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There is no doubt that this is a truly
exciting time to be in data
The data field is one of the fastest growing
areas on the planet...
Over the last five years the data
landscape has changed both
dramatically and rapidly, it’s a big
data story for the data world.
There is no doubt that this is a truly
exciting time to be in data and watch
its rapid growth and convergence with
other business areas. The data field
is one of the fastest growing areas
on the planet but it’s also clear that
there are challenges ahead in this
new commercialised world of data.
Three areas stand out in particular:
compliance, data security and insight.
Over the last 10 years data governance
has transformed from an item lacking
focus to becoming a key business
issue with full board attention. This is
now coming acutely into view with
the protection and legal processing
of personal data needing to be in the
very fabric of any organisation. The
adoption and implementation of new
practices and the constant review of
existing processes to ensure personal
data is appropriately protected and
compliantly processed is now vital to
business survival and growth.
Within the last 12 months we have
seen many high profile PR disasters
and lessons should be learned
from the variety of data losses and
compliance blunders, many of
which were preventable.
Often, by the time a business realises
a breach or a failure in compliance
has occurred, it is too late - the
damage to brand perception has
been done. Moving forward the
company must reactively shift from
a protective mode to a responsive
or “damage limitation” position, even
then the aftermath can often go
on for months or even years.
Marketing Source | Data Services
data services
The penalties for underachieving
will become increasingly severe as
regulatory bodies are able to impose
much higher fines and American
lawyers are actively eyeing the
litigation prize in the UK. Yes, class
actions are coming. More importantly,
brand damage and loss of consumer
trust will hit the bottom line, as
customers choose to purchase goods
and services from those companies
who have demonstrated good security
and compliance practices.
Over the last 10
years data governance
has transformed
to become a key
business focus.
As the volume of information
we collect grows, so does the
complexity of security and
saturation on the amount of reporting
and insight that people can usefully
process. In other words, we are being
swamped with information but only
some of it is useful. This is already
leading to companies being confused
and overwhelmed by information
they don’t actually need and can
result in the board and management
demanding more and more insight,
KPIs and management information
that creates unnecessary work and
ultimately failed projects – all of which
starts to hit the bottom line.
Amongst this sea of reporting
often, the most overlooked piece of
insight is actually on the data asset
itself. What is it, what’s in it and how
is it being managed effectively.
We are certain that over the next few
years managing data, physically, safely
and compliantly will become more
complex - whether it’s wanted or not.
The important thing it seems is to
ensure the basics are always in place
and that companies stay vigilant and
aware of the most important constant
of all – change.
Data Landscape
Legal & Compliance
Product & Service
MS Reach
MS Connect
MS Pure
MS Clarity
Data Management
About Us
Our Client Testimonials 22-23
London Office
Level 6 Broadgate Tower
20 Primrose Street
It's clear that data begets data and
we are now in a space where data
volumes and depth are ballooning,
often in an unstructured and
uncontrollable manner, and this
presents its own challenges.
It’s not just how the cost, storage
and growth of the data are managed
but there’s a new problem - the
level of insight that starts to become
available. We are not only reaching
volume challenges but also hitting
Exeter Office
Sentio House
Pynes Hill
Exeter, Devon
Jamie Steele
Head of Data
0333 577 8077
[email protected]
Compliance is integral to every business and
effective compliance is core to our offering
How do you ensure compliance?
Registered with the ICO
Marketing Source | Data Services
At Marketing Source, we take
our responsibilities under the
Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA)
and compliance with the Privacy
and Electronic Communications
Regulations 2003 (PECR) very
seriously. We are members of the
Direct Marketing Association (DMA),
bound by their Code of Practice,
and we are registered with the ICO
(Information Commissioner’s Office)
as Data Controllers.
Stringent compliance and governance
protocols are central to our business
and differentiate us in a data-led
economy. Our compliance focussed
approach guides both our product
development and operating
procedures - internally and externally.
We commit to the highest level of
integrity in the gathering, handling,
protection and application of
consumer data, and we insist that both
our clients and our contributors also
observe compliant data management
practices at all times.
How Do We Ensure Compliance
Within Our Products?
