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The journey through your digestive system!
 Lets begin our journey! The first step on the digestive
system is eating. When you put food in your mouth
you have to chew it up so it doesn’t get caught in your
 The Epiglottis is a kind of tissue. The tissue covers the
opening to the larynx. Without the Epiglottis your
food might get caught in your larynx.
 The liver is the bodies largest internal organ. It stores
the bodies energy and get rid of the toxins.
 A gallbladder is a pouch that stores bile. It releases bile
into the duodenum. It also digests the fat you eat.
 The stomach has a lining that is really tough. Its tough
enough to hold up in the highly acidic environment.
 The pancreas makes hormones including insulin to
regulate the blood glucose levels. It also makes
enzymes to break down food in the intestines.
Large Intestine
 The large intestine consists of three parts the cecum ,
colon, and the rectum.
Small Intestines
The small intestine is called small because of its width
not its length. Its actually much larger than the large
intestine. The small and large intestine form a
continuous tube.
 The appendix is attached to the cecum. When it gets
inflamed its called appendicitis.
The anus marks the exit of the digestive track were the
feces leave the body.
Did you know?
 Muscles squeeze to push food to your stomach.
 Sometimes your stomach churns when there is no
drink in it.
 Food goes to the stomach to the small intestine waste.
goes out through you large intestine.
 Did you know, when your stomach gurgles it means
that it has no food to digest?
Thank you!
 Thank you for watching our slide show! Our whole
team really worked hard to put this together
 By, Jaqi, Chris, Robert, Sage and Matt