– Remember…Merger mania in ‘80s, Internet
bubbles in ‘90s, and hot housing streaks in ’00s –
they don’t last forever!
Brand Market Share & Campaign Success
• Brand switching:
– Sears stole the market from Wards during WW2
– Kellogg beat Post during the depression
– Revlon and Phillip Morris gained share in 70’s recession
while Avon and Hershey lost share
– Taco Bell and Pizza Hut stole share from McDonalds during
90-91 recession
• Campaign roll-out success:
– Wal-Mart rolled out "Every Day Low Prices" during the
2000-01 recession
– "Intel Inside" program was launched during the 1990-91
Flex Your Marketing Muscle
• Marketing is an investment towards growth,
not an expense
• Marketing is muscle, not fat – think
twice about making cuts
What’s Happening Today
What’s Happening Today
• MarketingSherpa Report – “Marketing During a
Downturn – Insights into How Marketers are Handling the
Slump” – March 2008
– 407 marketers surveyed
– 50%+ employed at B-to-B and professional services
– 64% work for companies < 50 employees
What’s Happening Today
• Large companies are cutting budgets the most
• Small and mid-size companies are not making
any changes to marketing budgets
What’s Happening Today
• Focus is on direct marketing vs. brand
awareness – easier to track and measure
• B-to-C sector experiencing sharper decline in
number of total customers per month
vs. B-to-B
What’s Happening Today
• Mid-size companies are seeing largest increase
in lengthening sales cycles
What’s Happening Today
Where are marketers spending budgets?
• Marketers are investing
more in online tactics
(14% increase) than
traditional methods (3%
– Less expensive
– Easier to measure ROI
What’s Happening Today
Online Tactics – Budget Impact
• Largest budget increases –
– Emailing to house lists (25%)
– Social Marketing/Web 2.0 (15%)
• Largest budget reductions –
– Online display advertising (13%)
– Emailing to rented lists (9%)
What’s Happening Today
Traditional Tactics – Budget Impact
• Largest budget increases –
– Event marketing (7%)
– Telemarketing (6%)
• Largest budget reductions –
– Radio/TV advertising (33%)
– Print advertising (23%)
Effective Marketing Strategies
Marketing Strategies/Tips
1. Focused messaging and prospecting
2. Traditional tactics
Trade Shows, telemarketing, direct mail
3. Online tactics
SEO, PPC, Webinars, Social Marketing
Customer-focused marketing
Microsoft marketing resources
Marketing offers
Measurement and ROI
#1 – Messaging & Prospecting
Focused Messaging & Prospecting
• Messaging
– Refine your message to market
• Show value - How products/services provide or add value
• Create confidence and credibility - Your company
longevity and experience, Microsoft product stability and product
• Prospecting
– Focus on prospects who will produce the greatest ROI
– “Chasing un-closable deals is the most common strategic error in a tough
market,” Geoffrey Moore, author of Crossing the Chasm.
– Refine your prospect list
– Gain intelligence about your prospects
– Find similarities and target your messages
#2 - Traditional Tactics
Traditional Tactics – Trade Shows
• Trade Shows:
– Choose events wisely - calculate investment vs. ROI
– Attend event instead of exhibiting – attend with
customers, seek speaking opportunities
– Host an off-site event vs. booth – breakfast or reception
– Consider virtual exhibits – via Internet
– Ways to reduce trade show costs:
• Collateral – use flash drives or email follow-up instead
• Booth – design with efficiency and adaptability. Use a Microsoft
• Labor – order materials early and deliver on-time
• Promotional items – be selective in items and recipient
Traditional Tactics - Telemarketing
• Use telemarketing wisely to help shorten sales
– Real-time market feedback: Profiling a list to gather
better intelligence
• Better understand pain points, critical business issues and
issues with existing software systems
– Nurturing Marketing:
• Research shows that longer-term leads (future
opportunities), often ignored by salespeople, represent 77%
of potential sales
• Develop a “touch” strategy focused on providing relevant
information that is tied to your prospect’s pain points
• Offer useful and relevant information to solve their problem
Traditional Tactics - Direct Mail
• Studies have shown that
over the past 50 years direct
mail is one of the few that
has not suffered shrinkage
in tough economic times
• It remains one of the most
reliable and predictable
forms of advertising and
Traditional Tactics – Direct Mail
Be smarter in your direct mail efforts:
Target, target, target
– Focus on prospects that will drive the highest potential
Smaller mailings
– Send smaller mailings to qualified prospects vs. sending one large mailing to unqualified
Sharpen your copy
