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in New Delhi
existence and they no longer remain artists but
dissolve and become one. The painter becomes the
painting, the dancer becomes dance and the poet
becomes the poem. The individual artist disappears and
one with the art.
Metaphors from daily life
Ustad Usman Khan
Osho World Foundation presented “Guru Vandana” an
evening dedicated to Indian classical music by Dhrupad
Maestro Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar and Sitar Maestro
Ustad Usman Khan at FICCI Auditorium on 10
September , 2006. “Guru Vandana” is in continuation of
other events being organised by Osho World to mark
Osho’s 75th birth year celebrations during the year 2006.
Mesmerising the entire audience
The maestros launched “Guru Vandana”, a
collection of Audio CD discourses by Osho during the
inauguration of the concert. Ustad Wasifuddin in his
unique style began the concert by rendering “Guru
Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheswara”
mesmerising the entire audience. Ustad Usman Khan
shared with the audience that he was the blessed one to
be connected to the master Osho. Ustad Usman Khan
has performed mary concerts at the Osho Commune in
Pune and has also inspired disciples of Osho, like Prem
Joshua. Ustadji’s performance lifted the audience to a
state of no mind and deep silence.
Music is an expression of
meditation. Speaking on different
forms of art, Osho explains that the
artist through meditation leaves
himself in the hands of existence
and then it is existence that paints,
writes, sings and dances through
the artist. The painter, poet,
sculptor, dancer or singer becomes
instrumental in the hands of
Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar
Ustad F. Wasifuddin Dagar represents the 20th
generation of dedicated dhrupad singers in the Dagar
family. He is the nephew of Ustad N. Zahiruddin Dagar
and son of Ustad N. Faiyazuddin Dagar, the legendary
younger "Dagar Brother". Ustad Wasifuddin successfully
presents the dynamics of a duet in a solo performance.
His innovative alap notes are spacious and colourful,
ranging across the three octaves delineating the
personality of the raga in great clarity. His gamaks are fast
and sonorous yet retain the softness and sweetness of the
raga inherent in dhrupad renditions. He is very popular
with young listeners for his lively lecture demonstrations
illustrating old Vedic technicalities through metaphors
from daily life.
Ustad Usman Khan is the eldest son of Ustad Abdul
Karim Khan and was initiated into the Sitar by his father.
Ustad Abdul Karim Khan was the famous son of the
legendary Ustad Rehmat Khan; one of the Navaratnas in
the court of the Maharaja of Mysore. Ustad Usman Khan
has been acknowledged as a perfectionist. His
unrelenting love for pure music and an unflinching
devotion to the discipline of Riyaz keeps him moving
steadily on his path to perfection. Ustadji is an
acknowledged composer as well.
Ustad Usman Khan imparts his
unique musical heritage and
knowledge to students, not only
from India but also from all over the
world. One person who drew
inspiration from him is Prem Joshua.
Osho World Foundation will
continue to present one event a
month at the FICCI auditorium till
Osho’s birthday celebrations in
December 2006.