Brexit and The European Data
our data products, such as health
information or the racial or ethnic origin Protection Landscape:
of individuals.
The way we define personal data is
evolving constantly with the intention
4. We are committed to protecting
to strengthen and unify data protection
the security of consumers’ personal
for individuals within the EU. Even
information. We are ISO 27001
after Brexit, we aim to maintain
certified and use a variety of robust
security technologies and procedures compliance with the new EU General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
to protect personal information
coming into operation in 2018 as well
from unauthorised access, use, or
disclosure. Employees undertake data as compliance with UK data protection
protection training when they join the
business and this is refreshed for all
Compliance is a necessity and without
employees at least annually.
it businesses will be at risk of adverse
5. Our in-house Legal & Compliance
team ensure that we comply with
the 8 principles of the DPA and our
processes are regularly reviewed in
line with regulations.
6. Our data products are refreshed
regularly - ensuring that our data is
accurate and up-to-date. For example,
over 1 billion records are processed
into each MS Reach (see page 8) build
from numerous trusted contributor
sources. Each record being scored
at an individual attribute level, using
confidence, recency and priority.
7. Our Partnerships and Legal
& Compliance teams work very
1. We rigorously audit data contributors closely to maintain our credentials in
before we enter into partnership with
compliance, making sure that our data
them. This includes understanding
products are always fit for purpose.
the data they contribute and how it
ISO Accreditation:
is collected, as well as their policies
and consents. We regularly re-assess
Our business is ISO 27001 certified,
compliance against our strict criteria.
meaning that all business assets, such
7 Steps to compliant data:
2. We don’t hold data for longer than is
necessary and we have an auditable
suppression process for individuals
wishing to opt-out of our database.
Unsubscribes and Subject Access
Requests are dealt with courteously
and efficiently by our Legal &
Compliance team.
3. We do not store or process any
sensitive consumer data within
as data, are managed in a secure
environment by all our employees. We
are audited at least annually by the BSI
in order to maintain this certification,
demonstrating our commitment
to the safeguarding of personal
information. Our goal is to protect the
confidentiality, integrity and availability
of information assets and systems.
publicity, fines and enforcement.
Thanks to our dedicated Legal &
Compliance team, we are ahead of the
curve and have been complaint since
day one. They monitor and adjust
protocols in line with legislation or
regulation whilst upholding our robust
internal data protection, handling and
information classification policies.
Marketing Source sees compliance
as an opportunity for us to stand
apart, leveraging our quality
products and services in a market
place where others cannot
Angela Bridges
Head of Legal & Compliance
0333 577 8077 |
know your
with advanceD profiling and segmentation
Marketing Source offers one of the largest
and most-trusted consumer datasets in the
UK, as well as a raft of additional products
and services, ranging from database
management through to our market-leading
channel validation platform.
Knowing your audience and how
best to market to them is essential
and we can help you do this.
Using advanced profiling and
segmentation techniques, we can
help you reach both your existing and
future customers.
We can help you deploy high
conversion campaigns to ensure the
very best Customer Lifetime Value
(CLV), by providing greater insight
using our industry-leading dataset and
our skilled data analysts.
We can help you to drive intelligently
decisioned cross-sell campaigns and
improve your marketing budget ROI,
whilst engaging and targeting your
customers effectively across multiple
channels, using our clean and accurate
Data Provision
• Power your marketing selection with
MS Reach, one of the UK’s largest
and most-complete consumer data
universes. - Page 8-11
• Drive targeted online display
advertising to known consumers that
match your profile using MS Reach
Online Audiences.- Page 8-9
• Optimise engagement with the right
business contacts, using MS Connect.
- Page 12-13
Marketing Source | Data Services
tailor your message
to maximise roi with market-leading
products and services
Data Management
• Receive expert advice on using
customer and prospect data to
optimise engagement with your
audiences and maximise ROI.
- Page 18-19
• Unify all your data sources to achieve
a Single Customer View. - Page 18-19
• Get the availability and insight you
need to effectively plan and utilise your
core data assets. - Page 18-19
Data Hygiene
• Keep your channel data clean
and accurate in real-time with
MS Pure. - Page 14-15
• Minimise your postal costs
with MS Clarity. - Page 16-17
• Outsource your data hygiene tasks
to our production teams. - Page 18-19
For more
call us on
577 8077
Your Data Insight Purposes with MS Reach
MS Reach is a multi-channel, consumer
universe, offering meaningful insight to
acquire and retain your customers.
