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The Renaissance Note Catcher
Where did the Renaissance begin? ___________________________
The Renaissance was a time of ___________________________
Renaissance means ___________________________and Europe was recovering from the
___________________________and the plague.
People had lost their faith in the church and began to put more focus on
How did the Crusades contribute to the Renaissance?
Increased demand for ___________________________ products
Stimulated ___________________________ of goods to trade in Middle Eastern markets
Encouraged the use of ____________________ and ________________________
Church rule against ________________________and the banks’ practice of charging interest helped to
secularize northern Italy.
Letters of ________________________served to expand the supply of money and expedite trade.
New ________________________and ________________________practices (use of Arabic numerals)
were introduced.
Cities in Italy Important to the Renaissance
Milan –
Venice –
Florence –
Genoa –
What three things did all these cities have in common?
Machiavelli: The Prince
Better for a ruler to be ________________________than to be loved
Ruler should be ________________________and ________________________in decision
Ruler keeps ________________________by any means necessary
The end ________________________the means
Be good when ________________________, and evil when ________________________
Renaissance Art
The Renaissance produced new ideas that were reflected in the ________________________,
________________________, and ________________________.
________________________, wealthy from newly expanded trade, sponsored works which glorified
city-states in northern Italy. Education became increasingly ________________________.
Medieval art and literature focused on the Church and ________________________
Renaissance art and literature focused on ________________________and worldly matters, along with
Renaissance Artists
Renaissance Artists embraced some of the ideals of ________________________and
________________________in their art
They wanted their subjects to be ________________________and focused on
________________________and emotion
New Techniques also emerged
________________________: Painting done on wet plaster became popular because it gave depth to
the paintings
Sculpture emphasized ________________________and the ________________________form
________________________reached new heights of design
Michaelangelo –
Leonardo da Vinci –
Raphael –
Jan Van Eyck –
• Celebrated the ____________________________________
• Stimulated the study of Greek and Roman ____________________________________and culture
• Was supported by wealthy __________________________________
Petrarch –
Northern Renaissance
• Growing ____________________________________in Northern Europe supported Renaissance ideas.
• Northern Renaissance thinkers merged ____________________________________ideas with
• The ____________________________________type printing press and the production and sale of
books(____________________________________Bible) helped disseminate ideas.
Literature ____________________________________during the Renaissance
This can be greatly attributed to ____________________________________
In ____________________________________Gutenberg printed the first book produced by using
moveable type.
The ____________________________________
Dutch ____________________________________
Pushed for a ____________________________________form of the Bible
“I disagree very much with those who are unwilling that Holy Scripture, translated into the vernacular,
be read by the uneducated . . . As if the strength of the Christian religion consisted in the ignorance of it”
The Praise of Folly
Used ____________________________________to show the
____________________________________and ignorant behavior of people, including the
____________________________________. He felt people would be open minded and be kind to
Sir Thomas More
Wrote: ____________________________________
A book about a ____________________________________society
Believed men and women live in ____________________________________. No private property, no
one is lazy, all people are ____________________________________and the justice system is used to
end crime instead of ____________________________________criminals.