– Distill your message into essential copy points - stress value and benefits, not features
Re-assess printing and design
– Do you really need a 4-color piece? Two-colors can still produce a professional look
Save on mail house services
– Handle mailing internally (admin or intern)
– Simplifying your mail piece can reduce production time and labor costs in the mail house
Investigate possible postage savings
– Consult mail house or post office on how to achieve better rates
A Combination of Size, Thickness, and Weight Is Now The Standard – Weight is no longer the measurement
#3 - Online Tactics
Online Tactics - Webinars
Webinars –
– Cost-effective
– Greater reach to larger audience
– Less risk
– Repeatable, recordable, re-purpose
Tips –
– Package the webinar to make promoting it more successful. Develop a series
of webinars to be held every couple of weeks to keep people interested
– Drive home the WIIFM (What’s In It for Me) message
– Don’t wait to reach out to registered attendees. Contact those who registered
early to offer more information and continue the conversation
– Don’t forget to promote your webinar via sales team and all of the programs
you are normally producing (trade shows, PPC ads, web pages, blog, and
customer support pages)
Online Tactics – Search Engine Marketing
The Internet and C-Level executives…
• According to a Gartner and Forbes study:
– 67% of C-level executives say the Internet is their most important source of
business information
– 86% use search engines to find information on products and services
– 72% prefer Google as search engine of choice
• Insider’s Guide to Search Engine Marketing – Self-guided course
– Learn how to achieve better search-engine rankings, how to set up and manage
a pay-per-click advertising program, and more. Take this self-paced course by
SEMPO Institute, a US$399 value offered exclusively to Microsoft partners for
US$25. Use coupon code MSWWP08.
Online Tactics - Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing falls into two main categories - free (SEO) and paid (PPC)
Search Engine Optimization (SE0)
• Inexpensive, effective, and targeted
Negatives –
• Time intensive - Process of researching and experimenting to identify your best keywords
• Takes time to integrate keywords into website and be thoroughly effective
• Need to test, measure, and monitor how well those keywords are working
Pay-per-click (PPC)
Positives –
• Start quickly with little effort
• Low cost
• Targeted
• Pay only when someone clicks on ad
PPC Negatives –
• Need to have landing pages set-up to convert leads
• Time intensive to monitor
• Writing ads can be tricky
Online Tactics – Web 2.0 and Social Marketing
• What is Web 2.0?
– Referred to as the next phase of the WWW or the "New Internet”
– Web 2.0 = Communities of participants with common interests sharing
information and collaborating among one another
• Types:
– Blogs - Online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public
– Wikis - A collection of web pages that allow anyone to add or edit content
– RSS Feeds – (Really Simple Syndication) Content distribution from web sites, blogs
and social networking sites
– Social/Professional networking (YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin)
• IDC surveyed 512 IT professionals and found that 27.5% valued information
from their peers more so than from any other information source
Online Tactics – Web 2.0 and Social Marketing
How will this impact marketing?
– Flexible and affordable – ability to connect with customers and
prospects in new ways
– Test new messages, discuss product ideas, build a community
– High potential for building awareness and some spinoff lead
— Needs constant monitoring, updating and fresh content
— Requires skill in implementing and integrating new Web tools
— Start off slow, experiment to determine what works for you, and
be patient!
Online Marketing Resources
Get Started: Core Practices of Online Marketing:
Website Optimization While your website may be performing well, chances are it could do even better. Learn more
about best practices for layout, content, buttons, and more to boost conversions on your site.
Search Engine Optimization Your website’s success is directly related to the number of qualified users —including
customers and prospects —who visit it. Taking the time to optimize your website pays off by delivering results in the
form of increases site traffic. Learn how to improve your ranking on search engines to attract your target audience.
Search Engine Marketing Paid search is an easy way to draw more users to your site, but you will need to find the right
combination of keywords. And determine how much you should spend on each. Optimize your paid-search investments
and learn the do’s and don’ts.