MS Reach is our multi-channel
consumer universe spanning more
than 44m individuals across 22m+
With the ability to build a complete
profile of your customers, telling you
more about their habits, wants and
lifestyle choices, MS Reach data can
also drive targeted campaigns to
acquire new customers and help you
quantify and plan your strategies for
All data in the MS Reach universe
is regularly cleansed and rebuilt,
processing more than four billion
records annually, ensuring that your
communications are relevant and
received by the right prospects.
MS Reach has been engineered to
Marketing Source | Data Services
provide fully-cleansed and compliant
data across all marketing channels,
including postal, landline, mobile
and email. Use MS Reach to power
your campaigns and enhancement
What Can MS Reach do for Me?
• Gain Customer Insight
Gain a deeper understanding
of all your customers, using the
variables within the MS Reach data
product. Profile, select, personalise,
and enhance your marketing and
customer engagement.
• Acquire Consumer Data
Target new customers through
all marketing channels: postal,
telephone, email and online. MS
Reach is now available to support
online display advertising. Speak
to us about joining your online and
offline activity.
• Retain Existing Customers
Foster and increase the lifespan of
your customers’ loyalty, through
effective and personalised
• Ensure Compliance
Use clean, accurate data that
is in line with all compliance
and legislative guidelines. See
Compliance section on page 5.
• Cross-Sell
Learn more about your customers’
transactional behaviours, wants and
needs to develop new approaches
Over 44 million
contact consumers with pinpoint accuracY
to cross-sell new products and
services, across a variety of
MS Reach: Consumer Data Provision
MS Reach is used by a wide range
of organisations from FTSE 100
businesses to SMEs to achieve
their goals in marketing, analysis,
cross-selling and validation activities.
Whether used as a prospect pool,
a data spine or a customer insight
product, MS Reach offers rich and
accurate data from over 44 million
UK individuals and 22+ million UK
Built using varied contributor feeds
from a large number of certified
partners and Electoral Data from
over 9,000 different wards,
MS Reach is one of the largest, most
comprehensive and most reliable
data universes available. With more
than 400 core variables, covering
everything from income to pet
ownership, you can create specific and
actionable marketing campaigns and
increase your conversion rate.
Using MS Reach to enhance the data
quality of your customers enhances
the prospects of your business.
MS Reach Ticks All Your Consumer
Data Boxes:
• Rich, detailed records.
• High quality data.
• Verified as over 95% accurate.
• Regularly cleansed and rebuilt.
• Flexible licensing options.
For more
call us on
577 8077
Over 11.6m individuals are
available within the MS Reach
charity subject area. These
individuals are interested in
or have donated to national
or local charities.
Property Sale
Available for 22m+ households with data
on household composition, ownership
status, property type, location, council tax
band, length of residency and house sales.
are covered
With 23m+ building renewal dates, 13m+
contents renewal dates and 12.5m+ car insurance
renewal dates where 26.9m+ individuals have
at least one insurance month.
with 9M+individual email
addresses available
Financial status coverage of 38.2m+ consumers,
with granular detail on occupation, income,
investments and banking style
Granular detail suitable for retail customers helping to pinpoint
segment, select potential consumers with a higher degree
of confidence, based on their interests, wealth profiles,
demographics, and shopping habits including mail order.
We have a retail marketing universe for 13m+ UK individuals.
From insurance renewal dates to pet
ownership, MS Reach boasts more
than 400 lifestyle variables - giving you
exceptional insight into every aspect
of your customers’ profile, needs and
wants. With this information available
to you in a concise, easy-to-use
format, you can better position your
products, services and marketing
strategies to approach your customers
as individuals, rather than statistics.
Marketing Source | Data Services
MS Reach data is collated from a
network of trusted, certified partners.
Regularly cleansed and rebuilt, there’s
no need to worry about data decay:
MS Reach data is fresh and relevant.
