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From 1350 – 1600, Western Europe experienced a profound cultural awakening. This awakening, known
as the ‘____________,’ is seen by historians as the beginning of ______________.
The Renaissance – the cultural reawakening of Western Europe – began in _______.
Italy had escaped the economic crisis of feudalism and had gained great wealth through
Furthermore, the Italian cities were in close contact with the _____________, where scholars had
preserved the classical learning of Greece and Rome.
The most important Italian Renaissance cities were _____________________________.
Italian scholars in these cities developed a strong interest in the classical writings of ancient Greece and
This interest led to a new intellectual movement called _______________.
Humanists held a deep admiration for ___________________________________
Humanists demonstrated their admiration for the classical culture by improving their
understanding of Greek and Latin, studying old manuscripts, and trying to copy the classical
writing style.
In their admiration of classical Greece and Rome, humanists adopted many classical cultural beliefs
They rejected the medieval beliefs that people should ________________________________ and that
individuals could ______________________________.
Instead, humanists adopted many of the Greek and Roman beliefs such as ____________________
and seeking ______________________ because they found these classical ideas very appealing.
They accepted the Greco-Roman belief that each individual has ___________________.
Humanists also accepted the classical concept that the ideal person was one that should ____________
____________________ such as politics, sports, art, literature, and music. (Called ‘_______________’)
Humanism had a huge impact on the arts in the Italian Renaissance
Because humanism emphasized individual talent, ____________were inspired to express their own
values, emotions, and attitudes in their work.
Artists and writers wanted their work to reflect ________ or make their subjects ______________
Although much of the art was still devoted to ___________subjects, it had a more _________, or
worldly, overtone.
Popular subjects also included the __________________________.
Paintings during medieval times were _______________________________.
But during the Renaissance, artists used new techniques that made their paintings more lifelike.
Artists studied anatomy to portray people _____________________. Their subjects showed
gestures and had expressions of emotion.
Artists also employed the techniques of lighting and perspective in their paintings to give depth to
figures and to separate them from the background.
Like medieval paintings, medieval sculpture was_________________, and usually ____________in nature
However, during the Renaissance, sculpture returned to the ideals of ___________________________
They were huge, freestanding statues of nude figures, sculpted in bronze or marble.
__________________ is one of the most important writers of the Renaissance.
His most widely read work was his book, _______________
Machiavelli was a politician and an avid studier of history and politics
In his book, Machiavelli analyzed politics in Italy to study how successful ____________________.
He found that many would lie, cheat, steal, kill, use force, or any other necessary
The Prince can best be described in the line “___________________________.”
Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist during the Renaissance. But he was also considered a ‘Renaissance
Man’ because he excelled in so many fields.
He was a __________, he wrote books on _________,_________, and ___________. He illustrated
many of his inventions such as _________________, and military weapons long before they would
actually be developed.
Da' Vinci was also one of the greatest Renaissance artists.
He skillfully portrayed his subjects' personalities, thoughts, and feelings.
These characteristics are seen in some of his best works such as the ___________ and
The greatest sculptor of the Italian Renaissance was ___________________.
His sculptures were gigantic. They exhibited controlled intense emotions and muscular bodies which
indicated power and vitality.
Yet, Michelangelo was another example of a Renaissance man since he achieved in other fields also.
He was a _______, an _________, and a__________ as well.
For example, he was commissioned by Pope Julius II to paint the ceiling of the
What is the ‘Renaissance?’ Where did the Renaissance begin, and why did it begin there?
What is ‘humanism?’ What are the basics of humanist philosophy, and how did it impact society and the
arts during the era of the Renaissance?
Who were some of the greatest masters of the Italian Renaissance, and what are some of their greatest