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WARM-UP 12/7/11
1. Make a K-W-L chart with 3 columns. And
tell me know you Know about the heart,
what you Want to know, and after class we
will complete the Learned column.
2. Why is the heart important?
3. What is the purpose of the heart?
Body’s Transport System
• SW analyze a demo and take
notes in order to explain the
cardiovascular system and its3
• Read pp. 79-80
• With a partner,
– Define the cardiovascular system
– What are the 3 functions of the system
– Define the heart and 3 key points
• Make outline notes to cover the key points
• You have 15 min and then we will review
• Raise you hand if you have any questions!
The Cardiovascular system
Definition: also called the circulatory system,
consists of the heart, blood vessels, and
3 functions of the cardiovascular system:
1. Delivers needed material
2. Removes waste products
3. Fighting disease
1. Delivers needed material
Most substances that need to be
carried from one part to another are
carried through the blood.
For example, blood carries oxygen
from your lungs to your other body
Blood also transports the glucose
your cells use to produce energy.
2. Removing waste products
1. Cardiovascular system picks up waste
from cells.
2. The carbon dioxide is carried by the
blood to the lungs to be exhaled.
Another example, when cells break down
glucose, they produce carbon dioxide as a
waste product.
3. Fighting disease
Cardiovascular system also transports
cells that attack disease-causing
This process can help keep you from
becoming sick.
If you get sick, these disease-fighting
blood cells will kill microorganisms and
help you get well.
- The Body’s Transport System
The Heart
The Heart
Definition- a hollow, muscular organ that
pumps blood throughout the body.
Each time the heart beats, it pushes blood
through the blood vessels of the
cardiovascular system.
The heart is made of cardiac muscle, which can
contract over and over without getting tired.
Your heart is about the size of your fist
It is located in the center of your chest.
Lies behind the sternum (breastbone) and inside
the rib cage.
Journal-”Functions of the heart”
a. Pick two functions of the heart and
describe why these are important
functions of the heart
b. What type of muscle is the heart
composed of? It is voluntary or
c. How is the type of muscle tissue
related to each function of the
heart (think of what you listed in
part a.)