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Sociology (AQA)
Why choose this subject?
Sociology is a social science that offers insights into social and cultural issues. Sociology students develop a multiperspective and critical approach to understanding issues around culture, identity, religion, crime, childhood and
social power. Through their study of Sociology AS and A-Level, students also develop knowledge and understanding
of key sociological concepts, theories and studies. Students also develop skills of analysis and evaluation, which they
will demonstrate in essay writing, as well as knowledge of research methods and ethical issues.
The Social Sciences department at Loxford School now teaches the new AQA specification for both AS and A-level
sociology. In sociology the AS qualification no longer counts towards the full A-level, however, as the content of the
AS level and the full A-level overlap, it is possible to teach the AS level course as the first year of the A-level course.
As a result of this, we anticipate that all students will take the two AS exams at the end of year 12 in order to provide
a formal assessment of what they have learnt so far. Those who choose to continue onto the full A-level will then
take the three A-level exams at the end of year 13; two of these exams will cover some of the same content as the
AS papers, however the questions will be more challenging on the full A-level exams.
Entry requirements:
Ideally you will have a B in English. C grade in English will be considered.
Good grades in History, Science and Maths are also useful.
Combine this course with: English, Psychology Government and Politics, Law, Biology, Economics,
Media Studies and History.
Essential if you go on to:
Social Work, Media, Marketing, Nursing, Education, Law or Any Caring Profession.
Course Description
Paper 1: Education with Methods in Context
1 hour 30 minutes written exam, 50% of AS level, 60 marks
Education – Exploring the role and function of the education system, investigating the educational
achievement of different groups, examining educational policies and evaluating their impact.
Methods in Context - learning how sociologists have conducted research within the field of education and
carrying out practical education-based research of our own.
Paper 2: Research Methods and Topics in Sociology
1 hour 30 minutes written exam, 50% of AS level, 60 marks
Research Methods - learning how sociologists conduct research and carrying out practical research of our
One from the following: Culture and identity; families and households; health; work, poverty, and welfare.
At Loxford it is likely that we will choose families and households, thus we will investigate the changing
patterns in families, particularly surrounding marriage, divorce, and cohabitation; gender roles in the family;
the nature of childhood and how this is changing.
A-level Sociology
Paper 1: Education with Theory and Methods
2 hour written exam, 33.3% of A-level, 80 marks
Education – as above.
Methods in Context – as above.
Theory and Methods – This is an addition to the AS Paper 1 paper - comparing and contrasting the different
views found in sociology; exploring and applying these to education.
Paper 2: Topics in Sociology
2 hour written exam, 33.3% of A-level, 80 marks
One from the following: Culture and identity; families and households; health; work, poverty, and welfare –
as above.
One from the following: Beliefs in society; global development; the media; stratification and differentiation.
– An addition to the AS Paper 2 paper - At Loxford it is likely that we will choose ‘beliefs in society’, thus
students will discuss the significance of religion in the modern world; investigate different religions, religious
organisations, and religious movements; ; explore the relationship between different social groups and
Paper 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods
2 hour written exam, 33.3% of A-level, 80 marks
Crime and Deviance- exploring who commits crime and identifying patterns in current crime figures, the
different types of crime, and other issues surrounding crime, such as prevention, punishment, and the role
of the criminal justice system.
Theory and Methods - comparing and contrasting the different views found in sociology; exploring and
applying these to crime.