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Julius Caesar
Why was Caesar murdered?
Who was Julius
• Roman army general
• Had led his army to conquer
the whole of Gaul
• Was a popular hero with his
troops and with the ordinary
people of Rome
• Due to his success in Gaul, he
was able to gain control of
Caesar and Pompey
• One of Caesar’s biggest rivals was
another general called Pompey
• The Senate disliked Caesar and
supported Pompey – they ordered
Caesar to get rid of his army
• Caesar ignored them and defeated
Pompey in battle
• Caesar then took over Rome as
‘Dictator for Life’
Caesar’s murder – the build up
• A few weeks before his
murder Caesar is told by
a soothsayer ‘Beware the
Ides of march!’
• The night before his
murder his wife
Calpurnia has a
nightmare and begs him
not to go to the Senate
The Murder
• 15th March 44BC Caesar gets ready
to go to the senate
• More than 60 conspirators wait for
Caesar in the Senate
• The conspirators, all senators, are
led by Brutus and Cassius
• With daggers concealed under their
togas they murder Caesar, stabbing
him at least 23 times
• Caesar says to his friend Brutus
‘You, too, my child.’
Why was Caesar murdered?
A new type of Government
Julius Caesar had no children to inherit his
empire. He adopted his nephew Octavian.
For 13 years after Caesar was assassinated
there was civil war.
Octavian gained control
of Rome and the
senate awarded him the name “Augustus”
meaning ‘highly respected’
With the rule of Augustus came a new type of
government, The Roman Empire was born.
Augustus was the first Emperor of the Empire.