Our method of compilation far
exceeds standard points of address
to include multi-occupancy buildings,
ensuring your communications reach
the right people, every time.
MS Reach has 12.9m+ detailed records
of car insurance renewal behaviour
enabling timely targeting and over
6.4m vehicle ownership profiles
ranging from BMW, Audi and Ford.
All MS Reach data is collected in
compliance with DPA standards and
is fully-licensed for use in marketing,
identity/database verification, tracing
activities and other applications.
In addition, all MS Reach data
is compliant with the latest ICO
guidelines and DMA Code.
Holiday destination information for 13m+ individuals,
including travel frequency and holiday types within
Europe as well as other worldwide destinations.
With over 5m pet ownership
details and 22.9m+ data points on
hobbies and interests including
cycling, golf and eating out.
More than 6.9m newspaper and magazine
readership demographics and frequency
rates. Detailed provider information on 5.15m+
individuals who have broadband or cable.
Businesses of different sizes need
different things from the MS Reach
data universe. We offer bespoke,
affordable options to provide the data
you need to fulfil your own specific
marketing initiatives.
Whether you need a complete
consumer universe or a specific
consumer dataset for a one-off
campaign, MS Reach lets you run
your campaigns, your way.
MS Reach is designed to perform.
Marketing Source can help you refine
that performance to your specific
needs, allowing you to identify and
select the best prospects within
your chosen dataset or universe.
We will assist you on your journey
and become your strategic partner.
For more
call us on
577 8077
TARGET Key Decision-Makers across the UK
Market to new B2B prospects, retain
more customers, and improve up-sell and
cross-sell to new acquisitions. We provide
reliable business and financial data that is
regularly refreshed and cleansed. Make
the most of your marketing budget by
connecting with the right leads.
Marketing Source | Data Services
MS connect
your B2B data is accurate,
reliable and relevant
Offering you the unparalleled ability
to reach key decision-makers across
the UK, MS Connect’s high quality
B2B data is maintained through
weekly updates from a network of
certified partners, to eradicate the
causes of data decay, at source. In
addition, data hygiene is performed
regularly against industry-standard
suppression files, ensuring that
your data is current, relevant and
Target Specific Industries, Business
Types and Job Roles
The MS Connect B2B universe is
entirely comprehensive, providing
postal, landline, mobile and email
contact points, allowing you to target
specific industries, business types,
financial profiles, geographies and even
specific job roles. For higher-ranking
campaigns, you’ll find company director
data, complete with business and home
address details. With an extensive range
of prospects at your fingertips, you can
be confident that your communications
will hit their marks, at the right time.
Make Important Decisions with
MS Connect
When it comes to B2B marketing
campaigns, communications and
exchanges, detail is paramount.
The company profile data you’ll find
in MS Connect isn’t limited to just SIC
codes, giving you greater capacity
for target selection. MS Connect
also provides you with an indication
of creditworthiness, helping you to
decide whether or not to engage with a
particular company.
Business contact data is an everchanging entity. MS Connect delivers
trustworthy and relevant data to support
all your B2B marketing.
How Can MS Connect Help You?
See the big picture, in all its detail.
Whether you’re looking to market to
new prospects, retain more customers
or improve up-sell and cross-sell
offerings, you can power your
campaigns with our B2B data.
MS Connect combines and compiles
up-to-date business data to give you
a rich, clear and current view of your
prospects. Multi-layered and detailed
datasets allow you to quickly identify
new and emerging opportunities and
refine your communications accordingly.
Data Enrichment
MS Connect can identify and add new
data points to your existing datasets,
enhancing market insight, supporting
segmentation and driving new ways in
which to engage with your audiences.
Unite and enrich your datasets to create
a single, complete and accurate view of
all your business contacts.
Plan your Marketing
Identify new and emerging trends,
cross-sell opportunities and gain a
wider audience for your products
and services.
Gain Deeper Insights
Capture a detailed picture of each
organisation, enabling enhanced
Ensure Data Quality
Knowing that your data is accurate,
up-to-date and of the best quality
enables more confident marketing
strategies and effective marketing spend.
