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William Shakespeare
Born in Stratford upon Avon,
England…April 23rd 1564
William Shakespeare’s
• Shakespeare came to prominence at a glorious time for
the arts, the Elizabethan Era.
• Texts from the ancient Greeks and Romans were being
translated, leading to an intellectual boom.
• New worlds, from North to South America were being
• London itself was becoming a metropolis and
Shakespeare was able to join a theatre company, Lord
Chamberlain’s Men (later, The King’s Men).
The Globe Theatre
•Globe built in 1599 by the Lord
Chamberlain’s Men, with Shakespeare as a
primary investor.
•It is believed that Julius Caesar was the first
Shakespeare production performed here.
•Burned down in 1613 during a production
of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII when a cannon
misfired and a spark landed on the thatched
The Rebuilt Globe Theater, London
Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare
First Triumvirate
Fantastic wealth and
political influence
popularity and
strong legal
Great wealth and
decorated military
• First Triumvirate ruled Rome and its surrounding
areas for years until Crassus died.
• Pompey’s jealousy of Caesar led to civil war, with a
successful outcome for Caesar.
• Caesar became sole master of the Roman world in 45
• Caesar remained ultra-popular, but there are those that
feared his supposed intentions of becoming the King
of Rome.
This is our Story…
• At the beginning of the play, we arrive on the streets of
Rome right as Caesar returns from the civil war.
• There are those who are celebrating Caesar’s victory,
but also those who are highly skeptical of the now allpowerful ruler.
• Crowds during Shakespeare’s time (play was written in
1599) could relate to a shift in power; Elizabeth I was
an older monarch with no immediate heir. The people
of England worried about succession and the violence
that might break out as a result of uncertainty.
• Brutus- Roman general; friends with Caesar;
part of plot to assassinate Caesar
• Cassius- manipulator; fearful of Caesar; plots to
assassinate him
• Caesar- successful military leader; easily
flattered; overly ambitious
• Casca- joins conspiracy; first to stab Caesar
• Soothsayer- fortuneteller;
warns Caesar of danger
(Beware the ides of March)
• Cinna-
assists in conspiracy; tries to flatter Brutus to
• Decius-
flatters Caesar to convince him to go to the
• Antony- loyal to Caesar; speaks at his funeral
• Octavius- nephew to Caesar; works with Antony
to fight Cassius & Brutus
• Lepidus- part of the 2nd triumvirate; helps
Antony and Octavius
• Calpurnia- wife of Caesar; urges him to stay home the
day he is murdered
• Portia- wife of Brutus
Forms of
• Monarchy- supreme power held by a single person
• Republic-state in which the supreme power rests in
the body of citizens entitled to vote (exercised usually
by representatives)
• Dictatorship-the form of government in which
absolute power is exercised by a dictator
Before you Read…
• Dante: Brutus and Cassius, the foremost of the
conspirators who killed Caesar, were traitors who
deserved an eternity in Hell (Remember The Inferno).
• Sir Philip Sidney: Caesar was a rebel threatening
Rome, and Brutus was the wisest of the senators.
Brutus truly did what he thought was best for Rome.
How to Read the Play
• Do not pause at the end of a line unless the punctuation
calls for it
• Read it like prose
• Many of these plays have numerous references to
people, places, events, myths, etc., that you might not be
familiar with. That’s what the notes are for—use them.
• Keep a dictionary handy. Consider downloading the
free app if you have a smartphone or
• Take your time!