Web Analytics Data is the single most powerful marketing tool. It can help you capture and qualify incoming leads.
Understand how visitors are using your site. And show you how well one offer performs against another. Learn how you
can put Web analytics to work for you.
Email Marketing With all the spam these days, email marketing has gotten a bad rap. But permissions-based email
marketing is another story. It’s targeted to people who have agreed to receive your communications and are looking for
the answers you can provide. Learn how you can make email marketing a viable, successful marketing technique that
can be used in almost any scenario.
Social Networks It’s not just hype. Social networking is here to stay. See if it is relevant to your marketing efforts. Learn if
you should be leveraging social network sites, and if so, how to make the most of them.
#4 - Customer-Focused Marketing
Customer-Focused Marketing
• Focus on your customers – 80/20 rule – 80% of business comes
from 20% of your customers
• Communicate regularly and consistently – email newsletter,
quarterly meetings, cross-sell products
• Expand your customer contact list – further penetrate organization
• Offer value-added content - existing products and services (user
groups, training, customer support)
• Customer Advisory Board with top customers – create connections
for customers, show your value and expertise, test your messages,
discuss new products or services
• Customer testimonials and case studies – build credibility and use
in sales cycle
• Renew relationships with lapsed customers – open dialogue and
renew communications
#5 - Public Relations
Public Relations
Why PR?
• PR is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available
• Greater impact vs. paid placement
• PR often appears more “truthful” as it is usually written by a neutral third party
• Media outlets to promote – print, online, TV, radio
Areas you can focus on to promote your company:
– Industry/trade publications and websites – feature your expertise
– Announcements – new business, certifications, staff, awards, project
completions, strategic partnerships, speaking engagements, community
– Customer successes – case studies focusing on customer ROI
• Develop press releases and distribute via news distribution service such as PR
• Post press releases and media placements on website
• Press releases increase your SEO visibility
#6 - Microsoft Marketing
Microsoft Marketing Resources
Microsoft Partner Events – tap into live events and or develop your own through
Click-to-attend - event search and registration system powered by Microsoft
Momentum webcasts
Ready-to-go campaigns – ERP and CRM turnkey programs
Vertical marketing materials
Marketing offers – next section
#7 - Marketing Offers
Marketing Offers
• According to the DMA, offers contribute 30% to the success of a
• Focus on offers that are educational, add value and show ROI
Offers – Where Can You Find them?
• “How Smart Marketers Craft Compelling Offers” webcast
• Partner Vertical Resource Center (PVRC)
• Partner Marketing Center
• Offer Summary Sheet – by Dynamics product
• Microsoft Incentives – other Microsoft products
#8 - Measurement and ROI
Tracking, Measurement and ROI
• Make sure you track and measure campaign results –
know that your budget is working the hardest it can
– Each campaign/program should have a goal or objective
(est. # new leads to result in $XXX)
– Track:
• Campaign costs, # of touches, # of responses, # of leads generated,
# of sales generated, $ revenue generated, campaign ROI
• Use CRM system to implement campaigns and track
• Spreadsheet in Marketing Guide for Partners
• Monitor results and make adjustments quickly!
Final Thoughts
Keep marketing!
Refine marketing messages
Target, target, target – focus on prospects drive ROI
Traditional marketing – keep doing what works
Online marketing – make greater investment and try
new tactics
• Customer marketing – make it a focus
• Integrate Microsoft marketing resources into your mix
• Track and measure – make sure your marketing $$ are
working for you
Webcast – Marketing in Tough Times
Thursday, September 18 - 10:30 a.m. PT
If You Need More Help…
• The Partner Marketing Group
– Marketing consulting resource for Microsoft
partner organizations
– Virtual Marketing Director Program at
– Other Services
On-demand Marketing Resource Desk
Marketing Collateral Audit
Outsourced Project Management
Newsletter Content Subscription Service (coming soon!)
Free Offer!
• First 10 attendees from TPE that sign-up on website
get a complimentary Marketing Audit
– Review your existing marketing materials and provide feedback
– Review and evaluate up to 5 marketing pieces:
• company brochures
• sales collateral
• event invitations
• direct mail pieces
• newsletters
– Sign-up:
Please complete your evaluation.