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Ustad Shahid Parvez is recognized as one of the
best sitar players of his generation. Ustadji
belongs to the seventh generation of the famous
Etawah gharana in sitar playing. He is the son of
Ustad Aziz Khan, the famous musician and a
noted composer, and he is the grandson of Ustad
Wahid Khan (Uncle of Ustad Vilayat Khan), the
Surbahar and Sitar virtuoso.
Ustad Shahid Parvez was introduced to vocal
music and tabla by his illustrious father, Ustad
Aziz Khan, prior to being initiated into playing
sitar. He was recognized as a child prodigy, and gave his first public performance at the age
of eight. Perseverant in the minutest technical detail, and the purity of Ragas, he gave utmost
attention to the improvisation of every aspect of 'layakari'.
In Ustad Shahid Parvez, we find a unique combination of the 'gayaki' ang (influenced by
vocal stylings and produced by the left hand) and the 'tantrakari' ang (the rhythm produced by
the right hand, the mizrab). Over the years, he has created a distinct genre of instrumental
music, and has evolved a distinctive style of his own.
Ustad Shahid Parvez is a 'top' grade artist of All India Radio. He is one of the few maestros
to enjoy global reputation, and he has numerous LP records, audio and video cassettes, and
Compact Discs to his credit. He has been honored with several awards, both national and
international, and has participated in many of the major music festivals.
Ramdas Palsule
Ramdas Palsule is a very familiar name to the worshippers of
Hindustani music as an intellectual Tabla Player who has
carved a niche for himself at a very young age. Ramdas has
been recognized as one of the senior most disciples of the
famous tabla maestro Pandit Suresh Talwalkar.
Ramdas being an accomplished soloist as well as a versatile
accompanist has performed widely in all the eminent music
festivals of India. Outside India, he has performed all over the
world including countries like U.S.A., Canada, Germany,
Australia, Africa and the Gulf Countries.
His Tabla accompaniment ranges from distinguished vocalists
to prominent instrumentalists and also to renowned Kathak dancers of the country. Besides
performances, Ramdas imparts training to the younger generation of students of Tabla. He is
also been appointed as a Guru in the Center for Performing Arts of the University of Pune.