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Name: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________ Per. #:_____________
Chapter 7: “The Roman Republic and the Rise of Christianity 509 B.C.E. to 476 C.E.
The Roman Republic, 509-27 B.C.E.
Define the location of the Roman Republic:
Summarize the myth of the founding of the city of Rome.
Early Rome to 509
Prior to 509 B.C.E. what form of government oversaw Rome?
What role did the Patricians and Plebian play in this early form of Roman government?
How did Roman transition from its early form of government into a republic?
The Early Republic
and the Conquest of
Italy, 509- 272 B.C.E.
What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republic?
(refer back to chapter six for the definition of a direct democracy)
Describe the purpose of each part of the political structure of the Roman Republic
Roman Senate:
[Type here]
The Early Republic
and the Conquest of
509- 272 B.C.E.
After fighting several northern tribes (Celtics, Gauls) and seeing Rome destroyed in 387
B.C.E., The Republic recovered and began to conquer other city-states, controlling the
entire Italian Peninsula by 321 B.C.E.
How did Roman did rule of conquered people similar and differ from the
What ideas did the Romans adopt and implement with the conquering of
the final Greek city-states?
What do you think would be the major benefit of the last item?
The Conquest of the
Mediterranean World
272-146 B.C.E.
Where have we seen the effectiveness of this technique
This series of war resulted in claiming of Carthage and control of the western portion of
the Mediterranean Sea by the Romans?
By 133 B.C.E The Romans gained control of the Eastern Mediterranean, including Egypt,
by defeating what three successor states of Alexander?
Discuss the rulership and political structure of the territories of Rome. How were taxes
[Type here]
Roman Society Under the Republic
Describe the Patron-Client Relationship
What do you believe are the positives
and negatives of this type of social
What is Paterfamilias? How is this
similar to Filial Piety
Describe the rights of women in the
Roman Republic
The Late Republic 146-27 B.C.E.
Under each tribune or military leader, briefly summarize the significant of their rule, including how it you believe it may have contributed
to the end of the Roman Republic.
How did farming and war create
financial and class division during the
Roman Republic?
Tiberius Gracchus
Gaius Gracchus
Julius Cesar
[Type here]
The Roman Participate, 27 B.C.E.-284 C.E.
Define Roman Participate:
Who is Octavian, what does he end, what does he establish?
What is Pax Romana?
The Political Structure of the Participate
Who is Augustus? What were his long term hopes for the Roman Participate?
Justification: Was Augustus right in transferring the power to tax and control of the army to himself?
Why may some historians have issue with how Augustus handled succession?
The Social Changes of the Participate
How was the citizenship of the Roman population allowed to increase?
What Roman Participate law practices have endured into today’s modern law systems in the United States?
What new social groups replaced those of the republic, how was each group treated differently?
Describe how the legal position of women gradually changed during the years of the Participate? Why were these
changes an improvement for women?
[Type here]
Life in a Provincial Town - Travel and Knowledge of the Outside World
Describe life of a province town within the Roman Participate
Inference: What is the importance of Roman Roads in an empire the size of the Roman Participate? What purpose(s) do
they serve? What prior connections can you make to past civilizations?
What were the roles of the city of Alexandria and geographer Ptolemy?
[Type here]
The Rise of Christianity, ca. 30-284
What were the origins of the Christianity:
Roman Religion and
Briefly summarize the differences between Roman and Judaism’s religious beliefs. How did the
Romans handle the Jews?
Was Jesus a Christian or a Jew? Who believed that the Messiah (Jesus) would come?
The only surviving records of early Christianity before 100 C.E. are only from devotees of the
faith? Just like Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, why could that be a problem?
The Life and
Teachings of Jesus,
Ca. 4 B.C.E. - 30 C.E.
Who did Jesus obtain the name Jesus “Christ”?
Summarize the events surrounding his conflict with Jewish authority (Pharisees) and Pontius
Describe the governing structure of the early church
(you may list)
The Early Church
Travels of Paul
In the centuries following the death of Paul and Peter
describe the geographic spread of Christian communities.
How did Paul convert outsiders to the Christian faith?
[Type here]
The Decline of the Empire and the Loss of the Western Provinces, 284-476
What are the major reasons that resulted in the decline of the Roman Empire?
Political Changes of the Late Empire
Justify the political changes made by Diocletian under his rulership. Why were his reasons just or unjust?
What decisions were made under Constantine’s rulership, justify why these were choices in the best interest of the Empire?
What events formally divide the empire into Eastern and Western halves?
Describe the events that led to the fall of Rome and the western half of the empire during the 4th Century C.E.
Religious Changes of the Late Empire
What decision made by Constantine greatly impacted the future of the Christian faith?
What major religious decisions and documents were agreed upon and created in the following decades?
[Type here]
Christianity in Northern Africa and the
Eastward Shift of the Empires Center
When did the eastern African city of Aksum decide to convert to Christianity?
How did the citizens of Aksum use their city to convert others the Christian faith?
Describe the major role Augustine played in establishing an important rite in early
With the sacking of Rome by Vandals, and Germanic tribes by 476 C.E. Did the Roman Empire
Context and Connections
Describe the similarities and differences between the Romans (Republic, Partcipate, and Tetrarchy) and Persians methods of
maintaining their governments in regards to the following issues:
Local Governorship Roles:
Treatment of Subjects:
Religious Tolerance: