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Indiana World History Standards
SS.WH.2.5 2007
Greek Civilization: Identify and explain the significance of achievements of Greeks in mathematics, science, philosophy, architecture and
the arts and their impact on various peoples and places in subsequent periods of world history.
SS.WH.2.6 2007
Greek Civilization: Analyze the major events of the wars between the Persians and the Greeks, reasons why the Persians failed to
conquer the Greeks, and consequences of the wars for Greek civilization.
SS.WH.2.7 2007
Greek Civilization: Compare and contrast the daily life, social hierarchy, culture and institutions of Athens and Sparta; describe the rivalry
between Athens and Sparta; and explain the causes and consequences of the Peloponnesian War.
SS.WH.2.8 2007
Greek Civilization: Describe the role of Alexander the Great in the spread of Hellenism in Southwest and South Asia, North Africa; and
parts of Europe.
Today’s Objectives
- To understand Sparta’s society
- To understand the motivation behind Sparta's society
- To understand the relationship between Athens & Sparta
• Society
Last Stand of the 300: “Spartan Youth”
→Spartans turned conquered people into slaves, helots
…helots far outnumbered the Spartans (8 to 1)
…fear of rebellion, led to creation of a military society
→Atypical of Greek states in their lack of focus on arts,
philosophy, etc
• Government
→NOT a democracy – a 3-class society headed by two kings
…Spartans did not possess individual freedoms
…Sparta came before the individual citizen
→Spartans isolated themselves from other Greeks
…attempted to stay out of all foreign affairs when possible
…surprisingly, Sparta was reluctant to use its military
• Military
War & Civilization: “Greek Phalanx (13:35)”
→Known for its military culture and might, using lifelong training,
strict control, and harsh (‘Spartan’) ideals
→Possibly saved all Greek civilization during the Persian Wars
→Mastered the use of the phalanx
Spartan Soldiers
Essential Question
Compare and Contrast Athens and Sparta
Target Questions
• Why did Sparta create a strict military society?
• Describe the Spartan government?
• What was a phalanx?
Required Reading Question(s)
1) Why was discipline important to Spartans?