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Period 3 Review
▪ These ideologies did not get along with
each other in China during the middle
▪ Buddhism and Confucianism
▪ What did Muhammad receive in 610 CE?
▪ The revelations from the angel Gabriel
▪ What allowed for an increase in the
population throughout the Middle Ages in
▪ Improved agricultural tools and techniques
▪ What is the correct chronological order of
the West African Islamic kingdoms?
▪ Ghana, Mali, Songhay
▪ What sort a relationship was created in
European feudalism between lord and vassal?
▪ Reciprocal relationship
▪He united the Mongols
▪Genghis Khan
▪ Place the social groups that were part of the
European feudal system in the proper order
from the bottom to the top.
▪ Peasant, Knight, Nobel, King
▪ This dynasty came to power after they
defeated the Chen during the 3 Kingdoms
▪ Sui
▪ Who was King Lalibella?
▪ Ruler of Ethiopia
▪ Who was crowned emperor in 800
▪ Charlemagne
▪ What are the five pillars of Islam?
▪ Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Alms, Pilgrimage
▪ What is the holy text of Islam?
▪ Qur’an
▪ What event marks the first date in the
Islamic calendar?
▪ Hijra (622)
▪ The Song were forced to pay tribute to
neighboring kingdoms. Name two of
these kingdoms.
▪ Liao, Xi Xia, Jin
▪ What was the manor?
▪ The house that a lord lived in and the
center of the Manorial system
▪ Who is the political and religious leader
of Islam?
▪ Caliph
▪ Who was most likely to be literate during
the middle ages in Europe?
▪ Monks
▪ What was Ali’s relationship to
▪ His son in law
▪ What was the main political Chinese
influences on the Japanese, Koreans, and
Vietnamese was?
▪ The Chinese Bureaucracy
▪ Over a 200 year period beginning in
1095 the Islamic world was invaded
by who?
▪ European Crusaders
▪ What was a fief?
▪ A land granted to a lesser noble
▪ What clan replaced the Umayyad as the
dominant Islamic clan?
▪ Abbasid
▪ Why is the Battle of Tours in 732 significant?
▪ Charles Martel stopped the spread of Islam
into northern Europe.
▪ What were the three groups that replaced the
Abbasid clan?
▪ Buyids, Seljuk Turks, Mongols
▪ This family married their daughters to
the emperors which made them the most
dominant Japanese family until the 12th
▪ Fujiwara
▪ What Islamic sect combined Islamic
teachings with mystic aspects of
traditional religion?
▪ Sufi
▪ What as the most common form of the
▪ The Bubonic Plague
▪ Who are Bedouins?
▪ Nomadic People
▪ What happened to Japan as a result of
the civil war that took place during the
Ashikaga Shogunate?
▪ Japan was split into 300 kingdoms
▪ Who were the Berbers?
▪ North African pastoral people
▪ The Tang dynasty’s greatest architectural
achievement was the continuation of
▪ Great Wall
▪ North and West Africa became more
connected to the outside world due to trade
along which trade network.
▪ Trans-Saharan Trade Network
▪ Who established the Yuan dynasty?
▪ Kublai Khan
▪ Who kept a journal of his travels around
the world?
▪ Ibn Battuta
▪ What groups of people did Islam appeal to
once it arrived in India?
▪ Low-caste Hindus and Buddhist
▪ This Chinese social class was educated
and worked for the government.
▪ Scholarly-gentry
▪ What was the term for non-Muslims
specifically Hindus and Buddhist?
▪ Dhimmi
▪ What happened to the Mongol empire
after Genghis Khan’s death?
▪ Spilt into 4 Khanates
▪ What was a dhow?
▪ A new type of ship
▪ In 1066 who decided he was going to invade
▪ William the Conqueror
▪ The Chinese had influence over three main regions.
Which of those regions was the most open to the
influence and which was not?
▪ Korea-open
▪ Vietnam- closed
▪ How do we know that Mansa Musa was a
practicing Muslim?
▪ He made the hajj
▪ What two social groups were included in the
Bhaktic cults?
▪ Women and the untouchables
▪ During the Song and Tang Dynasties the civil
service examinations gave rise to which social
▪ Social mobility (movement between social
▪ How was Islam spread to North
▪ Through Merchants and traders
▪ What secular functions did the church and
monasteries serve during the Middle Ages?
▪ Education, Shelter, Large Estates
▪ What clan controlled the politics and
economy of Mecca?
▪ Umayyad
▪ What happened to Charlemagne’s empire
at the Treaty of Verdun in 843?
▪ It was split into three kingdoms
▪ What was the main religion in Ethiopia?
▪ Christianity
▪ What was the name of the trading empire in
SE Asia?
▪ Shrivijaya
▪ What group migrated south and are
responsible for a language group that persists
to this day?
▪ Bantu
▪ The largest of the three kingdoms
created at the Treaty of Verdun was the?
▪ Holy Roman Empire
▪ Muslims viewed ____________ as a process in
the conversion of pagans to Islam.
▪ Slavery
▪ Which of the tree West African kingdoms was
able to thrive due to its trading cities of
Timbuktu and Jenne?
▪ Mali
▪ What social class was more likely to convert
to Islam in West Africa?
▪ The elite
▪ Name two of the trading ports along the
Swahili Coast
▪ Mogadishu, Kilwa, Malindi, Pate, Zanzibar,
Mombasa, Madagascar
▪ What century saw the rise of universities in
Western Europe?
▪ 13th Century
▪ What government concept was established in
England by the Magna Carta in 1215?
▪ Limited Government
▪ What trade network was the Swahili Coast
apart of?
▪ Indian Ocean Trade Network
▪ What took place between 1000 and 1492 on the
Iberian Peninsula?
▪ The Reconquista of Spain for the Islamic Moors
▪ What region of the world were the Seljuk
Turks from?
▪ Central Asia
▪ What was the economic component of
feudalism that came to dominate Europe
during the middle ages?
▪ Manorialism
▪ What is a vassal?
▪ A person that is subordinate or holds
allegiance to a noble
▪ What was the major impact of the threefield system?
▪ Increased food supplies which increased
▪ What are the two main sects of Islam?
▪ Sunni and Shi’a