For more
call us on
577 8077
Maintain your sender reputation
MS Pure is a live, channel validation product
that interrogates landline numbers, mobile
numbers and email addresses to test
that they are active and able to receive
Increase your deliverability across 3
channels pre-campaign to become a
reputable sender. Data ages – so keep
it clean. All validation is undertaken
without having to inconvenience
customers and prospects:
• Landlines are validated using
the telephone network – without
having to make a call.
• Mobile numbers are validated
against the live Home Location
Register database, used for call
• Email is validated against the
recipient domain at inbox level –
without sending a message.
Marketing Source | Data Services
All validation is live and non-intrusive,
reducing your bounce rates and
reinforcing your brand reputation.
What Can MS Pure do for You?
Validate Customer Details
MS Pure alerts you to invalid customer
contact information, so you can take
corrective action.
Batch or Real-Time Processing
Data can be uploaded within a secure
portal for mass-cleansing or MS Pure
can be set to analyse and validate your
data in real-time, via API, providing
an immediate opportunity to correct
miskeyed information.
Automatic Suppression
MS Pure allows you to suppress invalid
contact details from your campaigns,
ensuring customer details are
consistently and continually accurate
and allowing you to measure the true
ROI of your activities.
How You Benefit
Improved Accuracy
Improve the quality and accuracy
of your customer contact data.
Increased Customer Value
Maintain contact with your customers,
regardless of their lifestyle changes,
and increase their lifetime
customer value.
stay in touch
with your customers
Protected Brand Reputation
Prevent failed or inaccurate
communications, which can cause
significant damage to your brand.
For more
call us on
577 8077
All validation is live
and non-intrusive,
reducing your bounce
rates and reinforcing
your brand reputation.
Comprehensive GonEAways List
MS Clarity is a complete dataset of UK
postal points that is regularly cleansed and
refreshed, to ensure up-to-date accuracy.
With a comprehensive list of over 50 million
goneaways that is repeatedly rebuilt, MS Clarity
helps to reduce postal wastage and marketing
spends, increasing the performance of your
campaigns. Improve the accuracy of your
postal communications and deliver to the
right recipients, every time.
How Can MS Clarity Help You?
How You Benefit
With a comprehensive goneaways
list, featuring over 50 million records
which is regularly rebuilt and cleansed
you can bring clarity to your mailing
lists by delivering the right mail to the
right addresses.
Save on Print & Postage
Ensure you are not wasting print and
mailing invalid addresses.
MS Clarity can give you continuous
reliability and offer you a flexible
annual license. Pre-screen your
mailing lists to reduce wastage.
Marketing Source | Data Services
Improved Response Rates
Ensure your communications reach
more of the right audience.
Limited Corporate Brand Damage
Reduce the potential for backlash
against inaccurate communications.
Help Prevent Identity Fraud
Protect your customers by ensuring
that only they receive the mail they
were intended to.
Improve Your Reputation
Reduce wastage and your carbon
footprint to promote your organisation
as environmentally responsible.
For more
call us on
577 8077
comprehensive list
of over 50 million
goneaways that is
repeatedly rebuilt.
Marketing Source’s data management
services are designed to optimise your data,
help you better position your marketing
assets across a range of channels and boost
business performance through informed
and intelligent decision making.
We have an experienced team
of fully-qualified data experts
to hand, to guide you through the
creation and management of
Single Customer View provision.
Harness your Data with a Single
Customer View
Marketing Source provides an extensive
range of data management solutions,
designed to ingest, standardise,
combine and make available your data
assets in a powerful Single Customer
View (SCV). Our consultants work with
businesses of all sizes, processing
billions of records and embracing their
business needs and aspirations to
transform multiple, unstructured and
disparate datasets into insightful Single
Customer View’s. Get the most out of
your data.
A Marketing Source built SCV offers
a user-friendly summary of each
customer’s relationship with your
business, providing a sophisticated
Marketing Source | Data Services
understanding of your customers’
locations, lifestyle, interests and
preferences, allowing you to create
bespoke and personal communications.
Our industry-leading data management
services allow you to humanise your
data and treat your customers as
people, rather than records.
What Can Marketing Source
do for You?
