Download Petrarch (1304-74) - Phoenix Union High School District

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Petrarch (1304-74)
You, Francesco Petrarca, were born in Tuscany, Italy as
the son of a notary during the end of the Middle Ages.
You worked as a secretary but used your free time to
write songs and poems. Your life changed when you met
Laura, the love of your life, and were inspired to write
great poems.
You are most famous for become the first great Humanist of the Renaissance and the
greatest scholar of your age. You were among the first people to rediscover the
important achievements of the Greeks and Romans. These ideas helped transition
European thought from Medieval ways of thinking (church is most important, human
behavior is not important) to Renaissance ways of thinking (Greco-Roman focus,
importance of individual expression). You loved the Latin language and spoke it
regularly and your poetry became influential as it expressed true emotions and classical
culture. You were known as a great student of Greek and Roman history. You wrote
many letters about your new ideas to help spread Humanist ways of thinking.
Where were you born?
What inspired you to make great poems?
What did you enjoy learning about?
Why were you considered a Humanist?
Here we se an illustration of you standing
before an Italian ruler named Fransesco da
Carrara. What ideas are you most likely
Niccol Machiavelli (1469-1527)
You, Machiavelli, were born to an important Italian family but
were very poor. At the age of 29, you entered the government
and became defense secretary, where you learned about
government operations and the weakness of the Italian kings.
You learned different political styles after having met Pope
Julius II, King Louis XII of France, and King Maximilian of
the Holy Roman Empire. However, you were removed from
office, imprisoned, and tortured after an argument with the
powerful Medici family.
You became a famous writer and political scientist when your book The Prince was
published in 1532. In your book, you offered kings advice designed to keep them in
power. You recommended policies that would discourage mass uprisings. You wanted
to persuade the monarch that he could best preserve his power by using violence when
necessary, claiming that kings are more effective rulers when they are feared not loved
by their people. Kings cannot govern effectively under one set of rules; sometimes it is
acceptable for monarchs to use violence and deception to get what they want.
How did you learn about government?
Why were you removed from office?
Who did you give advice to in The Prince?
What did you think was important regarding the way kings
should rule?
Here we see a copy of Machiavelli’s The Prince. What
influential advice did Machiavelli give to kings during
the Renaissance?
Where was he born?
How did he learn about government?
What inspired him to make great poems?
Why was he removed from office?
What did he enjoy learning about?
Who did he give advise to in The Prince?
What was he considered a Humanist?
What did he think was important
regarding the ways kings should rule?
In the image we see an illustration. What
is most likely being discussed?
What influential advice did he give to
kings during the Renaissance?
Choose one of the great masters of the
Renaissance you just reads about. In the
space below, create an eight-line poem that
discusses the following information:
 What did he study?
 What were his talents?
 What did he believe in?
 What is he best remembered for?
3 bonus points will be added to this
assignment for adding an additional eightsentence stanza about this person OR by
writing another poem about another person.
Name ________________
World History
Date ___________ Pd ___
Directions: Read the informational sheets provided for each of the 5 Renaissance thinkers below. Answer the questions that apply. Next to each
person, create a thought balloon that sums up their beliefs or major ideas in one sentence.
Sir Thomas More
William Shakespeare
Describe his education
Where was he born and where did he live?
What did he do when he moved to London?
What was his book Utopia about?
What did he study?
What did people think of him?
How did the citizens of England feel about
What did he criticize in his book In Praise of
What different kinds of writing did he do?
What did he write about in his plays?
What is he considered one of the most
famous writers?
In the image we see a colored engraving of a
scene from Romeo and Juliet. How does this
picture reflect his contributions to the
Describe your involvement in the
government of England.
Why was he executed?
In the image you see an illustration of
More’s book, Utopia. Based on what you’ve
read, how does this book contribute to the
How did he feel about the Catholic Church?
What did he think was important?
In the illustration we see an illustration of In
Praise of Folly. Based on what you’ve read,
what are his contributions to the