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Protein Synthesis Notes
DNA makes RNA makes Protein
1) RNA stands for ___ ibo ____ ucleic ___cid
2) RNA is a nucleic acid the same as DNA except
a) RNA sugar is _______________ not Deoxyribose (RNA has _____________)
b) RNA uses _____________ instead of Thymine so uracil pairs with ________ U - A
c) RNA is a ______________ strand, DNA is a double strand (helix)
3) There are 3 types of RNA
____________________RNA (mRNA) A copy of the DNA brought to cell
____________________RNA (tRNA) Brings amino acids to the ribosome
____________________RNA (rRNA) forms ribosomes
4) Central Dogma _______ makes ________ which makes _________
All life depends on this process
5) Proteins are what form all _____________ of the body and all life
Ex. Muscles, skin, _____________ and _____________________
6) Enzymes are also proteins - Proteins are
needed in all ____________ functions.
____________ are even needed in the
process of making other proteins
7) Proteins are made of chains of
___________ ___________
8) Peptide bonds Connect amino acids into _________________
Bonds form by dehydration synthesis – _____________ removed during bond formation
9) Proteins form complex 3-D structure
Primary structure – the ________________ chain
Secondary structure –helix and pleats
Tertiary structure – Other _________ bonds form 3D
10) Protein size - Most proteins are hundreds of amino acids
World’s smallest known protein is Trp-cage mini protein
has only ______amino acids, but has a stable structure
Found in saliva of Gila monsters
11) Steps to make a protein:
1st – Transcription – An __________ copy of DNA is made in the Nucleus
2nd – Translation – A ______________ reads the mRNA and assembles the protein
12) Transcription –
An RNA copy of __________ is made like a recording is transcribed into text
13)Transcription occurs in the nucleus
a) DNA opens up in one section
b) Using enzymes, a complimentary mRNA copy is made from only one side of the
DNA called the _________________
c) Pairing A -_____
C - _____
d) Note: all types of RNA are made in nucleus
14)mRNA is only a ___________ strand of nucleotides
After forming:
mRNA is ___________ (parts added and removed)
mRNA leaves the _____________
15)Translation –
The mRNA copy is read by a ____________ and translated into a protein
a) Occurs in ______________
b) Like a speech is translated into sign language
16)Ribosomes - Are made of __________ and protein
a. Ribosomes read the mRNA
b. 2 parts clamp down on mRNA
c. Ribosomes find the proper ________ with
matching amino acid
17) 3 letter code Each amino acid has a __________ code
DNA has a 3 letter code it transfers to mRNA
Codon – The code on ________
Anticodon – The code on _______ that matches
opposite to the codon
tRNA – A clover leaf structure that carries an
_________ _______ to the ribosome
18)Example of base pairing. Note: U substitutes for T in all RNA
 DNA code
___ ___ ___
 mRNA:
Codon =
___ ___ ___
 tRNA:
Anticodon =
___ ___ ___
19) To begin translation, Proteins help ribosome find the _______ codon
AUG = start codon
20) Each codon is read by ribosome _______ at a time
As each codon is read, one _______ ________ is brought by tRNA
21)Transfer RNA - Carry ____ amino acid each
Each has an ________, __________ matching the codon on mRNA
22)Stop Codon - Ends the protein. There are ____ stop codes