Our data management process is
broken into three stages:
1. Consultation & Scoping
In order to help you make the best
decisions, we will work with you
to learn how your business works,
its requirements and its long-term
aspirations. With this information, our
consultants will be able to provide what
your company needs.
Our team of data experts analyse
every aspect of your datasets: the data
journey, its frequency, velocity and
volume. They’ll pinpoint peak periods,
quieter periods, look at response rates,
the channels you use, data hygiene and
your customer retention. In addition,
they’ll check to see your rate of
acquisition, cross-sell potential and how
your marketing campaigns are targeted.
In short, if there’s the potential to add
value to your data, we’ll find it.
2. SCV Construction
Once your data has been fully
reviewed, our consultants will be in the
best place possible to help you draw
up and implement intelligent, informed
and effective SCV build strategies that
are designed around your business and
database needs. Your bespoke SCV will
unify all data sources into an accessible
and powerful tool.
Our data and systems in all their
components will be introduced,
so that our experts can complete the
bespoke building process, according
to your business needs and goals,
manage your asset
to get the best performance
whilst managing the complex rules by
which data is constructed.
3. Live Provision
Construction isn’t the end of the
process: your system needs to
be maintained and the platform
monitored to ensure its long-term
performance. Our Technical Team
will regularly review database
performance, providing full support,
should you need it.
How You Benefit
By letting us take the strain of your
data quality management, you can
free up your data stewards to work
on other, progressive tasks. Marketing
Source’s extensive range of data
management services include:
Data Consolidation
We consolidate your varying
datasets into a single, unified and
easy-to-access data repository.
Data Cleansing
We cleanse and de-duplicate your
customer records to give you one,
authoritative and reliable master
record of each of your customers
and contacts. We have access to all
industry suppression products.
Data Maintenance
We regularly update and maintain your
customer data to ensure continuing
accuracy and ROI.
Gain New Insights
Increase what you know about each
individual to identify new opportunities.
Refresh Existing Data
Keep you data current and relevant.
For more
call us on
577 8077
Expand your Reach
Find new cross-sell opportunities for
customers and their associated family
or household members.
our story
why marketing source?
Marketing Source is a leading data
development company with core
philosophies built on integrity,
innovation and world-class service.
Your customers come first, we
understand that. Our aim is to listen,
understand and work with you as a
trusted partner.
Acquisition and onboarding of new
customers, as well as engagement,
loyalty and retention of existing
customers is where we add real value
to our clients’ business. Central to
our offering, is an industry-leading
consumer database which is utilised
by an esteemed list of big brands and
internationally recognised companies,
who we work tirelessly with to build
accurate profiling and consumer
targeting strategies which ensure the
very best return on investment.
We’re also proud to boast a list of
industry awards and over a decade of
experience. What really sets us apart
is our diligence to follow legal and
compliance regulations and pay the
strictest attention to detail to ensure
you and your customers’ data is safe
and secure.
Our ambition is to support your growth
strategy by providing meaningful
insights into your customers’ buying
behaviour whilst guiding you through
the ever-changing digital landscape.
London Office
Level 6 Broadgate Tower
20 Primrose Street
Exeter Office
Sentio House
Pynes Hill
Exeter, Devon
0333 577 8077
[email protected]
Marketing Source | Data Services
about us
OUR clients
We are proud of their feedback
We listen. We understand. We care.
We know that your success is our success.
Get to know your customers better today,
and keep them engaged for tomorrow.
We would love to help...
Marketing Source | Data Services
Marketing Source are not
just technically brilliant, they’re
efficient, strategic and wrap their
offering in a fantastic service.
Through MS Pure we have been
able to improve the quality of new
email sign ups leading to an increase
in engagement and retention.
Marketing Source are
not just another data bureau,
they are a one-stop
data solutions partner.
Marketing Source automotive data
received a 44% higher click through
than the next leading provider in our
automotive campaign.
Call us on 0333 577 8077 |
Talk to us
To discuss how we can help you with your data challenges.
Call us on 0333 577 8077
Registered name: Marketing Source Ltd. Registered office: 42-50 Hersham Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 1RZ. Place of registration: England and Wales. Registered number: 05350329
Marketing Source | Data Services