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Rock and Mineral PBL Project
Earth is made up of rocks and minerals. Rocks and minerals have lived a long and hard life!
Unfortunately, the story behind the rocks we walk on everyday has gone untold for far too
long. Minerals are ignored unless they draw attention to themselves. It is time to bring them
into the spotlight!! Your job is to show the students at S.S. Seward Institute all of the rocks
and minerals that are in our community and how they are used on a daily basis.
Assignment #1: Create a project that illustrates knowledge of the rock cycle and the three types of
Required Components of the Project:
 Detailed illustration of the rock cycle including all the steps and rocks with labels.
 These words should be used in your project: weathering, erosion, deposition,
compaction, cementation, metamorphism, heat, pressure, melting, cooling,
solidification, sediment, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, magma, and igneous
 Give one example of each type of rock (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous).
 Tell how each type of rock is formed.
 The project must be neat, colorful, creative, and show full knowledge of the rock cycle
and the three types of rocks.
Assignment #2: Construct your own rock collection
 Must have 6 different rocks (at least 2 of each type of rock)
 Specimens must be identified, labeled, and displayed. Your collection will be graded
on these points.
 Tell the name of the rock and whether it is metamorphic, igneous, or sedimentary. Be
as specific as possible. Make sure to state who collected it, when it was collected,
and where the rock was collected.
 All labels must be typed or neatly written in ink (no pencil!!)
Assignment #3: Your task is to adopt a pet rock or mineral to enter in the Rock & Mineral
Show. Entering the show will require you to do research both on and offline to
gather information about characteristics of your pet as well as why it is important to
your life. To be a participant in Rock and Mineral Show, you must create an entry
video, telling the show’s officials all about your “pet”. Here is some information to
include in your video:
Description of pet
Physical features
What varieties of this pet exist?
Where is your pet abundantly found?
By what means would you acquire your pet?
How is your pet formed?
What are the uses for your pet? (The more applications, the better chance of getting on
the show!)
Share interesting or unique features of your pet
Be creative and enthusiastic with your video submission. Remember casting people like
unique and quirky submissions that get their attention!!