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Chapter 5
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System Overview
Combining Forms
Anatomic Terms
Valves of the Heart and Veins
Blood Vessels
Blood Pressure Terms
Cardiac Conduction
Cardiac Conduction Terms
Symptomatic Terms
Diagnostic Terms
Related to the Heart and Arteries
Related to the Veins
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Operative Terms
Procedures Performed in a Catheterization Laboratory
Therapeutic Terms
Common Therapeutic Drug Classifications
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Summary of Terms
Practice Exercises
Medical Record Analysis
After completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
1. Define common combining forms used in terms related to the cardiovascular system.
2. Identify basic anatomic terms referring to the heart and blood vessels.
3. Trace the flow of blood through the heart.
4. Define blood pressure.
5. Describe the pathway for electrical conduction in the heart.
6. Define common symptomatic terms related to the cardiovascular system.
7. Define common diagnostic terms related to the cardiovascular system.
8. List the common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the cardiovascular system.
9. Define common operative terms related to the cardiovascular system.
10. Identify common therapeutic terms including drug classifications related to the
cardiovascular system.
11. Explain the terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving
the cardiovascular system.